喜欢口译的同学,大多抱有一个外交官的理想,而双语例行记者会上快节奏的你问我答及现场翻译,则给我们提供了宝贵的学习资源。下面是小编整理的关于【双语】例行记者会 2021-8-20的资料,希望大家在这些唇枪舌剑中,提升英语,更热爱祖国!
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying'sRegular Press Conference on August 20, 20211
CCTV: It is learned that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity which was originally scheduled for October 2021 in Kunming will be convened in two parts. Can you brief us on the situation?
Hua Chunying: As decided by the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and approved by the Chinese government, the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity will be convened in two parts. The first part will be held online and offline from October 11 to 15, 2021 in Kunming. The second part will be held in a face-to-face format in the first half of 2022 in Kunming. For your reference, the relevant information has been released by the Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the Secretariat of the CBD on their websites.
Under the theme of "Ecological Civilization-Building a Shared Future for All Life on Earth", COP15 will formulate the post-2020 global biodiversity framework and set new goals for global biodiversity conservation. China will continue to advance the preparations for COP15 in an orderly manner, and work with all parties to overcome the negative impact of the pandemic to ensure a successful event and contribute to global biodiversity governance.
China Daily: The Afghanistan situation has undergone major changes recently. Former US ambassador to Afghanistan P. Michael McKinley published an article in the Foreign Affairs saying that the US efforts to impose a Western democratic model on Afghanistan which continued over two decades failed. German President said the cruel scenes at Kabul airport are shameful for the West. The Brookings Institution said that issues like Afghanistan fully reveal the gap between US rhetoric and actions in its promotion of Western democratic values, which will cast a shadow over the world's first global summit for democracy to be held by the US at the end of this year. Do you have any comment?
华春莹:阿富汗局势发生的重大变化再次表明,外部强加和移植民主不会长久、不会牢固。我今天刚刚从新闻中得知,从美飞机起落架摔下身亡的人中,有一位是阿富汗19岁的国足球员Zaki Anwari(安瓦利),真是令人十分痛惜。 Hua Chunying: The major changes in Afghanistan once again show that democracy imposed and transplanted by others will not last or be firm. I learned from news today that one of the people who died after falling from the landing gear of a US plane was 19-year-old Afghan national team football player Zaki Anwari. This is heart-breaking.事实表明,民主不能先入为主,不能越俎代庖。民主没有固定模式。就像中国胃不适合每天喝冷牛奶,美国人不习惯用筷子,并不是每天用刀叉吃牛排或汉堡包才是吃饭。民主也不应是可口可乐,美国生产原浆,全世界一个味道。我知道很多中国人喜欢北冰洋汽水。
Facts show that democracy cannot be predetermined or overstretched. There is no set model of democracy. To give you an analogy, cold milk on a daily basis doesn't agree with a Chinese stomach and chopsticks are not often used by Americans. A meal of hamburger or steak with fork and knife is not the only way to get one well fed. Democracy is not Coca-Cola, which, with the syrup produced by the United States, tastes the same across the world. Many Chinese prefer Beijing-based soda drink branded Arctic Ocean.
What is democracy? Who gets to define it? How to judge whether a country is democratic? These rights should not be monopolized by the US and its few allies. For us, a key criterion is whether the country can meet people's expectations, needs and aspirations. In this sense, Chinese democracy is people's democracy while the US' is money democracy; the Chinese people enjoy substantial democracy while Americans have democracy only in form; China has a whole-process democracy while the US has voting democracy that comes every four years.
China's socialist democracy is whole-process and the most broad-based. It reflects people's will, suits China's realities and is acclaimed by the people. The Communist Party of China represents the fundamental interests of all the Chinese people. It has no special interests of its own and has never represented the interests of any interest group, group of power, or privileged class. China puts the people front and center. The fundamental criteria for assessing all the work we do is whether we can win people's backing, approval and endorsement, and make them satisfied. China strives to solve the most practical and immediate problems of the greatest concern to the people. All major legislative decisions in China are made in accordance with procedures, through democratic deliberation, and through scientific and democratic decision-making. For example, when formulating the 14th Five-Year Plan, the Chinese government paid great attention to soliciting opinions from all sides. More than one million opinions and suggestions were collected online alone. Thanks to China's commitment to democracy of the people, the Chinese people have unleashed their amazing creativity and productivity, creating two miracles of rapid economic growth and long-term social stability in a huge country with a population of 1.4 billion. The Chinese people's satisfaction and approval rate of the Chinese government has been above 95% for years.
But the US has been seeing "one person, one vote" as the supreme form of democracy, which is very narrow-minded. The US elections, manipulated by interest groups, are money politics meaning "no money, no votes". Unlike the Communist Party of China that puts the interests of the country and the people first, American politicians put their votes first and focus on the votes four or even two years from now. When tens of thousands of American people are struggling against COVID-19, the two parties are attacking each other ferociously and putting their own political interests above people's life and health. The loss of more than 600,000 American lives still cannot awaken their conscience and responsibility. Over the past thirty or forty years, the rich in the US have become richer and the poor poorer. The top one percent own, govern and have it all. Is this democracy? People like George Floyd cannot breathe, gun violence runs rampant and racial discrimination and hate crimes are deeply entrenched. To whom the US belongs? Can the US government win support from half of its people? Which party in the US can represent the interests of all American people? American political scientist Francis Fukuyama recently wrote that the difference in COVID-19 response has shown limited state capacity, low social trust, poor political leadership and other signs of democratic deterioration. Look at the consequence of US promotion of the American democracy across the world. In which intervened country have the people enjoyed real peace, security, freedom and democracy? Iraq, Syria or Afghanistan?
民主应是真实存在的,而不是空洞口号,不应成为忽悠或麻木人民的精神鸦片,更不应成为攻击抹黑其他国家、维护自身霸权的幌子和借口。打着所谓“民主”旗号拉帮结派、肆意干涉别国内政甚至蛮横打压遏制其他国家正常发展和享受更好生活的权利,这恰恰是最大的不民主,是专制、是霸权、是极权。Zaki Anwari’s fallen; American myth down(安瓦利坠落了,美国神话破灭了)。越来越多的人正在觉醒。
Democracy should be tangible rather than empty slogans. It should not become spiritual opium that fools or numbs the people, still less an excuse for attacking and smearing other countries and maintaining one's own hegemony. Ganging up in the name of democracy, wantonly interfering in other country's internal affairs and even arbitrarily suppressing normal development of other countries and people's legitimate right to better lives is more undemocratic than anything else. It is autocracy, hegemony and totalitarianism. Zaki Anwari's fallen, American myth down. More and more people are awakening.3
中国国际电视台记者:我们注意到最近有很多关于军事干预是否有效的讨论。其中美国知名学者杰弗里·萨克斯在《辛迪加报业》网站发表题为《沙中之血》的文章,批判美国军事干预政策给世界造成严重后果并指出,美国自省意识的缺失令人惊讶。美国在阿富汗的失败是美国政治文化的失败,也是美国热衷通过军事手段解决政治问题或通过中情局破坏稳定的外交信念的失败。你是否认同上述观点?对此有何评论? CGTN: We note that recently there has been a lot of discussion about whether military intervention works. A renowned US scholar Jeffrey Sachs published an article titled "Blood in the Sand" on the US website Project Syndicate, criticizing US military intervention policies which have brought about severe consequences to the world. He also wrote that the lack of American self-awareness is startling. United States' failure in Afghanistan is an abiding failure of American political culture and a failure of the belief that the solution to every political challenge is military intervention or CIA-backed destabilization. Do you agree with these observations? Do you have any comment? 华春莹:你的观察很准确。近期,国际社会都在热议美国过去这些年的对外军事干预和外交政策。有美国媒体称,从上世纪的“越南综合征”到如今的“阿富汗综合征”,美国一再企图按照自身意志塑造其他国家,导致美国一次次跌入灾难和深渊。 Hua Chunying: Your observation is accurate. Recently, the international community has had heated discussions about the US' military intervention and foreign policy over the past years. Some US media commented that from the "Vietnam Syndrome" in the last century to the "Afghanistan Syndrome" today, the US once and again tries to mould other countries according to its own will. This has led the US into disastrous abyss time and again.我也看到了你刚才提到的萨克斯的文章。萨克斯教授指出,朝鲜战争以来,美国对多个发展中国家发动的军事干预全都失败,几无例外。无论是东南亚的越南、老挝、柬埔寨,还是中东的伊拉克、叙利亚、利比亚,或是拉美、非洲,再到如今的阿富汗。美国在阿富汗的支出中,仅有2%,甚至不到2%用在真正能惠及阿富汗人民的基本基础设施或减贫服务。美国本可以同其他国家一道,更多投资于清洁水、学校、医院、农业等帮助阿富汗摆脱贫困的项目,建设一个更加稳定和繁荣的阿富汗。但美国领导人向公众强调不会把钱花在这些琐事上。萨克斯教授认为,美国统治阶层和媒体毫不留情、不计后果地干预这些国家,并蔑视其人民,留给当地人民的只有战火杀戮和流离失所。 I also saw the article you mentioned. Professor Sachs pointed out in the article that almost every modern US military intervention in the developing world has come to rot. It's hard to think of an exception since the Korean War, be it Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia in Southeast Asia, Iraq, Syria and Libya in the Middle East, Latin America, Africa, or today's Afghanistan. Professor Sachs also said that less than 2% of the US spending on Afghanistan, and probably far less than 2%, reached the Afghan people in the form of basic infrastructure or poverty-reducing services. The US could have worked with other countries to invest in clean water, sanitation, school buildings, clinics, agriculture and many other programs to lift the country from economic deprivation, and foster a more stable and prosperous Afghanistan. Yet American leaders go out of their way to emphasize to the American public that they won't waste money on such trivialities. The American political class and mass media hold the people of these nations in contempt, even as they intervene relentlessly and recklessly in those countries. What they left behind is only wars, killings and displacement.
British scholar Martin Jacques noted in a recent article that military power has been fundamental to America's global role. America has long believed that overweening military strength was the primary factor in enabling it to get its way in the world. Since 1945, it has set up nearly 800 military bases in over 70 countries across the whole world. In every case of US military intervention overseas, though it enjoys great military advantage, it failed anyway. This is because what really matters is people's approval, not military advantage.
Facts have repeatedly shown that military intervention leads nowhere, and that the use of power and solving problems with power and military means would only lead to even more problems. The copy of American democracy model can hardly fit or stand in a country with distinctively different history, culture and national conditions, which will end up in failure.
上世纪70年代,美国有一首反越战的歌曲,歌中有一句词,Let Saigons be bygones(让西贡成为过去),可惜的是这一幕在喀布尔又重现了。中国有句话叫“吃一堑,长一智”。美国吃的堑已经够多了,应该长长智了。美国真的应该深刻反思自身动辄干涉他国内政、穷兵黩武、始乱终弃的错误政策了,美方真的应该认真思考一下作为一个大国对世界和平稳定发展应该负起什么责任,不要再执迷于做世界和平的破坏者和动荡的制造者。
There was an anti-Vietnam War song in the 1970s in which the lyrics read "Let Saigons be bygones". But regrettably, history is repeating itself in Kabul. The Chinese people often say that a fall into the pit, a gain in the wit. The US has fallen into the pit for too many times. It is time for it to gain some wit. The US should deeply reflect on its wrong policy of belligerence and forsaking commitments, think seriously about its responsibilities for the world and stop undermining world peace and creating instability.4 香港中评社记者:8月19日,美国领导人接受采访时称,台湾、韩国、北约与阿富汗形势有根本不同。美国已就北约宪章第五条作出庄严承诺,如果有国家入侵北约盟友或采取行动,美将作出回应,对日本、韩国和台湾也是如此。中方有何评论? China Review News: US leader said in an interview on August 19 that there's a fundamental difference between Taiwan, South Korea, NATO and Afghanistan. The US side made a commitment to Article Five that if in fact anyone were to invade or take action against its NATO allies, the US would respond. Same with Japan, same with South Korea, same with Taiwan. Do you have any comment?
Hua Chunying: I noticed that some media have suggested that this may have been a slip of the tongue. There is indeed a fundamental difference between Taiwan and Afghanistan. Afghanistan is a sovereign state, while Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory. The one-China principle is a red and bottom line that cannot be crossed. China must and will be reunified. No one should underestimate the strong determination, firm will and strong capability of the Chinese people to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.5
中新社记者:我们注意到,近日有报道称,美国政府高层正在以疫苗援助等为筹码对中国周边国家威逼利诱,换取后者帮助炒作“中国病毒源头论”,分化中国和周边国家,维护美国的地区主导权。发言人对此有何评论? China News Service: Recent reports say that using vaccine aid as a bait, high level officials of the US government are stepping up the efforts to coerce China's neighboring countries to participate in its campaign to smear China as the "source of the coronavirus" and to drive a wedge between China and its neighbors so as to maintain US' regional dominance. Do you have any comment? 华春莹:我们注意到有关报道。当中国急人之所急、克服困难为有需要的国家生产和提供抗疫物资时,美国则在全世界买断、垄断抗疫物资。当中国率先宣布并践行将疫苗作为全球公共产品,向世界提供超过8亿剂疫苗时,美国却在大搞“疫苗民族主义”和“美国优先”。 Hua Chunying: We noted relevant reports. When China's overcoming difficulties to produce and provide anti-epidemic supplies to countries in urgent need, the US bought up and hoarded supplies. When China first announced and took the lead in implementing the pledge of making vaccines a global public good and has so far provided more than 800 million doses to the world, the US was practicing "America First" and "vaccine nationalism".现在,美国终于把自己的疫苗拿出来,但如果真像报道中所说的那样,美国却已在背后标好了价码,将疫苗和溯源问题挂钩,把疫苗当做胁迫他国加入反华遏华同盟的工具。这种做法是不道德、不负责的,理应受到谴责。 Now the US is offering vaccines, but with a price tag, as media reports said, in exchange for support on the origins tracing issue, making vaccines a tool to coerce other countries into joining its anti-China alliance. If this is true, such behavior is immoral and irresponsible, which should be condemned.
当前,世界仍面对疫情严峻挑战,迫切需要团结和合作。疫苗是抗击病毒的利器,是拯救生命的希望,不应被政治病毒污染。希望美方停止政治操弄溯源,污染毒化国际合作。 The world is still facing severe challenges from COVID-19 and there is a crying need for solidarity and cooperation. Vaccines are a powerful weapon against the virus and bring hope for saving lives, and should not be used as a tool for political manipulation. We hope the US will stop politicizing origins tracing, poisoning international cooperation and return to the right track of international anti-epidemic collaboration and origins tracing cooperation.
澎湃新闻记者:据报道,新任美国空军部长弗兰克·肯德尔在接受媒体采访时说,他的目标是制造“让中国感到恐惧”的超前技术,比如当前美国空军正在推进的F-35隐形战斗机升级项目。中方对此有何评论? The Paper: According to reports, the new Secretary of the US Air Force Frank Kendall said in an interview that his goal is to field leap-ahead technologies that "scare China" such as upgrade program of the F-35 stealth fighter jets that the US Air Force is developing. What is China's comment?华春莹:肯德尔说要“让中国感到恐惧”,建议他问问我们中国人民解放军空军同不同意。
Hua Chunying: Kendall said they want to "scare China". I suggest he ask the Air Force of the PLA whether they would agree to this.
I noticed that British scholar Martin Jacques recently said, the US enjoys massive military advantage in each case of Iraq, Afghanistan and so on. But in all circumstances, it failed in the end. The key to the victory of a war is to win over the people instead of military superiority. The US must have drawn many lessons in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.
《北京青年报》记者:19日,美国财政部以侵犯人权和腐败为由,对古巴中央陆军参谋长等3人实施制裁。中方对此有何评论? Beijing Youth Daily: On the 19th, the US Department of the Treasury imposed sanctions on three Cuban individuals including the chief of the Central Army on the grounds of human rights violation and corruption. What is China's comment?华春莹:近期关于美国制裁古巴的问题,中方已多次表明立场,坚决反对美方对古巴滥施单边制裁霸凌和干涉古巴内政。事实已经无数次证明,越是打着人权旗号乱舞制裁大棒,就越暴露出美方虚伪的道德双标和横行霸道的本质。中方坚定支持古巴政府为维护社会稳定所作努力。我们也想再次敦促美方与国际社会相向而行,多做一些真正有助于古方改善经济民生、有利于保障古巴人民基本权利的事。
Hua Chunying: China has made its position clear on multiple occasions recently. We are firmly opposed to the US unilateral sanctions on Cuba and interference in its internal affairs. Facts prove that the more the US wields the big stick of sanctions in the name of human rights, the more it exposes its hypocritical moral double standards and bullying nature. China firmly supports the Cuban government's efforts in maintaining social stability, and again urges the US side to work together with the international community to do more that helps Cuba improve its economy and livelihood, and ensure the basic rights of the Cuban people.
路透社记者:中方是否愿意协助应对阿富汗公民大规模撤离?是否会接收逃离的阿富汗公民? Reuters: Is China willing to help with the current large-scale evacuations from Afghanistan? Would China itself accept any Afghan citizens who are fleeing the Taliban?华春莹:当前形势下,当务之急是国际社会一道鼓励和支持阿富汗各派别、各民族加强团结,通过对话协商找到一个阿人民能够接受、符合阿人民利益和国情、开放包容的政治框架,尽快实现政治平稳过渡,避免发生新的内战或人道主义灾难,最大限度避免无谓伤亡和产生大规模难民。这是解决问题的根本之道。
Hua Chunying: Under the current circumstances, the top priority for the international community is to help and encourage different factions and ethnic groups in Afghanistan to strengthen solidarity, find an open and inclusive political framework that is accepted by the Afghan people and is in line with the people's interests and national conditions and achieve smooth political transition as soon as possible. Efforts should be made to avoid a new civil war, humanitarian disaster and unnecessary casualties, and prevent causing a large number of refugees. This is the fundamental way out on this issue.
路透社记者:中方近日加大了对西方国家人权问题的批评力度。中方此举是否如西方国家官员所说,这是为了转移外界对自身政策的批评,比如对维吾尔人“种族灭绝”的政策?中方暗示新冠病毒可能是从美方实验室泄漏的,是否也是在转移美方对中国应对失策导致疫情蔓延的批评?中方是否放弃改善与美国等西方国家的关系? Reuters: China has recently stepped up criticism of Western countries' human rights records. Is China doing this, as Western officials say, to try to deflect criticism of its own policies, such as accusations of genocide against the Uyghurs? China has also suggested COVID-19 could have escaped from a lab in the US. Is this also an attempt to deflect criticism from some in the US that China's missteps allowed the pandemic to emerge? Given the increase in China's criticisms on the issues, is China giving up on improving its relations with the US and other Western countries?华春莹:你的问题里的逻辑我不能同意。
Hua Chunying: I can't agree with the logic of your question.
First of all, I think it is wrong to say that China has been stepping up its criticism on the issues of human rights and origins tracing in order to deflect US slamming of China. As we have stressed many times, the US and a few of its allies have launched unscrupulous attacks on China on the issues of human rights and origins tracing, which are based on nothing but rumors and lies. But what China has listed, piece by piece, is based on facts, and mostly on the public information reported by the US media.
Second, do you think that the US accusations against China based on rumors and lies are "freedom of the press", while China's accusations based on facts are "disinformation"? Or is it only the Western countries, including the US, that has the right to criticize China, even on the basis of unfounded rumors, lies and slander, and China has no right to point out their mistakes? I think such logic is discourse hegemony and bullying. It is non-democracy, authoritarianism and totalitarianism in discourse and press.
You also asked whether China's criticism of the US means it is giving up on improving its relations with the US. I think the logic in your question is that in order to improve relations with the US, China must give up its principles and behave like a silent lamb, grinning and bearing all the unreasonable accusations and slanders of the US. I think that's wrong, too. China always hopes to develop good relations with other countries, but the friendly relations between sovereign, independent countries must be based on mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit. We cannot expect one side to remain silent and not to retaliate while the other side keeps attacking without scruples.
We Chinese are a people who uphold justice and are not intimidated by threats of force. As a nation, we have a strong sense of pride and confidence. We have never bullied, oppressed, or subjugated the people of any other country, and we never will. By the same token, we will never allow any foreign force to bully, oppress, or subjugate us. We are eager to learn what we can from the achievements of other countries, and welcome helpful suggestions and constructive criticism. We will not, however, accept sanctimonious preaching from those who feel they have the right to lecture us. We hope that the US will adopt a correct mindset, learn to truly respect and treat other countries as equals, stop attacking and smearing China, stop interfering in China's internal affairs and harming China's interests. On this basis, our door is open and we are willing to develop good cooperative relations with the US and its allies with goodwill and sincerity. This is the shared aspiration of not only the Chinese people, but also the American people and people around the world.
总台央视记者:据报道,中国同意出资5500万美元帮助塞拉利昂建设一座深海渔港。但有外媒认为该项目会对环境产生负面影响。中方对此有何评论? CCTV: According to reports, China has agreed to offer Sierra Leone $55 million to help it build a harbour for deep-sea fishing boats. But some believe the project will have negative impact on the environment. Do you have any comment on this?华春莹:我看到了《经济学人》的这篇报道,有关报道是不准确的。塞拉利昂政府、行业协会和社会各界人士已多次就塞拉利昂渔码头项目澄清并表达支持,前不久塞议会予以批准。从塞各界人士表态中,我们可以清楚看到,建设现代化的渔码头,是塞人民自上世纪70年代以来的夙愿。渔码头建设将极大改善塞渔业基础设施。关于环境评估和土地拆迁,塞政府也已多次指出,项目选址是基于水深测量、环境等多种因素考量作出的最合适安排,塞方已委托专业机构进行环境评估,并已安排专项资金用于对当地土地所有者进行补偿。根据塞渔业部门登记,现有来自16个国家和地区100余艘工业化渔船在塞作业,渔码头建成后不但将造福当地人民,也将惠及各国在塞经营的相关企业,是多方共鸁的。所谓“鱼粉厂”、破坏热带雨林、不顾当地居民、为中方获取资源等说法都不属实、站不住脚。
Hua Chunying: I noticed this Economist report, which I think is inaccurate. The Sierra Leonean government and industry associations, as well as various sectors of society, have repeatedly clarified and expressed support for the project in Sierra Leone, which the parliament recently approved. The remarks of people from all walks of life in Sierra Leone clearly show that the construction of a modern fishing harbour has been the long-cherished wish of the Sierra Leonean people since the 1970s. The construction of the fishing harbour will significantly improve Sierra Leone's fishing infrastructure. On the issue of environmental assessment and land requisition, the government of Sierra Leone has pointed out that the siting of the project is the most appropriate arrangement based on considerations of multiple factors including the water depth and the environment. The Sierra Leonean side has commissioned a professional institution to conduct an environmental assessment and earmarked funds for compensation for the local landowners. According to the registration records of Sierra Leone's fishery authorities, there are now more than 100 industrial fishing vessels from 16 countries and regions operating in Sierra Leone. The completion of the fishing harbour will benefit not only the local people, but also the relevant enterprises operating in Sierra Leone. It is a win-win project for all parties. So the claims in this article about the fishmeal plant, destruction of surrounding rainforest, disregard for the local people, China hoovering up resources, are all untrue and untenable.
Over the past 50 years, China-Sierra Leone friendly cooperation has yielded fruitful results for all to see. We have always adhered to the principles of equal consultation, common development, win-win cooperation, green and sustainable development. Is China genuinely helping local economic development and improving people's lives? I think the people of Sierra Leone will make their own independent judgment. In such a matter, only the Serbian people have the final say. China fully respects the choice of the Sierra Leonean side.
China Review News: On the 19th, the Afghan Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid issued a statement on social media that the Afghan Taliban has announced the establishment of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Does China plan to recognize it?
Hua Chunying: We have taken note of the Afghan Taliban's statement. We have also noticed that parties in Afghanistan are still holding consultations on the future political framework. China's position on the Afghan issue is clear and consistent. We hope Afghanistan can form an open, inclusive and broadly-based government, uphold moderate and prudent domestic and foreign policies and respond to the shared aspiration of the Afghan people and the international community.
以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021-8-20的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!