【双语】例行记者会 2021-6-23
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    喜欢口译的同学,大多抱有一个外交官的理想,而双语例行记者会上快节奏的你问我答及现场翻译,则给我们提供了宝贵的学习资源。下面是小编整理的关于【双语】例行记者会 2021-6-23的资料,希望大家在这些唇枪舌剑中,提升英语,更热爱祖国!



    Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian'sRegular Press Conference on June 23, 2021

    总台央视记者:昨天,加拿大等一些国家在联合国人权理事会第47届会议上指责攻击中国涉疆、涉港、涉藏政策。我们也看到,白俄罗斯代表60多个国家作挺华共同发言。此外,海合会6国致函支持中方立场,20多国准备以单独发言等方式支持和呼应中方。外交部发言人昨晚已就此答记者问。你是否有进一步评论? CCTV: On June 22, Canada and some other countries, attacked China at the 47th session of the UN Human Rights Council on its policy related to Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Tibet. Meanwhile, Belarus, on behalf of more than 60 countries, made a joint statement supporting China's position. The six members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) have sent a letter in support of China's position, and more than 20 countries are ready to support and echo China by making statements in national capacity. The spokesperson of the foreign ministry already made remarks on this last night, and do you have anything to add? 赵立坚:正如你提到的,昨天在联合国人权理事会第47届会议上,白俄罗斯代表65国作共同发言,强调尊重各国主权、独立和领土完整,不干涉主权国家内政是国际关系基本准则,香港、新疆、西藏事务是中国内政,外界不应干涉,主张恪守联合国宪章宗旨和原则,尊重各国人民根据国情自主选择人权发展道路的权利,反对将人权问题政治化和双重标准,反对出于政治动机、基于虚假信息对中国进行无理指责,反对以人权为借口干涉中国内政。海合会6国致函支持中方立场,20多个国家也以单独发言等方式支持和呼应中方。 Zhao Lijian: Just as you mentioned, at the 47th session of the UN Human Rights Council yesterday, Belarus delivered a joint speech on behalf of 65 countries, stressing that respect for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries and non-interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states are basic norms governing international relations. The affairs of Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet are China's internal affairs, and the outside world should not interfere. All should abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, respect the right of people of all countries to independently choose the path of human rights development in light of their national conditions, oppose politicizing and double standards on human rights issues, oppose politically motivated and groundless accusations against China based on disinformation, and oppose interference in China's internal affairs under the pretext of human rights. The six members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) have sent a letter supporting China's position, and more than 20 countries also supported and echoed China by making statements in national capacity.
    上述90多个国家在人权理事会发出了正义的呼声,这恰恰说明是非有众议,公道自在人心,也充分反映了国际社会人心向背,戳穿了少数西方国家借人权问题干涉别国内政的虚伪面目。事实已反复证明,少数西方国家热衷于编造炒作涉华谣言,打着人权的旗号干涉中国内政,目的是打压遏制中国,阻碍中国发展进程,这注定是徒劳的。我要正告这些西方国家,中国促进和保护本国人权的决心坚定不移,维护国家主权、安全、发展利益的决心坚定不移。 More than 90 countries voiced their appeal for justice at the Human Rights Council, which shows that justice always prevails and people can tell right from wrong. It also reflects what the international community is supporting and exposes the hypocrisy of a few Western countries in interfering in other countries' internal affairs under the pretext of human rights. Facts have proved time and again that a handful of Western countries are eager to fabricate and hype up China-related rumors and interfere in China's internal affairs in the name of human rights, with the purpose of suppressing and containing China and hindering China's development process. This is bound to be in vain. I would like to tell these Western countries that China is unswervingly determined to promote and protect its own human rights and safeguard its national sovereignty, security and development interests.
    我还想强调的是,加拿大、美国、英国等一些西方国家自封“人权判官”,热衷扮演“人权教师爷”,却对自身存在的严重人权问题视而不见,避重就轻。个别国家的人权记录触目惊心,原住民儿童惨遭迫害,警察暴力屡见不鲜,种族主义痼疾难除,枪支泛滥,反犹太、反穆斯林、反非洲裔、反亚洲裔言行频频发生,军事干涉导致严重人道灾难,单边强制措施侵犯他国基本人权。面对上述斑斑劣迹和累累罪行,他们有什么资格对其他国家的人权状况说三道四、指手画脚?我们奉劝这些国家好好照照镜子,深刻反省,采取切实措施解决本国严重的人权问题。他们应恪守联合国宪章宗旨和原则及国际关系基本准则,真正为国际人权事业健康发展做些实事和好事。 I also want to stress that some Western countries like Canada, the US and the UK style themselves as"human rights judges and lecturers", but choose to turn a blind eye to or downplay their own serious human rights issues. The track records of certain countries are beyond appalling: persecution of indigenous children, widespread police violence, deep-seated racism, proliferation of firearms, frequently occurrence of anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, anti-African and anti-Asian remarks and incidents, military interventions that lead to serious humanitarian disaster and unilateral coercive measures that violate the basic human rights in other countries. With such a woeful record, what right do they have to judge the human rights situation in other countries? We urge these countries to take a hard look at themselves in the mirror, deeply repent their wrongdoing, take concrete steps to address their own serious human rights problems, abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the basic norms governing international relations, and make concrete contributions to the sound development of the international human rights cause.


    路透社记者:据《金融时报》报道,美国国务卿布林肯或将于在意大利举行的二十国集团外长会议期间同中方会见。中方能否证实? Reuters: Financial Times reported that US Secretary of State Blinken will possibly meet with Chinese officials during G20 in Italy. Is this true? 赵立坚:二十国集团是国际经济合作主要论坛。中方重视二十国集团合作,支持二十国集团引领全球尽早战胜疫情,推动完善全球治理,为世界经济稳定复苏作出积极贡献。至于你提到的具体问题,目前我没有这方面的消息向你提供。 Zhao Lijian: The G20 is the premier forum for international economic cooperation. China values G20 cooperation and supports it in leading the global fight against the epidemic, improving global governance, and contributing to the steady recovery of the world economy. As for the specific question you raised, I have no information to offer you at present.



    Beijing Youth Daily: Yesterday Canada's attack against China using human rights as a pretext at the 47th session of the UN Human Rights Council had the support of the US. But there are comments that the international community is widely concerned about the terrible human rights conditions in the US. Jeffrey Sachs, a professor at Columbia University, pointed out in a recent interview that the US, "instead of recognizing its own violations of human rights, criticizes other countries with biased human rights application". How do you comment on the human rights conditions in the US? 


    Zhao Lijian: As I just said, yesterday, over 90 countries spoke up for justice at the 47th session of the UN Human Rights Council, laying bare the hypocritical face of a handful of countries including the US and Canada who are using human rights issues to meddle in China's internal affairs and undermine China's stability and development. Their attempt to smear China has ended once again in disgraceful failure.


    What Professor Sachs said reflects an objective fact, that is, the US always boasts of being "a shining example of human rights" but turns a blind eye to its appalling human rights record. It blatantly plays with double standard and uses human rights as a tool to retain hegemony and interfere in other countries' domestic affairs. However, the sins committed by the US can no longer be swept under the carpet. Both history and reality have recorded its human rights violations. From large-scale race massacre against indigenous peoples to prevalent, systemic and persistent racial discrimination, from waging wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, which killed hundreds of thousands and displaced nearly ten million to willfully slapping unilateral coercive sanctions which violate the basic human rights of foreign citizens, the list of notorious human rights violations of the US goes on and on. 


    This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre in the US. On May 31, 1921, a white mob brutally attacked the African-American community of Greenwood, Tulsa, Oklahoma with arson, gunfire and aerial bombing, killing about 300, displacing almost ten thousand, and destroying nearly 1,400 houses. As the violence ended, what was known as the "Black Wall Street" was burned to the ground. Media investigations have revealed that the local government and police provided weapons for the white mob and the National Guard even joined the white mob's killing, arson attacks and looting. What's more outrageous is that afterwards, the US government, instead of facing the mistake, chose to destroy evidence, block information and even falsify collective memory to deceive the public. This race massacre, one of the worst in US history, ends up with impunity for the perpetrators, neglect for the victims, and ignorance of what really happened among the public, even many descendants of the survivors. Only today, a century later, has the massacre gained attention in the US, which is truly astonishing.


    When the US weaponizes human rights issues and tries to fabricate lies to criticize other countries and seek political manipulation, it should not forget the wrongfully-taken African American lives in Tulsa and should not forget that the wounds of racial discrimination and conflict are far from healed. We urge the US to face up to, reflect upon and take concrete measures to address its own serious human rights issues, respond to the call of ethnic minorities, and uphold justice for history and the world.



    Chine Review News: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said yesterday that "China is not recognising" there is human rights abuse in Xinjiang. Meanwhile, we also noted comments saying Canada, a self-styled human rights defender, is the poster child of poor human rights record. How do you comment on that?


    Zhao Lijian: As we pointed out, Canada is in no position to criticize China, and what they need to do most is to reflect on its poor track record on human rights.


    Not long ago, the remains of 215 Indigenous Canadian children were discovered at the site of a former Indian residential school. We noted that despite calling the discovery "heartbreaking and shameful", the Canadian government tried to shirk its responsibility, citing that relevant investigations are rejected by the Catholic Church and hoping the Church will assume the responsibility. Such crocodile tears expose the hypocrisy of the Canadian government and absence of sincerity and courage in the face of its own notorious human rights record, making us worried about whether the conditions of Indigenous Canadians will be genuinely improved or not.


    Similarly, Canada is no better than its neighbor in terms of systemic racial discrimination against other ethnic minorities. Since the outbreak of COVID-19,discrimination, stigmatization and violence targeting Asian Canadians have apparently increased. Reports show that from March 2020 to February 2021, there were more than 1,000 occurrences of verbal abuse and violent attack against Asian Canadians, higher than the number reported per Asian capita compared to the US. In 2020, anti-Asian hate crimes increased by 717 percent, 600 percent and 400 percent in Vancouver, Ottawa and Toronto respectively from 2019. In recent years, many African Canadians have been killed by police violence, triggering large-scale protests and demonstrations. Nearly one out of every 15 young black men in Ontario has experienced jail time, compared to approximately one-in-70 young white men. Discrimination and hate crime against Muslims are also rampant. According to Statistics Canada figures, in 2017, hate crimes against the Muslim population grew by 151 percent from 2016. In the face of such blatant racial discrimination and human rights violations, governments at various levels in Canada basically resort to empty posturing, but short of concrete measures to safeguard the legal rights and interests of ethnic minorities.


    Following the recent discovery of the remains of 215 Indigenous Canadian children, Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence and Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples have urged the Canadian side to launch full-fledged investigations and said that justice and full reparation must be urgently pursued. We also want to ask the Canadian side, when will they start the investigations and make reparations? When will they take measures targeting systemic racial discrimination?



    The Paper: British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said the other day that "the UK supported Canada's statement at the UNHRC condemning China's human rights violations in Xinjiang and the undermining of rights and freedoms in Hong Kong". He said that "the Chinese authorities must abide by their international human rights obligations". What is China's comment?


    Zhao Lijian: We deplore and reject the remarks made by the UK side. These are politically motivated and groundless accusations against China based on lies and disinformation that constitute gross interference in China's internal affairs under the pretext of human rights. I wonder what gives the UK the confidence and makes it feel it's in a position to stand on the moral high ground and demand that "the Chinese authorities must abide by their international human rights obligations"?


    Britain styles itself as the international "standard-bearer" and world "leader" of human rights protection, but actually human rights problems have been in its social system for a long time: increasing number of people living below the poverty line, indifference to people's right to life and health, deteriorating living conditions for ethnic minorities, acute Islamophobia, growing deficiency and injustice in education, record-high crime rate, modern slavery, attempt to cover up a number of war crimes, and the list goes on and on. Recently, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights expressed concerns over the Overseas Operations (Service Personnel and Veterans) Bill currently being reviewed by the UK Parliament. She said the Bill "could lead to shielding military personnel operating abroad from due accountability for acts of torture or other serious international crimes"; and could potentially be an obstacle to full accountability for international crimes perpetrated by individuals. It is a despicable double standard approach for the UK to seek legal justification for the abuses and suffering inflicted on innocent civilians by British troops during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.


    The UK is by no means a model of human rights, and is in no position to lecture others. We urge the British side to look at itself in the mirror and repent its own serious human rights violations. It's scheme to deflect attention and shirk its responsibilities by smearing and attacking China will not work.


    Fuji TV: China's giant panda Shin Shin gave birth to twins at Ueno Zoological Park in Tokyo today. We understand that recently the topic of China-Japan relations is getting somewhat serious but this may be good news. Does the foreign ministry have any comment? 


    Zhao Lijian: This good news makes us all very happy.


    The giant panda is a national treasure and a name card of China, and an envoy for friendly exchanges between China and other countries. Shin Shin's first baby, Xiang Xiang, is deeply loved by the Japanese people. I believe the newly born cubs will also bring joy and happiness to all. We sincerely hope that the two panda cubs will grow up healthy and strong and become beloved envoys of the friendship between the Chinese and Japanese people, just like their elder sister Xiang Xiang.



    China Daily: According to reports, TV2 Mongolia's documentary "China's development path" was recently launched in Mongolia and warmly received. The documentary tries to understand the path and achievements with Chinese characteristics from Mongolia's perspective, and fully presents China's new development in a new era, and gives a full display of the hard and great journey the Communist Party of China has led the Chinese people on over the past century. What is China's comment?


    Zhao Lijian: Thank you for your interest in this. We appreciate Mongolia's comprehensive and objective view of China's development.


    China has made remarkable development achievements because we found a correct development path, namely, the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics under the leadership of the CPC. This path conforms to China's national conditions and the trend of the times, gets the overwhelming support of the Chinese people, and is garnering understanding and endorsement of more and more countries in the world. The documentary produced by Mongolia is a good example to this point. We welcome more objective and impartial foreign media to report on China.


    China has always been a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development and a defender of the international order. While achieving its own development, China will continue to inject more positive energy into world peace and development and bring new development opportunities to Mongolia and other countries. China and Mongolia are friendly neighbors linked by mountains and rivers and comprehensive strategic partners. China is ready to work with Mongolia to further deepen and consolidate China-Mongolia relations and bring more benefits to the two peoples. 


    中新社记者:近日,美国威斯康星州共和党众议员加拉格就新冠肺炎疫情发文称,中方正“系统性隐瞒”,以免承担“不当应对”疫情的罪责。请问中方对此有何评论? China News Service: Recently Mike Gallagher, US Representative for Wisconsin's 8th congressional district, posted an article on the COVID-19, saying that China is engaged in a systematic "coverup" designed to avoid culpability for its "mishandling" of the pandemic. What is China's comment? 赵立坚:疫情发生以来,中方始终本着开放、透明的态度,毫无保留与各国分享防控诊疗经验。中方两次接待世卫组织专家来华,同世卫组织发布联合专家组溯源研究报告,为全球溯源工作作出积极贡献,举世公认。 Zhao Lijian: Since the onset of the epidemic, China has unreservedly shared with other countries its experience in containment and treatment in an open and transparent manner. China has received WHO experts twice and co-released with WHO the joint mission report on origin-tracing, making positive contributions to the global response. China's efforts have gained worldwide recognition.
    我想问问这位议员,2019年7月威斯康星州暴发大规模“电子烟疾病”时,他是否给予过足够关注?全球至今仍未看到相关疾病的明确结论。他作为威斯康星州众议员,是否认为这是美方的“系统性隐瞒”?如果这位议员想探寻结论,建议他不妨从威斯康星州驱车前往德特里克堡,了解那里的真相或许有所帮助。2019年6月,德堡因被检查出未遵循程序,存在机械故障与泄漏问题而被勒令停止研究工作,而几乎同时,威斯康星州就暴发了“电子烟疾病”。 I wonder if the US congressman concerned has paid enough attention to the massive outbreak of EVALI in Wisconsin in July 2019. The world has yet to see a clear conclusion about the disease. As a lawmaker representing Wisconsin, does he think this is a systematic "coverup" by the US side? If he really wants an answer, it might help if he drives to Fort Detrick from Wisconsin to find out the truth. In June 2019, research work at Fort Detrick was suspended after an inspection found failure to follow procedures and mechanic glitches and leaks. Around the same time, EVALI broke out on a large scale in Wisconsin. 
    德堡的安全隐患和泄漏事故已臭名远扬,其毫无道德底线的所谓研究和“放毒”活动也令人触目惊心。二战后,德堡保护并招募了一批臭名昭著的纳粹战犯并掌握了其细菌战研究成果,其中包括德国纳粹细菌战实验室主管特劳布和侵华日军“731部队”负责人石井四郎。德堡的实验研究对象一部分是动植物,另一部分则是人类活体。据报道,活体实验负责人戈特利布曾连续77天给7名黑人囚犯注射超量致幻剂以验证药物的逼供功效。 Fort Detrick is infamous for its security risks and leak incidents. Its so-called research respecting no moral bottom line and "release of viruses" are just shocking. After WWII, it sheltered and recruited some notorious Nazi war criminals and took over their research in biological warfare. Among them are Erich Traub, head of Nazi Germany's biological warfare lab, and Shiro Ishii, who was in charge of Unit 731 of the Imperial Japanese Army that waged the war of aggression against China. At Fort Detrick, the objects of experiments include plants, animals and human beings. According to reports, Sidney Gottlieb, who was in charge of human experiments, once gave seven black prisoners excessive doses of LSD for 77 days straight to test how drugs work on forcing confessions.
    面对国际社会的普遍质疑和关切,美国三缄其口,躲躲闪闪,他们究竟怕什么?真正“系统性隐瞒”的不是别人,正是美国自己。是不是有更多不为人知的可怕真相呢?我们再次要求美方尽快开放德堡生物基地,向国际专家提供了解相关信息的必要准入,并公布遍布全球200多个生物实验室的研究状况。 In the face of widespread doubts and concerns from the international community, the US remains reticent and evasive. What is it afraid of? No country but the US can be truly accused of systemic coverup. Are there more terrible truths that remain unknown in the US? Once again we urge the US to open up Fort Detrick as soon as possible, grant necessary access to international experts to learn relevant information, and publish research conducted in its over 200 biological labs all over the world. 


    凤凰卫视记者:据报道,22日,美国“威尔伯”号导弹驱逐舰穿越台湾海峡。这是美国总统拜登就职以来,美军舰第六次穿航台海。中方对此有何评论? Phoenix TV: On June 22, guided-missile destroyer USS Curtis Wilbur sailed through the Taiwan Strait. This is the sixth transit through the Taiwan Strait since the start of the Biden administration. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:中国东部战区新闻发言人已就此作出回应。中方密切关注并全程掌握美国军舰过航台湾海峡的情况。美舰近来多次在台湾海峡炫耀武力、滋事挑衅。这不是对什么自由开放的承诺,而是搞“军事横行自由”,是对地区和平稳定的蓄意干扰和破坏。国际社会对此看得清清楚楚。 Zhao Lijian: The spokesperson of the PLA Eastern Theater Command already made remarks on the issue. The Chinese side was closely following and fully aware of the US military vessel's passage through the Taiwan Strait from start to end. The US warships have repeatedly flaunted their prowess in the Taiwan Strait, provoking and stirring up trouble. This is by no means commitment to freedom and openness, but rather "freedom of trespassing", and deliberate disruption and sabotage of regional peace and stability. The international community sees this crystal clear.
    中方捍卫国家主权和领土完整的决心坚定不移。我们敦促美方为地区和平与稳定发挥建设性作用,而不是相反。 China is firmly resolved in upholding national sovereignty and territorial integrity. We urge the US to play a constructive role in regional peace and stability, rather than the opposite.



    Fuji TV: As for the panda cubs, do you hope that this good news will serve as an opportunity to improve China-Japan relations?


    Zhao Lijian: I think this is indeed a good thing for China-Japan relations and is of great significance to deepening the mutual understanding and enhancing exchanges between the people of our two countries. 


    彭博社记者:根据澳大利亚罗伊研究所最近发布的一份调查显示,澳大利亚民众对中国的信任度创下新低,只有16%的受访者认为中国会采取负责任行动。此外,澳大利亚外交贸易部官员还称中国“充满了不安全感”。中方对此有何评论? Bloomberg: According to a recent survey in Australia, Australians' trust in China has dropped to a record low. Only 16% of respondents said they trust China to act responsibly in the world, according to the annual Lowy Institute poll. Separately, an official from Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has said that China is "dogged by insecurity". Does the foreign ministry have any comment?  赵立坚:我们注意到有关报道,有关研究所的报告仅依据对2000多人的采访调查,其结论是否可靠要打上个问号。至于你提到澳方官员有关言论完全不符合事实。 Zhao Lijian: We've noted relevant reports. The institute's report is based on survey of about 2,000 people. Whether its conclusions are reliable remains a question. The remarks of the Australian official couldn't be further from the fact.
    我想强调的是,自2017年下半年以来,中澳关系屡屡遭遇严重困难,其根源在于澳方违背国际法和国际关系准则,粗暴干涉中国内政、损害中国利益、对两国各领域交流合作无端设限,责任完全在澳方。中方始终认为,一个健康、稳定的中澳关系符合两国人民的根本利益。目前改善中澳关系的“球”在澳方一边。希望澳大利亚政府秉持客观理性和负责任态度,认真思考是将中国视作伙伴还是威胁,多做有利于中澳互信与合作的事。我们也希望澳各界民众擦亮眼睛、明辨是非,客观看待中国和中国发展,自觉抵制澳国内一些人对中国的污蔑抹黑,理解和支持中澳友好和合作事业。 I'd like to stress that since the latter half of 2017, China-Australia relations have experienced one serious setback after another. The crux is that Australia, in breach of international law and basic norms of international relations, grossly interfered in China's domestic affairs, hurt Chinese interests and wantonly placed restrictions on bilateral exchange and cooperation. The Australian side bears full responsibility. China always believes that a sound and stable relationship serves the fundamental interests of the two peoples. The ball is in Australia's court with regard to improving bilateral relations. We hope the Australian government will adopt an objective, rational and responsible attitude, think carefully about whether it sees China as a partner or threat, and do more in the interest of mutual trust and cooperation between the two sides. We also hope the Australian people from all walks of life can be clear-eyed to tell right from wrong, view China and its development in an objective light, reject certain Australians' smears against China, and show their understanding and support for China-Australia friendship and cooperation.



    Bloomberg: China's military deployment along its disputed border with India and uncertainty over whether Beijing will fulfill its promise on troop reduction remain a challenge for relations between the two neighbors, according to Indian's foreign minister. Does the foreign ministry have any comment?


    Zhao Lijian: China's military deployment along the western section of the China-India border is a normal defense arrangement aimed at preventing and responding to encroachment and threat on China's territory by relevant country. For a long time, the Indian side has been increasing its military deployment along the China-India border and encroaching on China's territory. This is the root cause of tension along the China-India border. China always stands for a peaceful settlement of the boundary issue through negotiation and against linking the boundary issue with bilateral relations.



    Reuters: Lithuania said they will donate 20,000 vaccine shots to Taiwan, and open a representative office in Taiwan. Do you have any comment on this?


    Zhao Lijian: Recently, my colleagues and I have responded to this question on many occasions. Here I would like to reiterate that our hearts are with our Taiwan compatriots who are faced with the grave situation. We have always made clear the readiness to do our utmost to help our compatriots in Taiwan overcome the difficulties at an early date. I would like to advise the Taiwan authorities to focus on scientific epidemic prevention and control, remove man-made political obstacles, and ensure that the lives, health, interests and well-being of our Taiwan compatriots are effectively protected, rather than seek political manipulation on anti-epidemic cooperation for selfish interests. This disregard for the lives and health of Taiwan compatriots goes against the basic humanitarian spirit.


    China firmly opposes any official exchanges and the mutual establishment of so-called "representative offices" between Taiwan and countries having diplomatic relations with China. We urge the Lithuanian side to adhere to the one-China principle and honor its commitment made upon the establishment of diplomatic ties. Also a word of advice to the Taiwan authorities: "Taiwan independence" leads to a dead end and any attempt to create "two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan" will not succeed.



    Bloomberg: Wall Street Journal reported that China is likely to keep COVID-19 border restrictions for another year. Do you have any comment on this? 


    Zhao Lijian: I'm not aware of what you mentioned. In principle, I would like to stress two points.


    First, since the onset of COVID-19, by drawing on the practice of other countries and international customary practice, China adjusts its management measures on in-bound travelers in light of the changing epidemic situation in a science-based manner. 


    The coronavirus is still spreading in many parts of the world with the emergence of many variants. China will continue taking prevention and control measures through scientific analysis in light of the evolving situation. On the basis of ensuring safety, China stands ready to work actively to foster healthy, safe and orderly personnel exchanges with other countries.

    以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021-6-23的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!

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