【双语】例行记者会 2021-5-31
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    Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin'sRegular Press Conference on May 31, 2021


    AFP: According to the latest news report, China's Politburo decided in a meeting today to allow families to have up to three children in future. Could you enlighten us on the purpose and motivation of this new policy?


    Wang Wenbin: Please refer to competent authorities.



    Bloomberg: US Customs and Border Protection on Friday said it will detain imports of seafood from Dalian Ocean Fishing after an investigation showed the company operated under all 11 of the International Labour Organization's indicators of forced labor. Does the foreign ministry have any comment?

    汪文斌:我注意到有关报道。根据我们掌握的情况,美国海关与边境保护局所称“强迫劳动、虐待船员、克扣薪资”与事实完全不符,纯属捏造。 Wang Wenbin: I have noted relevant reports. To our knowledge, the US Customs and Border Protection's claim of "forced labor, abuse of crew members and withholding of pay" is fabrication that is totally inconsistent with facts. 中国大连远洋渔业金枪渔钓有限公司从未向美国销售过任何产品,美方煞有介事地说扣留,实际上根本无货可扣。 Dalian Ocean Fishing Company Limited has never sold any products to the US, and there's nothing to detain in the first place. 所谓“强迫劳动”毫无根据。据我所知,涉事企业一贯遵纪守法,管理机制严格完善,在业界口碑良好。况且金枪鱼捕捞渔船技术标准和现代化程度较高,作业环节基本上自动化处理,根本无需高强度体力劳动。 The so-called "forced labor" is completely groundless. So far as I know, the enterprise involved has always been law-abiding with strict and full-fledged management mechanism and a good reputation in the industry. Moreover, tuna fishing vessels normally enjoy high technical and modernization standards, and their operation are mostly automated, so there is no need for heavy manual labour. 所谓“虐待船员”更是子虚乌有。去年曾有媒体炒作这一问题,涉事企业当即向在船上工作的印尼籍船员核实,所有船员均表示没有受到不公正对待,更不存在虐待。 The so-called "abuse of crew members" is totally unfounded. Last year saw some media hype-up of the issue; in response, the enterprise involved immediately checked with the Indonesian crew working on the ship, all of whom said they had never been treated unfairly, let alone abused. 事实充分表明,所谓“强迫劳动”纯属美方炮制的谎言,意在对中国企业进行无理打压。中方坚决反对这种政治操弄行为,呼吁美方尊重基本事实,撤销错误决定。中方将采取一切必要举措,坚定维护中国企业的正当权益。 Facts fully show that the allegation of "forced labor" is nothing but a lie concocted by the US side in an attempt to wantonly suppress Chinese enterprises. China firmly opposes such political manipulation, and calls on the US side to respect the basic facts and annul the wrong decision. China will take every measure necessary to firmly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises.


    《北京日报》记者:据日媒报道,日本福岛县的3个农业协会28日通过反对政府决定向海洋排放核污染水的特别决议,称日本政府和东京电力公司背弃了之前与福岛渔业团体达成的“在没有得到相关人员理解的情况下不对核污染水进行任何处理”的约定,未向渔业人员和国民进行充分说明。中方对此有何评论? Beijing Daily: According to Japanese media reports, three local agricultural cooperatives in Fukushima, Japan, passed a special resolution on Friday expressing opposition to the government's decision to release nuclear contaminated water into the sea. The resolution criticizes the authorities and Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) for breaching the previous agreement to not start any treatment of the contaminated water without the due understanding of the people concerned, as the government authorities failed to properly explain the matter to Japanese citizens as well as fishery workers. What is China's comment on this?  汪文斌:我注意到有关报道。这再次表明,日本政府对内出尔反尔、违背承诺,对外敷衍塞责、背弃义务,在福岛核污染水处置问题上的做法是极不负责任的。  Wang Wenbin: I have noted relevant reports. This is another proof that the Japanese government, turning away from its commitments and acting in ways inconsistent with its words, is extremely irresponsible in handling the disposal of the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water. 核污染水排海不能成为第一选项,更不能成为唯一选项。中方再次强烈敦促日方负起对人类健康和生态环境应尽的责任,认真回应国际社会、周边国家以及本国民众的严重关切,重新审视并撤销错误决定,在核污染水处置问题上自觉接受利益攸关方和有关国际机构的实质参与、核查和监督,在同各利益攸关方及有关国际机构等充分协商并达成一致之前,不得擅自启动排海。  Dumping the nuclear contaminated water cannot be the first option, still less should it be taken as the only option. China once again strongly urges Japan to take up its due responsibility for ecological safety and the health of all mankind, earnestly respond to the serious concerns of the international community, the neighboring countries and its own people, re-examine and revoke the wrong decisions, and voluntarily accept the substantive participation, verification and supervision of stakeholders and relevant international institutions. It must not start the discharge process before an agreement based on full consultation is reached with all stakeholders and relevant international institutions.


    印度广播公司记者:据报道,王靖渝因去年在网上发布关于中印边境冲突的评论而被中国通缉。此人被迪拜警方逮捕,在几周拘留后被释放。你能否证实中国是否因其网上有关言论而寻求将其引渡?能否就此提供更详细的信息?  Prasar Bharati: As per media report, Wang Jingyu was wanted by China over his online comments about clashes near China-India border last year. He was arrested by Dubai police and was later released after weeks of detention. Can you please confirm if China was seeking his extradition for his online comments over clashes between Chinese and Indian forces last year? And do you have more details to share? 汪文斌:我注意到有关报道。中方主管部门正在依法调查处理有关案件。 Wang Wenbin: I have noted relevant report. As we speak, competent Chinese authorities are investigating and handling the case in accordance with law.


    香港中评社记者:据报道,近日日本政府称将研究向台湾提供新冠疫苗,台湾当局对日方此举表示感谢。此前,福州、厦门红十字会负责人表示愿意向金门、马祖捐赠新冠疫苗,而台陆委员会均予拒绝。请问中方对此有何评论? China Review News: According to media reports, the Japanese government said the other day that it would study the possibility of providing vaccines to Taiwan, to which the Taiwan authorities expressed thanks. Earlier heads of the Red Cross Society branches in Chinese cities Fuzhou and Xiamen expressed readiness to donate vaccines to Jinmen and Mazu in the Taiwan region, but the Mainland Affairs Council declined the offer. Do you have any comment? 汪文斌:近日台湾岛内许多县市和团体呼吁尽快让台湾民众用上大陆疫苗,部分机构已宣布接受大陆捐赠,这些都充分体现了台湾民众对大陆疫苗的信心。我们多次表示愿意尽最大努力帮助台湾同胞应对疫情,而民进党当局从政治私利出发,对大陆的善意视而不见,甚至恶意污蔑抹黑,百般阻挡大陆疫苗输台。这是对台湾同胞生命健康的漠视和践踏。  Wang Wenbin: Recently many counties, cities and groups in the Taiwan region have been calling for early access to vaccines from the mainland and some institutions have announced that they will receive donations from the mainland. All this demonstrates the Taiwan people's confidence in mainland vaccines. We expressed on many occasions the readiness to do our best to help Taiwan compatriots fight the virus.However, the DPP authorities, proceeding from selfish political calculations, turned a blind eye to the goodwill of the mainland, and even resorted to malicious smears and various other means to thwart the shipment of vaccines from the mainland to the island. This is running roughshod over the life and health of our compatriots in Taiwan. 中方一贯支持国际抗疫合作,并为此作出积极努力。同时中方坚决反对借疫情搞政治作秀甚至干涉中国内政。我注意到,日本目前尚无法确保自身疫苗的充足供给。在此情况下,日本政府宣布将研究向台湾地区提供疫苗,受到外界包括岛内很多媒体和民众质疑。我想强调,疫苗援助理应回归挽救生命的初衷,而不应沦为图谋政治私利的工具。  China always supports international cooperation in combating COVID-19 and has been taking active efforts in this regard. That being said, we are firmly against those who exploit the pandemic to put on political shows or even meddle in China's internal affairs. I've noticed that Japan can barely ensure adequate supply of vaccines at home. Under such circumstances, the Japanese government's announcement of considering providing vaccines to China's Taiwan region has drawn doubts from media and the public including in Taiwan. I would like to stress that vaccine assistance should be restored to its origin purpose, which is to save lives, and should not be reduced to a tool for selfish political gains.

    总台央视记者:近期,美国、英国相关人士又开始炒作新冠肺炎疫情起源“实验室泄漏论”。世卫组织卫生紧急项目执行主任瑞安28日表示,疫情溯源过程正被政治毒化,希望所有人将溯源这一科学问题与政治区分开。发言人对此有何评论?  CCTV: Lately some in the US and the UK have been renewing efforts to hype up the "lab leak theory". Dr Mike Ryan, head of the WHO emergencies program, said on May 28 that "We would like for everyone out there to separate, if they can, the politics of this issue from the science. This whole process is being poisoned by politics". Do you have a comment? 汪文斌:病毒溯源是一个科学问题,不应当被政治化。但令人遗憾的是,一个时期以来,我们不断看到把疫情污名化、将病毒标签化的言行,不断看到借溯源对特定国家甩锅、推责的言行,不断看到对世卫专家溯源研究进行无端指责,甚至鼓吹动用情报人员而不是科学家主导病毒溯源的言行。美国这些将溯源政治化的行为已经严重干扰和破坏国际溯源研究合作,为各国抗击疫情、挽救生命制造了困难和障碍。  Wang Wenbin: Study of origins is a scientific issue that should not be politicized. Unfortunately, for some time, we have seen rhetoric and actions that stigmatize and label the virus, use study of origins to shift the blame to specific countries, wantonly criticize WHO experts on the study, and even draw on intelligence apparatus rather than rely on scientists to lead the study. These US acts which politicize origins study have gravely disrupted and undermined normal international cooperation in origins study and created difficulties and barriers for national efforts to fight the virus and save lives. 我们主张,溯源应当依赖科学家而不是情报人员,应当走团结合作之道而不是鼓吹对抗、挑动对立,更不能按照个别国家的旨意行事。 We stand for a scientists-led study of origins featuring solidarity and cooperation, not an intelligence-led investigation stoking confrontation and sowing division. The process should not be dictated by any country's will. 中方始终秉持开放、透明、合作的态度,已两次邀请世卫组织专家来华进行溯源研究合作。溯源工作涉及全球多国多地,我们呼吁其他国家,也能像中方一样邀请世卫专家去开展溯源研究,认真回应国际社会的关切。我们敦促美国等少数国家立即停止政治化做法,不要为了不可告人的政治目的蓄意破坏国际溯源研究合作。 Upholding the principle of openness, transparency and cooperation, China has twice invited WHO experts in for joint study of origins. As the study of origins involve many countries and localities across the world, we call on other countries to follow our example and invite WHO experts in for similar studies to address international concerns. We urge a handful of countries including the US to immediately halt their politicization and stop sabotaging international cooperation in origins study for hidden political agenda.


    彭博社记者:澳大利亚总理莫里森和新西兰总理阿德恩“对中国新疆的人权状况表示严重关切”,并表示应允许联合国等组织赴新疆开展有意义的访问。请问外交部对此有何评论? Bloomberg: Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and New Zealand's Jacinda Ardern "expressed grave concerns about the human rights situation" in China's Xinjiang and said that the United Nations and others should be allowed to make "meaningful" visits. Does the foreign ministry have any comment? 汪文斌:我们注意到有关声明并深表关切。澳大利亚、新西兰领导人就香港、新疆等中国内部事务及南海问题说三道四,对中方无端指责,粗暴干涉中国内政,严重违反国际法和国际关系基本准则,中方对此坚决反对。 Wang Wenbin: We have taken note of and are deeply concerned over the relevant statement. The leaders of Australia and New Zealand, with irresponsible remarks on China's internal affairs relating to Hong Kong and Xinjiang as well as the South China Sea issue, have made groundless accusations against China, grossly interfered in China's internal affairs and seriously violated the international law and basic norms governing international relations. China firmly opposes this. 我想重申,香港是中国的香港,香港事务纯属中国内政。中方坚持贯彻“一国两制”方针、维护香港繁荣和稳定的决心和信心不会动摇,反对任何外部势力干涉中国内政的决心和意志不会动摇。涉疆问题根本不是什么人权、民族或宗教问题,而是反暴恐、反分裂和去极端化问题。过去四年多,新疆没有发生一起暴恐案件,经济社会发展和民生改善取得了显著成就,包括维吾尔族在内各族人民的权益得到充分保障。这些是任何不带偏见的人无法否认的事实。当前南海局势总体保持稳定。中方坚定维护国家领土主权和海洋权益,同时愿同有关国家通过协商谈判妥善处理海上分歧,共同维护本地区和平与安宁。南海航行和飞越自由从来都不是问题,我们坚决反对任何国家利用南海问题对中方进行无端指责。 I would like to reiterate that Hong Kong is China's Special Administrative Region and its affairs are purely China's internal affairs. China will not waver in its determination and confidence to uphold the principle of One Country, Two Systems and safeguard the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong. Nor will China waver in its resolve and will to reject any external interference in China's internal affairs. Xinjiang-related issues are about counter-violence, anti-separatism and de-radicalization, rather than human rights, ethnicity or religion. Xinjiang has not seen a single violent terrorist case in the past four years. Remarkable achievements have been made in economic and social development and improvement of people's livelihood. The rights and interests of people of all ethnic groups, including the Uyghurs, have been fully protected. These are the facts that are recognized by all those without bias. At present, the situation in the South China Sea is generally stable. China firmly upholds its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. At the same time, China is willing to properly handle maritime differences with relevant countries through consultation and negotiation to jointly safeguard peace and tranquility in the region. There is never any problem with the freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea. We firmly oppose any groundless accusations against China under the pretext of the South China Sea issue. 中方一贯主张地区国家发展双边关系应当有助于增进地区国家间相互理解与信任,有利于亚太和平与稳定,不应针对第三方或损害第三方利益,更不应以意识形态划线,在事关第三国主权和安全的问题上采取错误言行,或打着人权的幌子干涉他国内政。我们再次敦促有关方面停止发表不负责任的言论,多做有利于双边关系发展和地区和平稳定的事,而不是相反。 China maintains that the development of bilateral relations between countries in the region should help enhance mutual understanding and trust among countries in the region, and be conducive to peace and stability in the Asia Pacific, instead of targeting or damaging the interests of third parties, and much less forming enclosed small clique with ideology as the yardstick. It's not justifiable for relevant countries to say and do wrong things on issues bearing on the sovereignty and security of a third country, or interfere in its internal affairs under the guise of human rights. We once again urge relevant parties to stop making irresponsible remarks and act in ways that are conducive to bilateral relations and regional peace and stability, rather than the opposite.


    澎湃新闻记者:据外媒联合调查披露,美国国家安全局在2012至2014年间与丹麦军事情报部门合作,通过互联网监视瑞典、挪威、德国、法国等国高官活动。中方对此有何评论?  The Paper: A joint investigation by foreign media agencies revealed that the US National Security Agency (NSA) used a partnership with Denmark's foreign intelligence unit to spy on senior officials in Sweden, Norway, Germany and France between 2012 and 2014. Do you have any comment? 汪文斌:事实一再证明,美国是公认的全球头号“黑客帝国”和窃密大户,其窃密对象不仅包括竞争对手,也包括美国自身的盟友,称得上是大规模、无差别窃听窃密的“惯犯”高手。即便是美国盟友,也对此表示“不可接受”。  Wang Wenbin: As facts have proven time and again, the US is the world's top empire of hacking and theft of secrets. With targets including not only competitors, but also its allies, the US is a real master of large-scale, indiscriminate tapping and theft of secrets. Even its allies find this "unacceptable". 具有讽刺意味的是,美国这样一个窃密大户,居然打着“清洁网络”的旗号,声称要维护网络安全。这充分暴露了美国维护网络安全是假,打压竞争对手是真;维护盟友安全是假,维护自身霸权是真。 Ironically, this master of theft of secrets is using "clean network" as a cover and claiming to safeguard cyber security. This fully exposes that the US is not truly upholding cyber security, but suppressing competitors; it's not truly defending the security of allies, but maintaining its own hegemony. 美方的所作所为是否符合其情报法规定?是否符合美方与其盟友间数据跨境流动协议的精神?是“污染网络”还是“清洁网络”?美方应当给国际社会一个交代。 The US owes the world an explanation on whether what it does is consistent with its intelligence laws and the spirit of its trans-border data flow agreement with allies and whether it's "polluted network" or "clean network". 我们呼吁国际社会共同揭露和抵制美国的网络霸凌行径,不要为“黑客帝国”的非法行为做嫁衣。 We hope the international community will expose and reject the US cyber bullying and not be a cat's-paw for the illegal acts of this "empire of hackers".


    《中国日报》记者:据报道,28日,美国国会209名共和党议员联名致函众议长佩洛西,敦促佩指示有关民主党委员会主席立即响应共和党呼吁,要求中共为造成疫情大流行负责。越来越多证据表明疫情始于中国实验室,中共掩盖这一事实,应为美近60万和全球数百万人的死亡负责。请问中方对此有何评论? China Daily: According to reports, on May 28, 209 House Republicans sent a letter to Speaker Pelosi which reads, "We request that you instruct the appropriate Democrat committee chairs to immediately join Republican calls to hold the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) accountable for its role in causing the global COVID-19 pandemic. There is mounting evidence the pandemic started in a Chinese lab, and the CCP covered it up. If that is the case, the CCP is responsible for the deaths of almost 600,000 Americans and millions more worldwide". Does China have any comment? 汪文斌:今年1月14日至2月10日,在中国的大力支持下,世卫组织独立挑选的17名国际专家克服了疫情影响来到中国,同中方专家组成联合专家组,在武汉开展了为期近一个月的实地研究。中方本着公开透明、开放合作的态度,应国际专家组要求,为联合专家组安排实地考察了湖北省疾控中心、武汉市疾控中心、武汉病毒研究所。考察期间,联合专家组参观了各类生物安全实验室,与相关实验室专家进行了深入、坦诚的科学交流,详细了解了有关实验室的管理情况、工作规范及近期病毒研究情况。在此基础上,联合专家组经审慎科学讨论得出结论,关于中国实验室事件引发病毒这种假说是极为不可能的。这一结论和考察过程清清楚楚地记录在联合考察研究报告中,是权威、正式、科学的结论。 Wang Wenbin: Between January 14 and February 10 this year, with China's strong support, 17 international experts independently selected by WHO, overcoming the impact of COVID-19, formed a joint mission with Chinese experts to conduct near month-long field research in Wuhan, China. Upholding the spirit of openness, transparency and cooperation, the Chinese side arranged for visits to the Hubei Provincial Center for Disease Control, the Wuhan Center for Disease Control and the Wuhan Institute of Virology at the joint team's request. During the visits, the team visited bio-safety laboratories, had in-depth and candid exchanges with experts there, and gained thorough knowledge of the management, standard operating procedures and recent virology research. On this basis, the joint team arrived at the conclusion through prudent science-based discussion that the hypothesis of "a laboratory origin of the pandemic was considered to be extremely unlikely". This conclusion and the process of the study is clearly recorded in the joint WHO-China study mission report. This is an authoritative and official conclusion based on science. 然而,美国一些人却全然无视事实和科学,全然不顾自身溯源的诸多疑点和抗疫失利的诸多事实,一再炮制病毒由武汉病毒所泄漏的谎言,无理要求中国为他们的不作为“买单”。这充分说明美方一些人根本不在乎事实和真相,也没有兴趣进行严肃的科学溯源,而是想借疫情搞污名化和政治操弄。这是对科学的不尊重,对世界、尤其是美国人民生命的不负责,更是对全球团结抗疫努力的破坏。 However, some in the US, turning a blind eye to facts, science and the questionable study of origins and botched response at home, kept fabricating the lie that the virus was leaked from the WIV and unreasonably asking China to pay for their own inaction . This shows that they don't care about facts or truth and have zero interest in a serious science-based study of origins. Their aim is to use the pandemic to pursue stigmatization and political manipulation. They are being disrespectful to science, irresponsible to all lives, especially American lives, and counter-productive to concerted global efforts to fight the virus. 美方不断污蔑中方掩盖事实,那么美方自己做的如何?外界对美国一些早期病例早于官方报告首例确诊病例时间、2019年7月弗吉尼亚州北部开始出现不明原因的呼吸系统疾病、威斯康星州暴发大规模“电子烟疾病”等有很多的疑问,美方能否像自己呼吁的那样展现开放和透明,及早披露相关病例的详细数据和信息?外界围绕德特里克堡的疑云重重,美方如果正大光明,为什么不开放德特里克堡给国际专家参观、调查或研究? The US keeps accusing China of cover-ups, but what about itself? There are so many questions about the earlier cases in the US which emerged before the officially-reported first case, the unexplained outbreaks of respiratory disease in northern Virginia in July 2019 and on the subsequent EVALI outbreaks in Wisconsin. Can the US practice what it preaches and be open and transparent and disclose detailed data and information on relevant cases at an early date? If the US is totally above-board, why not open up the suspicion-shrouded Fort Detrick for visits, investigations and research by international experts? 我愿再次强调,病毒溯源是科学问题而非政治工具,应由全球科学家合作开展有关工作,而不是动用情报人员,或者由一些政客指手画脚,这样只会严重干扰和破坏国际溯源研究合作,为各国抗击疫情、挽救生命制造困难和障碍。我们敦促美国等少数国家立即停止政治化做法,不要为了不可告人的政治目的蓄意破坏国际溯源研究合作,更不要怀揣阴谋论否定科学,为一己之私破坏国际社会团结抗疫的共同事业。 I would like to stress again that the study of origins of COVID-19 is a matter of science, not a political tool. It should be conducted by scientists all over the world in collaboration, not by the intelligence community or a few finger-pointing politicians, because the latter would only disrupt and undermine normal international cooperation in origins study and create difficulties and barriers for countries' efforts to fight the virus and save lives. We urge a handful of countries including the US to immediately halt their politicization, stop sabotaging international cooperation in origins study for hidden political agenda and refrain from rejecting science to embrace conspiracy theories and sabotaging global solidarity and cooperation in fighting the pandemic for selfish gains.


    路透社记者:台湾民进党称,中方致力于阻碍台湾获取疫苗。请问中方对此有何评论? Reuters: Taiwan's DPP said today that China prevented Taiwan from getting vaccines. Do you have any comment on that? 汪文斌:国务院台办发言人已经就相关问题作出了回应,你可以去查阅。我们多次讲过愿尽最大努力协助广大台湾同胞加强疫情防控,尽快战胜疫情。民进党当局利用政治操弄转移视线是对广大台湾同胞极不负责任的做法,应当立即停止各种对大陆协助广大台湾同胞抗疫进行的污蔑抹黑,采取切实行动去除人为障碍,让广大台湾同胞的生命健康、利益福祉尽早得到应有的保障。 Wang Wenbin: The State Council Taiwan Affairs Office spokesperson has already responded to the relevant question, which you can refer to. As we have said many times, we stand ready to do our very best to help our Taiwan compatriots bring the epidemic under control and defeat the virus at an early date. The DPP authorities are extremely irresponsible to our Taiwan compatriots by using political manipulation to divert attention. They should immediately stop all kinds of slanders and smears on the mainland helping Taiwan compatriots in their fight against the epidemic, and take practical actions to remove man-made obstacles, so as to ensure the health and well-being of Taiwan compatriots. 外交部发言人办公室



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