喜欢口译的同学,大多抱有一个外交官的理想,而双语例行记者会上快节奏的你问我答及现场翻译,则给我们提供了宝贵的学习资源。下面是小编整理的关于【双语】例行记者会 2021-5-10的资料,希望大家在这些唇枪舌剑中,提升英语,更热爱祖国!
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying'sRegular Press Conference on May 10, 2021“中国+中亚五国”外长第二次会晤将于5月12日在陕西西安举行,国务委员兼外长王毅将主持会晤。哈萨克斯坦副总理兼外长特列乌别尔季、吉尔吉斯斯坦外长卡扎克巴耶夫、塔吉克斯坦外长穆赫里丁、土库曼斯坦副总理兼外长梅列多夫、乌兹别克斯坦外长卡米洛夫将来华参会。
The second China+Central Asia (C+C5) foreign ministers' meeting will be held in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province on May 12. State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will host the meeting. Kazakh Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mukhtar Tileuberdi, Kyrgyz Foreign Minister Ruslan Kazakbaev, Tajik Foreign Minister Sirojiddin Muhriddin, Turkmen Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov, and Uzebek Foreign Minister Abdulaziz Kamilov will attend the meeting in China.
China and Central Asian countries are friendly neighbors and strategic partners with profound traditional friendship and close exchange and cooperation in various sectors. In July 2020, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and C5 foreign ministers held their first virtual meeting, introducing a new platform to deepen mutual trust and cooperation. As this year marks the 30th anniversary of the C5's independence and the centenary of the CPC, and the year 2022 will mark the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the C5, all hold high hopes for stronger cooperation going forward, bringing new historical opportunities for the development of relations between the two sides.
Against such a background, China proposed holding a second C+C5 foreign ministers' meeting, which will be the first face-to-face event under this mechanism, receiving positive feedback and support from the other countries. During the upcoming meeting, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and C5 foreign ministers will hold in-depth exchange of views on anti-epidemic and BRI cooperation, connectivity, international coordination and other issues of common interest, sign relevant outcome documents and conduct a series of bilateral talks as well as multilateral exchange sessions.
It's worth mentioning that Central Asia has been an important node on the Silk Road since ancient times. It is also in this region that President Xi Jinping first put forward the Silk Road Economic Belt initiative. The C5 are all China's important BRI partners. The choice of venue for this meeting, the city of Xi'an, cradle of the ancient Silk Road, carries special significance. We believe this event will be a complete success, contributing to fresh progress in China-C5 relations and BRI cooperation.
深圳卫视记者:5月9日,俄罗斯在莫斯科红场举行盛大阅兵式,庆祝卫国战争胜利76周年。俄罗斯总统普京在致辞中表示,个别国家正试图重拾纳粹主义,奉行“本国例外”政策,俄一贯捍卫国际法准则,将坚定维护国家利益和人民安全。中方对此有何评论? Shenzhen TV: Russia held a grand military parade in Moscow's Red Square on May 9 to commemorate the 76th anniversary of the Soviet victory in the Great Patriotic War. Russian President Putin said in his address that those who are "obsessed with the delusional theory of their exclusivity" are in fact utilizing aspects of Nazi ideology. He added that Russia consistently defends international law and firmly protects national interests and the security of its people. Do you have any comment? 华春莹:我们注意到昨天俄罗斯成功举办纪念卫国战争胜利76周年盛大阅兵仪式,对此表示诚挚祝贺。今年是第二次世界大战胜利76周年,中国和俄罗斯分别是第二次世界大战亚洲和欧洲主战场,为二战取得最终胜利付出惨烈的民族牺牲,作出巨大历史贡献。 Hua Chunying: We noted that Russia successfully held a grand military parade to commemorate the 76th anniversary of the Soviet victory in the Great Patriotic War. We expressed sincere congratulations. This year marks the 76th anniversary of the victory of WWII. China and Russia, as the main theaters in Asia and Europe during the war, made huge and painful sacrifices for and tremendous historical contributions to the final victory.这几年来,有国家奉行单边主义、保护主义错误政策,固守零和博弈思想,在国际上大肆炒作意识形态和政治制度差异,企图搞“小圈子”制造分裂,搞集团政治。在这样的国际形势下,中俄始终肩并肩站在一起,在涉及彼此核心利益问题上相互坚定支持,坚决反对霸权霸凌霸道,共同捍卫国际公平正义。面对世纪疫情和百年变局,中方将继续同俄方及国际社会一道,坚决捍卫二战胜利成果,捍卫来之不易的和平,坚定维护以联合国为核心的国际体系和以国际法为基础的国际秩序,坚守和平、发展、公平、正义、民主、自由的全人类共同价值,推动构建人类命运共同体。 Over the past few years, a certain country has been pursuing the erroneous policy of unilateralism and protectionism, clinging to the mindset of zero-sum game and hyping up differences of ideology and political system in an attempt to create cliques and divisions and pursue bloc politics. Against such a backdrop, China and Russia always stand side by side to support each other on issues concerning respective core interests, firmly reject hegemony and bullying and jointly uphold international equity and justice. In the face of the once-in-a-century pandemic and changes, China will continue to work with Russia and the rest of the international community to defend the victory of WWII and hard-won peace, firmly safeguard the UN-centered international system and the international order based on international law, adhere to the common value of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom held by all, and build a community with a shared future for mankind.
中央广播电视总台记者:日前,世卫组织总干事谭德塞宣布将中国国药新冠疫苗列入紧急使用清单,成为清单内首支非西方疫苗,也是中国防治传染病疫苗首次获得世卫紧急使用授权。中方对此有何评论?中方此前宣布向COVAX提供1000万剂疫苗,下步如何考虑? CNR: Recently, WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros announced that Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine was listed for emergency use. The vaccine is the first developed by a non-Western country to be included in the Emergency Use Listing (EUL). It is also the first time the WHO has given emergency use approval to a Chinese vaccine for any infectious disease. Do you have any comment? China earlier announced that it would provide 10 million doses to COVAX. What will you do in the future?华春莹:正如世卫组织总干事谭德塞所言,中国国药新冠疫苗是世卫组织认证的安全、有效、高质量的疫苗。中方将继续同国际社会一道促进疫苗在发展中国家公平可及,为人类早日战胜疫情作出贡献。中方已宣布向“新冠疫苗实施计划”(COVAX)提供1000万剂疫苗,主要用于发展中国家急需。中方言出必行,我们正就此同世卫组织保持密切沟通。
Hua Chunying: As Dr. Tedros said, the Sinopharm vaccine received WHO validation for safety, efficacy and quality. China will continue to work with the international community to promote vaccine equity and accessibility in the developing world and contribute to mankind's early victory over COVID-19. China has announced to provide 10 million doses of vaccines to COVAX mainly to meet the urgent need of developing countries. We will honor words with actions. We are keeping close communication with the WHO on this.
Al Jazeera: As Ramadan continues, Israeli police illegally broke into the holy Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem for no good reason and attacked Palestinians with rubber bullets, leaving hundreds wounded. As the clash roils on, Israel's provocations have drawn concerns and condemnation from many countries. Do you have any comment?
Hua Chunying: China is concerned about the escalating tension between Israel and Palestine over the past couple of days. We call for calm and restraint to avoid more injuries from the clash. In the meantime, we hope that relevant parties of the international community will work for an early resumption of peace talks between Israel and Palestine according to relevant UN resolutions and on the basis of the two-state solution. China is ready to play a constructive role in this.
Xinhua News Agency: We noted that Cuban Ambassador to China Carlos Pereira, speaking at the Seminar on Poverty Alleviation, Development and Progress of Human Rights in China held in the city of Ningde, Fujian Province on May 8, commended China's achievement in eradicating extreme poverty while fighting COVID-19 as a brave victory. For over 60 years, Cuba has been suffering from a US blockade tantamount to genocide, Ambassador Pereira said, adding that Cuba rejects politicization of or double standard on human rights. Do you have any comment?
Hua Chunying: I also note relevant reports. This Seminar on Poverty Alleviation, Development and Progress of Human Rights in China was part of a visit to Ningde, Fujian Province by diplomats from 13 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America including Cameroon, South Africa and Cuba at the invitation of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC). Through field trips and seminars, the diplomats saw with their own eyes China's achievement in poverty-alleviation, development and human rights as well as local people's heartfelt joy and sense of gain, getting a deeper understanding of the people-centered development concept and governing philosophy upheld by the CPC and the Chinese government.
The inherent mandate of the international human rights cause is to enable every human being, regardless of nationality, ethnicity and cultural background, to enjoy equal freedoms and rights as well as decent food, clothing, health, housing, employment and education. Committed to a people-centered human rights philosophy, China always strives for greater progress in this field. Our objective is to ensure national security, ethnic harmony, social stability, equity, justice, economic and ecological well-being and to deliver tangible benefits to all the Chinese people. To leave no one behind in the pursuit of happiness for the 1.4 billion Chinese people and to make sure that no one is suffering from war, turmoil, poverty, hunger or epidemic, this is the achievement of China's human rights endeavor and the CPC's tremendous contribution to the global human rights cause. At the same time, China has been engaging actively in international human rights dialogue and cooperation and supporting the developing world in growing the economy to benefit the people in Asia, Africa, Latin America and other places. According to a World Bank report, BRI projects could help lift 7.6 million people out of extreme poverty and 32 million people out of moderate poverty across the world by 2030.
The US, in contrast, has been violating human rights while preaching the cause of human rights. For instance, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, it kept unilateral sanctions on Cuba, Venezuela, Syria and Iran in disregard of their basic need to contain the virus and save lives. This has gravely threatened the basic human rights including the right to life, health and development of the people in these countries. For the 28th consecutive year, the UN General Assembly has adopted a resolution calling for an end to the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed on Cuba by the US.
Human rights should not be used as a pretext to suppress other countries. The US should immediately stop and redress its erroneous approach of politicizing and weaponizing human rights and applying double standard, and immediately lift all illegal unilateral sanctions and embargo on countries like Cuba. This is also what the international community is calling for.
KBS: Almost 100 days has passed since Myanmar was plunged into turmoil. China can play a very important role in resolving the situation. Where do you stand on this?
华春莹:缅甸是东盟大家庭的成员,中国是缅甸山水相连的邻邦,中方对目前缅甸局势十分关切。中方支持缅甸各党各派在宪法和法律框架下,致力于通过对话寻找政治解决分歧的路径,继续推进得来不易并适合缅国情的民主转型进程;支持东盟坚持不干涉内政原则和协商一致传统,作为成熟的地区组织,以东盟方式鼓励并建设性参与缅甸内部和解进程;支持在东盟框架内,共同探讨缓解局势、解决问题的有效办法。同时,我们主张要避免继续发生流血冲突和平民伤亡,防止局势恶化甚至失控;避免联合国安理会不当介入,损害缅主权并导致事态进一步复杂化;避免一些外部势力在缅甸国内推波助澜、火上浇油,通过搞乱缅甸谋取私利。 Hua Chunying: As a close neighbor of Myanmar, China is highly concerned about the current situation in the country, which is a member of the big ASEAN family. China supports parties in Myanmar in seeking a political solution through dialogue within the constitutional and legal framework, and advancing the hard-won democratic transition process suited to Myanmar's national conditions. We also support ASEAN, a mature regional organization, in upholding the principle of non-interference and the tradition of consensus-based decision-making to encourage and constructively participate in Myanmar's internal reconciliation process in the ASEAN Way. China also supports joint efforts to explore effective ways to ease the situation and solve the issue within the ASEAN framework. At the same time, we appeal for efforts to avoid further bloodshed, conflicts and civilian casualties, and prevent the situation from deteriorating or even spiraling out of control; to avoid improper intervention of the UN Security Council, lest it should undermine Myanmar's sovereignty and further complicate the situation; and to avoid external maneuvers to add fuel to the flames and mess up Myanmar in pursuit of selfish gains.中方希望并相信东盟将持续发挥建设性作用,积极协助缅甸推进国内政治和解,切实维护东盟团结合作和地区和平稳定。中方将继续同东盟保持密切沟通,支持东盟的斡旋努力,并继续以自己的方式做缅甸各方工作,争取推动缅甸局势早日实现“软着陆”。
China hopes and believes that ASEAN will continue to play a constructive role in promoting political reconciliation in Myanmar and safeguarding ASEAN solidarity and cooperation as well as regional peace and stability. We will continue to stay in close communication with ASEAN and support its mediation efforts, while reaching out to parties in Myanmar in our own way, so as to facilitate an early "soft landing" for the situation in Myanmar.
CCTV: Recently, the Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research (TFF) based in Sweden released a feature report titled "The Xinjiang Genocide Determination As Agenda" to debunk the false accusation of "genocide" in Xinjiang fabricated by the US and other Western countries. The independent US website Counterpunch published an article titled "Reflections on Genocide as the Ultimate Crime", saying that the US allegation of "genocide" in Xinjiang was motivated by ideological posturing and was "unsupported by even a hint of evidence". Do you have any comment?
Hua Chunying: I read relevant articles. The increasing objective voices across the world on Xinjiang we've seen recently show that justice will eventually prevail.
As pointed out in the TFF report, the relevant US think tanks and authors of the "report" accusing China of committing genocide in Xinjiang have obvious political leanings, and the "report" seriously violates academic norms and intentionally neglects the definition of "genocide" and such important factors as terrorism. It comes to the conclusion that the so-called "report" by relevant US think tanks lacks credibility, parts of it would hardly pass as a paper for an MA course, and the empirical basis for accusing China of "genocide" is surprisingly weak.
As for the article published by the US website Counterpunch, it is co-authored by a human rights expert and a renowned professor of international law, who made in-depth elaborations on Xinjiang-related issues from a professional perspective. Their observations carry weight and are supported by convincing evidence. As they pointed out in the article, genocide is a well-defined term in international law. Allegation that China was committing genocide in Xinjiang was unsupported by even a hint of evidence. The US interest in the fate of the Uyghur people is not motivated by the protection of human rights, but rather geopolitics. The above-mentioned report and article happen to present the same view with many academic experts and journalists from the US, Australia, Sweden, Norway, Singapore and other countries.
China has talked about the stability and development in Xinjiang many times. We introduced our Xinjiang policy and debunked the despicable moves and vicious intention by some people to fabricate and spread lies and rumors on Xinjiang. The report and article again corroborated that. On Xinjiang-related issues, we hope that there can be more facts and truth, fewer lies and rumors; more objectivity and justice, less rumor-mongering and smearing; and more communication and cooperation, less political manipulation.
The door to Xinjiang is always open. We welcome people from other countries to visit Xinjiang and learn the truth about it. With abundant facts and truth, the lies of "genocide" in Xinjiang concocted by anti-China forces will never find a foothold.
俄新社记者:中国火箭残骸落入印度洋后,美国国家航空航天局局长比尔·纳尔逊称,中国在空间碎片方面没有达到负责任的态度。中方对此有何评论? RIA Novosti: After the debris of a Chinese rocket fell into the Indian Ocean, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said that China is failing to meet responsible standard regarding the space debris. I wonder what is your comment?华春莹:这几天美国等个别国家渲染炒作中国火箭残骸坠落问题。但我们已经看到有关报道,火箭末级已经再入大气层,没有对地面造成危害的报道。
Hua Chunying: The US and a few other countries have been hyping up the landing of the Chinese rocket debris over the past days. But as we've seen from reports, the upper stage of the rocket has reentered the atmosphere and there's no surface damage reported.
You mentioned some comments from the NASA administrator. We've learned from China Manned Space Engineering Office that it is currently common practice across the world for launch vehicles of spacecraft to undergo natural orbital decay after passing orbital altitude and then eventually be ablated upon reentry into the atmosphere. On April 29 Beijing time, the Long March-5B Y2 rocket successfully sent into orbit the space station's core module Tianhe. China has been following closely the upper stage's reentry into the atmosphere. The upper stage of this rocket has been deactivated, which means that it will not explode in orbit and produce space debris, and most of its parts will burn up upon reentry, making the likelihood of damage to aviation or ground facilities and activities extremely low.
China monitored closely the reentry trajectory throughout the process and released a notice on the reentry in advance. We know from monitoring and analysis that the upper stage has landed in a sea area with the center at 2.65 degrees north latitude and 72.47 degrees east longitude at 10:24 a.m. on May 9. So far no damage has been reported.
In fact, the Chinese side shared its reentry forecast through international cooperation mechanisms. We always conduct activities for peaceful uses of outer space in accordance with international law and customary practice. We stand ready to have broader exchange and cooperation with other countries on the issue of space debris to ensure the long-term sustainability of space activities.
However, I would like to point out that some media and individuals in the US clearly hold double standard on this issue. You may recall that in March this year, when a piece of a SpaceX rocket crashed on a farm in the country, American media used such romantic descriptions as "lighting up the night sky like a meteor, producing a spectacular light show". But when it comes to China, the tune is completely different. I noticed some jesting online in China, saying that US politicians may be forgetful, but the Internet has a long memory. We stand ready to strengthen cooperation with other countries including the US, but we reject double standard on this issue.
路透社记者:跟进一下。中国是否提前告知了印度政府火箭残骸将落在附近? Reuters: Just to follow up on that. Did China notify the Indian and Maldives governments in advance that the debris would fall close to them?华春莹:我刚才已经说了,中方的航天主管部门多次对外通报了长征五号B遥二运载火箭末级残骸再入大气层的有关情况,并且通过国际合作机制共享再入预测结果。截止目前,没有任何有关残骸对地面造成危害的报道。
Hua Chunying: As I just said, China's space authority has released information several times on the reentry of upper stage debris of the Long March-5B Y2 rocket and shared reentry forecast via international cooperation mechanisms. To date no damage by the landing debris has been reported.
I've seen reports that since the launch of the first man-made satellite over 60 years ago, not a single incident has occurred where a piece of debris hit someone. US experts put the chances of that at less than one in a billion. For incidents of such infinitesimal likelihood, we should trust the judgement of professional departments and personnel and leave them to handle the matter. There is really no need for media to exaggerate things and create panic.
香港中评社记者:我们注意到国药集团生产的新冠疫苗被世界卫生组织批准用于紧急使用之后,有外媒称世界“变得越来越依赖中国疫苗”。请问中方对此有何评论? China Review News: We noticed that after the Sinopharm vaccine is listed by the WHO for emergency use, foreign media are saying that the world is becoming increasingly reliant on Chinese vaccines. Do you have a comment? 华春莹:我可以告诉你的是,中国是目前向发展中国家提供疫苗最多的国家。中方一贯致力于构建人类卫生健康共同体。我们最早提出并一直在身体力行践行疫苗作为全球公共产品的承诺。中国已经陆续向80多个发展中国家提供疫苗援助,向50多个国家出口疫苗,为消除“免疫鸿沟”作出了不断努力。 Hua Chunying: What I can tell you is that China is providing more vaccines to developing countries than any other country. China is committed to building a community of health for all. We are the first to pledge to make vaccines a global public good and we are honoring our words with concrete actions. China has offered vaccine assistance to over 80 developing countries and exported doses to over 50 countries, as part of our continuous effort to remove "vaccine divide".疫苗是战胜疫情的重要武器。我们希望其他有条件、有能力的国家都能尽快行动起来,争先恐后地为发展中国家更及时地提供更多的疫苗,促进疫苗在全球的公平分配和使用,杜绝囤积疫苗。 Vaccines are important weapons to fight the virus. We hope countries with the conditions and capabilities can take prompt actions to offer more, timely doses to developing countries to promote the equitable distribution and application of vaccines across the world, and reject hoarding vaccines.
彭博社记者:菲律宾军方称将要求杜特尔特总统为在南海岛礁上建立后勤中心拨款,并称此举意在将中国“海上民兵船”和其他船只从菲专属经济区赶走。中方对此有何评论? Bloomberg: A question on the South China Sea. The Philippines military has said that it will ask President Duterte to fund a logistics hub on the South China Sea islands. The objective is to drive away Chinese maritime militia and other Chinese vessels from their exclusive economic zone. Does the foreign ministry have any comment?华春莹:关于南海问题,中方的立场是明确的、一贯的,也是坚定的。
Hua Chunying: China's position on the South China Sea issue is clear, firm and consistent.
The South China Sea issue might be an issue between China and the Philippines, but it is not insoluble. China and the Philippines enjoy a friendship spanning thousands of years whereas the South China Sea issue arose only several decades ago. Our two countries have reached the consensus to properly and peacefully handle the issue through dialogue and negotiation. China and other ASEAN countries also share the same consensus to properly handle relevant issues through dialogue and negotiation while jointly safeguarding peace and stability in the South China Sea. We hope certain individuals will refrain from stirring up trouble on this issue.
China News Service: Some US officials recently accused the Chinese government of using state media and their platforms to engage in propaganda and spread disinformation overseas in an attempt to disrupt and undermine democracy while restricting freedom of press and speech at home. Do you have any comment?
华春莹:美方一些人借口新闻和言论自由不断无端抹黑攻击中国,这种做法本身就是在散布虚假信息,才是对真正的自由和民主的亵渎。 Hua Chunying: Some in the US, in the name of freedom of press and speech, wantonly smear and attack China. This in itself is spreading disinformation and a travesty of real freedom and democracy.如果他们真的维护自由,为什么只许自己造谣惑众,却不许别人讲述真相?如果他们真的维护自由,为什么维基解密的创始人阿桑奇会被迫在厄瓜多尔驻英使馆藏身七年,最后还是被关进了监狱?如果他们真的维护自由,为什么不尊重甚至容不下其他文明和制度?如果他们真的维护自由,为什么打压同其所谓“政治正确”不同的观点和人?如果他们真的维护自由,为什么要剥夺打压其他国家正常发展的权利和自由? If they are truly defending freedom, why won't they allow others to tell the truth when they are making up lies to confuse public opinion? If they are truly defending freedom, why is it that Mr. Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, was thrown in prison after being forced to shelter in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London for seven years? If they are truly defending freedom, why not respect or at least tolerate the existence of other civilizations and systems? If they are truly defending freedom, why target views different from its "political correctness" and repress those holding such views? If they are truly defending freedom, why deprive other countries of their right and freedom to normal development and suppress them?
Al Jazeera: May 15 is Palestine's Nakba Day. The Israeli attack took place in Jerusalem. Does China recognize East Jerusalem as Palestine's capital? And does China see this attack as an act of aggression on the Palestinian territory?
华春莹:我刚才已经表示,中方对近期巴以紧张局势升级表示担忧,希望保持冷静和克制,避免造成更多人员受伤。中方希望国际社会有关各方在“两国方案”的基础上,根据联合国有关决议,推动巴以双方早日重启和谈。 Hua Chunying: As I just said, China is concerned about the escalating tension between Israel and Palestine recently. We hope they can remain calm and exercise restraint to avoid more injuries. We hope that relevant parties of the international community will work for an early resumption of peace talks between the two sides according to relevant UN resolutions and on the basis of the two-state solution.在巴勒斯坦问题上,中方一直秉持客观公正的立场,中方一贯支持巴勒斯坦人民的正义事业,支持建立以1967年边界为基础、以东耶路撒冷为首都、拥有完全主权的、独立的巴勒斯坦国。习近平主席数次向联合国声援巴勒斯坦人民国际日纪念大会发贺电。中方同情巴勒斯坦境内外人民的遭遇,将继续以实际行动来为早日实现巴勒斯坦问题的全面公正解决和中东的持久和平贡献中方的力量和智慧。 On the Palestine question, China always holds an objective and just position. We support the just cause of the Palestinian people and support the establishment of an independent Palestinian state that enjoys full sovereignty, with East Jerusalem as its capital and based on the 1967 border. For multiple times, President Xi Jinping sent congratulatory messages to meetings held by the UN to observe the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. We sympathize with the sufferings of refugees both in and outside Palestine. China will continue to contribute through concrete actions its strength and wisdom to the comprehensive and just resolution of the Palestinian issue at an early date and to lasting peace in the Middle East.
Reuters: There are reports that China asked UN member states not to attend a virtual Xinjiang event planned by Germany, the US and the UK on Wednesday. Do you have any comment?
华春莹:美国常驻联合国代表团试图伙同英国、德国纠集少数国家搞所谓涉疆问题视频会议,还妄称这是联合国的边会,这不禁让人想起今年1月美前常驻联合国代表克拉夫特滥用其权利,潜入联合国大厅摆拍与台湾学生交流视频的闹剧。美国纠集少数几个国家滥用联合国资源和平台抹黑攻击中国、服务自身政治私利,完全是对联合国的亵渎。同时必须指出,美国、英国、德国等几个西方国家根本代表不了联合国,更代表不了国际社会。 Hua Chunying: The US, rallying a handful of countries like the UK and Germany, plans to hold the so-called virtual meeting on Xinjiang and falsely calls it a sideline event of the UN. This reminds me of the farce back in January this year when US Permanent Representative to the UN Kelly Craft, abusing her capacity, sneaked into the UN General Assembly Hall to make a video of virtual interaction with students in Taiwan. The US and the few countries it has assembled are abusing the resources and platform of the UN to smear and attack China to serve selfish political interests. This is a shameful travesty of the UN. I must point out that a handful of Western countries such as the US, the UK and Germany can by no means represent the UN, even less the international community.美方口口声声关心穆斯林人权,但我们都知道,世界上杀害穆斯林最多的国家恰恰正是美国。且不论美国内长期无法根除的系统性种族歧视,美国在全球约80个国家以“反恐”之名发动战争和军事行动,已经导致80多万人直接死于战争暴力,其中大多数是平民,数千万人流离失所。阿富汗、伊拉克、叙利亚等国至今仍有约2000多万人生活在极端恶劣条件下。美国内已有近60万民众死于新冠肺炎疫情,我刚看到华盛顿大学有关研究估计美实际死亡数字可能还远高于这一数字。美方漠视其在阿富汗、伊拉克、叙利亚等国行动造成近百万穆斯林民众死亡,漠视本国至少60万人死于疫情,却不惜成本、不择手段、反复炮制所谓新疆“人权问题”的谎言,这是非常虚伪的! The US claims that it cares about the human rights of Muslims, but it is the US that killed more Muslims than any other country in the world. Putting aside the long-standing systemic racial discrimination in the US, we know the US has waged wars and carried out military operations in the name of "counterterrorism" in 80-plus countries around the world. More than 800,000 people have died from direct war violence, most of whom were civilians, and tens of millions of people have been displaced. Today, over 20 million people in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and other countries are still living in extreme conditions. Nearly 600,000 Americans have died from COVID-19, and I noted that a study by the University of Washington estimates the real number may far exceed that. How hypocritical it is for the US to watch callously as tens of thousands of Muslims in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria died at its hand, and as more than 600,000 Americans died from COVID-19, and then to go all out and fabricate the so-called human rights issues in Xinjiang!
If there were a real human rights problem in Xinjiang, wouldn't the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and its over 50 member states be more concerned than the US? The OIC sent a delegation to visit Xinjiang upon invitation, during which it fully recognized the importance the Chinese government attaches to protecting the rights of Muslim believers and spoke highly of China's preventive counterterrorism and de-radicalization efforts. At the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council, more than 80 countries, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other Muslim countries, voiced their support for China's position on Xinjiang-related issues in different ways. For the United States, a country that has killed nearly a million Muslims and infringed upon the human rights of tens of millions more, to profess concern over the human rights of Uyghurs in Xinjiang is just like the weasel paying respect to the hen without the best of intentions.
Beijing Youth Daily: On May 7, US Secretary of State Blinken released a statement calling on the WHO Director-General to invite Taiwan to participate as an observer at the WHA. The statement reads that "excluding the interests of 24 million people at the WHA serves only to imperil, not advance, our shared global health objectives" and would be detrimental to collective international efforts to prevent future health crises. The G7 foreign ministers' meeting also issued a communiqué earlier, voicing support for "Taiwan's meaningful participation in World Health Organisation forums and the World Health Assembly". Do you have a comment?
华春莹:中方此前已就G7外长会联合公报有关涉台内容表明了严正立场。美国务卿布林肯的有关声明严重违背一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报规定,严重干涉中国内政,中方对此表示强烈不满和坚决反对。 Hua Chunying: China has stated its solemn position on the content concerning Taiwan in the communiqué of the G7 foreign ministers' meeting. The statement by US Secretary of State Blinken gravely violates the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiqués and interferes in China's domestic affairs. We deplore and reject it.15
Global Times: It is reported that as it conducted an investigation into the origins of COVID-19, the US State Department obtained an internal document written by scientists from the Air Force Medical University of the People's Liberation Army and senior Chinese public health officials in 2015. The paper says that SARScoronaviruses can be "artificially manipulated into an emerging humandisease virus, then weaponised and unleashed in a way never seen before". What's your comment?
华春莹:我看到了有关报道。美方一些人动辄炒作、援引所谓“内部文件”、“报告”对中国进行污蔑抹黑,但最终都被事实和真相证明他们要么是恶人先告状,做断章取义、有罪推定的恶意解读,要么是在散布彻头彻尾的谎言。 Hua Chunying: I note reports on this. Some in the US take every opportunity to cite and play up so-called "internal documents" and "reports" to denigrate and smear China. However, facts and truth always prove that they are either the offender playing the defendant, or making vicious interpretations by taking words out of context or with presumption of guilt, or spreading sheer lies.中方一贯严格履行《禁止生物武器公约》义务,不发展、不研制、不生产生物武器。同时,中方已就生物实验室安全建立了一套完善的法律法规、技术规范和管理体系。 China has always strictly fulfilled its obligations under the Biological Weapons Convention and doesn't develop, research or produce bio-weapons. China has put in place a complete set of laws and regulations, technical standards and management system on the safety of bio-labs.
我还想指出,世界上很多国家对美国在其国内和全球建立的生物实验室存在着严重关切。据报道,美国在包括非洲、中东、东南亚以及前苏联地区的25个国家和地区设立了200多个海外生物实验室,其中有些实验室所在地曾经暴发过大规模传染病。据《今日美国报》报道,2003年以来,美国国内外生物实验室发生了数百起人类意外接触致命微生物事故,形成流行病疫情。2019年6月,美国媒体就开始报道德特里克堡生物基地问题,但近2年过去了,美国官方对此始终讳莫如深、遮遮掩掩。我们注意到,俄罗斯方面也有官员表示,俄方认为美国控制的实验室在俄罗斯和中国边界附近开发生物武器。 I also want to point out that many countries are gravely concerned about bio-labs built by the US both within its borders and overseas. It is reported that the US has over 200 overseas bio-labs in 25 countries and regions including Africa, Middle East, South Asia and the former Soviet Union. The sites where some bio-labs are based have seen outbreaks of large-scale infectious diseases. A USA TODAY Network investigation reveals that since 2003, hundreds of lab incidents have occurred in the US biological laboratories where humans had accidental contact with deadly pathogens, leading to epidemics. Since June 2019, US media have been reporting on problems at Fort Detrick. However, nearly two years on, the US government still remains reticent on this. A Russian official recently said that Russia believes that labs under US control along the Russia-China border are developing biological weapons.
人们特别想了解的是,美方为什么要满世界建这么多的生物实验室?目的到底是什么?美国从相关国家到底攫取了多少敏感生物资源和信息?美方在那些实验室里到底干着什么活动?美国在德特里克堡基地到底开展了什么活动?这些生物实验室和美方“下一代生物武器”的研究之间是什么关系?对于这些问题,希望美方能够给予国际社会一个诚实、透明、负责任的解释。 People are eager to know: Why did the US set up so many bio-labs around the world? What's it after? How much sensitive biological resources and information did the US acquire from relevant countries? What activities are carried out at Fort Detrick and its overseas bio-labs? Are they somehow linked to the US research on "next generation bioweapons"? The US owes the international community an honest, transparent and responsible answer to those question.
以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021-5-10的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!