Pier 17 in downtown Manhattan is not the most likely destination for theatre-goers. But here on the East River, among the wailing seagulls, frying fish and tourists, is an enchanting offer of entertainment. Spiegelworld is back in town for its second summer, with two spicy cabaret shows of dance, music, acrobatics and burlesque. Called Absinthe and La Vie, the shows are staged in the anachronistic opulence of a spiegeltent (Flemish for “tent of mirrors”).
Nobody seems to know how many of these European pavilions are left but most people agree that there are fewer than 20. Built by hand without nails, spiegeltents are beautiful assemblies of teak, velvet, stained glass and bevelled mirrors, created originally in Belgium in the early 20th century as mobile dance halls. Only two families in Belgium and the Netherlands still know how to make them, producing one every five or ten years or so, says Vallejo Gantner, one of the show's producers and a long-time spiegeltent aficionado. “But you know it when you walk into an old one. They have a special boutique quality.”
This one, which dates from the 1920s and has a painted art-nouveau facade, lends continental glamour to the pier. It holds about 350 people on wooden chairs and banquettes around a modest, circular stage. And it is this intimacy, this proximity to the performers, that gives these shows their special feel. Erotic contortionists, balletic hand-balancers and bawdy jugglers emanate a sweaty, tangible humanity. Many of them, Mr. Gantner explains, have left larger circus troupes, such as Cirque du Soleil, in order to make eye-contact with their audience. The simplicity of the staging gives their performances a gritty authenticity.
Once in a while, a family on a children's outing is fooled by Spiegelworld's festive red-and-blue tent spires. Make no mistake: the shows are for adults. La Vie, created by Les 7 Doigts de la Main, a Montreal-based troupe, laces an array of artfully sexy circus acts with the premise that everyone is dead and in purgatory, travelling on “a flight to hell that never quite gets there”. Wearing what looks like a straitjacket, a contortionist moves in a highly unsettling way to a recording of “Crazy”, crooned by Patsy Cline. The show closes with a steamy pas de deux between the devilish master of ceremonies and the evening's lip-curling seductress.
Absinthe is a more explicit grab-bag of stripping, cross-dressing and intrigue, without a unifying theme. The show's strongest moments come from the acrobats, all of whom carry a powerful sexual charge. Two women sway with suggestive grace on the trapeze. An aerialist in black trousers, his sculpted chest glistening, pulls and twists himself up two hanging straps to the lusty music of Jealous Guy, sung by a transvestite diva.
Sexy but not tawdry. Despite colourful language and a brief moment of unnecessary male nudity in La Vie, the setting is too elegant and the talent too astonishing for that. It's a bit of risqué fun that has been warmly received by New Yorkers, many of whom have grown tired of the wholesome, tourist-friendly fare of Broadway. Last summer Absinthe ran for two months to sell-out crowds; this year's two-show programme is for three months until the end of September.
1. According to the passage, Spiegelworld is probably _____.
[A] a series shows of dance, music, acrobatics and burlesque with boutique quality
[B] a mobile dance hall of long history as well as exquisite decoration
[C] a troupe performing certain programs for the public
[D] a traditional form of entertainment derived from some ancient European countries
2. By mentioning that “Pier 17 in downtown Manhattan is not the most likely destination for theatre-goers”, the author wants to _____.
[A] imply that theater-goers are paying much attention to the environment of performance
[B] show that Pier 17 is not a place for a formal performance of the theater
[C] prove that the shows in spiegeltent are very attractive
[D] tell us the status of the place where the shows of Absinthe and La Vie are presented
3. The performances staged in the spiegeltents are different from the other ones mainly in that _____.
[A] they are on show in the pier rather than in the theater
[B] the seats are arranged around the stage so that the audience can watch the performers closely
[C] they are of a sweaty, tangible humanity and a like of enticing simplicity
[D] it is much easier for their performers to make eye-contact with their audience
4. In the fourth paragraph, the author gives a detailed description of La Vie in order to _____.
[A] imply that Spiegelworld is characterized by suggestive sexy scenes and is mainly oriented to the adults
[B] showcase the fact that the performance is sexually attractive, but far from tawdry
[C] demonstrate the profound meaning conveyed by the surface of the performance
[D] give a general impression of the specific performance and illustrate that people should not be deluded by the representation
5. Which one of the following statements is TRUE of the performances staged in spiegeltents?
[A] Only two families in Belgium and the Netherlands know how to give such performances.
[B] The performances are characteristic of erotic shows.
[C] The performances are always given with an explicit motif.
[D] The performances are mainly given to the mass rather than the elite.
1. According to the passage, Spiegelworld is probably _____.
[A] a series shows of dance, music, acrobatics and burlesque with boutique quality
[B] a mobile dance hall of long history as well as exquisite decoration
[C] a troupe performing certain programs for the public
[D] a traditional form of entertainment derived from some ancient European countries
1. 根据这篇文章,Spiegelworld可能是 _____。
[A] 舞蹈、音乐、杂技和滑稽剧组合而成的一系列质量上乘的演出
[B] 可以表演节目并有着精致装饰的一个流动舞厅
[C] 为公众演出一定节目的剧团
[D] 一种来自一些古老欧洲国家的传统的娱乐形式
答案:C 难度系数:☆☆☆
分析:推理题。本题需要结合全文来看,Spiegelworld是在spiegeltent中表演节目的一个团体。例如文章第一段就指出:Spiegelworld is back in town for its second summer, with two spicy cabaret shows of dance, music, acrobatics and burlesque. Called Absinthe and La Vie, the shows are staged in the anachronistic opulence of a spiegeltent (Flemish for “tent of mirrors”). 因此,选项C最为符合题意。
2. By mentioning that “Pier 17 in downtown Manhattan is not the most likely destination for theatre-goers”, the author wants to _____.
[A] imply that theater-goers are paying much attention to the environment of performance
[B] show that Pier 17 is not a place for a formal performance of the theater
[C] prove that the shows in spiegeltent are very attractive
[D] tell us the status of the place where the shows of Absinthe and La Vie are presented
2. 通过提及“曼哈顿区17号码头不是经常去剧院的人可能造访的地方”,作者想要 _____。
[A] 暗示经常去剧院的人非常看重表演的环境
[B] 表明17号码头不是剧院正式演出的地方
[C] 证实了spiegeltent里的演出非常吸引人
[D] 告诉我们《苦艾酒》和《生活》表演的地方的情况
答案:C 难度系数:☆☆☆☆
分析:推理题。根据第一段:Pier 17 in downtown Manhattan is not the most likely destination for theatre-goers. But here on the East River, among the wailing seagulls, frying fish and tourists, is an enchanting offer of entertainment. 可见,虽然17号码头不是逛剧院的人常去之地,但是Spiegelworld却受到了热情的欢迎,因此其演出应该是非常吸引人的。所以,答案为C。
3. The performances staged in the spiegeltents are different from the other ones mainly in that _____.
[A] they are on show in the pier rather than in the theatre
[B] the seats are arranged around the stage so that the audience can watch the performers closely
[C] they are of a sweaty, tangible humanity and a like of enticing simplicity
[D] it is much easier for their performers to make eye-contact with their audience
3. 在spiegeltents中上演的演出和其他演出的不同之处主要在于 _____。
[A] 它们在码头而不是在剧院里演出
[B] 座位安排在舞台周围,这样观众可以近距离地看到表演者
[C] 他们有一种真实的人性的光芒和那种吸引人的简洁
[D] 演出者能够更加容易地与观众进行眼神交流
答案:B 难度系数:☆
分析:细节题。根据第三段:Many of them, Mr. Gantner explains, have left larger circus troupes, such as Cirque du Soleil, in order to make eye-contact with their audience. The simplicity of the staging gives their performances a gritty authenticity. 由此可见,正是因为和表演者的亲密接触,使得这种演出有了特别的感觉,因此,选项B最为符合题意。
4. In the fourth paragraph, the author gives a detailed description of La Vie in order to _____.
[A] imply that Spiegelworld is characterized by suggestive sexy scenes and is mainly oriented to the adults
[B] showcase the fact that the performance is sexually attractive, but far from tawdry
[C] demonstrate the profound meaning conveyed by the surface of the performance
[D] give a general impression of the specific performance and illustrate that people should not be deluded by the representation
4. 根据第四段,作者详细地描述了《生活》是为了 _____。
[A] 说明Spiegelworld以一些有性暗示的情景为特色,实际上是面向成年人的
[B] 说明演出非常性感、吸引人,但是却不俗艳
[C] 显示这种演出表面下蕴含着的深刻寓意
[D] 给出了一些具体演出的总体情况,说明人们不应当被表面现象所迷惑
答案:C 难度系数:☆☆☆
5. Which one of the following statements is TRUE of the performances staged in spiegeltents?
[A] Only two families in Belgium and the Netherlands know how to give such performances.
[B] The performances are characteristic of erotic shows.
[C] The performances are always given with an explicit motif.
[D] The performances are mainly given to the mass rather than the elite.
5. 关于在spiegeltents中上演的演出,下列哪个陈述是正确的?
[A] 只有比利时和荷兰的两个家族知道怎样表演这样的节目。
[B] 这些演出以色情演出为特色。
[C] 这些演出经常有一个明确的主题。
[D] 这些演出主要是给大众而非精英看的。
答案:D 难度系数:☆☆☆
曼哈顿区17号码头不是经常上剧院的人可能造访的地方。但是在东河畔那啼鸣的海鸥、炸鱼和旅游者间有一场迷人的娱乐盛宴。Spiegelworld今年夏天再度回到曼哈顿,将献上两台火辣的舞蹈、音乐、杂技和滑稽表演。这两场演出名叫《苦艾酒》 和《生活》,在spiegeltent(佛兰德语,意为“镜子帐篷”)中的古老舞台上上演。
好像没有人知道欧洲的这种帐篷有多少存留了下来,但是大多数人都认为这种帐篷现存的不超过20个。Spiegeltent用手工制成,没有使用一颗钉子,是由柚木、天鹅绒、彩色玻璃和斜面镜子组成的美丽合成品,20世纪初在比利时首先建成,作为流动的舞蹈厅使用。该演出的出品人之一Vallejo Gantner说,只有比利时和荷兰的两个家族仍旧知道怎么制作这种帐篷,而且他们每五年或十年才生产一个。Gantner是这种帐篷的狂热爱好者。“你一走进一个老帐篷就会明白这一点,它们有一种特别的品质。”
曾经有一户人家的孩子们在外出时被Spiegelworld红蓝相间的帐篷尖顶迷惑住了。不错,这些演出就是为成人而准备的。《生活》是由蒙特利尔的马戏团“7根手指”创造,有一系列充满艺术气息的性感的杂技演出,演出假定每个人都已死去,在“通往地狱的航行”中行进,却永远不会到达。Patsy Cline低声说,柔术演员穿着紧身衣,在非常高的地方做出“疯狂的”动作。演出的结尾是恶魔一样的庆典主人和晚会上撇着嘴唇的迷人女子之间热情奔放的双人舞。