Psychologists have known for a long time that economists are wrong. Most economists—at least, those of the classical persuasion—believe that any financial gain, however small, is worth having. But psychologists know this is not true. They know because of the ultimatum game, the outcome of which is often the rejection of free money.
In this game, one player divides a pot of money between himself and another. The other then chooses whether to accept the offer. If he rejects it, neither player benefits. And despite the instincts of classical economics, a stingy offer (one that is less than about a quarter of the total) is, indeed, usually rejected. The question is, why?
One explanation of the rejectionist strategy is that human psychology is adapted for repeated interactions rather than one-off trades. In this case, taking a tough, if self-sacrificial, line at the beginning pays dividends in future rounds of the game. Rejecting a stingy offer in a one-off game is thus just a single move in a larger strategy. And indeed, when one-off ultimatum games are played by trained economists, who know all this, they do tend to accept stingy offers more often than other people would. But even they have their limits. To throw some light on why those limits exist, Terence Burnham of Harvard University recently gathered a group of students of microeconomics and asked them to play the ultimatum game. All of the students he recruited were men.
Dr. Burnham's research budget ran to a bunch of $40 games. When there are many rounds in the ultimatum game, players learn to split the money more or less equally. But Dr. Burnham was interested in a game of only one round. In this game, which the players knew in advance was final and could thus not affect future outcomes, proposers could choose only between offering the other player $25 (i.e., more than half the total) or $5. Responders could accept or reject the offer as usual. Those results recorded, Dr. Burnham took saliva samples from all the students and compared the testosterone levels assessed from those samples with decisions made in the one-round game.
As he describes in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, the responders who rejected a low final offer had an average testosterone level more than 50% higher than the average of those who accepted. Five of the seven men with the highest testosterone levels in the study rejected a $5 ultimate offer but only one of the 19 others made the same decision.
What Dr. Burnham's result supports is a much deeper rejection of the tenets of classical economics than one based on a slight mis-evolution of negotiating skills. It backs the idea that what people really strive for is relative rather than absolute prosperity. They would rather accept less themselves than see a rival get ahead. That is likely to be particularly true in individuals with high testosterone levels, since that hormone is correlated with social dominance in many species.
Economists often refer to this sort of behaviour as irrational. In fact, it is not. It is simply, as it were, differently rational. The things that money can buy are merely means to an end—social status—that brings desirable reproductive opportunities. If another route brings that status more directly, money is irrelevant.
1. According to the passage, psychologists are different from economists in that _____.
[A] they think any financial gain is worthless if it could not guarantee the ultimatum game
[B] they understand how economists are wrong by proving trivial financial gain could be ignored
[C] they believe that it is necessary to reject some trivial gains to get bigger ones
[D] they have known for a long time that from the perspective of psychology, financial gains are not worth pursuing
2. In the second paragraph, the sentence “In this case, taking a tough, if self-sacrificial, line at the beginning pays dividends in future rounds of the game.” means that _____.
[A] taking an uncompromising attitude at the beginning will lose more in the future rounds of the game
[B] people who are not so calculating at the beginning will get good returns in the end
[C] people who are selfless will get more in the end
[D] taking a tough line at the beginning will pay more cost in the future game
3. The result of Dr. Burnham's study in the one-round game players shows that _____.
[A] men with high testosterone levels are usually more motivated to reject by the low offer
[B] the fact testosterone is closely connected with social dominance proves people could hardly see a rival go ahead
[C] men with high testosterone are more likely to reject the tenets of classical economics
[D] men with high testosterone pay more attention to the relative gains
4. The point Dr. Burnham has concluded from his study is that _____.
[A] money is irrelevant when people seek for reproductive opportunities
[B] people prefer non-financial ways to fulfill their purpose of gaining social status
[C] what people really strive for is relative rather than absolute prosperity
[D] the definition of rationality is different between the fields of economics and psychology
5. Which one of the following statements is TRUE of the behaviour of rejecting a low offer mentioned in the passage?
[A] This kind of behaviour is irrational as a matter of fact.
[B] This kind of behaviour pays more attention to the social status rather than money.
[C] This kind of behaviour could bring desirable reproductive opportunities.
[D] This kind of behaviour is rational from a long view.
1. According to the passage, psychologists are different from economists in that _____.
[A] they think any financial gain is worthless if it could not guarantee the ultimatum game
[B] they understand how economists are wrong by proving trivial financial gain could be ignored
[C] they believe that it is necessary to reject some trivial gains to get bigger ones
[D] they have known for a long time that from the perspective of psychology, financial gains are not worth pursuing
1. 根据这篇文章,心理学家和经济学家的不同之处在于 _____。
[A] 他们认为,如果不能保证最后获胜,任何经济利润都是没有用的
[B] 通过证明小的经济利润可以被忽略,他们就明白经济学家们是如何犯错误的
[C] 他们相信,有必要拒绝一些小的利润来获取大的利润
[D] 他们知道,长久以来,从心理学的角度来看,经济利润是不值得去追求的
答案:C 难度系数:☆☆☆☆
分析:推理题。根据第一段,心理学家和经济学家的分歧在于,心理学家看到的是最终的结果,而经济学家注重的是切实的利润;心理学家认为,并不是所有的小利益都要去追求,可以舍小取大。因此,选项C是正确的。选项A显然是错误的。选项B中的prove这个词不准确。而选项D的错误在于,不是financial gains are not worth pursuing,不值得追求的是little financial gains。
2. In the second paragraph, the sentence “In this case, taking a tough, if self-sacrificial, line at the beginning pays dividends in future rounds of the game.” means that _____.
[A] taking an uncompromising attitude at the beginning will lose more in the future rounds of the game
[B] people who are not so calculating at the beginning will get good returns in the end
[C] people who are selfless will get more in the end
[D] taking a tough line at the beginning will pay more cost in the future game
2. 在第二段中,“在这个事情上,如果自我牺牲,从一开始就采取强硬姿态,会在未来几轮游戏中支付额外的资金”,这句话的意思是 _____。
[A] 从一开始就采取强硬的态度,会在未来的几轮游戏中失去得更多
[B] 那些从一开始就不是很计较的人最后可以获得好的收益
[C] 无私的人最终会得到更多
[D] 从一开始就采取强硬的态度会在未来的游戏中付出更大的代价
答案:B 难度系数:☆☆☆
3. The result of Dr. Burnham's study in the one-round game players shows that _____.
[A] men with high testosterone levels are usually more motivated to reject by the low offer
[B] the fact testosterone is closely connected with social dominance proves people could hardly see a rival go ahead
[C] men with high testosterone are more likely to reject the tenets of classical economics
[D] men with high testosterone pay more attention to the relative gains
3. Burnham博士对于单轮游戏参与者的研究的结果表明 _____。
[A] 睾丸激素高的人更有拒绝低给予的冲动
[B] 睾丸激素和社会优势有着密切的联系,这一事实证明了人们不能容忍看到对手领先于自己
[C] 睾丸激素高的人更趋向于拒绝传统的经济学原则
[D] 睾丸激素高的人更注重相关联的利润
答案:D 难度系数:☆☆
4. The point Dr. Burnham has concluded from his study is that _____.
[A] money is irrelevant when people seek for reprod-uctive opportunities
[B] people prefer non-financial ways to fulfill their purpose of gaining social status
[C] what people really strive for is relative rather than absolute prosperity
[D] the definition of rationality is different between the fields of economics and psychology
4. Burnham博士从他的研究中得出的论点是 _____。
[A] 当人们寻求再生的机会时,金钱就是无关紧要的了
[B] 人们更倾向于用非金钱的方式来实现他们取得社会地位的目标
[C] 人们真正追求的是相对财富,而不是绝对财富
[D] 经济学和心理学对于“理性”的定义是不一样的
答案:C 难度系数:☆☆☆
分析:细节题。第六段提到,Burnham博士最终的结论支持的是对传统经济学原则的更深层的拒绝,是人们真正追求的是相对的财富而不是绝对的财富。因此,选项C最为符合。选项A和B具有一定的误导性,文章最后一句指出:If another route brings that status more directly, money is irrelevant. 即“如果有另外一条路可以更为直接地达到目的,金钱就是不相关的。”而这两个选项都是对这句话的错误理解。D选项也对应于文章的最后一段:Economists often refer to this sort of behaviour as irrational. In fact, it is not. It is simply, as it were, differently rational. 两种理性确实是不同的,但是文章没有明确指出其定义在两个学科领域中是完全不同的。
5. Which one of the following statements is TRUE of the behaviour of rejecting a low offer mentioned in the passage?
[A] This kind of behaviour is irrational as a matter of fact.
[B] This kind of behaviour pays more attention to the social status rather than money.
[C] This kind of behaviour could bring desirable repro-ductive opportunities.
[D] This kind of behaviour is rational from a long view.
5. 关于文章中提到的拒绝低给予的行为,下列哪个陈述是正确的?
[A] 这种行为实际上是不理智的。
[B] 这种行为更注重社会地位而不是金钱。
[C] 这种行为可以带来理想的再生机会。
[D] 这种行为从长远来看是理智的。
答案:D 难度系数:☆☆☆
对于拒绝的策略,一个解释是,人类的心理更习惯重复的交互作用,而不是一次性的交易。在这个事情上,如果自我牺牲,从一开始就采取强硬姿态,会在未来几轮游戏中支付额外的资金。因此,在一次性的游戏中拒绝小气的给予是一个更大计划中的一步。实际上,当有经验的经济学家玩一次性的终极游戏时,他们确实比一般人更倾向于接受小气的给予,这些经济学家都很清楚上面的这些情况。但是他们也有一定的局限。为了弄清楚为什么存在这些局限,哈佛大学的Terence Burnham最近组织了一群微观经济学的学生,让他们玩这种终极游戏。他选择的所有学生都是男性。