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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on October 24, 2018
Q: According to reports, an official from Malaysia’s International Trade and Industry Ministry recently stressed in an interview the importance of China’s Belt and Road Initiative to China-Malaysia relations, saying that whether it is for the previous government or the present one, Malaysia always supports China’s Belt and Road Initiative. What is your comment?
A: We commend these remarks made by the Malaysian side.
Malaysia is an important country along the ancient Maritime Silk Road. It is also among the first group of countries along the route that echoed the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). When Prime Minister Mahathir visited China in August this year, he spoke highly of the BRI, saying that it will help promote regional exchanges and cooperation to serve the interests of all countries in the region. He made it clear that Malaysia supports the BRI and will continue to play an active part in it. In fact, China and Malaysia have signed MOUs on relevant cooperation. We will engage with each other and discuss formulation of guidelines to move forward relevant BRI cooperation so that more benefits could be delivered to people in the two countries and in the region.
Q: According to reports, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, when giving an interview to the media, said that China’s economic development represents a huge opportunity for Japan and the whole world and we should welcome that. Japan and China should maintain cooperation on strengthening the role of the WTO and the multilateral free trade system. What is your comment?
A: We have noted relevant reports. We welcome the positive statements made by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
This year marks the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening-up. Over the past four decades, China has scored remarkable achievements in its development, which has not only made the Chinese people lead a better life, but also presented huge opportunities for Japan and other countries around the world and contributed to the peace and prosperity of the region and the world at large. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the inking of the China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship as well as the 10th anniversary of the issuance of the China-Japan Joint Statement on All-round Promotion of Strategic Relationship of Mutual Benefit. The joint statement explicitly said that China and Japan are cooperative partners and not threats to each other. The two countries reaffirmed their support for each other’s peaceful development. These principles are still highly relevant today. The two sides should build on past achievements, cement the political and legal basis for China-Japan ties, recognize the consensus that China and Japan are cooperative partners and map out the new blueprint for the future growth of our bilateral relations.
Presently, the world is challenged by unilateralism and the international rules and multilateral order are severely impacted. As two important countries in Asia and the second and third largest economies in the world, China and Japan shoulder important responsibility in opposing all forms of protectionism and unilateralism and upholding multilateralism and free trade. The two countries are duty-bound to strengthen communication and cooperation, jointly safeguard international rules and order and contribute to promoting world peace and development.
Q: We spoke to a person who once stayed in Xinjiang’s vocational education center for four months and the families in Kazakhstan, who have relatives in Xinjiang. They said that the vocational centers are just like “jails” and now that they stay in vocational education and training institutions, why are they not free to come and go?
A: With regard to Xinjiang’s efforts to fight terrorism, maintain stability and set up vocational education and training institutions, recently the Chairman of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region gave an interview to Xinhua News Agency and elaborated on the relevant situation. I would like to refer you to that.
As to the detailed information of the person you mentioned, frankly speaking, I am not aware of that. But I am wondering when you interviewed him. According to what you said, he once stayed in the vocational education center for four months. He claimed that the centers are just like jails and the people there have no freedom. If the people there really had no freedom just like he said, then how did he contact you and when and where did