Galvanized by the April tragedy at Virginia Tech, in which Seung Hui Cho killed 32 students and faculty members and then committed suicide, colleges and universities around the country are urgently taking stock of the reach and effectiveness of their mental-health services. The goal is not just to avoid another catastrophe caused by a deeply troubled student who fell through the cracks. It's also to face up to the needs of today's students, who increasingly struggle with eating disorders, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression. The rate of depression among college students has doubled in just 15 years; last year, some 45 percent of all students said they've sometimes felt too depressed to function, according to an annual survey by the American College Health Association. Nine percent of college students seriously considered suicide.
“Some of the key questions that Virginia Tech has brought out are: When do you recognize that a student's having serious problems? What steps do you take, and how do you coordinate care?” says Richard Kadison, director of mental-health services at Harvard University and author of College of the Overwhelmed. Last week, Kadison and other campus psychiatrists from across the country gathered in Washington, D.C., to map out a better way to meet the demand.
Many schools are finding that change will be a significant challenge. About 65 percent of campus counseling centers still have no relationship with the health center, for example, making it difficult to manage illnesses that require medication. Just 59 percent have a psychiatrist available.
And the funds necessary to add expertise can be hard to find. Days after the Virginia Tech slayings, Florida public university administrators asked for $3.5 million to hire more psychologists and campus police officers and to set up interdisciplinary teams that would identify troubled students. The Legislature denied the request. The ratio of counselors to students at the University of South Florida is 1 to 3,500; at Cornell, there's a counselor for every 800 students. Experts say that parents should check out the mental-health resources when they send their child to school and make sure that the counseling office is aware of any history. “Continuity of care is really important, so that people don't fall through the cracks and have unnecessary stresses and strains,” says Jerald Kay, chair of psychiatry at Wright State University Medical School.
The thrust of the movement at institutions in the lead has been to redouble efforts to identify students in need of help and then make that help available. Some, like Cornell and Wisconsin, are adding counseling offices in dorms and academic buildings so students have ready access; Cornell has two counselors on staff whose sole job is to talk with faculty and staff and pick up the first inklings of trouble. The University of Illinois requires anyone who threatens or attempts suicide to have a four-session mental-health evaluation. And early-warning systems that involve the entire university community are a priority on many campuses. At Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y., for example, faculty and staff can log concerns about academic problems or behavioral issues on a website, which is monitored by an intervention team of representatives from the dean's office, faculty, housing staff, campus police, and counseling center. The team meets regularly to decide on an appropriate response.
1. The word “galvanized” (Line 1, Paragraph 1) most probably means _____.
[A] encouraged
[B] warned
[C] stimulated
[D] inspired
2. Seung Hui Cho committed a serious crime because _____.
[A] he felt bitter since the university failed to provide him with qualified mental service to tackle his depression
[B] he was deeply troubled by the April tragedy at Virginia Tech
[C] he suffered from severe mental disorder and finally collapsed down
[D] he was deeply troubled by the cracks that he fell through
3. The change will be a challenge for many schools because _____.
[A] the number of students who declare that they are struggling with depression far exceeds the schools' estimate
[B] most of them are short of resources supplying counseling service
[C] the Legislature do not encourage them to change the present status
[D] students' mental problems are usually too subtle to manage and control
4. The ratios of counselors to students mentioned in the fourth paragraph implies that _____.
[A] the government have not provided enough funds for mental health on campus
[B] students of the University of South Florida are not seriously mentally troubled as those of Cornell
[C] mental-health resources of University of South Florida are not so good as those of Cornell
[D] it is necessary for the University of South Florida to improve its mental-health services
5. Which one of the following measures is NOT taken by institutions to solve the problem?
[A] More counseling centers are set up in schools and the access to them is much easier.
[B] Websites are established for students to release their depression and report anonymously their own problems.
[C] More psychiatrists are available for students.
[D] Precautionary systems are launched in many universities and are given significant emphasis.
1. The word “galvanized” (Line 1, Paragraph 1) most probably means _____.
[A] encouraged
[B] warned
[C] stimulated
[D] inspired
1. galvanized这个词(第一段第一行)最有可能的意思是 _____。
[A] 受到鼓励的
[B] 受到警告的
[C] 受到刺激的
[D] 受到激发的
答案:C 难度系数:☆☆
分析:猜词题。根据上下文,全国的大学都立即开始审视自己的心理卫生服务的范围和效果,这是因为弗吉尼亚科技学院在4月份发生了一起惨案——Seung Hui Cho杀死了32名学生和教师,然后自杀了。那么,这些大学显然在以前没有关注这方面的情况,这起事故对他们是一个刺激,因此,选项C最为契合。
2. Seung Hui Cho committed a serious crime because _____.
[A] he felt bitter since the university failed to provide him with qualified mental service to tackle his depression
[B] he was deeply troubled by the April tragedy at Virginia Tech
[C] he suffered from severe mental disorder and finally collapsed down
[D] he was deeply troubled by the cracks he fell through
2. Seung Hui Cho犯下如此大的罪行是因为 _____。
[A] 学校没有为他提供合格的心理服务来治疗他的抑郁,使他心中怨恨
[B] 他深深地受到弗吉尼亚科技学院4月份发生的惨案的影响
[C] 他受到严重的精神失常的困扰,并最终精神崩溃
[D] 他深深地受到自己精神崩溃的困扰
答案:C 难度系数:☆☆☆☆
3. The change will be a challenge for many schools because _____.
[A] the number of students who declare that they are struggling with depression far exceeds the schools' estimate
[B] most of them are short of resources supplying counseling service
[C] the Legislature do not encourage them to change the present status
[D] students' mental problems are usually too subtle to manage and control
3. 对于许多学校来说,这种变化是一个挑战,这是因为 _____。
[A] 那些承认他们情绪受到压抑的学生人数远远超过了学校的估计
[B] 大多数学校十分缺乏提供咨询服务的资源
[C] 立法机构不鼓励他们改变目前的状况
[D] 一般来说,学生们的精神问题都非常微妙,很难管理和控制
答案:B 难度系数:☆☆☆
4. The ratios of counselors to students mentioned in the fourth paragraph implies that _____.
[A] the government have not provided enough funds for mental health on campus
[B] students of the University of South Florida are not seriously mentally troubled as those of Cornell
[C] mental-health resources of University of South Florida are not so good as those of Cornell
[D] it is necessary for the University of South Florida to improve its mental-health services
4. 第四段中提到的咨询师和学生的比例意味着 _____。
[A] 政府不能为学校的心理健康提供足够的资金
[B] 南佛罗里达大学学生的心理健康存在的问题没有康奈尔大学的学生严重
[C] 南佛罗里达大学的心理健康资源没有康奈尔大学的好
[D] 南佛罗里达大学有必要改善自己的心理健康服务
答案:D 难度系数:☆
5. Which one of the following measures is NOT taken by institutions to solve the problem?
[A] More counseling centers are set up in schools and the access to them is much easier.
[B] Websites are established for students to release their depression and report anonymously their own problems.
[C] More psychiatrists are available for students.
[D] Precautionary systems are launched in many universities and are given significant emphasis.
5. 下列哪项措施不是各机构为了解决该问题而采取的?
[A] 学校成立了更多的咨询中心,使学生们能够更加容易地得到相关服务。
[B] 为学生建立了网站来舒缓他们的消沉情绪,并使他们能够匿名报告他们的问题。
[C] 有更多的精神病医师可以为学生服务。
[D] 许多大学已经设立了预防系统并给予了高度的重视。
答案:B 难度系数:☆☆☆
弗吉尼亚科技学院4月份发生了一起惨案,Seung Hui Cho杀死了32名学生和教师,然后自杀。该惨案的教训使得全国的学院和大学都立即开始审视本校提供的心理卫生服务的范围和效果。这样做不仅是为了避免精神失常的学生再次引发惨案,也是为了应对目前学生的需求,特别是那些有饮食不规律、精神分裂症、狂躁和抑郁交替症以及消沉的学生。根据美国大学健康协会的年度调查,仅仅在15年内,消沉的大学生的比率翻了倍;去年有大约45%的学生称他们有时感觉过于压抑而无法正常生活。9%的大学生曾认真考虑过自杀。
“弗吉尼亚科技学院引发的主要问题是:你什么时候能辨认出学生有严重的问题?你会采取什么措施?你如何适时地对他进行关照?”哈佛大学心理卫生服务中心主任及《被毁坏的大学》的作者Richard Kadison说道。上周,Kadison和来自全国其他大学的精神病专家齐聚在华盛顿特区,希望可以找到满足这种需求的更好方法。
提高专业技术所必需的资金也很难找到。弗吉尼亚科技学院惨案发生后没几天,佛罗里达公立大学的管理层就申请了350万美元资金,用于雇用更多的精神病医师和校园警官,并建立跨学科团队,以便发现有问题的学生。立法机构否决了这一申请。南佛罗里达大学顾问和学生的比例为1比3500;在康奈尔大学,每800名学生有1位顾问。专家称,家长应当在送孩子上学时考察学校的心理卫生资源,确保咨询部门知道每个学生的历史。“持续关心是非常重要的,这样可以确保学生不会有严重的问题,不会有不必要的压力和紧张。”赖特州立大学医学院精神病学主席Jerald Kay这样说。