【双语】例行记者会 2021-9-9
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    喜欢口译的同学,大多抱有一个外交官的理想,而双语例行记者会上快节奏的你问我答及现场翻译,则给我们提供了宝贵的学习资源。下面是小编整理的关于【双语】例行记者会 2021-9-9的资料,希望大家在这些唇枪舌剑中,提升英语,更热爱祖国!



    Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian'sRegular Press Conference on September 9, 2021

    国家副主席王岐山将出席9月10日举行的第十八届中国—东盟博览会和中国—东盟商务与投资峰会开幕式等活动。  Vice President Wang Qishan will attend events including the opening ceremony of the 18th China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) and China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit (CABIS) on September 10. 


    CCTV: Premier Li Keqiang attended the 7th Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Leaders' Summit this morning and delivered an important address. How does China see the outcomes of the summit? How do you plan to participate further in GMS cooperation?


    Zhao Lijian: The 7th GMS Leaders' Summit was held against the background of flare-ups in and resurgence of COVID-19, complicated and complex international and regional landscapes and a lackluster world economic recovery. Premier Li Keqiang, leaders of the five Mekong River countries, and President of the Asian Development Bank attended the summit together with other delegates. All sides reviewed the progress in cooperation, reiterated solidarity in the face of risks and challenges, and jointly blueprinted future cooperation, reaching fruitful outcomes.


    First, mutual trust was consolidated. Leaders of the six countries agree that the sound momentum in subregional development should be cherished. All sides should remain committed to good neighborliness and friendship, accommodate each other's major concerns, uphold the common interests of subregional countries, and forge a GMS community with a shared future. All should uphold multilateralism and advocate openness and inclusiveness, seek greater synergy between GMS economic cooperation and BRI cooperation, Lancang-Mekong Cooperation, among other mechanisms, give full play to their respective advantages, galvanize impetus for development, and strive to build a more integrated, prosperous, sustainable and inclusive subregion.


    Second, new cooperative measures to combat COVID-19 were planned. The six countries will be guided by science, conduct active cooperation in COVID-19 prevention, control and vaccination efforts, strengthen national response capabilities, protect vulnerable and impoverished people and safeguard public health. China will prioritize providing vaccines and medical supplies to the Mekong River countries within its capability, and conduct cooperation in such areas of epidemic monitoring, traditional medicine and infectious diseases prevention and control.


    Third, a new blueprint for development was drawn. With connectivity, competitiveness and a community with a shared future as pillars, the six countries will engage in cooperation in a wide range of sectors including transportation, energy, agriculture, tourism, climate, environment, urban development and trade facilitation. China stands ready to work together with other sides to unleash the demonstration effect of the upcoming opening of the China-Laos railway, build a New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor, deepen cooperation in agricultural products, SMEs, border trade and cross-border e-commerce, and accelerate information infrastructure-building such as 5G and land-based fiber optic cable, to build an economic corridor with deeply-integrated transportation, logistics, commerce and industry.


    China and the Mekong River countries share mountains and rivers, enjoy cultural affinity and economic complementarity, and therefore are endowed with natural advantages for cooperation. For nearly 30 years, China has been an important participant in GMS cooperation, contributing to its growth as well as regional prosperity and revitalization. Premier Li Keqiang announced that China will host the 8th GMS Leaders' Summit in 2024. We will join hands with the Mekong River countries to stay unwavering in cooperation, expand it to more areas and elevate it to higher levels, and promote sustainable development and economic integration to deliver tangible benefits to all our peoples.


    澎湃新闻记者:9月8日,王毅国务委员兼外长在北京以视频方式出席首次阿富汗邻国外长会。我们注意到,当前已有不少涉阿机制。你能否简要介绍会议主要情况?会议同其他涉阿机制是什么关系?  The Paper: On September 8, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the first Foreign Ministers' Meeting on the Afghan Issue among the Neighboring Countries of Afghanistan via video link in Beijing. We've noted several Afghanistan-related mechanisms. Could you brief us on this meeting? What is the relationship between this meeting and other mechanisms concerning the Afghan issue? 赵立坚:9月8日,王毅国务委员兼外长在北京以视频方式出席阿富汗邻国外长会。会议由巴基斯坦外长主持,伊朗、塔吉克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦外长以及土库曼斯坦副外长共同参加。  Zhao Lijian: On September 8, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the first Foreign Ministers' Meeting on the Afghan Issue Among the Neighboring Countries of Afghanistan via video link in Beijing. The meeting was chaired by Pakistani Foreign Minister and also attended by Foreign Ministers of Iran, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Deputy Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan.
    各方认为,美国及其盟友是阿富汗问题的始作俑者。他们比任何国家都更有义务向阿富汗人民提供经济、民生和人道主义援助,在尊重阿富汗主权独立的前提下,帮助阿富汗实现维稳防乱,走向良性发展。  All parties believe that the US and its allies are the culprits of the Afghan issue. They are more obligated than any other country to provide economic, livelihood and humanitarian assistance to the Afghan people, and help Afghanistan maintain stability, prevent chaos and move toward sound development on the premise that the sovereignty and independence of Afghanistan is respected.
    各方一致同意,要引导敦促阿富汗塔利班团结各民族、各派别,搭建广泛包容的政治架构,奉行温和稳健的内外政策,同恐怖势力划清界限,同各国特别是邻国建立和发展友好关系。我们期望塔利班能汲取历史经验,在临时政府期间与阿富汗各民族、各派别积极互动,切实履行承诺,争取国际认可。  All parties agree that the Afghan Taliban should be guided and urged to unite with all ethnic groups and factions, build a broad and inclusive political structure, pursue moderate and prudent domestic and foreign policies, make a clean break with terrorist forces, and establish and develop friendly relations with other countries, especially neighboring countries. We hope that the Taliban can draw on past experience, actively interact with all ethnic groups and factions in Afghanistan in the duration of the interim government, earnestly fulfill their commitments, and work to gain international recognition.
    各方表示,要发挥邻国独特作用,为阿富汗稳局重建提供良好外部环境。各方重点应该开展六方面协调合作:一是继续向阿富汗提供抗疫物资和技术援助,帮助阿加强疫情防控。二是在确保安全前提下保持口岸开放,为阿富汗与外界互动,尤其是获取人道主义物资提供便利。三是加强难移民管控,呼吁国际社会共同担责,携手应对。四是提供人道主义援助,帮助阿富汗人民渡过难关。五是加强情报共享和边境管控等反恐安全合作,敦促塔利班同所有极端恐怖势力彻底切割。六是开展禁毒合作,支持阿富汗停止生产任何毒品,联合打击本地区的跨国毒品犯罪。  All parties said that Afghanistan's neighbors should play their unique role and provide a good external environment for Afghanistan's stability and reconstruction. All parties should focus on coordination and cooperation from the following six aspects: First, continuing to provide anti-pandemic supplies and technical assistance to Afghanistan and help it strengthen epidemic prevention and control. Second, keeping ports open on the basis of ensuring security to facilitate Afghanistan's interaction with the outside world, especially its access to humanitarian supplies. Third, strengthening the management of refugees and migrants, and call on the international community to share the responsibility and jointly handle the issue. Fourth, offering humanitarian assistance and help the Afghan people tide over difficulties. Fifth, all parties should step up intelligence sharing and cooperation in border control and other counter-terrorism security cooperation, and urge the Taliban to make a clean break with all extremist and terrorist forces. Sixth, carrying out counter-narcotics cooperation. We should support Afghanistan in stopping producing drugs and jointly combat transnational drug crimes in the region.
    我想强调的是,本次外长会是阿富汗近邻国家合作应对阿富汗局势变化的首次尝试,也标志着阿富汗邻国协调合作机制的正式成立。这一机制与业已存在的多种涉阿多边机制并行不悖,可以相互补充,形成合力。与会方都支持把这个独具特色的机制继续办下去,通过这个平台分享政策主张、协调彼此立场、共同应对挑战。已经有国家明确提出希主办第二次会议。  I want to stress that the foreign ministers' meeting today is the first attempt by Afghanistan's neighboring countries to respond to the evolving situation in the country through cooperation. It also signifies the establishment of a coordination and cooperation mechanism of Afghanistan's neighboring countries. This mechanism and other existing multilateral mechanisms related to the Afghan issue are not mutually exclusive and can form synergy by complementing each other. All participating parties support the continued operation of this unique mechanism so that countries can share policy propositions, coordinate positions and jointly address challenges through this platform. The hope to host the second Ministerial Meeting has already been expressed.


    《中国日报》记者:据报道,8日,美国国务卿布林肯与德国外长马斯共同主持由22国参加的阿富汗问题部长级视频会议,要求阿富汗塔利班允许外国人和阿富汗人自由出境,尊重基本人权,并称将使用经济、外交和政治手段保护阿富汗人民。中方对此有何评论?  China Daily: On September 8, US Secretary of State Blinken and German Foreign Minister Maas co-chaired a virtual ministerial on Afghanistan, which was attended by 22 countries. They demand that the Afghan Taliban allow foreign nationals and Afghans who want to leave the country free passage and respect basic human rights, claiming that they will use economic, diplomatic and political means to protect the Afghan people. Does China have any comment? 赵立坚:我们注意到美德共同主持的阿富汗问题会议。中方没有参加这个会议。最近国际上涉阿富汗问题的多边会议和倡议很多,应加强协调,注重实效,对阿富汗局势发展施加正面积极影响。  Zhao Lijian: We noticed the meeting on Afghanistan co-chaired by the US and Germany. China did not participate in the meeting. Lately we have seen many multilateral meetings and initiatives on Afghanistan. There should be greater coordination to focus on actual effects and exert positive influence on the situation in Afghanistan.
    美国一方面讲关心阿富汗民生福祉和经济重建,另一方面却把一切能带走的都带走,不能带走的就炸毁,连喀布尔机场的导航设施和属于阿富汗人民的民航飞机也不放过。这是过河拆桥,给阿富汗留下满目疮痍。  The US government claims to care about people's welfare and economic reconstruction in Afghanistan. At the same time, it took home all that can be taken away and blew up those that cannot be taken to the US, not even sparing the navigation facilities in the airport in Kabul and civil aircraft that belong to the Afghan people. This is removing the plank after crossing the river. The US left a trail of destruction in Afghanistan.
    美国一方面花大笔的钱从阿富汗捞人、撤人和安置几万美国关心的阿富汗人,另一方面却对数千万阿富汗民众的疾苦袖手旁观、一毛不拔,对不负责任撤军制造出来的数十万难民不闻不问。 The US spent huge fortunes evacuating its nationals from Afghanistan and resettling tens of thousands of Afghan nationals it cares about while standing callously by and offering not a cent to tens of millions of suffering Afghans and turning a blind eye to the hundreds of thousands of refugees created by its irresponsible troops withdrawal.
    美国一方面要求别人尊重基本人权,另一方面却对自己在阿富汗等地践踏人权的劣迹讳莫如深,而且仍在给阿富汗人民制造新的痛苦。  The US asks others to respect basic human rights while remaining reticent on its track record of trampling on human rights in Afghanistan and inflicting new miseries on the Afghan people.
    美国一方面回避自身对阿富汗今天乱局不可推卸的责任,另一方面却对他国特别是阿富汗邻国的建设性努力妄加揣测、说三道四。  The US shuns its unshirkable responsibility for the chaos in Afghanistan while wantonly speculating about and criticizing the constructive efforts of other countries, especially Afghanistan's neighbors.
    美国政府一方面说要反恐打恐,另一方面却继承前政府的错误政策,不同意将“东伊运”重新列为恐怖组织,事实上在搞双重标准和选择性反恐。  The US government claims to combat terrorism while inheriting the previous administration's erroneous policy and refusing to re-designate the ETIM as a terrorist organization, which is actually double-standard on terrorism and selective counter-terrorism.
    美国一方面反复表达在阿富汗问题上希望与中国合作、希望中国作更大贡献的愿望,另一方面却声称自阿撤军是为了集中精力对付中国,旨在转移战略重心应对所谓大国竞争。  The US has said repeatedly that it wishes to cooperate with China and hopes that China will make greater contributions while also claiming that it withdrew from Afghanistan to focus on dealing with China and shift the strategic focus to addressing the so-called major power competition.
    我不知道美方这些逻辑何以自圆其说?美国需要给国际社会一个交代。 I don't know how the US can justify its logic. It owes the international community an explanation.

    4 新华社记者:昨天,王毅国务委员以视频方式出席了“纪念中华人民共和国恢复联合国合法席位50周年研讨会”并发表讲话。发言人能否进一步介绍相关情况? Xinhua News Agency: State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi yesterday attended a seminar to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the restoration of the lawful seat of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations via video link and delivered a speech. Could you offer more details on that? 赵立坚:在昨天的研讨会上,王毅国务委员提出中方的六项主张。  Zhao Lijian: At the seminar yesterday, State Councilor Wang Yi put forward China's six-point proposition.
    首先是捍卫多边主义,维护世界和平稳定。我们要反对打着多边主义幌子,将少数国家制定的规则强加给国际社会。要以对话弥合分歧,以谈判化解争端。  First, upholding multilateralism to safeguard world peace and stability. We must oppose the use of multilateralism as a pretext by a few countries to impose their own rules on the whole international community. It is important to bridge differences through dialogue and resolve disputes through negotiation.
    二是加强抗疫合作,共筑生命健康防线。我们必须坚持疫苗全球公共产品的第一属性,使疫苗在全球范围内得到公平合理分配。在病毒溯源问题上搞“有罪推定”和政治操弄,必将以失败而告终。中国将继续本着科学态度与各方一道,积极开展全球科学溯源。  Second, strengthening pandemic cooperation to jointly build a line of defense for life and health. We must see to it that COVID vaccines are first and foremost a global public good, and strive for the fair and equitable distribution of vaccines around the world. On the origins-tracing issue, any approach based on presumption of guilt or motivated by political maneuvering is doomed to fail. Honoring the spirit of science, China will continue to work actively with all sides in global origins-tracing.
    三是坚持发展优先,推动全球共同繁荣。要发挥联合国统筹协调作用,将发展置于全球宏观政策突出位置,全面、平衡、有力落实联合国2030年可持续发展议程。  Third, putting development first to promote common prosperity across the globe. We need to give full play to the UN's role as a coordinator, put development high on the global macro-policy agenda, and implement the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in a comprehensive, balanced and robust way. 

    四是秉持开放包容,构建开放型世界经济。我们要维护以世界贸易组织为基石的多边贸易体制,维护全球产业链供应链稳定畅通。搞封闭脱钩的“去全球化”,不符合任何一方利益,只会走入死胡同。我们欢迎各方参与“一带一路”合作。  Fourth, embracing openness and inclusiveness to develop an open world economy. We need to safeguard the multilateral trading system with the WTO as its cornerstone, ensure the stable and smooth operation of global industrial and supply chains. De-globalization that opts for closing doors and decoupling serves no one's interest and will only lead to a dead end. China welcomes all to join in Belt and Road cooperation.
    Fifth, improving climate governance to build a clean and beautiful world. Developed countries must move expeditiously to deliver their climate financing commitment to developing countries. All countries need to continue to implement the Paris Agreement through NDCs and international cooperation. China will host COP15 of the Convention on Biological Diversity this October. 
    Sixth, enhancing exchanges and mutual learning to promote the progress of human civilization. We must reject prejudice that is based on systems and models, uphold the common values of humanity, adhere to mutual respect and equality to promote exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations and build an open and inclusive world.


    总台央视记者:据报道,日本防卫副大臣中山泰秀8日称,台湾与日本的距离非常近,就像鼻尖到嘴巴,所以日本会把台湾的和平稳定当作自己的事,不可能当做别人的事。中方对此有何评论?  CCTV: It is reported that Japan's Deputy Defense Minister Yasuhide Nakayama said on September 8 that the distance between Taiwan and Japan is very close, like that between one's tip of nose and mouth. That's why Japan takes as its own business peace and stability in Taiwan and it's impossible to regard it as others' affairs, he said. Do you have any comment?  赵立坚:你提到的这个日本政客的涉台言论是极其荒谬的。中方对此表示强烈不满和坚决反对,已向日方提出严正交涉。  Zhao Lijian: The remarks on Taiwan by the Japanese politician you mentioned are ludicrous. China strongly deplores and firmly rejects that and has lodged solemn representation with the Japanese side. 
    日本军国主义分子发动对外侵略战争,就把“地理邻近”作为一个主要借口。在21世纪的今天,日本竟然还有一股势力鼓吹这一逻辑,这是十分危险的动向。我们要对此保持高度警惕。尤其在台湾问题上,日本对中国人民负有历史罪责,更应谨言慎行。日方应停止干涉中国内政,不得以任何形式损害中国主权,不得以任何形式向“台独”势力发出错误信号。 Japan's militarists once used geographical proximity as the main excuse to wage wars of aggression. It is a very dangerous development that some in Japan are still touting this logic in the 21st century. We need to stay on high alert about this. On the Taiwan question, the Japanese side bears historical responsibilities to the Chinese people for its past crimes and should especially be prudent with its words and actions. Japan should stop interfering in China's domestic affairs, avoid undermining China's sovereignty in any form and refrain from sending wrong signals to "Taiwan independence" forces in any form.
    我要再次强调,台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。台湾问题纯属中国内政,不容任何外部势力干涉。任何人都不要低估中国人民捍卫国家主权和领土完整的坚强决心、坚定意志和强大能力。  I want to stress once again that the Taiwan region is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory and the Taiwan question is purely China's internal affair that brooks no foreign interference. No one should underestimate the strong resolution, determination and capability of the Chinese people to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.


    China News Service: A series of meetings of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) have been concluded in Geneva. As a handful of countries are trying to politicize COVID-19 origins study, issues relating to the BWC, in particular, the biological verification issue, have received more attention. Could you brief us on the meetings? Did China put forward any proposal?


    Zhao Lijian: Under current circumstances, the recently-concluded BWC meetings have attracted more attention. To strengthen BWC mechanisms is the core issue, on which China put forward a series of proposals. First, China stressed that establishment of a verification regime is the most effective means to ensure compliance and build mutual trust, called for the early resumption of negotiation for a verification protocol, and urged the US to stop being the sole country opposing it. Second, China pointed out that the US conducts more bio-military activities than any other country in the world, with an alarming lack of transparency in its domestic bio-military bases and numerous labs overseas. The US should earnestly fulfill its obligations, offer full clarification and subject itself to international verification. Third, China proposes that pending the resumption of negotiation and establishment of a verification regime, all countries should declare their bio-military activities overseas as a confidence-building measure.


    At the meetings, the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) spoke on behalf of 123 state parties, and many countries including Russia, Brazil and South Africa all made statements calling for the resumption of negotiation for a verification protocol at an early date. It is thought-provoking that the US delegation should refer to the international community's consensus as "recycling", declare that the US will not accept resumption of negotiation, and even call the international community's legitimate concerns over US bio-military activities dissemination of "disinformation". We once again urge the US to adopt a responsible and constructive attitude. It cannot keep clamoring for investigation into other countries' labs while stubbornly obstructing the establishment of a just and effective verification regime through international negotiation.


    Bio-tech review is also an important issue on the agenda of the meetings. China always advocates responsible biological scientific research to reduce bio-security risks and make sure bio-science can benefit mankind. China offered detailed information on the conclusion of the Tianjin Biosecurity Guidelines for Codes of Conduct for Scientists. All sides commended China for its efforts and expressed welcome and support for the Tianjin Guidelines.


    Issues relating to international cooperation also received much attention. Against the backdrop of COVID-19, the importance and urgency of promoting the peaceful use of bio-tech is more pronounced, so are developing countries' concerns about discriminatory export control imposed by a certain country. China always stands together with the great number of developing countries. Back in 2016, we put forward relevant proposal under the BWC framework. This year we will submit a draft resolution to the UNGA First Committee to defend developing countries' right to peaceful use. China elaborated on this during the meetings.


    To summarize, China will continue to uphold the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, practice true multilateralism together with the international community, firmly defend and strengthen the BWC, and safeguard the shared goal of universal security and common prosperity.



    Global Times: The "Uighur Tribunal" founded by the "World Uyghur Congress" (WUC) and some British lawyers plans to hold its second hearing soon. Do you have any comment?


    Zhao Lijian: This so-called "Uighur Tribunal" is funded mostly by the "WUC", an organization dedicated to separating Xinjiang from China. Its "Chair" is Geoffrey Nice, a veteran British agent notorious around the world for filing frivolous lawsuits on human rights. The so-called "experts" are anti-China swindler Adrian Zenz and others from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), whose credibility has been bankrupted. The so-called "witnesses" include Duolikun Aisa, a terrorist listed by the Chinese government. These so-called "Chair", "experts" and "witnesses" have deplorable track records and are habitual liars, who have become a laughing stock in the international community a long time ago.


    Take Adrian Zenz as an example. He has hurled the absurd accusations of "forced sterilization" and "genocide" in Xinjiang in his so-called reports. However, being unable to present any solid evidence, he chose to fabricate lies and rumors one after another, which has invited lawsuits.
    这个所谓“维吾尔特别法庭”将郑国恩之流奉为座上宾,足以表明它就是一个“谎言制造机”。这无关法律,无关正义,更无关真相,是又一出旨在攻击抹黑新疆的闹剧。  Adrian Zenz and his like are feted by this co-called "Tribunal", which validates the body's nature as a special machine producing lies. It has nothing to do with law, justice or truth, and is just another farce staged to smear and attack Xinjiang. 今年6月,这个所谓“维吾尔特别法庭”曾经搞过一次所谓“听证会”。无论它找多少“演员”、搞多少场所谓“听证会”,它都是一个非法“法庭”,注定竹篮打水一场空。我想强调的是,不管这些反华小丑如何表演,中国新疆的发展只会越来越好,国际社会主张客观、公正看待新疆的声音也只会越来越多。  This so-called "Tribunal" staged a so-called "hearing" in June this year. But no matter how many "actors or actresses" it recruits and how many "hearings" it arranges, it is nothing but a kangaroo court and a futile attempt. I want to stress that no matter how hard these anti-China clowns try to sell their performance, China's Xinjiang will see a better future and more and more people in the world will join the call for an impartial and objective perception of Xinjiang.


    彭博社记者:习近平主席是否会亲自出席十月底在罗马举行的G20实体会议以及下一届联合国大会?  Bloomberg News: Does President Xi Jinping plan to travel in person to the G20 Summit in Rome at the end of October or to the next UN General Assembly meeting? 赵立坚:目前我没有要发布的消息。 Zhao Lijian: I have no information to release at this moment.


    CRI: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and UK Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs Dominic Raab made wanton comments about the lawful arrest of some members of the "Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China" by the Hong Kong police and about the national security law for Hong Kong. What is your comment?


    Zhao Lijian: China strongly deplores and firmly rejects certain Western politicians' flagrant smear and detraction of the legitimate law enforcement activity by the Hong Kong Police Force. The arrest of law-defying members of the "Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China" by the police is a lawful, just and necessary move beyond reproach to defend the authority of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong SAR and to ensure Hong Kong's enduring peace and stability.


    Hong Kong upholds rule of law. Laws must be complied with and offenses must be prosecuted. This is the basic connotation of rule of law. No one is allowed to whitewash illegal actions with the pretext of democracy and freedom. Anyone that violates Hong Kong laws including the national security law must receive the punishment stipulated by law. Since the enforcement of the national security law, national security has been safeguarded, Hong Kong society has returned to the normal track, and rule of law and justice have been upheld. The legitimate rights and freedoms of Hong Kong residents and foreign nationals in Hong Kong have been better protected. No attack or smear on this law can alter these facts or stop the turnaround from chaos to stability and prosperity in Hong Kong.


    I want to emphasize again that Hong Kong is part of China, and Hong Kong affairs are purely China's internal affairs. China firmly opposes any move by foreign forces to use individual cases to smear the rule of law in Hong Kong and interfere in China's internal affairs. Any attempt or action that emboldens anti-China forces trying to destabilize Hong Kong is doomed to fail.



    NHK: First question, a new warship was commissioned by Taiwan today to strengthen "defence" against mainland forces. What is the foreign ministry's comment? Second question, the DPRK held a military parade today. What is your comment?


    Zhao Lijian: On your first question, I want to stress that the attempt of Taiwan separatist forces to confront the mainland militarily can lead nowhere.

    关于第二个问题,中国和朝鲜是友好近邻。中方祝贺朝鲜民主主义人民共和国成立73周年,祝愿朝鲜各项事业不断取得新进展。  On your second question, China and the DPRK are friendly close neighbors. China congratulates the DPRK on the 73rd anniversary of its founding, and wishes it new progress in all its endeavors.


    韩联社记者:国际奥委会网站9月8日消息称,国际奥委会决定暂停朝鲜奥委会的国际奥委会会员资格。朝鲜或将无法参加北京冬奥会。中方对此有何评论?  Yonhap News: The International Olympic Committee said on its website on September 8 that it decides to suspend the Olympic Committee of the DPRK, meaning the country may miss out on the Beijing Winter Games. Do you have any response on that?  赵立坚:我们注意到朝方因疫情原因没有参加东京奥运会,注意到国际奥委会网站相关消息。作为东道国,中方正在积极推进2022年北京冬奥会各项筹备工作。我们有信心、有能力如期举办一届简约、安全、精彩的奥运盛会。我们愿就运动员、代表团来华参赛等事宜同国际奥委会和有关国家和地区保持沟通。  Zhao Lijian: We noted that the DPRK did not participate in the Tokyo Olympic Games due to COVID-19, and also noted the relevant information on the IOC website. As the host country, China is actively advancing preparations for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games. We have the confidence and capability to host a simple, safe and splendid Olympic Games as scheduled. We are ready to stay in communication with the IOC and relevant countries and regions on the participation of athletes and delegations.


    今日俄罗斯记者:有报道称阿富汗新政府的就职典礼定于9月11日举行。塔利班消息人士称,俄罗斯、中国、卡塔尔、土耳其、巴基斯坦和伊朗已被邀请参加仪式。你能否介绍更多细节?谁将代表中国出席?  RIA Novosti: There are reports that the inauguration ceremony of the new Afghan government is scheduled for September 11. The source in Taliban told our agency that Russia, China, Qatar, Turkey, Pakistan and Iran are invited to the ceremony. Could you share any more details? Who will represent China there?  赵立坚:中方已经表明了对阿富汗新政府的立场。中国驻阿富汗使馆在正常履职。我们愿与阿富汗新政府及领导人保持沟通。关于你提到的具体问题,我们也在向各方了解进一步的信息。  Zhao Lijian: China has made clear its position on the new Afghan government. The Chinese Embassy in Afghanistan is performing its duties as usual. We are ready to stay in communication with the new Afghan government and its leaders. As for the specific question you raised, we are seeking further information from all parties.

    以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021-9-9的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!

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