喜欢口译的同学,大多抱有一个外交官的理想,而双语例行记者会上快节奏的你问我答及现场翻译,则给我们提供了宝贵的学习资源。下面是小编整理的关于【双语】例行记者会 2021-5-19的资料,希望大家在这些唇枪舌剑中,提升英语,更热爱祖国!
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian'sRegular Press Conference on May 19, 20211
香港中评社记者:据报道,18日,美国国务卿布林肯谈及联合国安理会有关巴以问题时称,美并未妨碍安理会外交行动。相反,美正持续开展安静密集的外交活动。问题是任何特定行动或声明是否真的有助于推动结束暴力。中方对此有何评论? China Review News: It is reported that when talking about the Israeli-Palestinian issue at the UN Security Council on Tuesday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said "We're not standing in the way of diplomacy. On the contrary... we're exercising it virtually non stop", and that the US was "engaged in quiet, but very intensive diplomacy." The US top diplomat added that "the question is, would any given action or any given statement actually advance the goal of ending the violence." Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:我不知道美方所说的“安静密集的外交活动”具体指什么,实际又起到了什么效果。我们看到的,是连日来巴以冲突持续升级,是包括妇女儿童在内的无辜平民的悲惨遭遇;我们听到的,是从战乱和废墟中发出的、对和平的渴望和呐喊。 Zhao Lijian: I wonder what the US means by "quiet, but very intensive diplomacy" and what difference that makes. What we see is the continuous escalation of Palestine-Israel conflict and the tragedy of the civilians including women and children; what we hear is the call and cry for peace from the ruins and chaos of war.近日,王毅国务委员在安理会巴以冲突问题紧急公开会上就缓解紧张局势提出的重要主张,在国际社会引发热烈反响。广大阿拉伯国家和伊斯兰国家纷纷赞赏中国坚持国际准则和公平道义,认为中方立场和主张体现了负责任大国担当和在巴勒斯坦问题上始终秉持的公正立场,真正说到了阿拉伯和伊斯兰国家人民的心坎上。
At the recent UNSC open debate on Palestine-Israel conflict, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi put forward important proposals on easing tensions, which were warmly echoed by the international community. Arab and Islamic states have commended China for adhering to international rules and justice and fairness, believing that China's position and proposition have shown China's responsibility as a major country and its adherence to justice on the Palestinian question, and struck a chord with the people of these countries.
History is an impartial recorder. We hope the US will match its words with deeds, truly come back to multilateralism, shoulder its due responsibility as a major country and support the Security Council in playing a due role in easing the situation, rebuilding trust and advancing political settlement.
日本富士电视台记者:据美国媒体报道,由于使用涉嫌新疆“强迫劳动”生产的棉花,今年1月美国海关部门停止了一批优衣库衬衫的进口审批。5月10日,优衣库提交未使用新疆棉花的证据,但美方以“证据不足”拒绝采用。你对此有何看法? Fuji TV: According to US media, the US customs agency stopped the approval of Uniqlo shirts in January for suspected use of Xinjiang cotton produced by "forced labor". On May 10, Uniqlo provided proof that it didn't use Xinjiang cotton. Still, the US rejected it by saying that Uniqlo didn't provide enough information. Do you have any comment?赵立坚:关于“强迫劳动”,我们已经多次阐述中方的原则立场。中国新疆没有所谓的“强迫劳动”,只有自愿就业、自主择业。个别西方国家政客和反华势力散布的有关谎言纯粹是打着“人权”的幌子打压中国的特定企业和产业,服务他们祸乱新疆、遏制中国发展的险恶阴谋。
Zhao Lijian: China has stated its principles and position on "forced labor" on many occasions. There is no "forced labor" in Xinjiang, only voluntary employment and free choice in the labor market. Certain Western politicians and anti-China forces spread lies to suppress certain companies and industries in China under the pretext of human rights, as part of their sinister conspiracy of containing China's development by disrupting Xinjiang.
Al Jazeera: As a permanent member of the Security Council, will China consider starting a new institution or mechanism to resolve the Palestine-Israel issue? Is China capable of taking actions on the Israeli activities under the UN framework? Some people think that China's statement and position failed to influence Palestine and Israel. What's your take on the deteriorating situation?
Zhao Lijian: The Middle East peace process is always on our mind. China always upholds equity and justice and supports all efforts conducive to easing tensions. The first special envoy named by the Chinese government is for the Middle East issue. China has all along been in close communication with relevant parties in the region and beyond to actively support and advance the Middle East peace process. Since assuming the rotating presidency of the Security Council, China has made addressing the tensions in the Middle East a top priority and convened several rounds of consultations on the Palestinian question at the Security Council. Just the other day, China put forward important proposals on deescalating the situation at a Security Council open debate on the Palestine-Israel conflict. The proposals, consistent with the mainstream international opinion, were well-received in the international community.
I would like to stress that with regard to the current tensions between Palestine and Israel, international support is a due obligation and the two-state solution is the fundamental way forward. The Security Council must take strong actions and reiterate its firm support for the two-state solution to bring down the temperature as soon as possible. All parties should assume due responsibilities and adopt a just position to support the Council's role in easing the situation, rebuilding trust and advancing political settlement.
China will strengthen efforts to promote peace talks, make sure the Council fulfills its mandate and plays its role and contribute to the comprehensive, just and durable settlement of the Palestinian question.
Hubei Media Group: April 2021 has seen China-Europe Railway Express complete 1,218 services, carrying 117,000 TEUs of goods, up by 24% and 33% year on year respectively. The China-Europe Railway Express has been running over 1,000 trips per month for 12 consecutive months. Could you tell me a bit more on this topic?
Zhao Lijian: This year marks the 10th anniversary of the opening of the China-EU Railway Express. On March 19, 2011, the first China Europe train departed from Chongqing of China bound for Duisburg of Germany, serving as a new "steel camel fleet" between Asia and Europe.
Over the past ten years, China-Europe freight trains have been offering more frequent services with enlarged rail networks. The annual number of China-Europe freight trains has grown from less than 20 to more than 12,000, with an average annual growth rate of 108%. Up to now, China-Europe freight trains have made a total of 38,000 trips, carrying 3.4 million TEUs of goods, reaching 151 cities in 22 European countries, with logistics distribution network covering the entire Europe. In particular, amid the pandemic, the sustained, orderly and smooth China-Europe freight train service has opened up a "cargo lifeline" carrying anti-epidemic supplies for all relevant countries to fight the virus together, illustrating the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind, and playing an important role in protecting lives and health of people of all countries along the routes.
Across the Eurasian continent where there was the ancient Silk Road for camel caravans and merchant vessels on their trade routes, there's now the China-Europe Railway Express hailed as a "steel camel fleet", which is sure to lend fresh impetus to BRI cooperation and bring more benefits to the countries and peoples along the route.
Reuters: Politico has reported that the European Parliament is expected to pass a motion tomorrow formally freezing the investment agreement with China. Do you have a comment?
赵立坚:我注意到有关报道,在此重申三点:Zhao Lijian: I noted relevant reports and want to reiterate three points.
First, the China-EU investment agreement is a balanced and win-win deal that benefits both sides, rather than a "gift" or favor bestowed by one side to the other. An early ratification of the agreement is in the interests of both China and the EU. The two sides should make positive efforts for this to happen.
Second, China decided to sanction relevant EU entities and individuals on the EU side who maliciously spread Xinjiang-related lies and disinformation and severely harmed China's sovereignty and interests out of the need to safeguard its own interests. This is a necessary, legitimate and just reaction to the EU's moves of imposing sanctions and seeking confrontation. Facts are clear on who is making provocations first and who is playing justifiable defense, and who is right and who is wrong.
Third, China has every sincerity in developing its relations with the EU. That said, we will firmly safeguard its sovereignty, security and development interests. Sanctions and confrontation cannot solve the problems; dialogue and cooperation is the right way forward. We hope the EU can make in-depth reflections, immediately stop interfering in China's internal affairs, and enhance mutual understanding and properly manage differences through dialogue and communication, so as to promote the sound and steady development of China-EU relations.
China News Service: Due to the impact brought by changes in the natural environment, the issue of conserving the Arctic has drawn increasing attention. China joined the negotiations of the agreement on fisheries in the Arctic high seas. We learned that China has completed relevant domestic procedures to approve the agreement. Can you tell us more about it?
Zhao Lijian: As you mentioned, China has recently completed the domestic work to approve the Agreement to Prevent Unregulated High Seas Fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean. Filling in the blanks in the Arctic fisheries governance, this Agreement marks an important progress in international governance and rules-making in the Arctic, and has important significance in promoting environmental conservation and sustainable development in the Arctic.
As one of the ten signatories to the Agreement, China is deeply involved in the whole process of the negotiations on the Agreement and made important contributions to its final signing. China looks forward to staying in communication with other signatories on establishing the rules for the Joint Programme of Scientific Research and Monitoring and exploratory fishing under the Agreement. We hope to jointly enhance fisheries resource management in the Arctic high seas and protect the Arctic marine ecology.
日本广播协会记者:18日,美国众议长佩洛西以中国“侵犯人权”为理由,呼吁各国“外交抵制”北京2022年冬奥会。中方对此有何评论? NHK: On May 18, US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for a diplomatic boycott among countries of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, criticizing China for human rights abuses. Does China have a comment on this?赵立坚:美方个别人基于意识形态和政治偏见,借所谓人权问题对中方污蔑抹黑,企图干扰、阻碍、破坏北京冬奥会的筹办和举行,中方表示强烈不满和坚决反对。美方个别人的言论充斥着谎言和虚假信息,是典型的美式闹剧,注定不得人心,也不会得逞。
Zhao Lijian: China deplores and rejects the attempt by certain US individuals to sling mud at China and sabotage the preparation and holding of the Beijing Winter Olympics by playing the human rights card out of ideological and political prejudice. These people's remarks are filled with shameless lies and disinformation. Their typical US-style staged farce will gain no support and is doomed to fail.
I wonder what makes these US individuals feel they have the "moral authority", and what gives them the confidence when they are being utterly ignorant? For four centuries, racism has been a scar on the American society that is still bleeding to this day. More than 4.7 million American Indians have been subjected to genocide; tens of thousands of people like George Floyd cannot breathe; and Asian Americans fall victim to hate crimes. The US history is a record of blood and tears of the Indians, of slavery and exploitation of the black people, and of humiliation to minority groups. At the UN Human Rights Council, nearly 120 countries criticized the US for its deplorable record of suppressing ethnic minorities. The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination also issued a statement expressing concern about the frequent occurrence of racial discrimination against Asian Americans in the US society. Former US President Obama said, "the legacy of discrimination in almost every institution of our lives - you know, that casts a long shadow. And that's still part of our DNA that's passed on". Racism is not only a sin the US committed in history, but a real problem besetting the US society today. The extreme xenophobic mindset including the white supremacy, discrimination against African Americans, hatred of Asian Americans, and Islamophobia haunts the US to this day, which shows that the US is by no means "the beacon of democracy", and is in no position to lecture others on human rights. Certain US individuals' racist view of the world is nothing to be proud of.
Certain US individuals are trying every means to use trumped-up "China's human rights issues" including "genocide" to project their own crimes to China. Such attempt is doomed to fail. Why would they "worry about" people's participation in the Beijing Winter Olympics or visit to China? Because these US individuals are afraid and even frightened that if people from other countries pay a visit to China, they will see the facts and truth of vigorous development of China's human rights cause and lay bare China-related lies concocted by anti-China forces, that they will find US intention to shift attention and hide their historical and present human rights crimes under the pretext of so-called "China's human rights issues", and that they will see through the US and certain Western countries' attempt to contain China's development in the name of so-called human rights issues. This further exposes the hypocrisy of the so-called democracy and human rights as claimed by the US side.
I would like to stress that the Olympic Charter clearly calls for the preservation and promotion of the independence and political neutrality of the Olympic Movement. Politicizing sports goes against the spirit of the Olympic Charter and harms the interests of athletes of all countries and the international Olympic cause. All sectors of the international community, including the governments, Olympic committees of many countries and the International Olympic Committee (IOC), are clearly opposed to this wrong practice. The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games are another important contribution China will make to the international Olympic movement. And the Beijing Winter Olympics is eagerly awaited by winter sports lovers worldwide. The preparations for the Games are progressing smoothly and have been highly recognized by the international community, including the IOC. We have every confidence that with the concerted efforts of all sides, the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games will be a simple, safe and splendid Olympic gathering. We urge the relevant US legislator to stop taking advantage of the Olympic games to seek political manipulation and avoid standing on the opposite side of athletes and winter sports lovers across the world.
彭博社记者:追问一个关于优衣库的问题。中国政府是否担心,那些同新疆方面开展经贸活动的企业无法向美方证明其产品不存在“强迫劳动”情况? Bloomberg: Just to double back on the Uniqlo issue and the inability to clear customs. Is the Chinese government concerned that companies that are doing business in Xinjiang are unable to prove sufficiently to the US authorities that their products have not been tainted by forced labor?赵立坚:中方已经多次阐述了关于“强迫劳动”的立场。美方的有关做法完全是霸凌做法,有关企业应该明确站出来反对美方这种无理行径。
Zhao Lijian: China has stated its position on "forced labor" on many occasions. The US moves are bullying practice through and through. Relevant companies should step forward and oppose such unreasonable US actions.
深圳卫视记者:近期有媒体披露,数百名来自印度的工人被招募到美国新泽西州修建一座大型印度教寺庙,他们每周被迫超时低薪工作,请问中方对此有何评论? Shenzhen TV: It is revealed by some media recently that hundreds of Indian workers are recruited to the US state of New Jersey to build a large-scale Hindu temple. They are forced to work with extremely low hourly wage. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:我们也注意到相关报道。据称这些印度工人每周被迫工作超过87小时,每小时收入仅1.2美元,远低于美国和相关州法律规定的最低薪资。Zhao Lijian: We also noticed relevant reports. It is reported that those Indian workers are compelled to work more than 87 hours per week, with only 1.2 dollars hourly pay, far less than the minimum salary stipulated in relevant federal and state laws and regulations.
This case is not an exception in the US, and constitutes another case in point showing how the US violates labors' rights. To date, the US only ratified 14 international labor conventions, with only 2 among 8 ILO's fundamental conventions. The US, the most developed country in the world, has however, ratified only a small number of conventions. According to relevant reports of the International Labor Organization, systematic violation of labors' rights does exist in the US, a country with the worst performance among major developed countries.
Regarding forced labor, the US set another typical negative example. As is known by all, forced labor is a product of slavery, and the US has a history of trafficking, abusing and discriminating against black slaves that spans hundreds of years. According to statistics, the labor value of black slaves exploited by US slave owners is equivalent to as much as 14 trillion US dollars today.
Even till now, forced labor is still deep-seated in the US, with a mere shift of victims from black slaves to immigrants. According to relevant statistics, in the past 5 years, all 50 states and Washington D.C. all reported cases of forced labor and human trafficking. In 2019 alone, FBI reported 1,883 cases of human trafficking, over 500 more than 2018. Statistics show that up to 100,000 people are trafficked into the US for forced labor annually and half of them are sold to sweatshops or enslaved in households. The problem of forced labor is particularly prominent in more than 20 industries, including domestic service, agriculture, planting, tourism sales, catering, medical care and beauty.
We express grave concerns on the US violation of labor rights, forced labor in particular, and urge the US Government to take effective measures to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of its workers, and abide by the ratified International labor conventions.
《环球时报》记者:当前,新冠肺炎疫情持续蔓延,深刻影响非洲国家政治、经济和社会发展,非洲疫后重建任重道远。我们注意到,中方此前宣布将于5月19日举办“推进非洲疫后重建,消除冲突根源”公开辩论会。请问中方对此次辩论会有何期待? Global Times: The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is deeply affecting African countries in their political, economic and social development, with post-pandemic recovery in Africa remaining a long-term and arduous task. We noticed that China earlier announced to hold an UNSC open debate themed "Addressing root causes of conflict while promoting post-pandemic recovery in Africa" on May 19. What is China's expectation of this meeting? 赵立坚:中国作为5月联合国安理会轮值主席,将于今天召开主题为“推进非洲疫后重建,消除冲突根源”的安理会公开辩论会。国务委员兼外长王毅将主持会议并发言。会议将以视频方式举行。Zhao Lijian: In its capacity as the president of the Security Council for May, China will convene an open debate today, with the theme of "Addressing root causes of conflict while promoting post-pandemic recovery in Africa". State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will chair the meeting and deliver remarks. The event will be held via video link.
The COVID-19 pandemic is exerting a profound impact on the political, economic and social development of African countries. The medium- and long-term impact on countries in conflict is especially prominent. While fighting the epidemic, African countries also face a host of emerging threats and challenges in the field of peace and security. In this context, it is highly relevant that China proposed the convening of an open debate under the theme of "Addressing root causes of conflict while promoting post-pandemic recovery in Africa" as the president of the UN Security Council for May.
China hopes to work with the international community, including members of the Security Council, to understand the impact of the coronavirus on Africa in all dimensions, and explore ways to better help African countries defeat the epidemic, remove the root causes of conflict, and achieve lasting peace and sustainable development.
路透社记者:萨尔瓦多总统在推特上称赞了中国不附加任何条件向萨尔瓦多提供公共投资的做法。但有人注意到,相关公共投资的金额同萨尔瓦多议会本周二批准的数额不一样。中方有何评论? Reuters: El Salvador's President on Twitter praised China's public investment in El Salvador, which he said was "without conditions". However, the figure he mentioned is different from what was ratified by El Salvador's Congress on Tuesday. Do you have any idea why there is a discrepancy of the two figures? 赵立坚:中国和萨尔瓦多建交以来,双方在相互尊重、平等互利的基础上,共同规划了一系列务实合作项目,涉及农业、文化、旅游、体育等多个领域,聚焦萨尔瓦多经济社会发展和民生需求。中方将同萨方一道,协调推进相关合作项目,扩大各领域务实合作,持续造福两国和两国人民。Zhao Lijian: Since the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and El Salvador, on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, the two sides have jointly planned a series of practical cooperation projects in agriculture, culture, tourism, sports and other fields, focusing on El Salvador's economic and social development and people's needs of livelihood. China will work with El Salvador to advance relevant cooperation projects in a coordinated manner and expand practical cooperation across the board so as to deliver sustained benefits to the two countries and two peoples.
Recently, under the guidance of the heads of state of China and El Salvador, vaccine cooperation has become a new highlight of bilateral relations, which fully demonstrates the true friendship between the two sides. China-El Salvador friendship, as we believe, will be enhanced in the joint fight against the epidemic.
法新社记者:我有两个问题。以色列驻华使馆对中国国际电视台(CGTN)制作的有关巴以局势的视频内容提出了批评。你对此有何回应?第二个问题,阿根廷方面宣布暂停出口牛肉,考虑到中国是该国牛肉进口国。中方有何回应? AFP: First, the Israeli Embassy in Beijing has criticized a CGTN video on the Palestine-Israel situation. Do you have any comment? And secondly, can you comment on Argentina's suspension of beef exports, considering China is a major importer of Argentinian beef? 赵立坚:关于你提到的第一个问题,我不了解你所说的有关情况。中方已经就当前巴以局势多次阐明立场。Zhao Lijian: On your first question, I'm not aware of the situation. China has repeatedly stated its position on the Palestine-Israel issue.
On your second question, I noted relevant reports. This is the internal affair of Argentina and I won't comment on that.
路透社记者:中方对美国军舰今天过航台湾海峡有何回应? Reuters: Do you have any comment on the US military vessel that sailed through the Taiwan Strait today? 赵立坚:东部战区新闻发言人已经就此发表谈话。中方密切关注并全程掌握美国军舰过航台湾海峡的情况。美舰近来多次在台湾海峡炫耀武力,滋事挑衅。这不是对什么自由开放的承诺,而是对地区和平稳定的蓄意干扰和破坏,国际社会对此看得清清楚楚。中方捍卫国家主权和领土完整的决心坚定不移,我们敦促美方为地区和平与稳定发挥建设性作用。Zhao Lijian: The spokesperson of the PLA Eastern Theater Command already made remarks on the issue. The Chinese side was closely following and fully aware of the US military vessel's passage through the Taiwan Strait. The US warships have repeatedly flaunted their prowess in the Taiwan Strait, provoking and stirring up trouble. This is by no means commitment to freedom and openness, but rather deliberate disruption and sabotage of regional peace and stability. The international community sees this crystal clear. China is firmly resolved in upholding national sovereignty and territorial integrity. We urge the US to play a constructive role in regional peace and stability.
The Paper: It is reported that the US Embassy and Consulates in China rolled out on its website the public diplomacy grants program for 2021, which will fund individuals, NGOs, think tanks and academic institutions in China to conduct activities showcasing US society, history, culture, arts and values. Media reports dismiss this program as infiltration in China under the pretext of public diplomacy. In the meantime, US politicians and legislators have repeatedly alleged that China's normal academic and people-to-people exchanges in the US are infiltration and espionage. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:我注意到有关报道。美方推出有关计划的动机和目的是什么,建议你直接向美方询问。但是联想到有报道称,美国国会参院外委会此前通过“2021年战略竞争法案”提出每年花费3亿美元用于散播抹黑中国的负面信息,以及国际媒体不断曝光的美打着“民主”“人权”的幌子在全世界干涉他国内政、施加恶意影响甚至制造“颜色革命”的行径,让人不得不怀疑美国有关计划的真实意图。Zhao Lijian: I noted relevant reports. I would like to refer you to the US side as to the motives and intention of the program. There are reports that the US Senate Foreign Affairs Committee passed the Strategic Competition Act of 2021, which authorizes $300 million to be appropriated for each fiscal year to "counter the malign influence of the Chinese Communist Party globally". Also, the US interferes in other countries' domestic affairs, exerts malicious influence and even instigates "color revolutions" under the pretext of democracy and human rights as exposed by international media organizations. With this in mind, it's hard not to be skeptical of the true intentions behind this program.
China remains open to normal people-to-people exchanges and public diplomacy activities and programs aimed at bringing the people closer that are conducted in China by all countries, including the US. We hope the US can avoid adopting double standards on relevant issues, stop its groundless accusations and denigration against China's normal academic and people-to-people exchanges with the US, and do more things that are conducive to the bilateral people-to-people exchanges.
Reuters: China has in recent months moved to restrict imports of Australian products such as barley, wine and beef after Australian Prime Minister Morrison led calls for global inquiries into the origins of COVID. But the Prime Minister recently said that the relationship has not broken down entirely and that there is still "great value in the relationship". Do you have any response? 赵立坚:中国有句话,叫做“揣着明白装糊涂”。当前中澳关系面临的严重困难,根源在于澳方粗暴干涉中国内政、损害中国利益、为两国各领域交流合作无端设限,责任也完全不在中方。澳方不能指望一边背信弃义、破坏合作,一边假扮无辜、甩锅推责,说几句漂亮话就过去了。中方始终认为,一个健康、稳定的中澳关系符合两国人民的根本利益。当务之急是澳方要正视两国关系受挫的症结,客观理性看待中国和中国发展,回归中澳全面战略伙伴关系的正轨,多做有利于增进两国互信、促进务实合作的事情。Zhao Lijian: This is what we Chinese call "feigning ignorance". The root cause of the current serious difficulties in China-Australia relations lies in Australia's gross interference in China's internal affairs, impairment of China's interests and unwarranted restrictions on bilateral exchanges and cooperation in various fields. The responsibility doesn't rest with China at all. The Australian side shouldn't expect to put China off with fine words while it plays innocent and shifts blames on the one side and breaks commitment and undermines cooperation on the other. China always believes that a healthy and stable China-Australia relationship serves the fundamental interests of the two peoples. What is pressing now is for the Australian side to face squarely the root cause of the setbacks in bilateral relations, view China and China's development in an objective and rational way, return to the track of China-Australia comprehensive strategic partnership, and do more to enhance mutual trust and promote practical cooperation between the two countries.
以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021-5-19的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!