Unit 43
DOTCOMS may be moribund, but inside companies, the Internet is still finding cost-saving new uses. “B2E—business-to-employee—didn’t have a crash,” says Bipin Patel, in charge of developing the potential of the corporate intranet at the Ford Motor Company. “It’s still growing.”
Ford has gone further than most companies to get its employees online: it offered its American employees personal computers, and 90% of them accepted. Ford hopes that the free PCs will save its own and its employees’ time by moving services online. General Motors, Ford’s great rival, considered a similar scheme but found that most employees willing to use PCs already had them. It is helping staff to pay for high-bandwidth connections instead.
At Ford, the human-resources department has pioneered a scheme to provide up-to-the-minute information to employees about pay and benefits. In the past, employees sometimes found that it took weeks to get a copy of the pay information they needed to do their tax returns, and the department’s staff spent mind-numbing hours answering the same questions from hundreds of different employees. Now employees can look at a password-protected site that displays their payslips over the previous 18 months. They can see all deductions, and the hours they worked. All this information was on the human-resources database: displaying it to employees has saved staff time.
“People want more and more of this self-service information, which they can manage themselves,” observes Mr Patel. “There is no such thing as information overload here, because it’s their information.” Even training seems to work better online: Ford employees can now download a range of courses, including one on “Listening and Handling Tough Situations”, all designed for digestion in 10- or 15-minute gobbets. The company claims to have cut training costs by $2m during the past six months, as fewer people leave their desks to learn.
The company also uses its intranet to communicate with its staff around the world. Jacques Nasser, Ford’s boss, sends out “Let’s chat” notes once a week. In fact, Mr Nasser does most of the chatting. He gets hundreds of e-mails in reply, but the communication is basically a one-way flow. The company also runs chatrooms, in which employees can question various inhouse experts and outside analysts live on the corporate intranet.
In time, thinks Mr Patel, communications technology will reshape corporate behaviour. It will encourage collaboration and team-working. Already, the Internet is causing disintermediation within companies, he argues, just as it did in e-commerce: the human-resources department does much less administration once the benefits system is more self-service, but rather more advising and consulting. One day, working in human resources might even be fun.
注(2):本文习题命题模仿对象:2004年真题Text 1。(其中个别题目顺序做了部分调整。)
1. How does the author introduce his topic?
A) Posing a contrast.
B) Justifying an assumption.
C) Explaining a phenomenon.
D) Making a comparison.
2. Why did Ford and GM intend to provide their employees with PCs?
A) PCs can help them save a lot.
B) B2E is a growing thing.
C) The employees prefer to use PCs.
D) Proving PCs is a way of competition.
3. Which of the following is NOT the advantage of Internet?
A) It can save time.
B) It can save cost.
C) It encourages collaboration and team-working.
D) It makes human-resources department an easy job.
4. The expression “a one-way flow”(Line 3, Paragraph 5)most probably means ______.
A) not encouraging open answers
B) only one side asking questions
C) only yes or no questions
D) the topics lacking variety
5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A) The Internet can help DOTCOMS come back to life.
B) The courses downloaded are practical, but time-consuming.
C) The Internet makes the work of human-resources department more direct and interesting.
D) The employees can manage all the information by themselves.
moribund /ˈmɒrɪbʌnd;(US)ˈnɔːrɪ-/ adj. 即将结束的,濒临死亡的,即将灭亡的
tax returns 纳税申报表
mind-numbing /ˈmaɪndˈnʌmɪŋ/ adj. 令人麻木的
payslip /ˈpeɪslɪp/ n. 工资单
gobbet /ˈgɒbɪt/ n. 一片,一块(尤指生肉);一点,少量;片段,引文
disintermediation /dɪsˌɪntəmiːdɪˈeɪʃən/ n. 不干预,脱媒(非中介化)(一般是指在进行交易时跳过所有中间人而直接在供需双方间进行)
Already, the Internet is causing disintermediation within companies, he argues, just as it did in e-commerce: the human-resources department does much less administration once the benefits system is more self-service, but rather more advising and consulting.
主体句式:The Internet is causing disintermediation within companies.
结构分析:本句的主句是the Internet is causing disintermediation within companies,he argues是插入语,连词as的意思是“如同,正如”,did指代的是cause disintermediation;冒号后的内容是对just as it did in e-commerce的解释说明。
1. C 细节题。本文通过阐述一种现象来引入话题。
2. A 细节题。文章第一段指出网络公司(DOTCOMS)也许即将灭亡,但是在公司内部,因特网仍然是节省成本的新办法。第二段指出福特公司希望把一些服务性信息放到网上,能够节省公司及其员工的时间,通用汽车公司也效仿这一做法。由此我们可以看出节约时间、节约开支是这两个公司想要给其员工配备电脑的原因。
3. D 细节题。文章中提到“the human-resources department does much less administration once the benefits system is more self-service”,但这并不意味着人力资源部的工作会有所减轻,只是工作形式有所改变,人力资源部将把更多的工作重心放在建议和咨询方面。
4. B 语义题。文章中提到多数情况下都是纳赛尔先生在聊天。虽然他收到回复的电子邮件有几百封,但基本上都是由他发问,别人来回答这种形式,因此这种交流是单向的。
5. C 细节题。原文对应信息是“One day, working in human resources might even be fun.”。选项A在文中对应的信息是“DOTCOMS may be moribund”;选项B对应的信息是“all designed for digestion in 10- or 15-minute gobbets”,它的意思是“所有这些课程的设计保证学员能在10至15分钟内消化理解”;选项D对应的信息是“People want more and more of this self-service information, which they can manage themselves”,我们无法确定是否所有这些信息员工都能自行管理。