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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian'sRegular Press Conference on May 25, 20211
总台央视记者:北京时间5月25日凌晨举行的安理会维和人员安全公开辩论会上,安理会成员一致通过了中方提出的维和人员安全问题主席声明。作为安理会5月轮值主席国,中方能否介绍有关情况? CCTV: At the Security Council's open debate via VTC on improving the safety and security of peacekeepers held early in the morning of May 25, Beijing time, members of the Security Council unanimously adopted the presidential statement put forward by the Chinese side. Could you tell us a bit more about China's role in this open debate as the rotating president of the Security Council in May? 赵立坚:经中国积极推动,联合国安理会协商一致通过了中国起草的维和人员安全问题主席声明,在实现安理会审议维和人员安全议题的常态化和机制化、为维和人员接种疫苗、应用新技术保障维和人员安全等方面均提出新的明确要求,成为维和人员安全领域的又一份指导文件。 Zhao Lijian: With China's facilitating efforts, the UN Security Council adopted through consensus the China-drafted presidential statement on the safety and security of peacekeepers, making further requirements on having regular and institutional Security Council deliberations on the issue of the safety and security of peacekeepers, ensuring COVID-19 vaccination for peacekeepers, and using new technologies to ensure the safety and security of peacekeepers. This presidential statement has become another guideline for the safety and security of peacekeepers. 联合国维和行动是维护国际和平与安全的重要手段。当前,维和人员面临的安全风险显著上升。中方作为安理会轮值主席,会同安理会成员,聚焦当前维和人员面临的突出安全挑战,提出针对性强的务实举措,并形成主席声明,反映了新形势下安理会在保障维和人员安全问题上的新共识。 United Nations peacekeeping operations represent an important means for the maintenance of international peace and security. At present, the security risks faced by peacekeepers have increased significantly. As the UNSC rotating president, China, together with other UNSC members, developed targeted and pragmatic measures on the outstanding security challenges facing peacekeepers, and formulated a presidential statement, which reflects the new consensus of the Security Council on safeguarding the safety and security of peacekeepers under the new circumstances. 中方作为安理会常任理事国、五常维和行动最大出兵国、维和人员安全之友小组主席,将继续同各方一道,推动更好保障维和人员安全,更好发挥维和行动对维护国际和平与安全的重要作用。 As a permanent member of the Security Council, the largest troop contributor to peacekeeping operations among the five permanent members, and the chair of the Group of Friends on the Safety and Security of peacekeepers, China will continue to work with all parties to better safeguard the safety and security of peacekeepers, and better bring into play the important role of peacekeeping operations in maintaining international peace and security.2
彭博社记者:鉴于日本当前疫情形势,美国已经建议美公民避免前往日本。中方对此有何评论?是否会考虑对日本发布旅行警告? Bloomberg: The US has advised Americans to avoid travel to Japan due to coronavirus concerns. Do you have any comment on this? Is China considering issuing such a travel warning for Japan?赵立坚:当前,全球新冠肺炎疫情形势依然十分严峻。从维护人员健康安全出发,中方仍然建议中国公民尽量避免不必要的跨境旅行。
Zhao Lijian: With the grave situation of COVID-19 around the world at present, China advises citizens to avoid unnecessary cross-border travel for the sake of their health and safety.
On your second question, I don't have any information to offer at the moment.
Beijing Daily: In response to a question on whether Moscow and Beijing would strike an alliance against the United States in an interview on May 24, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that "both our Chinese partners and we are satisfied with the existing format of cooperation. It allows us to resolve any, even the most difficult issues, in a bilateral dialogue, effectively uphold our interests in multilateral associations and coordinate our approaches in the world arena. By working together, Russia and China are exerting a positive, stabilising influence on the global and regional situation...Russia-China relations are at the highest point in their history largely because the existing model of bilateral ties is superior to some extent to the level of interstate cooperation of the unions formed during the Cold War." Do you have any comment?
Zhao Lijian: We appreciate Foreign Minister Lavrov's positive remarks. The China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for the new era has grown as solid as a rock through thick and thin. China-Russia relations have withstood the test of changing international landscape and become the stabilizing force for the world today because the two sides always adhere to the principle of non-alliance, non-confrontation and non-targeting at any third party, always respect each other's core interests and accommodate respective reasonable concerns, always shoulder our responsibility, uphold justice and firmly maintain the UN-centered international system and international order based on international law. China stands ready to work with Russia and the international community to continue to support and practice true multilateralism, make international relations more democratic, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation among countries, and inject new impetus and stabilizing elements to world peace and development.
Global Times: When giving a briefing on the outcomes of ROK President Moon Jae-in's recent visit to the US, ROK Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Moon Sung-wook said that the economic issues contained in the ROK-US leaders' joint statement do not exclude any specific country. He said that China is ROK's largest export market and an important economic partner, and ROK enterprises will continue to invest in China. The ROK government will deepen its economic cooperation with major trading partners including China and the US. What's your comment on this?
Zhao Lijian: We have taken note of Minister Moon Sung-wook's remarks. China and the ROK are close neighbors and important cooperative partners. In the era of globalization, the industrial, supply and value chains of the two countries are deeply integrated. It is in the common interests of the two sides to carry out investment and trade cooperation following the laws of market economy and free trade rules. China welcomes ROK enterprises to continuously play an important role in strengthening China-ROK economic and trade cooperation and promoting the development of bilateral relations.
China Daily: At a press conference on May 24, IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi announced the extension of a temporary technical understanding for IAEA's verification and monitoring activities in Iran until June 24. What is China's comment? What impact will this have on the ongoing Iranian nuclear talks in Vienna? How does China view the prospect of the talks and what role is China playing in the talks?
赵立坚:中方欢迎伊朗与国际原子能机构延期技术谅解,希望谅解能够得到忠实履行。中方认为,这反映出伊方致力于推动伊核全面协议恢复履约谈判取得成果的政治意愿,为谈判争取了宝贵时间。当前,伊核谈判取得重要实质进展,但仍存一些分歧。中方希望有关各方增强紧迫感,尽快作出政治决断,推动谈判早日实现突破。Zhao Lijian: China welcomes the extension of the technical understanding between Iran and the IAEA, and hopes that the understanding can be faithfully implemented. China believes that this reflects Iran's political will to produce results at talks on reviving the JCPOA, and has gained valuable time for the negotiations. At present, important substantive progress has been made in the Iranian nuclear talks, but there are still some differences. China hopes that all parties concerned will act with greater sense of urgency, make a political decision without delay and push for an early breakthrough in the negotiations.
As an important JCPOA party, China has been actively promoting a political and diplomatic settlement of the Iranian nuclear issue, and has done a lot of work to bring JCPOA back on track with the aim of maintaining the international nuclear non-proliferation system as well as peace and stability in the Middle East. Being committed to a political settlement, China has guided all JCPOA parties to earnestly implement the consensus reached at the foreign ministers' meeting on the Iranian nuclear issue last December and initiated negotiations on the resumption of compliance by the US and Iran. We urged the US to reflect on its withdrawal from the agreement, and lift all relevant sanctions against Iran. We also urged Iran to resume its full implementation of the agreement on this basis. China has been playing a mediating role to bridge the differences between the parties by putting forward the "China solution". As a result, the negotiations have produced positive results. China has fulfilled its commitment, overcome various difficulties, and made Iran's Arak heavy water reactor renovation project a highlight in the implementation of JCPOA. China has firmly safeguarded its legitimate rights and interests, and has been working to push the US side to completely lift all illegal unilateral sanctions against Iran, China and other third parties. China has been committed to maintaining regional peace and stability, advocated the establishment of a multilateral dialogue platform in the Gulf region to resolve the security concerns of all parties through equal-footed consultation under the precondition of upholding JCPOA.
As the Chinese saying goes, the last leg of a journey just marks the halfway point. China hopes that all parties can proceed from the long-term and overall interest, give full play to their political wisdom, resolve the outstanding issues with a flexible and pragmatic attitude, and reach a final plan for the resumption of compliance by the US and Iran at an early date to get JCPOA back on track. China will continue to make unremitting efforts to promote this diplomatic process while firmly safeguarding its legitimate rights and interests.
China News Service: President Xi Jinping spoke on the phone with Vietnamese President Nguyen Xuan Phuc yesterday. What's the significance of this conversation to party and state relations between the two sides?
Zhao Lijian: During the telephone conversation yesterday, President Xi Jinping and Vietnamese President Nguyen Xuan Phuc held in-depth exchanges on party and state relations between the two sides.
President Xi said that as the CPC is about to celebrate its centenary, China is embarking on a new journey of building a modern socialist country in all respects, and Viet Nam is forging ahead towards its two centenary goals. The two sides should view and steer party and state relations from a strategic height and long-term perspective to make sure they are moving forward in the right direction.
President Nguyen Xuan Phuc extended warm congratulations on the upcoming centenary of the CPC and applauded how China, under the strong leadership of the CPC with General Secretary Xi Jinping at the core, secured victory on three fronts, namely, epidemic response, economic recovery and poverty eradication. He congratulated China on its tremendous transformation from standing up to becoming prosperous and strong, and wished China greater success in realizing its second centenary goal.
I would like to stress that socialist China and Viet Nam, friendly neighbors linked by mountains and rivers, enjoy a traditional friendship featuring comradeship, brotherhood and shared ideals. In recent years, party and state relations between the two sides have maintained a sound momentum of growth. This telephone conversation serves to guide the development of relations in the period to come. China attaches high importance to relations with Viet Nam and stands ready to work with it to enrich and update our comprehensive strategic cooperation, build a bilateral community with a shared future with strategic connotations, and inject new impetus into our party and state relations as well as the socialist cause.
深圳卫视记者:据报道,所罗门群岛已开始接种中国援助的国药疫苗。中方能否介绍更多情况? Shenzhen TV: According to reports, the Solomon Islands has started administering Sinopharm vaccine jabs provided by China as assistance. Do you have more information on that?赵立坚:5月21日,所罗门群岛举行中国援所疫苗接种启动仪式,所罗门群岛总理索加瓦雷、副总理梅兰加及多名内阁部长出席。索加瓦雷总理在启动仪式上致辞,衷心感谢习近平主席和中国政府提供疫苗援助,表示所政府高度信任中国疫苗的安全性和有效性,计划将国药疫苗推广至全国各省。梅兰加副总理现场率先接种第一剂国药疫苗。
Zhao Lijian: On May 21, the Solomon Islands held a ceremony to mark the beginning of inoculation with China-assisted vaccine shots. Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare, Deputy Prime Minister Manasseh Maelanga and several Cabinet ministers attended the event. In remarks delivered at the ceremony, Prime Minister Sogavare thanked President Xi Jinping and the Chinese government for the vaccine assistance and said that his government has great confidence in the vaccine's safety and effectiveness and has planned a rollout in all provinces. Deputy Prime Minister Maelanga was the first to receive a jab on site.
The Solomon Islands is the first Pacific island country to start nationwide rollout of a China-made vaccine. This embodies China's concrete efforts to honor its pledge of making vaccines a global public good in the Pacific island region and to advance the building of a global community of health for all. It also reflects the sound momentum of all-round development in China-Solomon Islands ties since the establishment of diplomatic relations in September 2019. It will surely help the Solomon Islands safeguard people's life and health and defeat the epidemic.
彭博社记者:新西兰外长告诫国内出口商应谋求多元化发展、积极开拓其他市场,以应对中新贸易关系恶化风险。中方对此有何评论? Bloomberg: New Zealand's foreign affairs minister said that exporters from the country should be preparing for any potential deterioration in the trade relationship with China by diversifying into other markets. Does the foreign ministry have any comment on these remarks?赵立坚:中新两国互为重要合作伙伴。中新关系取得长足发展,是基于双方长期坚持相互尊重、相互信任、互利共赢。希望新方继续秉持“争先”精神以及相互尊重、平等相待原则,同中方相向而行,做大合作蛋糕,排除外部干扰,共同推进中新全面战略伙伴关系。
Zhao Lijian: China and New Zealand are each other's important cooperation partners. The considerable progress in China-New Zealand relations is achieved on the premise that the two sides have long been committed to mutual respect, mutual trust and win-win results. We hope New Zealand can carry forward the spirit of "striving to be the first" and the principle of mutual respect and equal treatment, work with China toward the same direction, make the pie of cooperation bigger, rise above external distractions, and jointly advance China-New Zealand comprehensive strategic partnership.
澎湃新闻记者:韩国原子能研究院上周举行“福岛核污染水排放相关专家恳谈会”。与会专家一致认为,日本政府没有向国际社会提供核污染水成分的科学说明,仅口头保证“安全”不是国际社会负责任一员的应有态度。韩国网友呼吁阻止日方将“可能使我们的孩子得癌症”的核污染水排海。中方对此有何评论? The Paper: We noted that experts held talks about Japan's discharge of nuclear contaminated water from Fukushima at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) last week. Experts believed that the Japanese government isn't being a responsible member of the international community when it claims the contaminated water is safe without providing the world with specific and scientifically verified information about that water. South Korean netizens made the call to stop Japan from dumping the nuclear contaminated water into the sea, which can cause cancer for the generations to come. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:福岛核事故距今已十年。我们没有等来日方有效防止核污染水危害周边生态环境的措施,却等来了日方以排海方式处置核污染水的单方面错误决定。我们没有看到负责处理福岛核事故的东京电力公司从灾难中吸取教训,却看到媒体不断曝光东电公司在核电管理上草率混乱、隐瞒、虚报和篡改信息的斑斑劣迹。日方在福岛核事故处置上一次次失信于国内民众和国际社会,让我们不得不对其宣称的所谓安全处置方式的合理性和科学性、以及提供的信息和数据的真实性、可信性打一个大大的问号。 Zhao Lijian: We noted relevant reports. Tens years after the Fukushima nuclear accident, we haven't seen any effective measures taken by the Japanese side to stop the sustained hazards to neighboring ecology and environment caused by nuclear contaminated water. And what comes now is Japan's unilateral erroneous decision to dump nuclear contaminated water into the sea. We haven't seen any lessons learned by the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), but only reports that TEPCO has a poor record of sloppy and chaotic management, information concealment, delayed disclosure and data-tampering. The Japanese side has failed its people and lost the trust of the international community on the handling of Fukushima nuclear accident time and again, so we have every reason to question whether the so-called safe disposal means is reasonable or scientific and the information and data authentic and reliable or not. 日方为一己之私作出的危险决定将贻害子孙后代和全球生态。这笔账如果日方不算明白,国际社会必会帮它算明白,如果日方揣着明白装糊涂,国际社会肯定不会答应。日方应该认清自身在福岛核污染水问题上应尽的责任和义务,回到同利益攸关方和有关国际机构开展协商的正确轨道上来,不得擅自启动排海行动。Japan's dangerous decision out of its selfish calculation will endanger the generations to come and the global ecology. If the Japanese side can't understand this, the international community will help it to get this point. If it still plays dumb and feigns innocence, the international community will never allow it. We hope the Japanese side will clearly understand its due responsibility and obligation on the issue of the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water, return to the right track of negotiating with stakeholders and relevant international organizations, and avoid wanton release into the ocean.
法新社记者:太平洋岛国萨摩亚发生宪政危机。昨天,当选总理被拒绝进入议会,其前任拒绝交出权力。中方对此持何立场?中方承认谁是萨总理? AFP: There is a constitutional crisis in Samoa islands. Yesterday, the Prime Minister-elect was barred from entering the parliament while her predecessor has refused to relinquish the power. What's China's position on this issue? Which China considers as the legitimate prime minister of this country? 赵立坚:中国和萨摩亚关系良好。中方一贯秉持不干涉内政原则,相信萨方有能力、有智慧处理好内部事务。 Zhao Lijian: China and Samoa enjoy good relations. Committed to the principle of non-interference in others' internal affairs, we believe that Samoa has the capability and the wisdom to properly handle its domestic affairs.11
法新社记者:针对上周末白俄罗斯截停商业航班并逮捕一名反对派人士,欧洲国家决定禁止白航空公司客机入境,中方是否也会采取类似措施?目前中方是否仍允许白俄罗斯航班进入中国空域? AFP: European countries have began banning flights of Belarus after a commercial flight was forced to land to arrest an opposition activist over the weekend. Will Chinese airlines follow the move? Are Belarus aircraft still allowed to fly over China? 赵立坚:我们注意到有关报道。目前有关事件事实尚不清楚,在了解事实和真相之前,各方应保持克制,避免事态升级。Zhao Lijian: We noticed relevant reports. The facts about the relevant incident is not yet clear. Before getting to the bottom of facts and truth, relevant sides should exercise restraint and avoid an escalation of the situation.
以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021-5-25的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!