喜欢口译的同学,大多抱有一个外交官的理想,而双语例行记者会上快节奏的你问我答及现场翻译,则给我们提供了宝贵的学习资源。下面是小编整理的关于【双语】例行记者会 2021-8-25的资料,希望大家在这些唇枪舌剑中,提升英语,更热爱祖国!
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin'sRegular Press Conference on August 25, 2021今天是全国低碳日,本周是中国第31个全国节能宣传周,主题是“节能降碳,绿色发展”。
Today, August 25, is the national low-carbon day. This week is the 31st National Energy Conservation Week under the theme of "saving energy and reducing carbon for green development".
让生态文明意识深入人心、绿色发展理念落在实处、勤俭节约文化蔚然成风,是实现绿色低碳发展、推进生态文明建设和美丽中国建设的重要内容。 Raising the public awareness of ecological conservation, following through on the vision of green development, and making frugality and energy saving a common practice are important steps toward achieving low-carbon development, advancing ecological conservation and building a beautiful China.艰苦奋斗、节俭朴素是中华民族的“传家之宝”,外交部始终秉承“勤俭办外交”的优良传统,积极践行低碳办公、推进节能减排、倡导绿色生活。今天外交部蓝厅没有开空调,我也没有像往常一样系领带。蓝厅入口处的电子显示屏还播放有关节约用水、珍爱地球的宣传视频和电子海报。这些都是外交部参与全国节能宣传周的具体举措。当然,我们所做的远不止这些。 Hard work, thrift and simple living is a family heirloom of the Chinese nation. In the MFA, we carry forward our fine tradition of diligence and thrift. We actively practice the concept of low-carbon offices, take great effort to save energy and cut emissions, and advocate a green lifestyle. Today in Lanting, the AC is off, I'm not wearing a tie and there are video clips and e-posters on conserving water and protecting Earth on the electronic screen at the entrance. These are concrete measures of the foreign ministry's participation in the National Energy Conservation Week. Of course, they are only a small part of what the ministry has done.
建设清洁美丽的绿色家园是各国人民的共同理想。我们愿与大家一道,从我做起,从身边小事做起,传播生态文明理念,践行绿色低碳生活,为呵护我们共同的地球家园、构建人与自然生命共同体作出贡献。 A clean, beautiful and green homeland is the shared dream of people in all countries. We hope you will join us in this effort by starting with small daily habits to reduce carbon footprint and raise environmental awareness. Let's play our part in looking after the planet we all call home and join hands in building a community of life for man and Nature.
日本电视网记者:24日,日本自卫队与美国、英国开展了联合演习。这被认为是针对中国,并向外界展示日美英紧密关系。外交部对此有何评论? NTV: On August 24, Japan's self-defense force conducted a joint exercise with the US and the UK. The excise is believed to be targeting China and showing to the world the close ties between Japan, the US and the UK. Does the foreign ministry have any comment? 汪文斌:我们注意到有关报道。中方一贯认为,国与国之间的军事合作不应损害地区和平稳定,不应损害第三方利益。 Wang Wenbin: We noted relevant reports. China always holds that military cooperation between countries should not undermine regional peace and stability, or the interests of a third party.2
CCTV: It is learned that Permanent Representative of China to the UN Office at Geneva and other International Organizations in Switzerland wrote to the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) the other day, handing over two non-papers on Fort Detrick and the University of North Carolina, as well as an open letter signed by netizens demanding an investigation into Fort Detrick. Could you please elaborate on China's position?
Wang Wenbin: On August 24, Ambassador Chen Xu, Permanent Representative of China to the UN Office at Geneva and other International Organizations in Switzerland, wrote to WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, and submitted two non-papers titled "Doubtful Points about Fort Detrick (USAMRIID)" and "Coronavirus Research Conducted by Dr. Ralph Baric's Team at University of North Carolina", and an open letter signed by more than 25 million Internet users calling for an investigation into the Fort Detrick base.
中方对全球溯源问题的立场是一贯、明确的。溯源是科学问题,中方始终支持并将继续参加科学溯源。中国—世卫组织联合研究报告得出了国际社会和科学界公认的结论和建议,必须得到尊重和实施,今后全球溯源工作应该也只能在此基础上开展。 China's position on the issue of global origins study is consistent and clear. Tracing the origins of the virus is a scientific issue. China always supports and will continue to participate in scientific origins study. The conclusions and recommendations of the China-WHO joint study report have been recognized by the international community and the scientific community, and must be respected and implemented. Future global origins study should and can only be carried out on this basis.武汉病毒研究所已两次接待世卫组织专家,新冠病毒源自武汉病毒研究所泄漏极不可能,这是中国—世卫组织联合研究报告得出的明确结论。如果有关方面坚持认为实验室泄漏不能排除,就理应本着公平、公正的原则,对美国德特里克堡基地、北卡罗来纳大学开展调查。 The Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) has received WHO experts twice. It is extremely unlikely that the novel coronavirus was leaked from the WIV -- this is the clear conclusion of the China-WHO joint study report. Those who insist that the possibility of a lab-leak cannot be ruled out should investigate Fort Detrick and the University of North Carolina in the principle of fairness and justice.
事实上,国际社会和美国民众对于德堡基地相关活动不合法、不透明、不安全早有严重关切。这个基地是美国生物军事化活动的大本营,美国陆军传染病医学研究所是其中最主要的实体。该研究所长期从事冠状病毒研究、改造,2019年发生严重安全事故并被关停,随后美国内暴发了与新冠肺炎症状相似的疾病。对于这些问题,美方从未向国际社会和美国民众作出交代。 The fact is, the international community and the American people have long raised serious concerns over the illegal, non-transparent and unsafe practices at the Fort Detrick base. It is the center of US bio-military activities and USAMRIID is the main research entity there. USAMRIID has long been engaged in coronavirus research and modification. After the Institute was shut down because of serious safety incidents in 2019, disease with symptoms similar to that of COVID-19 broke out in the US. The US has not yet given any explanation on these problems to the international community and American people.
至于北卡罗来纳大学,美国一直污蔑武汉病毒研究所开展的冠状病毒研究引发新冠肺炎,实际上美国才是全球此类研究最大的资助者和实施方。特别是北卡大学巴里克团队是此类研究的权威,早就具备极其成熟的冠状病毒合成及改造能力。只要调查巴里克团队及其实验室,完全可以澄清对冠状病毒的研究有没有、会不会产生新冠病毒。 As to the University of North Carolina, the US has been falsely accusing the WIV of causing the COVID-19 pandemic with its coronavirus researches. However, it is the US who has sponsored and carried out more such researches than any other country. In particular, the Baric team leads the world in researches in this field, with extremely mature capability in synthesizing and modifying coronavirus. An investigation into Dr. Baric's team and lab will help clarify whether such researches have created or can create SARS-CoV-2.
总之,我们敦促美国停止利用溯源问题进行政治操弄。如果美国顽固坚持实验室泄漏论,就应该首先邀请世卫组织去德特里克堡、北卡罗来纳大学进行溯源调查。同时,我们希望国际社会共同努力,抵制将溯源问题政治化的逆流,推动溯源问题回归科学合作的正轨。 We urge the US to stop using the origins study to seek political manipulation. If it is bent on insisting the lab-leak theory, it should start with inviting WHO experts to launch a probe into Fort Detrick and the University of North Carolina to find the source of the virus. In the meantime, we hope the international community can work hand in hand to resist the backlash of politicization and bring the origins study back to the right track of scientific cooperation.
Xinhua News Agency: China announced on August 24 that it will work together with African countries to formulate and implement a plan for China-Africa digital innovation partnership. Could you talk about the two sides' expectations for advancing cooperation in digital innovation?
Wang Wenbin: Digital innovation is an emerging sector for practical cooperation between China and Africa. State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said during his trip to Africa at the beginning of this year that China will strengthen digital cooperation with the African side and help it seize the opportunity presented by the information revolution, bridge the digital divide and build a digital Africa. To advance new progress in the digital technology and to inject new impetus into high quality China-Africa cooperation, Assistant Foreign Minister Deng Li announced at yesterday's opening ceremony of the China-Africa Internet Development and Cooperation Forum that China stands ready to work together with African countries to formulate and implement a plan for China-Africa digital innovation partnership. He also proposed efforts in six aspects. First, strengthen digital infrastructure to ensure unimpeded information flow for socioeconomic development. Second, nurture the digital economy and promote the integrated development of the digital technology and the real economy. Third, advance digital education to produce a talent pool for digital innovation and thus remove the bottleneck. Fourth, enhance digital inclusiveness to make sure services benefit all African people. Fifth, jointly ensure digital security and improve digital governance capability. Sixth, build cooperation platforms to stimulate progress with exchange.
Actions speak louder than words. As China announced the partnership plan, relevant commitments have already begun to translate into reality. Some optic fiber backbone projects undertaken with China-Africa cooperation will soon start in Africa. Starting from September, there will be a season of promotion through e-commerce for African products and the China-Africa Beidou Cooperation Forum, among other events. We will maintain communication with the African side to jointly design practical cooperation measures in the digital area for the coming three years and include them in the list of deliverables of the FOCAC meeting to be held at the end of the year to bring China-Africa digital cooperation to a new height.
Reuters: According to a Reuters report, US climate envoy John Kerry is expected to travel to China in September. Can you confirm if he will be visiting and if so, what the visit will entail?
Wang Wenbin: I don't have any information to offer at the moment.
Global Times: It is reported that according to US officials, the US intelligence report on the origins of COVID-19 is not likely to "yield a definitive conclusion on whether the new coronavirus jumped to humans naturally, or via a lab leak, in part because of the lack of the detailed information from China". Does the foreign ministry have any comment?
Wang Wenbin: The US government draws on the intelligence apparatus to publish the so-called report on origins tracing. Its aim is not to get to the bottom of the origins of the virus, or to form a scientific report based on facts and scientific methods. What the US is really up to is to shift the responsibility of its failure in pandemic response domestically and scapegoat China. Such a politicized report to plant evidence, naturally will not reach any scientific conclusion on origins tracing of COVID-19, but will only interfere in and undermine the global efforts of origins tracing and cooperation on pandemic response.
The allegation of lack of information from China is just an excuse to cover up the US' own failure in relying on intelligence to trace the origins of the virus. I want to tell the US side that Chinese and WHO experts have released a joint origins study report, which contains abundant authoritative and valuable information. The US is the country with the highest number of infections and deaths in the world, and the worst outward spread of the virus. The timeline of the COVID-19 outbreak in the US has been constantly revised to earlier dates, with the connection between Fort Detrick and the University of North Carolina biological laboratories and the novel coronavirus shrouded by suspicions. The international community strongly asks the US side to be open and transparent and provide detailed information on this. The US side has been dodging these questions. It remains reticent and puts up obstacles. This only shows that the US has a guilty conscience. What it cares about is not how to find the origins of the virus, but how to use the issue to suppress other countries and serve its own interests.
《南华早报》记者:阿富汗塔利班驻多哈政治处发言人于当地时间24日发推文表示,塔利班代表团在喀布尔会见了中国驻阿富汗大使一行。发言人能否介绍相关情况? SCMP: A spokesman for the Political Office of the Taliban in Qatari capital Doha tweeted on August 24 that the Taliban delegation met with Chinese ambassador and others in Kabul. Do you have more information on that? 汪文斌:中方与阿富汗塔利班方面有着畅通、有效的沟通与磋商,喀布尔自然是双方讨论各种要务的重要平台和渠道。 Wang Wenbin: China and the Afghan Taliban have smooth and effective communication and consultation. Kabul is naturally an important platform and channel for the two sides to discuss various important matters.我想强调的是,中方对阿富汗政策是一贯和明确的。我们始终尊重阿富汗主权独立和领土完整,恪守不干涉阿富汗内政原则,坚持面向全体阿富汗人民的友好政策。中方尊重阿富汗人民自主决定自身前途命运,支持将“阿人主导、阿人所有”原则落到实处,愿继续同阿富汗发展睦邻友好合作关系,为阿富汗和平与重建发挥建设性作用。 I want to stress that China's policy toward Afghanistan is consistent and clear. We always respect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Afghanistan, follow the principle of non-interference in Afghanistan's internal affairs and adhere to a friendly policy toward the entire Afghan people. China respects the Afghan people's independent choice of their own future, supports the implementation of the "Afghan-led and Afghan-owned" principle, and stands ready to continue to develop good-neighborliness, friendship and cooperation with Afghanistan and play a constructive role in Afghanistan's peace and reconstruction.
彭博社记者:日本和台湾“执政党”将于本周举行首次安全对话。中国大陆不断增长的军事力量可能成为首要议题。中方对此有何评论? Bloomberg: The ruling parties of Japan and Taiwan will hold their first security talks this week. The bilateral concerns about increasing Chinese military strength will likely to be atop the agenda. Does the Foreign Ministry have a comment? 汪文斌:我注意到有关报道。台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分,中方坚决反对建交国同台湾进行任何形式的官方往来。 Wang Wenbin: I noted relevant reports. Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory. China firmly opposes all forms of official interactions between Taiwan and countries having diplomatic ties with China.台湾问题事关中日关系政治基础。日方在台湾问题上对中国人民负有历史罪责,尤其需要谨言慎行。我们严肃敦促日方重新审视有关考虑,不得以任何形式干涉中国内政,不得以任何形式向“台独”势力发出错误信号。
The Taiwan question concerns the political foundation of China-Japan relations. On the Taiwan question, the Japanese side bears historical responsibilities to the Chinese people for its past crimes and should especially be prudent with its words and actions. We seriously urge Japan to review its considerations, avoid interfering in China's domestic affairs in any form, and refrain from sending wrong signals to "Taiwan independence" forces in any form.
Shenzhen TV: Foreign media reported that on August 24, the head of US Space Command James Dickinson in his speech at the 36th Space Symposium of the Space Foundation claimed that, the warfighting force he leads has reached Initial Operational Capability, and will achieve full operational capability in the next several years. He also mentioned that the US Space Command soon will begin conducting its own military exercises focused on space warfighting. Do you have any comment?
Wang Wenbin: Currently, space security is getting increasingly complicated and severe, with the US being the primary factor that has an impact on space security. In recent years, the US has openly defined space as a new warfighting domain, put in place an independent space force and space command, and vigorously built up space military strength. What the US has done exacerbates the risks of weaponizing space and turning it into a war-fighting domain, and severely threatens peace and tranquility of space. In this regard, China is deeply concerned.
中国一贯主张和平利用外空,积极倡导防止外空武器化和军备竞赛。多年来,中国与俄罗斯等国一道,积极推动国际社会谈判外空军控法律文书,以从根本上维护外空安全和可持续利用。反观美国,长期消极抵制外空军控谈判进程,并借口所谓“中国外空威胁”转移国际视线。美方一系列举动恰恰说明外空武器化、战场化已成为影响外空安全的最大威胁,谈判并缔结外空军控法律文书紧迫性更加突出。 China stands for peaceful use of space, and advocates preventing weaponization of and arms race in space. Over the years, China has worked with countries including Russia, to actively push the international community to negotiate legal instruments on space arms control, so as to safeguard security and ensure sustainable utilization of space. What stands in contrast is that the US, for a long time, resists negotiation process on space arms control, and divert the attention of the international community by painting China as a threat in space. The acts of the US side show that weaponizing space and turning it into a war-fighting domain has become the biggest threat to space security, and that it is of much urgency to negotiate and conclude legal instruments on space arms control.中方希望美国切实承担起大国应尽的责任,多做有利于维护外空和平与安全的事。呼吁国际社会重视外空军备竞赛风险,积极参与并支持外空军控法律文书谈判。 China hopes that the US will earnestly shoulder its due responsibility as a major country, and do more to safeguard peace and security in space. China calls upon the international community to attach importance to the risks of space arms race, and actively participate in and support the negotiations on legal instruments on space arms race.
Reuters: First, US Vice President Harris has offered Vietnam support to counter China in the South China Sea, including more visits by US warships. Do you have any comment on that? And second, according to a report from Bloomberg, a group of US financial firms and Chinese regulators are trying to restart meetings later this year. Do you have any comment on this?
Wang Wenbin: On your first question, the US has so far refused to accede to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, while claiming to uphold it. The US arbitrarily launched military intervention in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, while claiming to defend the interests of smaller countries. I think it would be much more credible if the US said it was trying to maintain its hegemony and uphold its own interests.
中方坚决反对美方在南海部署海上执法力量,插手地区事务,搅乱地区和平稳定。 China is firmly opposed to the US deployment of maritime law enforcement forces in the South China Sea to meddle in regional affairs and disturb regional peace and stability.关于第二个问题,我不了解有关情况,你可以向主管部门询问。 On your second question, I am not aware of relevant situation. You may refer to competent authorities.
以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021-8-25的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!