Unit 18
Fanny Kemble(1809-93)was the niece of two Shakespearean tragedians, Sarah Siddons and Siddons’s brother, John Philip Kemble. Her father and her French mother were also actors. In fact her whole extended family constituted the foremost theatrical dynasty of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Handsome and gifted, they crop up in letters and diaries throughout the period, and were generally regarded as a kind of royalty: a race apart.
The real competition for any biographer of Kemble is Kemble herself. As her friend Henry James noted: “in two hemispheres, she had seen everyone, had known everyone”. What’s more, she recorded it all in many volumes of vividly written memoirs, all swarming with people, criticism, social commentary, anecdote, scenery, political opinion and superb set-pieces: the digging of Brunel’s Thames tunnel, for instance.
Kemble’s memoirs, especially her “Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation”, are as important historically as they are engrossing. But what fascinates us now is the way that Fanny, clever and reckless as she was, broke the rules—or the way she appropriated and revised the role prescribed to her by gender politics. She never cared about such prescriptions. She spoke her mind and thought nothing of walking into a stream fully clothed if it was hot. It wasn’t until her marriage that her gender collided with the realities of power and money. Though she was never intended for the stage, the looming bankruptcy of her father obliged her to try her chances. Overnight, she became the toast of London. Money flowed, and yet more on a tour of America, where she met a seductive young man, Pierce Butler, heir to huge rice and cotton slave-plantations in Georgia. Hoping to escape the shallow emotionalism of the theatre, assuming a companionship of equals and somehow managing to forget the slaves, she married him.
At a stroke she lost everything. Butler, deeply illiberal, exerted his rights. He appropriated her earnings, censored her writing and when she woke to the horrors of slavery, forbade her public opposition to it. She wept, she ran away, she returned. The birth of children, in whom she had no legal rights, further enchained her.
The rest of Kemble’s life was sheer indomitability. The Butlers did divorce. She did lose the children. But on their majority, she recovered them. She made her own money again. Criss-crossing the Atlantic, she gave Shakespeare readings to packed audiences. Every summer, she climbed the Alps, startling the guides by singing loudly as she went. She met James in 1872 and he fell under her spell, fascinated by her proud idealism, her eccentric honesty and above all by her talk of “old London”. “She reanimated the old drawing rooms,” he wrote, “relighted the old lamps, retuned the old pianos.” When at last she died, he felt it, he said, “like the end of some reign or the fall of some empire”.
注(2):本文习题命题模仿对象为2003年真题Text 4。
1. What is implied in the first paragraph?
A) The Kemble family kept a huge amount of diaries and letters.
B) Fanny Kemble was a renowned actress of Shakespearean plays.
C) This passage mainly focuses on the life of Fanny Kemble.
D) The Kemble family was once a royal family separated from common people.
2. The author mentions Fanny’s memoirs in the second paragraph to show that _______.
A) Fanny was a prolific autobiographer of herself who can compete with all her biographers
B) Fanny wrote biographers for her family members and historical events
C) Fanny’s writings are both entertaining and of historical importance
D) Fanny was a better biographer than an actress
3. The author’s attitude towards Fanny Kemble is probably one of _______.
A) strong hatred
B) enthusiastic support
C) mild satire
D) objective
4. Fanny decided to marry Pierce Butler for the following reasons EXCEPT _______.
A) she did not enjoy her career as an actress
B) she longed for an ordinary life with an equal company
C) she was attracted by the handsome Pierce Butler
D) she forgot the existence of slavery in American plantations
5. The text intends to express the idea that _______.
A) Fanny Kemble had a life that is full of adversities and misfortunes
B) Fanny Kemble seldom enjoyed her life because of continuous financial restraints
C) Fanny Kemble held an optimistic attitude towards the ups and downs of her life
D) Fanny Kemble went through a dramatic life in which she remained in the dominant position
hemisphere /ˈhemɪsfɪə/ n. 半球
memoir /ˈmemwɑː/ n. 回忆录
swarm /swɔːm/ v. 涌往,挤满,密集
anecdote /ˈænɪkdəʊt/ n. 轶事,奇闻
engross /ɪnˈɡrəʊs/ vt. 吸引,使全神贯注
fascinate /ˈfæsɪneɪt/ vt. 使着迷,使神魂颠倒
appropriate /əˈprəʊprɪeɪt/ vt. 占用,挪用
prescribe /prɪsˈkraɪb/ v. 指示,规定
collide /kəˈlaɪd/ vi. 碰撞,抵触
loom /luːm/ v. 隐现,迫近
stroke /strəʊk/ n. 一次努力,打击
illiberal /ɪˈlɪbərəl/ adj. 狭隘的,偏执的
indomitability /ˌɪndɒmɪtəˈbɪlɪti/ n. 不屈不挠
startle /ˈstɑːtl/ v. 震惊
eccentric /ɪkˈsentrɪk/ adj. 古怪的
Hoping to escape the shallow emotionalism of the theatre, assuming a companionship of equals and somehow managing to forget the slaves, she married him.
主体句式:She married him.
1. C 推理题。文章第一段开门见山地介绍范妮·肯布尔的身份及其家族,可以推出这篇文章将主要介绍范妮·肯布尔。A、B、D选项都与原文有出入,可以排除。A选项错在肯布尔家族没有保留大量的日记和信件,而是那个时代的许多日记和信件提到了该家族。B选项错在范妮·肯布尔本人并不是莎剧的演员。D选项错在肯布尔家族并不是皇族。
2. A 细节题。根据文章第二段,范妮·肯布尔自己就是自己的传记作家,她出版了好几卷关于自己经历的各种材料,这些显然都是她的其他传记作家无法比拟和超越的。C选项虽然表述上也符合文章的意思,但是这一点并不是在第二段中表现出来的,而是在第三段。
3. B 情感态度题。文章第三段第二句称范妮“clever and reckless”,之后又说她勇于冲破世俗制度和性别政治;最后一段中也是对范妮后半生不屈不挠精神的评价,可见全文中作者是在盛赞范妮。
4. D 细节题。文章第三段最后一句话说明了范妮出嫁的原因,其中提到了她“somewhat managing to forget the slaves”,这里的意思不是范妮真的忘了奴隶制的存在,而是她为了幸福回避了这个问题。从第四段中可以看出范妮是反对奴隶制的,她对这个制度感到震惊。
5. C 细节题。文章最后一段提到了范妮的后半生中她一直不屈不挠地生活,她积极地参加各类活动,到处旅游,而且最终得到了爱情,可见她对于生活起伏的态度还是非常乐观的。A选项的表述是正确的,但是文章的主旨不仅仅是描述范妮生活的坎坷,而是她在坎坷中保持的那种积极精神。B选项的错误原因在于范妮并不总是缺钱,D选项的错误原因在于她在第一次婚姻中处于被主导的地位。