喜欢口译的同学,大多抱有一个外交官的理想,而双语例行记者会上快节奏的你问我答及现场翻译,则给我们提供了宝贵的学习资源。下面是小编整理的关于【双语】例行记者会 2021-7-23的资料,希望大家在这些唇枪舌剑中,提升英语,更热爱祖国!
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian'sRegular Press Conference on July 23, 2021应国务委员兼外长王毅邀请,马耳他外交和欧洲事务部长巴尔托洛、巴基斯坦外长库雷希、芬兰外长哈维斯托、蒙古外长巴特策策格将在7月22日至28日期间对中国进行正式访问。王毅国务委员将在成都接待马、巴、芬三国外长,在天津接待蒙外长。
At the invitation of State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, the Maltese Minister for Foreign and European Affairs Evarist Bartolo, Pakistani Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmmod Hussain Qureshi, Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto and Mongolian Foreign Minister Battsetseg Batmunkh will pay official visits to China from July 22 to 28. State Councilor Wang Yi will receive the foreign ministers of Malta, Pakistan and Finland in Chengdu, and foreign minister of Mongolia in Tianjin.
CCTV: We have noted that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has recently arranged trips for foreign envoys and representatives of international organizations in China to Guizhou and Fujian separately. Can you give us more details?
Zhao Lijian: From July 11 to 17, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs arranged separate trips for foreign envoys and representatives of international organizations in China to visit Guizhou and Fujian provinces. Through field trips, seminars and discussions, the envoys deepened their understanding of China and the Communist Party of China (CPC), and found more opportunities for synergizing the cooperation between their respective countries and China.
The journey helps participants to understand the magnificent century-old history of the CPC. After visiting the sites of Zunyi Meeting, Gouba Meeting and Gutian Meeting, the envoys commended the CPC for its strong leadership in the success of China's revolution. They said that to understand China, one must understand the CPC. Throughout its 100 years of history, what remains unchanged is the CPC's vision, perseverance and the founding mission of seeking happiness for the Chinese people.
The journey showcases the tremendous changes and development potential of the Chinese society. From the first poverty alleviation village in the Ningde city and the demonstration site of the housing project for residents who used to live on boats in Xiaqi Village in Fujian Province to the Haohuahong village of Buyi minority ethnic group and the poverty elimination demonstration village of Huamao in Guizhou Province, the envoys saw the remarkable changes China's poverty elimination efforts have brought to the people's lives. From the national big data comprehensive pilot zone and the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST, also known as China's Tianyan) in Guizhou to the high-tech microelectronics enterprises in Xiamen, the envoys marveled at the booming development of scientific and technological innovation in China. From the China Tea Expo in Guizhou to the Yundang Lake in Xiamen, the envoys have gained helpful experience from China's ecological and environmental governance.
The journey offers opportunities to learn about the profound Chinese culture. In Fujian, the envoys visited the Quanzhou Maritime Museum, where they appreciated the inclusiveness and historical charm of Quanzhou, the starting point of the ancient Maritime Silk Road that preceded the Belt and Road Initiative. They also visited the museum of Hakka family precepts in Tulou or earthen buildings in Yongding District, Longyan City, and experienced the historical inheritance of the fine family values of the Chinese nation.
During the visits, the envoys spoke highly of China's achievements in poverty alleviation, scientific and technological innovation, ecological progress and cultural heritage protection, and expressed their expectation to strengthen exchanges and carry out more mutually beneficial cooperation with Guizhou and Fujian. We will, as always, welcome foreign envoys in China and others to visit various parts of China and get a panoramic and multidimensional view of China as it is.
新华社记者:美国务院发言人普莱斯日前称,中美关系的核心是竞争,同时不仅有对抗的因素,而且也将有双方利益汇合的因素。美常务副国务卿舍曼将于近日访华,希通过此访推进美利益与价值观,负责任地管理双边关系。美将继续“从实力地位出发”与中方对话。中美关系要有“护栏”,以使竞争不会发展为冲突。请问中方对此有何评论? Xinhua News Agency: US State Department spokesperson Ned Price said the other day that the China-US relationship is fundamentally competitive at its core. There are elements of this relationship that are adversarial, but there are also going to be elements where our interests are aligned. As for Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman's upcoming visit to China, Price said that the US hopes this visit will help to advance US interests and values and allow it to responsibly manage the bilateral relationship. He said the US will continue to engage with China from "a position of strength" and there should be guardrails to ensure and to see to it that competition doesn't spill over into conflict. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:美方所谓以“竞争、合作、对抗”处理中美关系,实质上仍是把中国定义为竞争对手,挑动对抗,遏制打压中国发展。这一做法没有分清中美关系的主流和支流,不符合事实,不符合两国人民根本利益,也不符合时代潮流,从根本上是零和思维在作祟。 Zhao Lijian: The so-called "competition, cooperation and confrontation" approach for dealing with China by the US side is in essence defining China as a competitor, stoking confrontation and containing and suppressing China's development. This approach does not distinguish between the major aspect and minor aspect of China-US relations. It is not in line with the facts, the fundamental interests of the two peoples or the trend of the times. It fundamentally originates from a zero-sum mentality.我愿强调,美方一再扬言“从实力地位出发”与中方对话,这反映出美方的傲慢和霸道。正如中方一再指出的,美方没有资格对中国说教或指手画脚,没有资格说“从实力地位出发”与中国打交道。我们在安克雷奇不吃这一套,在天津更不会吃这一套。 I would like to stress that the US has repeatedly claimed to talk to China from "a position of strength", which reflects its arrogance and bullying. As China has pointed out many times, the US is in no position to lecture or point fingers at China, or to deal with China from "a position of strength". We didn't buy that in Anchorage, and we certainly won't buy that in Tianjin.
中方始终认为,中美关系应当基于相互尊重和平等互利,而非一方受益。中美关系发展是要有“护栏”的,但“护栏”不能由美方单方面定义。美方停止干涉中国内政、停止诬蔑抹黑中国、停止损害中方利益,才是中美关系真正的“护栏”。 China always believes that China-US relations should be based on mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, rather than one side taking the benefit only. The development of China-US relations needs a "guardrail", but it cannot be defined by the US unilaterally. The US should stop interfering in China's internal affairs, stop smearing China and harming China's interests. This is the "guard rail" for the bilateral ties in a real sense.
我们将在舍曼常务副国务卿访华期间,继续阐明中方对发展中美关系的原则立场,坚定维护主权、安全、发展利益。 During Deputy Secretary Sherman's visit to China, we will continue to elaborate on China's principled position on developing China-US relations and firmly safeguard sovereignty, security and development interests.
总台国广记者:美国常务副国务卿舍曼将于7月25日至26日访华。中方谁将与其主谈?王毅国务委员兼外长是否会见? CRI: Wendy Sherman, Deputy Secretary of State of the US, will visit China on July 25 and 26. Who will be the principal Chinese official to hold talks with her? Will State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi meet with her?赵立坚:我要告诉你的是,主谈的是中国外交部主管中美关系的谢锋副部长。美方多次提出也希望拜会中方领导人。中方考虑按惯例安排王毅国务委员兼外长在谢锋副部长同舍曼会谈之后在天津会见舍曼。
Zhao Lijian: Vice Foreign Minister Xie Feng, who is in charge of China-US relations at China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will be the principal official to hold talks with Deputy Secretary Sherman. The US side repeatedly expressed the hope of meeting with Chinese leaders. By convention, China considers the arrangement of a meeting between State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Deputy Secretary Sherman after her talks with Vice Foreign Minister Xie Feng.
4 湖北广播电视台记者:近日,澳大利亚人权委员会(AHRC)发布“2021澳穆斯林年度报告”称,澳穆斯林普遍遭遇歧视,极端势力对穆斯林实施暴力和恐怖主义风险日益上升。中方对此有何评论? Hubei Media Group: The Australian Human Rights Commission recently released its Sharing the Stories of Australian Muslims Report 2021. It outlined widespread discrimination against Australian Muslims and the increasing risk of violent and terrorist acts by extremists targeting Muslims. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:我们注意到相关报告。报告中指出,澳大利亚穆斯林普遍遭遇歧视。80%受访者在商场、祈祷室等公共场所遭遇过种族或宗教歧视。四分之一受访者表示在遭遇歧视时无法发声或采取行动。澳大利亚国立大学研究表明,澳大利亚中东姓名应聘者成功概率仅为英文姓名应聘者的一半。许多穆斯林受访者表示,他们正遭受越来越多极端分子的骚扰,对现实生活日益感到恐惧。报告还指出,澳国内一些右翼政客为了谋取个人政治私利,经常对澳大利亚穆斯林群体发表不负责任的言论,误导澳民众认知,这直接导致了针对澳穆斯林的暴力和恐怖事件增加。 Zhao Lijian: We've also noted the report. It pointed out that Australian Muslims suffer from widespread discrimination, with 80% of respondents saying they "experienced some form of unfavorable treatment based on their religion, race or ethnicity" in public spaces like shopping centres and prayer spaces. One in four felt unable to speak up or act when faced with discrimination. According to the report, a study by the Australian National University found that job seekers in Australia with Middle Eastern names need to submit over 50% more applications to be granted the same opportunities as an applicant with an Anglo-sounding name. Many respondents say they experienced increasing harassment from extremists, which has taken a toll on their sense of safety. It also pointed out that some right-wing politicians in Australia, driven by personal political gains, often make irresponsible remarks on the Muslim community, misleading public perception and leading directly to the increase of violent and terrorist incidents targeting Australian Muslims.
上述报告所披露的事实再次揭露了澳大利亚在人权问题上的虚伪和双重标准。一段时间以来,澳大利亚国内一些政客基于谎言和偏见,对中国新疆所谓“穆斯林人权状况”说三道四,对中国肆意污蔑抹黑。这种做法极为荒谬。他们根本没有这个资格。我们奉劝澳方一些人摘下“人权教师爷”的虚伪面具,反躬自省并切实解决好自身存在的穆斯林人权问题,而不是打着关心穆斯林人权的幌子,对他国污蔑抹黑。 The facts revealed by the report once again exposed Australia's hypocrisy and double standards on human rights. For some time, certain Australian politicians, based on lies and bias, have wantonly criticized the human rights conditions of Muslims in China's Xinjiang region and blatantly smeared and maligned China. This is beyond preposterous. They are in no position to do this. We urge some people in Australia to take off the hypocritical mask of "human rights lecturer", have self-reflection and earnestly tackle the human rights issues of Australian Muslims, rather than slander other countries under the cover of concern for Muslims' human rights.
法新社记者:巴基斯坦外长正在中国进行访问。导致多名中国公民丧生的巴基斯坦班车爆炸案相关调查是否有进展?该事件是恐怖袭击吗?如果是的话,谁是幕后元凶? AFP: Since the Pakistani Foreign Minister is here, are there any updates about the investigation into the recent bus blast that killed several Chinese nationals? Is it an act of terrorism? And if so, who is behind it?赵立坚:中巴双方仍在对该恐怖袭击事件进行调查。我目前没有更多的信息向你提供。
Zhao Lijian: China and Pakistan are still conducting investigation into the terrorist attack. I have nothing to add for the moment.
《北京日报》记者:据报道,22日,美国财政部以所谓“镇压古巴抗议活动”为由,宣布根据所谓《马格尼茨基人权问责法》对古巴革命武装力量部部长等官员和机构实施制裁。美方并发表声明称,将继续制裁压迫古巴人民的个人。另有消息称,美方正要求一些国家联署或单独发表反古声明。中方对此有何评论? Beijing Daily: On July 22, the US Treasury Department announced imposition of sanctions on Cuba's Minister of Revolutionary Armed Forces and other officials and institutions under the so-called Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act, citing the so-called "repression of protests in Cuba". The US also said in a statement that it would "continue to sanction individuals responsible for oppression of the Cuban people". Separately, it's said that the US is trying to garner support among other countries to either sign a joint statement or issue a statement in national capacity in condemning Cuba. What is China's comment on that?赵立坚:中方坚定支持古巴政府和人民为维护社会稳定所作的努力。我们坚决反对任何国家打着所谓“自由”“民主”“人权”等旗号,干涉他国内政、实施单边制裁,或拉帮结伙对他国施压霸凌。正如古巴外长罗德里格斯所言,最应适用所谓《马格尼茨基人权问责法》的,正是仅在2020年就造成1021人死亡的美国警察的暴力镇压行为。美方应首先审视自己的人权问题,而不是动辄挥舞制裁大棒,粗暴干涉别国,制造分裂或对抗。
Zhao Lijian: China firmly supports the efforts of the Cuban government and people to maintain social stability. We resolutely reject any external interference in other countries' internal affairs, imposition of unilateral sanctions, and attempt to gang up on other countries under the pretext of "freedom", "democracy" and "human rights". As Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla suggests, the US "should rather apply unto itself the Magnitsky Global Act for systematic repression and police brutality that took the lives of 1021 persons in 2020". The US should first and foremost examine its own human rights issues, instead of wielding the big stick of sanctions, grossly interfering in other's internal affairs and creating division or confrontation.
China maintains that mutual respect, fairness, justice and win-win cooperation are the right way to conduct state-to-state relations. At present, Cuba is at a critical moment in its fight against COVID-19 and in its efforts to alleviate people's suffering. The US must immediately and completely lift unilateral sanctions against Cuba in compliance with the purposes of the UN Charter and basic norms governing international relations, and do more to improve US-Cuba relations and contribute to international and regional stability.
Shenzhen TV: The WHO Secretariat notified its member states of its work plan on the second-phase origins study on July 16 and asked them to give feedback before July 23. Has China submitted its feedback to the WHO? Will China participate in the second phase of origins study?
Zhao Lijian: At the briefing with WHO member states on July 16, China and some other countries already made clear their basic positions on WHO's work plan on the second-phase origins study proposed by the WHO Secretariat. The Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations Office at Geneva has also further stated its view and proposition in written form. We will continue to put forward China's proposal. I'd like to stress the following points:
First, this work plan is inconsistent with the requirements of the resolution of the 73rd WHA. The resolution clearly stipulates that the WHO Secretary-General will continue to work closely with member states to identify the zoonotic source of the virus and the route of introduction to the human population. This means that the formulation of the next-phase origin tracing work plan need to be led by WHO member states, and the WHO has to reach consensus with its members states after full consultation.
Second, this work plan is inconsistent with the conclusions and recommendations of the WHO-China joint mission report. The report was compiled by a joint team of experts from WHO and China, which is the China Part of the WHO-convened global study of origins of SARS-CoV-2. The authoritative conclusions and scientific recommendations in the report should serve as the important foundation for next-phase global origins study.
China, as well as many other WHO member states, noted with regret that the work plan was heavily disrupted by politicization and was a document that lost scientific principles and lacked a spirit of cooperation. Let me give you an example. The WHO-China joint mission report clearly concluded that lab leak is extremely unlikely, and there is broad consensus in the international scientific community on this. However, this work plan still lists the hypothesis that "a Chinese violation of laboratory protocols had caused the virus to leak during research" as a research priority, and deliberately ignores important research directions including the early cases globally and cold-chain transmission of the virus. One cannot help but think that this work plan is made to echo the "lab leak theory" advocated by certain countries such as the United States. And the lack of transparency in the drafting process also added to the suspicion that the work plan is the product of political manipulation.
To conclude, I want to stress that China always attaches great importance to the issue of origin-tracing and will continue to advance its own research in this respect. At the same time, as a leading country in cooperation with WHO on origins study, China will continue to actively participate in the next phase of global origin-tracing cooperation. We hope that the WHO will uphold the spirit of science, professionalism and objectivity, work with the international community to safeguard the scientific nature and seriousness of the origins study, resist the retrogressive trend of politicizing the issue of origin-tracing, and jointly maintain a sound atmosphere for global anti-epidemic cooperation.
Global Times: In response to a question concerning WHO's plan of phase two origin tracing at a briefing, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said "We are deeply disappointed (at the Chinese side). Their position is irresponsible and, frankly, dangerous...we continue to call for China to provide the needed access to data and samples. This is about saving lives in the future, and it's not a time to be stonewalling." What's your comment?
赵立坚:美方一些人借疫情动辄对中方污蔑抹黑,完全是对常识的漠视,对科学的傲慢。中方对此坚决说不。 Zhao Lijian: The slander and denigration against China by some individuals in the US are disregarding common sense and defying science. China categorically rejects that.面对突如其来的新冠疫情,中国用一个月多时间初步遏制住疫情蔓延势头。用两个月左右的时间将本土每日新增病例控制在个位数以内,用三个月左右的时间取得了疫情防控阻击战重大战略成果。中国不仅率先控制住本国疫情,而且向世界200多个国家和地区提供了超过3000亿只口罩、37亿件防护服、48亿人份检测试剂盒等大量防疫物资,对外提供超过6亿剂疫苗,为全球抗疫斗争持续作出重要贡献。中国抗疫经得起历史和人民的检验。 In the face of the sudden onslaught of COVID-19, China contained the rising spread of the virus in little more than a single month; in around two months, the daily increase in domestic coronavirus cases was reduced to single digits; and in approximately three months, a major strategic outcome was secured in the battle against the epidemic. China has not only taken the lead in bringing the epidemic under control at home, but also provided more than 300 billion masks, 3.7 billion protective gears, 4.8 billion testing kits and other anti-epidemic supplies to more than 200 countries and regions, and over 600 million doses of vaccines to other countries, making an important contribution to the global fight against the epidemic. China's fight against COVID-19 can stand the test of history and the scrutiny of the people.
恰恰是美方自己的所作所为,让包括本国人民在内的国际社会深感失望。美国国内3400多万人染病,60多万人因疫情死亡。最近每日新增确诊病例数、住院病例数、死亡病例数等疫情核心指标都在反弹。美国少数族裔与白人相比,感染、住院和死亡风险都高得多,疫苗接种率却低得多,医疗资源分配严重不均。美国陷入疫情“恶化—缓和—反弹”的泥沼,美国一些人却仍然将政治私利凌驾于科学之上,这种做法才是极不负责,愧对本国人民和国际社会。 It is what the US has done that deeply disappoints its own people and the international community. Up to now, over 34 million Americans have been infected with COVID-19 and over 600,000 already lost their lives to the virus. Core indicators of the epidemic, such as daily new confirmed cases, hospitalizations and deaths, are all on the rebound. Compared to the white people, racial minorities in the US have a much higher risk of infection, hospitalization and death but a far lower rate of vaccination, with unevenly distributed medical resources. The US has fallen into the quagmire of "deterioration-mitigation-resurgence", but certain individuals still puts their selfish political gains above science. What they did is called extremely irresponsible, which has failed its own people and disappointed the world.
中方在溯源问题上一直秉持开放、透明态度,已经两次邀请世卫组织专家来华。专家组走访了所有想去的地方,见到了每一位想见的人。然而针对美国早期新冠病例可能早于已知时间的报道和报告,美方始终没有回应,比如说:美国国立卫生研究院研究发现,美国5个州的新冠病毒感染证据在2019年12月就已出现。佛罗里达州171名新冠肺炎患者出现症状早于该州首例报告病例。新泽西州贝尔维尔市市长2019年11月就已感染新冠病毒,比美国报告首例确诊病例早了2个多月。2019年7月席卷美国多州的电子烟肺炎“大白肺”的症状同新冠肺炎症状极其相似。2019年12月13日至2021年1月17日,美国有9个州常规献血存档样本中,新冠病毒检测抗体中有106份呈阳性反应。还有国际社会反复提及的德特里克堡生物实验室和美国海外200多个生物实验室,美方对这些媒体、公众的疑问和关切一贯失语、失聪、失明,这样的态度才是危险的。 China has been open and transparent on the issue of origin-tracing and invited WHO experts to China twice. The experts went to every place they asked to see, and met everyone they wanted to meet. However, the US has yet to respond to the reports that there may have been COVID-19 cases earlier than had initially been reported. The National Institutes of Health found evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infections which was present in five states in the US as far back as December 2019. In Florida, 171 patients had coronavirus symptoms before any cases were announced to the public. The mayor of Belleville, New Jersey was sick with the virus in November 2019, over two months earlier than the first confirmed case in the US. Patients of the EVALI outbreak in July 2019 in several states in the US have symptoms highly similar to that of COVID-19. Donated blood check-ups in nine US states found that 106 blood samples, ranging from December 13, 2019 to January 17, 2020, tested positive for coronavirus antibodies. And what's on this list also includes Fort Detrick lab and the over 200 bio labs of the US overseas repeatedly questioned by the public. The US has all along clammed up and turned a deaf ear to the doubts and concerns of media and the public, which is more than dangerous.
病毒是人类的共同敌人。无论是预防还是治疗,都需要我们团结来共同应对。在溯源这个重大、复杂的科学问题上,需要全世界科学家的合作,需要各国政府、全体民众的共同努力和合作。只有沿着科学的道路坚定信心,以科学的态度、科学的方法、科学的事实,开展科学溯源,才有可能最终揭开真相。借疫情污名化,将溯源政治化的行径只会遭到国际社会强烈不满和坚决反对,注定不会得逞。 The virus is a common enemy of mankind. Both prevention and treatment require a united response. Origin-tracing is a major and complex scientific issue, and it requires the collaboration of scientists around the world, as well as the joint efforts and cooperation of governments and people of all countries. Only by following the path of science and conducting science-based origins study with firm confidence, scientific attitude, scientific method and scientific facts can we finally uncover the truth. The act of politicizing the origins study and stigmatizing the epidemic will only be met with a public outcry and firm opposition from the international community and is doomed to fail.
CCTV: On July 20, a group of US lawmakers proposed the Taiwan Partnership Act, urging the US National Guard to establish establish a partnership programme with the Taiwan military to ensure a well-integrated defense force capable of fast deployment during a crisis. Separately, the US Senate Armed Services Committee passed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 (NDAA), saying that the US should "maintain the ability to deter China from using military force to unilaterally change the status quo with Taiwan", and increase "defense cooperation with Taiwan". What is China's response?
赵立坚:世界上只有一个中国,台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。这是历史和法理事实,任何人任何势力以任何方式都无法改变。美方应该切实恪守一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报规定,在涉台问题上谨言慎行,停止推进审议有关涉台议案、删除有关涉台条款,停止鼓噪推动美台军事联系,停止向“台独”分裂势力发出任何错误信号。 Zhao Lijian: There is only one China in the world and Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory. This is a historical and legal fact that cannot be altered by anyone or any force in any way. The US should earnestly abide by the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiques, act prudently on Taiwan question, stop advancing the Taiwan-related bill, delete the articles concerning Taiwan, stop clamoring for military interactions between the US and Taiwan, and stop sending wrong signals to the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces.10
AFP: The US Justice Department has charged two Chinese nationals linked to the "Operation Fox Hunt" that aims to repatriate alleged Chinese fugitives living in the US. US officials say "Operation Fox Hunt" involves extrajudicial repatriation squads that use intimidation and even blackmail to force individuals to return to China. What are your reactions to this? Are these unfounded claims?
赵立坚:打击跨国犯罪、开展国际追逃追赃是维护和促进法治的正义事业,得到国际社会广泛认同。中国执法机关严格根据国际法开展对外执法合作,充分尊重外国法律和司法主权,依法保障犯罪嫌疑人合法权益,有关行动无可非议。美方无视基本事实,对中方追逃追赃工作进行污蔑抹黑,中方对此坚决反对。 Zhao Lijian: Fighting cross-border crimes, repatriating corrupt fugitives and recovering illegal proceeds are a just cause to uphold and promote rule of law. It is a practice widely recognized by the international community. When conducting law enforcement cooperation with other countries, the Chinese law enforcement authorities strictly observe international law, fully respect foreign laws and judicial sovereignty, and guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of suspects. Such operations are beyond reproach. The US turns a blind eye to basic facts and smears Chinese efforts to repatriate corrupt fugitives and recover illegal proceeds. China firmly opposes this.美国是中国外逃腐败和经济犯罪嫌疑人最集中的国家。近年来美方一直消极对待中国提出的追逃等合作要求,违背了《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》和《联合国反腐败公约》精神,也背离了美方在国际场合所做的公开承诺。我们敦促美方纠正错误,积极配合中方追逃追赃工作,切实履行国际义务和承诺,不要做犯罪分子的“避罪天堂”。 The US has the largest number of Chinese fugitives suspected of corruption and economic crime. In recent years, the US has been inactive in responding to China's requests for cooperation on repatriating fugitives. This is against the spirit of the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime and the UN Convention against Corruption. We urge the US to correct its mistakes, actively facilitate China's efforts to repatriate corrupt fugitives and recover illegal proceeds, faithfully fulfill its obligations and commitments, and avoid degenerating into a safe haven for criminals.
Associated Press of Pakistan: You announced the visit of Foreign Minister Qureshi to China. Can you share some details of the visit? What topics will come under discussion during the visit?
赵立坚:今年是中巴建交70周年,库雷希外长访华期间,王毅国务委员兼外长将同他举行第三次中巴外长战略对话,围绕双边合作以及共同关心的国际地区问题加强战略协调。 Zhao Lijian: This year marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Pakistan. During Foreign Minister Qureshi's visit to China, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will hold the third China-Pakistan Foreign Ministers' Strategic Dialogue with him to enhance strategic coordination on bilateral cooperation and international and regional issues of common concern.中国和巴基斯坦是全天候战略合作伙伴。两国不仅在双边层面相互支持、互利合作、共同发展,而且在国际舞台上共同捍卫国际公平正义,坚定维护以联合国为核心的国际体系和以国际法为基础的国际秩序,是世界和平、稳定与发展的正能量。在当前复杂的国际地区形势下,中方愿通过库雷希外长此次访问,提升战略合作水平,深化中巴各领域务实合作,推动中巴关系迈上新台阶,为共建“一带一路”和人类命运共同体作出积极贡献。两国外长还将就深化反恐安全合作,确保在巴中国人员、机构和项目安全交换意见。
China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic cooperative partners. The two countries not only support each other for mutually beneficial cooperation and common development at the bilateral level, but also jointly safeguard international fairness and justice on the international stage and firmly uphold the international system with the United Nations at its core and the international order based on international law, which inject positive energy to world peace, stability and development. Under the current complex international and regional situation, China is ready to take the opportunity of Foreign Minister Qureshi's visit to enhance strategic cooperation, deepen practical cooperation in various fields, elevate China-Pakistan relations to a new level, and make positive contributions to the Belt and Road cooperation and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. The two foreign ministers will also exchange views on deepening counter-terrorism and security cooperation and ensuring the security of Chinese personnel, institutions and projects in Pakistan.
以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021-7-23的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!