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2021年3月10日外交部发言人赵立坚主持例行记者会Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian'sRegular Press Conference on March 10, 2021
CCTV: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has congratulated China on its success in eliminating extreme poverty in rural areas. He said the notable accomplishment is a significant contribution to realizing a better and more prosperous world as envisioned by the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. He also said that China's extraordinary achievements have provided hope and inspiration to the entire international community. What significance does China's success in poverty alleviation hold for the rest of the world?
Zhao Lijian: We appreciate the positive remarks by Secretary-General Guterres.
To eradicate poverty is the shared aspiration of mankind. As a major country with one-fifth of the world's population, China has made great historical achievements in eliminating absolute poverty, a problem besetting the Chinese nation for thousands of years. China has completed, 10 years in advance, the goal of poverty reduction set in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which is a historic contribution to the international effort of poverty eradication and peaceful development.
While committed to eliminating poverty at home, China has actively participated in international cooperation on poverty reduction. The Eradication of Extreme Poverty: China's Practices Report released last September shared cases in which China helped other developing countries break development bottlenecks as part of international development cooperation. In Asia, China and ASEAN countries have jointly launched a rural poverty reduction program. Technical assistance projects for poverty reduction demonstration in East Asia have been carried out in rural communities in Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar. In Africa, China has helped African countries build water conservancy infrastructure, set up demonstration zones for agricultural cooperation, and carried out cooperation projects on China-Africa fungus production technology. China has also carried out technical cooperation assistance projects in infrastructure, agriculture and medical care in the South Pacific region. We have also built agricultural technology demonstration centers in Latin America to help the local people shake off poverty. Poverty alleviation philosophies with Chinese characteristics, such as "targeted poverty reduction", are drawing more and more attention from the international community.
The China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative is committed to promoting economic development in countries along the routes and helping them achieve the poverty reduction goals of the 2030 Agenda for regional economic and social development cooperation at a broader, higher and deeper level. The Belt and Road Initiative is expected to lift 7.6 million people out of absolute poverty and 32 million out of moderate poverty. China will continue to help developing countries enhance capacity building through multilateral and bilateral channels, and actively carry out international cooperation to press ahead with the process of poverty reduction worldwide.
The Paper: According to reports by South China Morning Post and Reuters citing sources, the United States and China are discussing inviting Director Yang Jiechi and State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi to hold a high-level meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan in Alaska. Responding to a question on this, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said: "Obviously, the President spoke with President Xi back - February 10. And we will look forward to seeking opportunities for engagement, but we don't have any details finalized or confirmed at this point." I wonder if you have any comment on this?
Zhao Lijian: During their successful telephone conversation on the eve of the Lunar New Year, President Xi Jinping and President Joe Biden agreed that the two sides will keep communication channels open. With regard to your specific question, I don't have any information to offer at the moment.
3 《北京日报》记者:昨天,中国驻东盟使团举行了雅加达渠道中国—东盟建立对话关系30周年纪念活动启动仪式。今年,中国和东盟将计划举办哪些30周年纪念活动?中方对中国—东盟关系未来发展有何展望? Beijing Daily: Yesterday the Chinese Mission to ASEAN held through the Jakarta Channel a launching ceremony of commemorative activities marking the 30th anniversary of the establishment of dialogue relations between China and ASEAN. What activities will the two sides hold this year to mark the 30th anniversary? What does China expect of China-ASEAN relations going forward?
Zhao Lijian: As we mark the 30th anniversary of the establishment of dialogue relationship between China and ASEAN, this year holds special significance for the development of our relations. China and ASEAN, through communication and consultation, have agreed to jointly hold dozens of events to mark the occasion, covering political, security, economic, trade, cultural and other sectors of cooperation. Leaders on both sides will exchange congratulatory messages. A commemorative meeting will be held, along with reception, seminar, exhibition presenting the outcomes of and forum on economic and trade cooperation. In addition, the two sides will release a commemorative album and a commemorative envelop, hold a short video contest and organize a youth camp. We look forward to working with ASEAN countries to ensure the success of these events and inject new impetus into the development of our relations.
Standing at a new historical starting point, China is ready to work with ASEAN to build on the momentum of the 30th anniversary of dialogue relations to further consolidate political mutual trust, deepen practical cooperation in public health, economic, trade, social, cultural and non-traditional security sectors, promote post-pandemic economic recovery and long-term resilient development, forge a higher-level China-ASEAN strategic partnership and build a closer community with a shared future to better benefit regional countries and people.
4 法新社记者:第一个问题,据报道,美国总统拜登将于周五同澳大利亚、印度、日本举行四边机制会谈。中方对此有何评论?第二个问题,据报道,美国海军上将戴维森称,担心大陆可能在未来6年内“入侵”台湾。中国国防部曾于1月表示,“台独”就意味着战争。你对戴维森的言论有何回应? AFP: I have two questions. First of all, U.S. President Biden will hold Quad alliance talks with Australia, India, and Japan on Friday. What's China response to this? Secondly, the top U.S. Admiral Philip Davidson said that he fears China could invade Taiwan in the next six years. And China's Ministry of Defense in January said that Taiwan formally declaring independence means war. What's your response to Admiral Davidson's comments? 赵立坚:关于第一个问题,任何地区合作机制,都应顺应和平发展、合作共赢的时代潮流。我们希望有关国家从地区国家共同利益出发,秉持开放、包容、共赢理念,多做有利于地区和平、稳定与发展的事,而不是相反。 Zhao Lijian: Regarding your first question, regional cooperation arrangements should all conform to the trend of the times which is peaceful development and win-win cooperation. We hope that the relevant countries will act in line with the common interests of regional countries, uphold the principle of openness, inclusiveness and win-win outcomes, and do more things that are conducive to regional peace, stability and development, not the other way around.
关于第二个问题,中方已多次就台湾问题阐明立场。美方一些人不断借台湾问题渲染“中国军事威胁”,实质上是为美国自身增加军费、扩张军力、干涉本地区事务寻找借口。美方应摒弃冷战零和思维,客观、理性看待中国发展和国防建设,多做有利于中美互信和地区和平稳定的事。 On your second question, China has stated its position on the Taiwan question many times. By exploiting the Taiwan question to exaggerate China's military threat, some people in the United States are actually looking for excuses to justify the increase of the U.S. military expenditure, expansion of its military power, and interfere in regional affairs. The United States should abandon the Cold War zero-sum mentality, view China's development and national defense development objectively and rationally, and do more things that are conducive to mutual trust between China and the United States and regional peace and stability.
Global Times: The American Chamber of Commerce in China (AmCham China) announced the findings on March 9 in its 2021 Business Climate Survey. The report said that its members are still largely committed to the China market, considering China as a priority investment destination. In the survey, 75% of companies said they are optimistic about the prospects of the Chinese market, and 81% of companies said they expected their businesses to grow in China. What is your comment?
Zhao Lijian: This report is the latest testament to the mutually beneficial and win-win nature of China-U.S. economic and trade ties. Actually, the report also points out that many foreign companies in China have given positive reviews on China's investment environment, with two thirds of companies indicating their willingness to increase investment in China, which reflects the growing confidence that foreign companies have towards the Chinese market.
中方将继续深化改革,扩大开放,构建市场化、法治化、国际化的营商环境,为包括美国企业在内的世界各国企业来华投资兴业提供便利,支持中外企业加强互利合作。 China will continue to deepen reform, open wider and work towards a market-based and law-governed business environment that is up to international standards so that the U.S. and other foreign business community will feel more comfortable operating and investing in China, and the Chinese and foreign companies will find stronger support in their mutually beneficial cooperation.
我们希望美方也能够秉持开放包容、互利共赢的理念,停止对中国企业的无理设限和打压,与中方一道,聚焦合作,管控分歧,为中美经贸合作健康发展营造有利氛围。 We hope that the U.S. side will also uphold an open and inclusive attitude to seek win-win results, lift its unjustified restrictions, stop clamping-down on Chinese companies. The US side should work with China to focus on cooperation, manage differences, bring China-US relations back on track, and create favorable conditions for the sound and steady development of China-U.S. economic and trade cooperation.
6 路透社记者:本周二,中方召见英国驻华大使,就其发表的有关媒体作用的文章提出严正交涉。请问外交部不认同这篇文章中的哪些内容?中国外交官经常在外国媒体和刊物上表达看法,为何外国外交官在中国社交媒体表达观点就是不当的? Reuters: China summoned the UK ambassador on Tuesday to lodge stern representations over an article she wrote on the role of the media. What was the specific point the ambassador made in this article which the foreign ministry disagreed with? Why is it inappropriate for foreign diplomats to give their views on Chinese social media, given that Chinese diplomats often do so on foreign platforms and publications?
Zhao Lijian: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China has already summoned Ambassador Caroline Wilson to state our solemn position on the relevant issue. You can also check out the reactions of Chinese netizens to her article. Who is right and who is wrong is clear, and the public also knows the answer clearly. Ambassador Wilson's article, with a confused logic, avoids all the facts, including the British media's disinformation and false reporting on China, and deliberately confuses news slandering with news supervision. The article makes no mention of the Chinese media being suppressed in foreign countries, but praises the so-called Western experience in an arrogant tone, and makes irresponsible remarks about China's system and media. It is in nature an interference in China's internal affairs, reflecting her consistent double standards and deep-rooted ideological prejudices.中国驻英国大使刘晓明在驻英期间发表的文章,都是客观正面介绍中国和中英关系,对英涉华舆论中的不实之辞和造谣污蔑予以澄清,从未主动挑起争端,从未攻击过英国的体制。其实,刘晓明大使在英国媒体上发表文章也并非像吴若兰大使说的那样“自由”,近几年来屡屡遭拒。 The Chinese Ambassador to the UK Liu Xiaoming also published some articles during his stint in the UK, all of which are in objective and positive tones, meant to introduce China and China-UK relations. Some of his articles have been written to dispel false words and rumors concerning China disseminated by some British media. He has never written any article to provoke disputes, or attack the British system. In fact, when Ambassador Liu Xiaoming published articles in the British media, it was not as free and easy as Ambassador Wilson said, as his articles have been repeatedly rejected in recent years.
我想再次强调,外交机构的职责是促进双边友好关系,外交人员负有不干涉驻在国内政的义务,这是必须恪守的原则底线。 I also want to emphasize once again that the responsibility of diplomatic institutions is to promote friendly bilateral relations. Diplomats have the obligation not to interfere in the internal affairs of their host countries. This is a bottom line that cannot be crossed.
7 路透社记者:中方已推出了包含疫苗接种情况的电子版国际旅行健康证明,请问中方正在同哪些国家商谈互认的问题?你能否提供更多细节? Reuters: China has launched digital COVID-19 vaccination certificate for citizens planning to cross borders. Do you have any details on which countries China is in talks with to get these certificates recognized?
Zhao Lijian: China has introduced its electronic health certificate for international travelers to other countries and relevant international organizations. To date, many countries and some international organizations have expressed readiness to seek mutual recognition in this regard with China. We hope to launch such mutual-recognition mechanisms with other sides on the basis of accommodating each other's concerns and through friendly consultation so as to facilitate cross-border travel and foster sound, safe and orderly flow of personnel.
China Daily: U.S. State Department spokesman Ned Price said the United States has not seen any developments that would change its determination that China committed genocide and crimes against humanity in its treatment of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang. Can you comment on this?
赵立坚:所谓中国新疆存在“种族灭绝”的说法荒谬绝伦,与事实完全相反,完全是别有用心的造谣和彻头彻尾的谎言。美方这么说,请先拿出证据来!对毫无事实依据的攻击抹黑,中方坚决反对。美方偏听偏信虚假信息,一再为谎言谣言站台背书。这一做法只会进一步损害美方自身的公信力和形象。 Zhao Lijian: The claim of "genocide" in China's Xinjiang is ludicrous and baseless. It's an outright ill-intentioned rumor and lie. The United States should not make such an accusation with no proof at all. China firmly opposes groundless attacks and smears. The United States endorsement of disinformation, lies and rumors only further damages its credibility and image.我们多次介绍过,过去40多年来,中国新疆维吾尔族人口从555万增长到1200多万,翻了一番。世上有这样的“种族灭绝”吗?同时,了解美国历史的人应该知道,美国通过西进运动大肆驱逐、杀戮印第安人,美国印第安人口已从1492年的500万骤减至20世纪初的25万,下降幅度为95%。换句话说,美国印第安人口曾是20世纪初的20倍。“种族灭绝”的帽子有更适合的人戴。 As we said repeatedly, the Uighur population in Xinjiang grew from 5.55 million to over 12 million over the past four decades or so. Is the doubling of population called "genocide"? By contrast, those who learned the history of the United States know that native Indians were expelled and killed during the Westward Expansion, and their population nosedived by 95% from 5 million in 1492 to 250,000 at the beginning of the 20th century. In another word, the population dwindled to one twentieth. It's not China, but someone else, that is more suitable for the label of "genocide".
美方应该做的,是首先关注和改善自身存在的人权问题,而不是基于谎言和谣言动辄对别国指手画脚。中方愿在相互尊重、平等相待的基础上同各国就人权问题进行对话和交流,但我们坚决反对在人权问题上撒谎造谣,打着人权旗号干涉别国内政。 The first thing the United States should do is to pay attention to and improve the domestic human rights situation, rather than pointing the finger at others on the basis of lies and rumors. China is willing to have dialogue and exchange on human rights with other countries on the basis of mutual respect and equal-footed treatment, but we resolutely oppose fabrications, slanders and interference in others' internal affairs under the pretext of human rights.
Kyodo News Agency: A leaders' meeting of the Quad group of countries on Friday plans to announce agreements to support an increase in coronavirus vaccines aid to developing countries. Some call this move an attempt to counter China's widening "vaccine diplomacy". Do you have any comment?
Zhao Lijian: Now that you have asked this question, I would like to brief you on China's supply of vaccines to other countries.
China is a committed front-runner in promoting international vaccine cooperation. We have carried out vaccine R D and production cooperation with a dozen or so countries, attracting more than 100,000 volunteers of over 100 nationalities. Altogether, 17 Chinese vaccines have entered clinical trials. More than 60 countries have authorized the use of Chinese vaccines. The safety and effectiveness of Chinese vaccines are earning recognition across the world. China is prepared to discuss with other countries the feasibility and protocols for mutual recognition of vaccination.
China is a steadfast advocate for equitable vaccine distribution. We have joined COVAX, under which China has undertaken to provide an initial 10 million doses for emergency use in developing countries. So far, China has donated or is donating COVID vaccines to 69 developing countries in urgent need, and is exporting vaccines to 43 countries. Responding to a UN appeal, we have donated vaccines to peacekeepers from various countries. We are also ready to work with the International Olympic Committee to provide vaccines to Olympians. It is our hope that Chinese vaccines will inject more confidence and hope into the global fight against the virus.
Vaccines are a powerful weapon against the virus and bring hope for saving lives. They should serve the entire world and benefit all humanity. China is a firm believer in making COVID vaccines a public good. China was among the first to pledge that its vaccines, when available, will be made a global public good, and China has worked in real earnest to improve vaccine accessibility and affordability in developing countries. That's what we've been saying and what we've been doing.
A number of vaccines are now available around the world. It is up to each country to decide which one to choose. Whether it is a Chinese vaccine or not, it is a good vaccine so long as it is safe and effective. China opposes "vaccine nationalism". We reject any "vaccine divide" or any attempt to politicize vaccine cooperation.
10 印度报业托拉斯记者:关于你提到的不同国家间疫苗互认机制,中方是否会等中国或其他国家的疫苗获得世卫组织的认证?据我了解,目前,世卫组织仅认证了辉瑞、阿斯利康等几款疫苗。中方疫苗是否需要等待世卫组织的认证?还是计划通过双边渠道推进认证工作?此外,中方已承诺向“新冠疫苗实施计划”(COVAX)提供1000万剂疫苗,相关疫苗是否尚未获得世卫组织认证? PTI: With regard to what you said about mutual recognition of vaccines by different countries, will China wait for the vaccines of a particular nation or Chinese vaccines themselves to be recognized by the WHO? Because WHO so far has recognized only three vaccines, that is Pfizer and AstraZeneca. Do you think it is necessary for WHO's recognition for China to recognize other's vaccines or it is a bilateral arrangement that China is looking at? And also China has promised to give 10 million vaccines to COVAX, but is China giving to COVAX without recognition or approval of your vaccines by the WHO? 赵立坚:据我所知,中国有关疫苗生产企业已经向世卫组织提出申请,世卫组织已经派团来中国进行考察。有关认证的程序正在进行中。 Zhao Lijian: Thanks for your question. To my knowledge, Chinese vaccine companies have submitted applications to the WHO and the latter in response has sent teams to China. The procedures for recognition are ongoing.
中国疫苗的安全性和有效性已经得到各国广泛认可。中方和世卫组织在疫苗认证方面正在进行着良好的沟通。 The safety and efficacy of Chinese vaccines has been widely recognized by various countries. I believe China and the WHO are having good communication in vaccine recognition.
以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021-3-10的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!