【双语】例行记者会 2021-6-7
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    Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin'sRegular Press Conference on June 7, 2021

    《北京青年报》记者:5日,王毅国务委员兼外长同印尼总统特使、对华合作牵头人卢胡特共同主持中国印尼高级别对话合作机制首次会议。请问此次会议取得了哪些成果? Beijing Youth Daily: On June 5, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Indonesia's presidential envoy and Coordinator for Cooperation with China Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan co-chaired the inaugural meeting of the China-Indonesia High-level Dialogue and Cooperation Mechanism. Could you share the outcomes with us? 汪文斌:6月5日,国务委员兼外长王毅同印尼总统特使、对华合作牵头人卢胡特在贵阳共同主持中国印尼高级别对话合作机制。双方共同签署了《中国印尼两国关于建立高级别对话合作机制的谅解备忘录》和《中国印尼两国关于加强海上合作的谅解备忘录》,交换了《关于推进区域综合经济走廊建设合作的谅解备忘录》和《关于建立区域综合经济走廊建设合作联合委员会的谅解备忘录》。中方也发布了相关消息稿。 Wang Wenbin: On June 5, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Indonesia's presidential envoy and Coordinator for Cooperation with China Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan co-chaired the inaugural meeting of the China-Indonesia High-level Dialogue and Cooperation Mechanism in the city of Guiyang. The two sides signed a memorandum of understanding on establishing the high-level dialogue cooperation mechanism and another on strengthening maritime cooperation. A memorandum of understanding on deepening the construction of the regional comprehensive economic corridor was exchanged along with another on establishing a joint committee on the corridor. The Chinese side has released readouts on these.
    本次会议标志着两国综合性高级别合作机制宣告成立,是双方落实两国元首共识的重要举措,是两国关系中的一件大事、好事。在此次会议上,双方一致同意将两国合作从政治、经济、人文“三驾马车”齐头并进,升级为政治、经济、人文和海上合作“四轮驱动”,为两国关系在后疫情时期取得更大发展打造了新平台,注入了新动力。双方在会上达成了广泛共识,一致认为要坚定支持对方实现国家发展和民族复兴的努力;继续深化疫苗研发、生产、分配等全产业链合作,助力印尼打造区域疫苗生产中心;深入对接“一带一路”倡议和“全球海洋支点”构想,树立两国共建“一带一路”第一阶段的项目标杆,加快建设“两国双园”合作新平台,共同开发中国印尼17亿人口大市场;以印尼建设“国家鱼仓”为契机,全面启动渔业合作,加快推进“南海行为准则”磋商;拓展线上旅游,加强职业教育合作,扩大智库、传媒等领域互动。 The meeting marks the launch of an integrated high-level cooperation mechanism between the two sides. It is an important step in implementing the consensus of our heads of state and a major event with profound significance in bilateral relations. During the meeting, both sides agreed to elevate bilateral ties by adding maritime cooperation to the original troika of political, economic and cultural cooperation. The meeting forged a new platform for and injected new impetus into greater growth in bilateral relations in the post-pandemic era. The two sides reached wide-ranging consensus. They will support each other's pursuit of national development and rejuvenation; deepen cooperation in the whole industrial chain of vaccine R D, production and distribution and help Indonesia in its efforts to foster a regional vaccine production hub; dovetail the BRI and the Global Maritime Fulcrum vision, set up demonstration projects of the first phase of BRI cooperation, accelerate the building of the "twin parks" platform and jointly develop the huge market in both countries with 1.7 billion people combined; build on Indonesia's drive to develop a national fish storage center to start bilateral fishery cooperation across the board and speed up negotiation on the COC; expand online tourism, strengthen vocational education cooperation and step up interaction between thinktanks and media, among other sectors.
    中方愿同印尼一道,不断开拓两国合作空间,丰富双方合作内涵,开创中国印尼关系全方位发展的新格局。 China stands ready to work with Indonesia to establish a new pattern of all-round development of relations by constantly opening up new space and enriching bilateral cooperation.


    《纽约时报》记者:匈牙利近日发生抗议,反对复旦大学在匈建立分校区的计划。中方对此有何评论? New York Times: What is the ministry's reaction to the protests in Hungary against the plan to open a campus of Fudan University there? 汪文斌:跨国合作办学是促进各国民心相通的重要平台,也是各国加强教育国际合作的普遍实践,符合当今时代潮流和各方利益。希望匈牙利有关人士保持客观、理性、科学的态度,避免将中匈正常的人文交流政治化、污名化,维护好两国友好合作大局。 Wang Wenbin: Transnational joint education programs, a common model of international educational cooperation nowadays, serves as an important platform to promote mutual understanding. It is in keeping with the trend of the times and the interests of all. We hope relevant individuals in Hungary will remain objective and rational, follow the science, and avoid politicizing or stigmatizing normal cultural and people-to-people exchanges with China to uphold overall friendly bilateral relations.



    PTI: My question is about the representation by about 300 Indians, who earlier resided in Beijing and different parts of China and who are stuck in India. They said that they had complied with the March order of the Chinese embassy in India to take Chinese vaccines. They had gone to different countries, they had taken these vaccines and they are still not able to make it to China. Some of these people's families are here in China. Some of them are on the verge of losing their jobs. Is China willing to look at a road map on humanitarian ground to accept their applications to return to their work here?


    Wang Wenbin: With a view to resuming international travel in an orderly fashion, China provides convenience to incoming foreigners who have received Chinese vaccines, hold vaccination certificates and are eligible to apply for visas. You can contact the Chinese embassy and consulates in India for the specifics.



    CRI: On June 5, the World Environment Day, President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the World Environment Day events held in Pakistan. How would China contribute to global environment governance going forward?


    Wang Wenbin: President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the World Environment Day events held in Pakistan. China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic cooperative partners. We have similar positions on a wide range of areas including environmental protection and have conducted close coordination and cooperation. We are committed to practicing multilateralism to improve global environmental governance, foster a community of life for man and nature and jointly build a clean and beautiful world.


    The theme of this year's World Environment Day is "ecosystem restoration". The focus is on resetting humanity's relationship with nature. The theme China sets for this occasion is "harmonious coexistence between man and nature". As President Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed, man must respect nature, follow its law and protect it. Faced with unprecedented difficulties in global environmental governance, the international community should work together with unprecedented ambition and action to foster a community of life for man and nature.


    In September last year, President Xi solemnly pledged China's objective and vision to peak carbon emissions and then achieve carbon neutrality. In December last year and April this year, he announced further major policy measures to deal with climate change. The concept and practice of ecological conservation has been enshrined in China's Constitution and incorporated into China's overall plan for building socialism with Chinese characteristics. China will fully implement the Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, act on a new development concept in keeping with the new stage, foster a new pattern and press ahead with ecological conservation with solid steps. This is the intrinsic need for China to realize sustainable and high-quality development and also its major contribution to global ecological conservation.


    Ecological conservation calls for ambition and more importantly, perseverance. China will actively fulfill its international obligations in addressing climate change, protecting bio-diversity and preventing desertification, take a constructive part in the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030) action plan, conduct multilateral and bilateral cooperation in ecological protection and make sustained efforts to improve global environmental governance. China will host the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in October in the beautiful "spring city" of Kunming, where we hope to discuss and draw up plans together with all parties for ecological conservation, inject new impetus into global environmental governance, foster a community of life for man and nature, and jointly build a clean and beautiful world.



    CCTV: Russian President Vladimir Putin, while attending the 24th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum on June 4, said that the US believes its unrivaled economic and military might entitles it to flex its muscles with over-confidence. "What is the problem of empires - they think that they are so powerful that they can afford small errors and mistakes ... And the United States, with a confident gait, a firm step, is going straight along the path of the Soviet Union." Does China have a comment?


    Wang Wenbin: We note relevant reports. President Putin's remarks offer much food for thought. As the world goes through major changes unseen in a century, how major countries conduct themselves and treat others will not only decide whether they rise or fall themselves but also seal mankind's future and destiny.

    中方一贯认为,大国就应该有大国的样子。大国应有的样子,不是对他国攻击抹黑、颐指气使,也不是耀武扬威、胁迫恫吓,更不是拉帮结派、制造分裂,而是要为世界和未来展现更大的格局和情怀,肩负更重的责任与担当,作出更多的努力与贡献。 China always believes that a major country should act in a befitting way, which means, not to attack and smear others or boss them around, not to resort to muscle-flexing, coercion or intimidation, definitely not to gang up or stoke division, but rather, to show a broader vision and a bigger heart, shoulder more responsibilities for the future of the world and make greater contributions.
    我们希望各国尤其是大国要重温《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则,珍惜二战以来各国共同努力构筑起来的以联合国为核心的国际体系,共同践行真正的多边主义,共同推进国际关系民主化,共同构建人类命运共同体。 We hope all countries, especially major countries, will revisit the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, cherish the UN-centered international system forged out of the ashes of WWII with concerted efforts, jointly practice true multilateralism, promote greater democracy in international relations, and build a community with a shared future for mankind.


    Kyodo News: The Special ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers' Meeting is said to be held in Chongqing on June 7. Has the meeting begun? When will the joint statement be released? Could you share the detailed agenda with us?


    Wang Wenbin: Yesterday we released relevant readouts. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of dialogue relations between China and ASEAN. It is a year of special significance for the bilateral relations to build on the past achievements and pursue new progress. Over the past three decades, China-ASEAN cooperation has grown in leaps and bounds, becoming the most successful and dynamic example of cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. The fact that the two sides agreed to hold a face-to-face special foreign ministers' meeting despite the ongoing COVID-19 situation reflects how countries attach great importance to and hold high expectations of China-ASEAN relations under the new circumstances.

    王毅国务委员兼外长将同东盟各国外长一道,梳理总结中国和东盟30年合作成果和经验,以抗击疫情和经济复苏为主线,进一步加强战略规划对接,打造务实合作亮点,推动双方关系提质升级,共同为地区和平稳定和发展繁荣作出新贡献。 State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will work with ASEAN foreign ministers to take stock of and summarize the outcomes and experience of China-ASEAN cooperation in the past 30 years, focus on combating COVID-19 and promoting economic recovery, better dovetail strategic plans and foster new highlights in practical cooperation to upgrade the relationship and make new contributions to peace, stability, development and prosperity in the region.
    会议期间,王毅国务委员兼外长还将同东盟国家外长和东盟秘书长分别举行双边会见。 On the sidelines of the meeting, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will also hold bilateral meetings with foreign ministers of ASEAN states and the ASEAN Secretary-General.
    我们会及时发布会议消息,请你保持关注。 More information will be released in due course. Please stay tuned.



    Bloomberg: My question relates to taxation. Over the weekend, the G7 nations secured a landmark deal that could help countries collect more taxes from companies. The next step is for G20 to sign off on this arrangement. Since China is a member, does Beijing plan to sign on this agreement? And is this a good deal for China?


    Wang Wenbin: I noted that the G7 finance ministers' meeting reached a consensus in principle on a tax solution to digitalisation of the economy on June 5.

    自2017年G20委托经合组织研究制定应对经济数字化税收方案以来,中方始终秉持多边主义的精神和开放合作的态度参与方案的磋商和设计。我们支持按照G20的授权,在多边框架内推动2021年中期就方案达成共识。 Since G20 requested the OECD to formulate a solution to address the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy in 2017, the Chinese side has been participating in the consultation and design of a solution in the spirit of multilateralism, openness and cooperation. We support reaching consensus on the solution by mid-2021 within the multilateral framework according to the mandate of G20.
    中方认为,包括G20在内的各国都应务实和建设性地作出贡献,妥善处理各国的重大关切,在方案设计上体现包容性。 China believes that all countries including G20 should contribute in a pragmatic and constructive manner, properly handle the major concerns of all sides, and demonstrate inclusiveness in the design of the solution.


    今日俄罗斯记者:美国前总统特朗普表示,中国应就新冠肺炎疫情大流行向所有国家赔偿至少10万亿美元。中方对此有何评论? RIA Novosti: Former US President Donald Trump says that China should pay all countries a bill for a minimum of $10 trillion of compensation for the coronavirus pandemic. I wonder what's China's comment? 汪文斌:特朗普在任期间美国累计新冠肺炎确诊病例超过2400万,死亡病例超过41万。特朗普却一再罔顾事实,向中国甩锅推责,推卸自身疫情防控不力的责任,转移视线。我想美国人民心里有一本账,真正应当追究的是那些曾经高高在上却无视民众生命健康的虚伪政客的责任。 Wang Wenbin: During Donald Trump's tenure as the president, the US reported 24 million confirmed COVID-19 cases and over 410,000 deaths. However, Trump has been turning a blind eye to facts and scapegoating China, in order to shift the responsibility of the botched response at home and divert people's attention. The American people have their fair judgement. Those who should be held accountable are hypocritical politicians who once held high positions but ignored people's lives and health.


    今日俄罗斯记者:美国总统拜登在《华盛顿邮报》上发表评论文章称,不应由中国制定全球商业和技术规则。中方对此有何评论? RIA Novosti: US President Joe Biden in his opinion article for Washington Post said that China should not participate in the development of rules for global commerce and technology. What's your comment?


    Wang Wenbin: China always believed that peace, development and win-win cooperation are the trend of the times and the shared aspiration of the world. Every member of the international community should abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, uphold the UN-centered international system and work for more democratic international relations. World affairs should be handled through consultation by all countries, rather than be dictated by a few. We need to uphold openness and inclusiveness and reject isolation and exclusivity. We need to seek equal consultation and reject hegemony. Pursuing bloc politics and small cliques targeting a certain country with ideology as the yardstick and practicing fake, selective multilateralism are moves against the trend of the times that will garner no support and get nowhere.


    We hope the US can view China in an objective and rational light, stop playing up the "China threat" narrative, and do more things that are conducive to promoting bilateral mutual trust and cooperation and world peace and stability.



    CCTV: U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has called for a diplomatic boycott of next year's Winter Olympics in Beijing. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that Beijing's hosting of the 2022 Winter Olympics offers concerned nations the chance to press China on its human rights record, adding he would raise the matter at a G7 leaders' summit next week. What's your response?


    Wang Wenbin: We firmly reject the U.S. and Canadian leaders' attack against China and interference in China's internal affairs in the name of human rights issues.


    The world has seen it so clearly that, the Native Indians still face various discrimination and suppression more than two centuries after surviving the "genocide". African Americans are struggling to defend their freedom to "breathe" one hundred years after the Tulsa massacre. The Canadian government's forced assimilation policy led to numerous deaths of indigenous children, but the truth has yet to come out.


    The world also sees clearly that the US side described the storming of the Capitol Hill by protesters in January with words like "violence" and "disgrace", but labeled similar incidents that took place in Hong Kong as "a beautiful sight to behold".


    Instead of facing up to and solving their serious human rights problems at home, the United States and Canada have smeared and attacked China's human rights situation with fabricated excuses, which fully exposes their usual double standard on human rights issues and their political calculation of using human rights issues to serve their own selfish interests.


    What I want to stress is that politicizing sports goes against the spirit of the Olympic Charter and harms the interests of athletes of all countries and the international Olympic cause. All sectors of the international community, including the governments and Olympic committees of many countries, and the International Olympic Committee, have clearly expressed their opposition to this wrong practice. We urge the relevant individuals in the United States and Canada to stop using the Olympic games to engage in despicable political game and not to take a stand against athletes and winter sports-lovers worldwide.


    日本广播协会记者:中国—东盟特别外长会是否将讨论缅甸局势?中国将在缅甸局势中发挥怎样作用? NHK: Will the situation in Myanmar be discussed at the Special ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers' Meeting? What role will China play on this issue? 汪文斌:我刚才已经介绍了中国—东盟特别外长会的有关情况。关于中方在缅甸问题上发挥的作用,我们支持东盟坚持不干涉内政的原则和协商一致的传统,作为成熟的地区组织,以东盟方式鼓励并建设性参与缅甸内部和解进程;支持在东盟框架内共同探讨缓解局势、解决问题的有效办法。中方将继续同东盟保持密切沟通,支持东盟的斡旋努力,并以自己的方式做缅甸各方工作,推动缅甸局势早日实现软着陆。关于这次中国—东盟特别外长会涉及缅甸问题的有关情况,我们会及时发布消息,你可以保持关注。 Wang Wenbin: I just offered some information on the ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers' Meeting. As to China's role on the issue of Myanmar, China supports the ASEAN in upholding the principle of non-interference in internal affairs and the tradition of consensus based on consultation, and playing the role of a mature regional organization to encourage and constructively participate in Myanmar's internal reconciliation process in the ASEAN Way. We support joint efforts to explore effective means to ease the situation and resolve issues within the ASEAN framework. China will maintain close communication with ASEAN and support its mediation efforts, while reaching out to all parties in Myanmar in its own way, so as to secure an early "soft landing" for the situation in Myanmar. As to the specifics about Myanmar at this Special ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers' Meeting, just stay tuned for our readouts to be released in a timely manner.


    《纽约时报》记者:中方对3名美国参议员“访问”台湾,尤其是使用美军军机“访问”台湾有何回应? New York Times: What is the reaction of China to the visit by the three US Senators to Taiwan and particularly the use of an air force jet for that trip? 汪文斌:美国会有关议员“访问”台湾并会见台湾地区领导人,严重违反一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报规定,中方对此坚决反对,已向美方提出严正交涉。我们敦促美方把坚持奉行一个中国政策的表态落到实处,切实恪守一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报规定,立即停止与台湾开展任何形式的官方往来,慎重处理台湾问题,不向“台独”分裂势力发出任何错误信号,以免给中美关系和台海和平稳定造成进一步严重损害。 Wang Wenbin: The visit by relevant US senators and their meeting with the leader of the Taiwan region gravely violates the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiqués. China strongly opposes this and has lodged solemn representations with the US side. We urge the US to faithfully implement its one-China policy, earnestly abide by the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiqués, immediately discontinue all forms of official interactions with Taiwan and handle issues relating to Taiwan in a prudent manner. It should avoid sending any wrong signal to "Taiwan independence" separatists and causing further damage to China-US relations and peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.



    People's Daily: As we know, BRICS foreign ministers' meetings usually end with just one press statement, but the recent one released an extra statement on multilateralism. Do you have anything on this? Is there any difference between BRICS attitude towards multilateralism and multilateral cooperation and the general understanding of the international community, especially the proposition of developed countries?

    汪文斌:自2017年中国作为时任金砖轮值主席国倡议以来,五国外长已连续5次举行单独的正式会晤,形成了以新闻公报形式全面阐述对当前国际形势和突出问题一致看法的传统,取得良好效果。 Wang Wenbin: Since China put forward the proposal during its rotating presidency of BRICS in 2017, the five countries' foreign ministers have held separate formal meetings for five consecutive years. Since then, we've developed a tradition of elaborating on our consensus on current international landscape and prominent issues in the form of press statements with good effects.
    形式服务目的,载体服务内容。当前,国际上对多边主义的解释和定义形形色色,各类全球性的威胁和挑战也层出不穷。需要坚持什么样的多边主义,需要支持什么样的多边机构,国际社会迫切需要答案。在这样的形势之下,金砖国家作为新兴市场和发展中国家的代表,义不容辞地作出了回答。《金砖国家关于加强和改革多边体系的联合声明》中点出了几项原则:一是应使全球治理更具包容性、代表性和参与性,使其有利于发展中国家和最不发达国家参与全球决策;二是应以包容的协商与合作为基础,要符合所有人的利益;三是应使多边组织反应更加迅速,聚焦行动和聚焦问题,并基于国际法准则和相互尊重、公平正义、合作共赢的精神;四是应利用数字和技术工具等创新包容的解决方案;五是加强各国及国际组织的能力;六是将以人民为中心的国际合作作为核心。这代表了金砖国家的答案。 The means serves the end just as the vehicle carries the meaning. Today there are so many different interpretations and definitions of multilateralism in the world which is faced with various global challenges and threats. What kind of multilateralism should we uphold? What kind of multilateral institutions should we support? The international community needs an answer urgently.Under such circumstances, BRICS countries, as representatives of emerging markets and developing countries, have tackled the problem head-on and given their answer. The BRICS Joint Statement on Strengthening and Reforming the Multilateral System laid out the following principles. First, it should make global governance more inclusive, representative and participatory to facilitate greater and more meaningful participation of developing and least developed countries. Second, it should be based on inclusive consultation and collaboration for the benefit of all. Third, it should make multilateral organizations more responsive, action-oriented and solution-oriented based on the norms and principles of international law and the spirit of mutual respect, justice, equality, mutual beneficial cooperation. Fourth, it should use innovative and inclusive solutions, including digital and technological tools. Fifth, it should strengthen capacities of individual States and international organizations. Sixth, it should promote people-centered international cooperation at the core. This is the answer given by the BRICS.
    金砖国家重申将坚持走多边主义道路,坚定支持加强和改革多边体系。也正是出于这样的考虑,中方支持金砖国家就加强和改革多边体系单独发表一份联合声明。这份声明不仅是金砖五国的努力成果,也不仅代表金砖国家的答案,同时声明也反映了绝大多数国家的共同愿望,体现了国际社会的普遍共识。 BRICS countries reiterated their commitment to the path of multilateralism and their support for strengthening and reforming multilateralism. It is also out of this consideration that China supported BRICS countries in issuing a separate joint statement on strengthening and reforming the multilateral system. This statement is not only the outcome of the five countries' concerted efforts and their answer, but also reflects the shared aspiration of the overwhelming majority of countries and the widespread consensus of the international community.
    当然,金砖国家作为新兴市场和发展中国家,对于多边主义和多边合作的态度,和少数发达国家相比,的确存在一些区别。金砖国家强调要坚持《联合国宪章》宗旨和原则,反对搞例外主义和双重标准。我们坚持共商共建共享,反对搞霸权霸凌和零和博弈。我们坚持开放包容、合作共赢,反对搞集团政治和意识形态对抗。我们坚持行动和问题导向,反对搞坐而论道和空谈误事。中方相信,这份声明的内容经得起实践推敲和历史检验,一定会得到越来越多的国际认可和支持。 The BRICS countries, as emerging markets and developing countries, are indeed different from a few developed countries in their attitude towards multilateralism and multilateral cooperation. The BRICS countries stress the need to observe the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and oppose exceptionalism and double standard. We are committed to extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, and oppose hegemonic bullying and zero-sum games. We pursue openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation, and reject bloc politics and ideological confrontation. We call for taking real actions to solve real problems, and reject empty words that prolong them. China has every confidence that the contents of this statement will stand the scrutiny of practice and the test of history and will surely win more and more international recognition and support.



    Associated Press of Pakistan: A follow-up question on President Xi's message to the World Environment Day. Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan thanked President Xi and also applauded his leadership in combating climate change and biodiversity loss and his offer to set up a cooperation in ecosystem restoration. What is your response please?

    汪文斌:刚才我已经介绍了,6月5日,习近平主席向巴基斯坦世界环境日主题活动致贺信。习主席在贺信中指出,今年是联合国生态系统恢复十年的开局之年,巴方举办以“生态系统恢复”为主题的世界环境日活动具有重要意义。世界是同舟共济的命运共同体,国际社会要以前所未有的雄心和行动,推动构建公平合理、合作共赢的全球环境治理体系,推动人类可持续发展。习主席也赞赏巴基斯坦政府和伊姆兰·汗总理将建设“清洁绿色巴基斯坦”作为施政的优先方向,强调中方愿同包括巴基斯坦在内的国际社会加强在联合国框架内合作,打造人与自然生命共同体,共建清洁美丽的世界。我们也注意到了伊姆兰·汗总理作出的积极回应。习近平主席向巴基斯坦世界环境日主题活动致贺信,体现了中国作为全球生态文明参与者、贡献者、引领者的大国担当,为全球环境治理、打造人与自然生命共同体贡献了中国主张、中国方案、中国智慧。 Wang Wenbin: As I just stated, President Xi Jinping pointed out in his congratulatory letter to the World Environment Day events held in Pakistan that this year marks the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. The World Environment Day events held in Pakistan under the theme of "ecosystem restoration" are of great significance. The world is a community with a shared future where everyone is in the same boat. The international community should work together with unprecedented ambition and action to strive for a fair and reasonable system of global environmental governance featuring win-win cooperation and promote the sustainable development of humanity. President Xi also applauded the government of Pakistan and Prime Minister Imran Khan for making it a priority to build a Clean Green Pakistan. He stressed China's readiness to strengthen cooperation with Pakistan and the rest of the international community within the UN to foster a community of life for man and nature, and jointly build a clean and beautiful world. We also noted Prime Minister Imran Khan's cordial response. By sending a congratulatory letter to the World Environment Day events held in Pakistan, President Xi has demonstrated China's sense of responsibility as a participant, contributor and trailblazer in global ecological conservation, and offered China's proposal, solution and wisdom to improving global environmental governance and building a community of life for man and nature.
    我刚才也讲到,中巴是全天候战略合作伙伴。我们愿同巴方开展紧密协调合作,提升全球环境治理水平,打造人与自然生命共同体,共建清洁美丽世界。 As I just said, China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic cooperative partners. We stand ready to conduct close coordination and cooperation with Pakistan to improve global environmental governance, foster a community of life for man and nature and jointly build a clean and beautiful world.


    彭博社记者:首先我想跟进一下之前的问题,美国参议员访问台湾时乘坐的飞机是美国空军的C-17运输机。这是否构成美方在台湾问题上的越界行为?第二个问题,《日本经济新闻》上周报道称,美国、日本以及英国、德国和荷兰等主要欧洲国家将建立一个框架,加强对某些产品的对华出口控制,特别是半导体、人工智能和生物技术。外交部如何看待这一举措及其对中国科技发展的影响? Bloomberg: Just like to have a quick follow-up on an earlier question, and then I have a separate question, so bear with me, please. On the Taiwan visit by the US senators, there was a question around the type of aircraft that was used, a C-17 military aircraft. Does this constitute the crossing of a line on Taiwan matters by the US? That's my first follow-up question on the Taiwan issue. Separately, I'd like to ask about a story published last week by the Japanese publication Nikkei, in which it said that the US, Japan and key European countries, including the UK, Germany and the Netherlands will form a framework to tighten export controls on certain products to China, particularly semiconductors, artificial intelligence and bio-tech. My question here is: is the foreign ministry aware of such a plan, and what is the view on such measure? And how might it impact China's technological development?


    Wang Wenbin: On your first question, I already stated China's solemn position. We urge the US to faithfully implement its one-China policy, earnestly abide by the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiqués, immediately discontinue all forms of official interactions with Taiwan and handle issues relating to Taiwan in a prudent manner. It should avoid sending any wrong signal to "Taiwan independence" separatists and causing further damage to China-US relations and peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.


    On your second question, I'm not aware of what you mentioned.


    I'd like to stress that economic globalization is the objective reality and historical trend. The politicization and weaponization of science, technology and economic and trade issues based on ideology and the formation of exclusive small groups run counter to the principles of market economy and fair competition. They will only artificially divide the world, undermine international trade rules, threaten the security of global industrial and supply chains, and ultimately do harm to others and oneself.


    We hope relevant countries will abandon the zero-sum thinking, go with the trend of the times, contribute more to normal science and technology exchange and trade in the world, and foster an open, fair and non-discriminatory environment for innovation to flourish. All should work together to build an open world economy to achieve common development and prosperity.



    PTI: Just to follow up on what you said about Indians stuck back home, not able to return. This representation was made to the Chinese embassy in India. It appears that they are looking for a new kind of a roadmap or a kind of new policy in this regard for their return from the Chinese government.

    汪文斌:我刚才已经阐明了中方在这个问题上的原则立场。有关具体情况还是请你和中国驻印度使领馆联系。 Wang Wenbin: I just stated China's principled position on this matter. As for the specific issues, I would like to refer you to the Chinese embassy and consulates in India.



    Prasar Bharati: My question is regarding the cross-border travel. Now China has two vaccines approved by WHO. In coming times, will China consider accepting or recognizing other WHO vaccines? For example, Saudi Arabia has accepted and recognized AstraZeneca vaccines produced in India by the Serum Institute of India (SII). So any such policy decision is to be made by China in coming times? Is there anything in plan?

    汪文斌:你提的实际上是疫情形势下中外人员往来的秩序问题。我们也多次阐述过中方在这一问题上的原则立场。我愿重申,疫情暴发以来,中方借鉴多国的做法,根据疫情形势变化科学、动态调整有关人员来华的管理措施。中方愿在确保防疫安全的前提下积极构建健康、安全、有序的中外人员往来秩序。 Wang Wenbin: Your question is actually about the orderly flow of personnel against the background of COVID-19. We have repeatedly stated China's principled position. I would like to reiterate that since the onset of COVID-19, by drawing on the practices of other countries, China adjusts its management measures on in-bound travelers in light of the changing epidemic situation in a science-based manner. On the basis of ensuring safety, China will work actively to put in place healthy, safe and orderly personnel exchanges with other countries.



    Shenzhen TV: According to reports, armed attackers killed at least 138 civilians in a village raid in northern Burkina Faso on June 5. President Kaboré of Burkina Faso and Spokesperson for the UN Secretary-General Dujarric both condemned the attack. Does China have a comment?

    汪文斌:中方对发生在布基纳法索的袭击事件表示谴责,向遇难者家属表示同情和慰问。中方一贯坚决反对一切恐怖主义行径。我们也注意到联合国秘书长发言人的有关表态。我们将继续坚定支持布基纳法索政府维护国家安全稳定的努力。 Wang Wenbin: China condemns the attack in Burkina Faso and extends condolences to the bereaved families. China always stands against all terrorist acts. We note the statement from the Spokesperson for the UN Secretary-General. We will continue firmly supporting the government of Burkina Faso in safeguarding national security and stability.


    美国专题新闻社记者:美国国务卿布林肯在接受采访时称,中国没有为国际核查人员提供透明渠道,也没有对新冠肺炎信息进行实时共享,并表示中国应就新冠肺炎疫情承担责任。中方对此有何评论? FSN: In an interview with Axios, the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that China hadn't provided the transparency, access for international inspectors, or real time information sharing on COVID-19 and said that China would be held accountable for the origins of COVID-19. What's China's response? 汪文斌:我们多次强调,国际社会有识之士也一再呼吁,疫情溯源是一个科学问题,应由全球的科学家合作开展,而不应被政治化。世界卫生组织专家已就此作出明确结论。中方在溯源问题上一直秉持开放、透明的态度,两次邀请世卫专家来华开展溯源研究。世卫组织于今年3月发布了中国—世卫组织联合专家组溯源研究报告。联合专家组撰写的报告遵循了世卫组织的程序,采取了科学的方法,具有权威性和科学性。 Wang Wenbin: As we've been stressing and as the international community has been reiterating, tracing the origin of the virus is a scientific matter that should be studied by scientists worldwide in collaboration, rather than be politicized. WHO experts have reached clear conclusions on this already. China has twice invited WHO experts in for origin study in an open and transparent manner. The WHO released the report of the WHO-China joint study of the origins in March. Compiled in line with WHO procedures and following science-based methods, it was an authoritative and scientific report.
    这里,我们也想给大家指出一个事实。2003年,美国不顾联合国监核会向安理会提交的关于伊拉克并未拥有大规模杀伤性武器的报告,预作有罪推断,指示情报部门开展所谓的“调查”,抛出基于假设而非证据的指控,并且大肆炒作伊拉克拥有大规模杀伤性武器的威胁。今天,我们看到的是,美国在溯源问题上甩锅推责的行径,与当年编造伊拉克拥有大规模杀伤性武器的谎言如出一辙,这应当引起国际社会的警惕,相信也会受到有识之士的反对。 I would like to draw your attention to one fact. In 2003, in disregard of the report submitted by the UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNSCOM) to the Security Council that Iraq does not possess weapons of mass destruction (WMD), the US directed its intelligence agencies to conduct so-called "investigations" based on presumption of guilt and made allegations founded on hypothesis rather than evidence, and mobilized media outlets to hype up the threat of Iraq's possession of WMD. The US moves to shift the blame of COVID-19 is no different from its lies on Iraq. The international community should be vigilant about this. I'm sure such moves will be rejected by people with insight.
    我们敦促美方停止将溯源政治化,停止污蔑抹黑中国,在溯源问题上采取开放、透明态度,承担起自己应尽的责任,邀请世卫组织专家到美国去开展溯源研究。 We urge the US to stop politicizing the study of origins, stop smearing China, adopt an open and transparent attitude on this issue, shoulder its due responsibilities and invite WHO experts for origin study in the US.


    彭博社记者:德国学者郑国恩发表报告称,由于中方在新疆施行的多种政策,南疆地区维吾尔族到2040年将少出生大量人口。中方对此有何回应? Bloomberg: So the German researcher Adrian Zenz has issued a new report. According to his research, he says that because of various policies by China in Xinjiang, that a large drop in births can be expected for Uyghur ethnic minorities in southern Xinjiang between now and 2040. What's the foreign ministry's comment?


    Wang Wenbin: We've debunked how Adrian Zenz spread lies and rumors on Xinjiang to smear and attack China in various despicable ways. People with vision and media agencies and experts across the world have all pointed out that the reports by Zenz, filled with bias and smears against China, have zero academic value. He's nothing but a fake academic with a bankrupt reputation who is being sued by relevant companies in Xinjiang. His so-called reports are by no means to be trusted.

    以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021-6-7的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!

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