【双语】例行记者会 2021-9-15
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    喜欢口译的同学,大多抱有一个外交官的理想,而双语例行记者会上快节奏的你问我答及现场翻译,则给我们提供了宝贵的学习资源。下面是小编整理的关于【双语】例行记者会 2021-9-15的资料,希望大家在这些唇枪舌剑中,提升英语,更热爱祖国!



    Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian'sRegular Press Conference on September 15, 2021


    CCTV: We have noticed that the Representative of the Permanent Mission of China to the UN made a statement at the 48th session of the Human Rights Council, calling on all countries to achieve lasting peace and promote and protect human rights. Can you share more information?


    Zhao Lijian: At the 48th session of the Human Rights Council on September 14, China made a joint statement on behalf of more than 40 countries, which represents the voice for justice and reason in the international community and shows China's sense of responsibility on human rights issues.


    China believes that to achieve lasting peace and promote and protect human rights, the following should be done. First, we should firmly uphold the UN-centered international system and the international order underpinned by international law and refrain from imposing one's will on others. Second, differences should be bridged through dialogue and consultations, and conflicts should be resolved through political negotiations. The use or threat of force should be rejected, still less should military intervention under the pretext of democracy and human rights be allowed. Third, we should persist in promoting sustainable development so as to achieve peace through development. Fourth, we should respect the diversity of civilizations, and make it a bond for maintaining world peace. Fifth, we should address both traditional and non-traditional security threats in a coordinated manner, and address the root causes of crisis.


    China has made remarkable achievement in its human rights development. Just a few days ago, China released the National Human Rights Action Plan of China (2021-2025). This Action Plan consists of eight parts and includes nearly 200 objectives and tasks.


    China's formulation of the National Action Plan has set a new example with regard to world human rights. More than 60 countries in the world have formulated national human rights action plans. Among them, China, Indonesia and Mexico have drafted the plans for four consecutive periods. Countries including the US, Canada, France, Germany and Japan have not yet formed any national human rights action plan. These countries trumpeting human rights should make their own action plans as soon as possible and do something concrete to safeguard the human rights of their own citizens.


    At present, large-scale human rights violations caused by wars, conflicts and regional turmoil happen from time to time, meaning that global human rights development still remains an arduous task. Looking ahead, China will continue to earnestly fulfill international human rights obligations, deeply participate in international human rights governance, and work toward the building of a fair, reasonable and effective international human rights system. We call on all countries to join hands in ensuring that all people can enjoy human rights in a world with lasting peace and universal security.


    新华社记者:日前,王毅国务委员兼外长来到了此次出访的第三站新加坡。发言人能否介绍访问有关情况? Xinhua News Agency: State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi was in Singapore, the third stop of his tour to neighboring countries in Asia. Could you offer more details? 赵立坚:9月13日至14日,王毅国务委员兼外长访问新加坡,会见李显龙总理、中新双边合作联委会新方主席王瑞杰副总理,同维文外长举行会谈并共见记者。 Zhao Lijian: From September 13 to 14, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited Singapore. He met with Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Deputy Prime Minister and Singaporean Co-chair of the China-Singapore Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation (JCBC) Heng Swee Keat. He also held talks with Singapore's Minister for Foreign Affairs Vivian Balakrishnan and they jointly met the press. 王毅国务委员表示,中新相互了解、相互信任,双边关系具有前瞻性、战略性和示范性。中新建交30年来,两国关系始终保持发展势头,成为本地区一个重要的稳定因素。中方愿同新方增进战略沟通,在抗疫、共建“一带一路”、可持续发展、东亚区域、多边主义五方面聚焦合作,为两国关系发展不断注入新动能。中方将同东盟国家继续深化合作,推动《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》早日生效实施,加快商谈“南海行为准则”,共同办好中国东盟建立对话关系30周年纪念活动,开辟中国东盟关系新前景,为地区乃至世界和平、稳定与发展贡献力量。 State Councilor Wang noted that both countries understand and trust each other, and the China-Singapore relations are forward-looking, strategic and exemplary. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties 30 years ago, bilateral relations have maintained a momentum of development and become an important stabilizing factor in the region. China stands ready to enhance strategic communication with Singapore and focus on cooperation in five fields, including anti-epidemic efforts, joint construction of the Belt and Road, sustainable development, regional cooperation in East Asia and multilateral cooperation, and inject new impetus into bilateral relations. China will continue to deepen cooperation with ASEAN countries, work for the early entry into force of the RCEP, accelerate the negotiations on a Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC), jointly hold events in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the dialogue relations between China and the ASEAN, open up new prospects for China-ASEAN relations and contribute to regional and world peace, stability and development. 新方表示,新中之间有着开放、坦诚、老朋友式的关系,建交以来各领域交流合作成果丰硕。新方珍视两国关系发展成就,愿同中方一道打造新中关系的新时代。新方高度赞赏中方积极对外开展疫苗合作、同各国分享抗疫经验,愿同中方继续加强疫情防控、投资贸易等领域合作,坚持多边主义,为应对全球性挑战作出积极贡献。新方支持东盟国家和中国一道办好30周年纪念活动,支持加快“南海行为准则”磋商,支持《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》早日生效,巩固开放的地区合作架构。  The Singaporean side noted that Singapore and China enjoy open, candid and old friend-like relations and have achieved fruitful results in exchanges and cooperation across the board since the establishment of diplomatic ties. Singapore values the achievements in bilateral relations and is willing to usher in a new era for Singapore-China relations. The Singaporean side lauded China's active efforts to conduct vaccine cooperation and share experience in COVID-19 response with other countries, and is willing to further step up cooperation with China in the fields of pandemic prevention and control, and investment and trade, adhere to multilateralism and contribute positively to tackling global challenges. Singapore supports ASEAN countries and China in jointly hosting the commemoration activities for the 30th anniversary, support the acceleration of consultations on a Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC), the early entry into force of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), and the consolidation of an open regional cooperation architecture.


    深圳卫视记者:据报道,英国议会14日以中方制裁英部分议员为由,不同意议会跨党派中国小组在议会大厦举办有中国大使参加的活动。中方对此有何评论?  Shenzhen TV: The UK Parliament has decided that "the APPG event with the participation of the Chinese Ambassador to the UK should not take place at the parliamentary estate". The reason given was that the Chinese side had earlier announced sanctions on some UK parliamentarians. What is your comment? 赵立坚:英国议会受个别反华议员挑唆,不同意在议会大厦举办有中国大使参加的活动。中方对此予以强烈谴责,将不得不作出必要反应。  Zhao Lijian: Instigated by some anti-China parliamentarians, the UK Parliament did not agree to hold the event with the participation of the Chinese Ambassador to the UK at the parliamentary estate. China strongly condemns this and will have to make necessary responses. 中方对英国个别反华议员实施制裁,是针对有关人员恶意散播谎言和虚假信息、英方单方面制裁作出的必要反应,完全正当合理。对于任何损害中国核心利益的言行,中方历来坚决反击,绝不姑息。 China's sanctions on a handful of anti-China parliamentarians of the UK were completely justified and reasonable. It was a necessary response to these people who spread slanderous rumors and disinformation and to the unilateral sanctions imposed by the UK side. With regard to any words and deeds that are detrimental to China's core interests, the Chinese side always responds resolutely and never tolerates wrong moves. 作为两大经济体和联合国安理会常任理事国,中英合作契合双方发展需求,有利于应对全球挑战,这是有目共睹的事实。中方要求英国议会立即撤销错误决定,切实约束个别议员的言行,从维护人民利益和全球福祉的立场出发,为中英关系巩固和发展多做实事。 As two major economies and permanent members of the UN Security Council, cooperation between China and the UK meets the development needs of both countries and contributes to tackling global challenges. This is an obvious fact. China urges the British Parliament to immediately rescind its wrong decision, earnestly restrain the words and deeds of certain members, bear in mind the interests of the people and the well-being of the world, and make more concrete efforts to consolidate and develop China-UK relations.

    4 俄罗斯卫星通讯社记者:据《金融时报》日前报道,美国总统拜登与中国国家主席习近平通话时提出举办美中元首峰会。报道称中国领导人已予以拒绝,并表示华盛顿应该缓和对中方的立场。中方对此有何评论? Sputnik: The Financial Times reported the other day that President Biden proposed a summit with President Xi during their phone call. The Chinese leader reportedly refused the offer, adding that Washington should adopt a less strident tone toward Beijing. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:我能告诉你的是,9月10日上午,习近平主席应约同拜登总统通电话。双方就中美关系和双方关心的有关问题进行了坦诚、深入、广泛的战略性沟通和交流。双方一致认为,两国元首就中美关系和重大国际问题深入沟通对引领中美关系正确发展非常重要。双方同意继续通过多种方式保持经常性联系。  Zhao Lijian: What I can tell you is that on the morning of September 10, President Xi Jinping had a phone call with President Joe Biden upon invitation. They had candid, in-depth and extensive strategic communication and exchanges on China-US relations and issues of common concern. The two sides agree that in-depth communication on China-US ties and major international issues between Chinese and US heads of state is very important for steering the correct development of the bilateral relationship. They also agree to maintain regular communication through various ways. 


    澳亚卫视记者:美国总统国家安全事务助理沙利文日前在和立陶宛总理通话时,在涉及到中国主权的问题上渲染所谓“中国胁迫”。发言人对此有何回应? MASTV: In his phone conversation with Prime Minister of Lithuania, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan hyped up the so-called China coercion on issues relating to China's sovereignty. Mr. Sullivan said Lithuania faces attempted coercion from China. Do you have any response? 赵立坚:中国文化主张己所不欲、勿施于人。中国外交从无霸权基因、扩张冲动,从不胁迫任何国家。面对损害中国主权和安全利益的行径,中方采取的是合理合法反制,捍卫的是国家正当权益,维护的是国际公平正义。胁迫的帽子扣不到中国头上。  Zhao Lijian: The Chinese culture advocates not doing to others what you don't want others to do to you. Hegemonism and expansion are not in the genes of China's diplomacy. We never coerce any country. What China does in the face of actions that undermine China's sovereignty and security interests is legitimate and lawful countermeasures to defend legitimate rights and interests of the country, and to uphold international fairness and justice. The label of coercion can never be pinned on China. 
    美方应立即停止在国际上拉帮结伙、肆意对中国诬蔑抹黑,停止煽风点火、制造矛盾对立的把戏。中方不吃那一套。 The US should immediately stop ganging up with others to wantonly smear China and stop provoking confrontation and disputes. Such tricks wouldn't work on China. 


    CRI: China and Arab states held the Ninth Symposium on China-Arab Relations and China-Arab Civilization Dialogue yesterday. Could you tell us more about this event? How do you comment on this meeting?


    Zhao Lijian: On September 14, the Ninth Symposium on China-Arab Relations and China-Arab Civilization Dialogue was held via video link. Under the theme of "China-Arab civilization exchanges against the backdrop of building a community with a shared future", attendees held in-depth discussions and issued a final report. The participants agreed that the two sides should foster a sense of community with a shared future, discard ideological bias, avoid clash of civilizations, respect the development paths of countries based on their national conditions and practices, advocate dialogue on an equal footing on the basis of solidarity and inclusiveness, and consolidate inter-civilization exchanges. The two sides should strengthen dialogue between the two ancient civilizations to inject lasting impetus into the development of China-Arab relations. The two sides should strengthen people-to-people ties, carry forward the Silk Road spirit, lay a solid cultural foundation for China-Arab cooperation, and promote high-quality BRI cooperation.


    This symposium is an important institutional event under the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum. Since its establishment in 2005, it has become an important communication platform for the two civilizations to learn from each other and seek common development. At present, noises like "superiority of certain civilization", "clash of civilizations" and Islamophobia are on the rise. China and Arab countries have been committed to dialogue, exchange, cooperation and inclusiveness, setting a good example of harmonious coexistence between different civilizations. China is ready to work with Arab countries to continuously uphold the values of equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusiveness among civilizations and contribute to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.


    《环球时报》记者:据报道,近20年来,美国在叙利亚、伊拉克、阿富汗等多国发动空袭超过9万次,在空袭中丧生的平民最高或达4.8万名。中方对此有何评论? The Global Times: It is reported that the US has launched over 90,000 air strikes in the past 20 years in countries including Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, probably killing up to 48,000 civilians. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:美国在海外犯下了严重的人权罪行: Zhao Lijian: The US has committed grave human rights crimes overseas: 第一,美国以虚假情报策动战争,造成惨痛人权灾难。美国以一小瓶洗衣粉作为化学武器“证据”发动伊拉克战争,以“白头盔”组织摆拍视频为“证据”空袭叙利亚。在建国240多年历史中,美国只有16年没有打仗。从二战结束到2001年,世界上153个地区发生248次武装冲突,其中美国发起201场,占比超过80%。自2001年以来,美国非法发动战争和军事行动造成超过80万人死亡,数千万人流离失所。 First, the US waged wars by citing fake intelligence and created grave human rights disasters. The US used a test tube of laundry powder as the evidence for the possession of chemical weapons to launch a war in Iraq and used a fake staged video of "White Helmets" as the evidence to wage a war on Syria. During its over 240 years of history, there were only 16 years when the US was not at war. From the end of WWII to 2001, the US has initiated 201 of the 248 armed conflicts in 153 places, accounting for over 80%. Since 2001, illegal wars and military operations of the US have claimed more than 800,000 lives and displaced tens of millions of people.
    第二,美国以反恐之名大肆杀戮平民,欠下累累血债。2001年以来,在美国发动战争中遇难的平民约33.5万。在从阿富汗撤离前,美军以反恐为由对一处民居进行空袭,造成10名平民遇难,其中包括2岁的孩子。我这有一幅漫画可以给大家展示一下。这幅漫画是新华社的作品,稍后我会向大家详细介绍。在2005年震惊世界的伊拉克阿迪塞镇事件中,美军仅因一人遇袭就大开杀戒,无差别射杀24名伊拉克平民,包括老人、妇女和幼儿,其残暴血腥令人发指。2017年美国对叙利亚拉卡发动所谓“最精确的空袭”,导致大量平民丧生。一名前美军士兵表示,美军的无人机袭击纯粹是“为了杀戮而杀戮”。 Second, the US wantonly killed civilians in the name of fighting terrorism and left behind debts of blood. Since 2001, about 335,000 civilians died in wars waged by the US. Before the US troops withdrew from Afghanistan, they launched an air strike on a civilian residence on counter-terrorism grounds and left ten civilians dead. The youngest of the victims were only two years old. I have a cartoon created by Xinhua News Agency here which I'll show you later. In the shocking incident that happened in the Iraqi city of Haditha in 2005, the US military indiscriminately shot and killed 24 Iraqi civilians, including the elderly, women and children, following the killing of one US soldier. The brutality is outrageous. The so-called "most accurate air strike in history" launched by the US on Raqqa, Syria in 2017 killed many civilians. A former US soldier once said that US drone attacks are purely "killing for the sake of killing".
    第三,美国大搞单边制裁,严重危及有关国家民众的人权。新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,美国对单边强制措施的使用不减反增,导致伊朗、古巴、委内瑞拉、叙利亚等被制裁国家防疫物资短缺,粮食供应不足,受教育和获得信息的渠道受限,人道主义援助受阻。这些未经安理会授权的单边强制制裁措施,给当地民众生存和发展带来了深重苦难。 Third, the US imposed unilateral sanctions and severely undermined the human rights of people in relevant countries. Since COVID-19 broke out, the US has ramped up the use and threat of unilateral coercive measures, which resulted in the shortage of anti-epidemic supplies and food, inadequate access to education and information, and impeded access to humanitarian aid in such sanctioned countries as Iran, Cuba, Venezuela and Syria. These unilateral coercive sanctions that are not endorsed by the UN Security Council have brought untold sufferings to the local people's survival and development.
    事实铁证如山,公道自在人心。令人感到可笑的是,美国动辄就打“保护人权”的旗号。美国发动侵略战争时,保护的是什么人权?美国军队向平民开枪、投弹时,保护的是什么人权?美国挥舞制裁大棒时,保护的又是什么人权?  These are facts with solid evidence and people have their fair judgement. It is preposterous that the US claims to be "protecting human rights" at every turn. Is it protecting human rights when staging wars of invasion? Is it protecting human rights when shooting and dropping bombs on civilians? Is it protecting human rights when wielding the big stick of sanctions? 

    (Courtesy of Xinhua News Agency)
    这幅基于新闻事实的漫画描绘了阿富汗一场不同寻常的葬礼,经新华社海外社交媒体账号播发后,令海外许多网友唏嘘泪目。(现场记者纷纷举起手机拍照。) This cartoon based on facts reported by the media describes an unusual funeral in Afghanistan. Released by Xinhua News Agency's overseas social media account, it saddened and drew tears from many people.
    8月29日,美军发动空袭,炸毁阿富汗首都喀布尔的一处民宅,炸死一家10口,包括7个孩子。事后美军只是发表声明称:将会评估空袭造成的平民伤亡。 On August 29, the US military staged an air strike on a civilian residence in Afghanistan's capital city of Kabul, killing 10 members of a family, including 7 children. Afterwards, the US military only released a statement saying that it will assess the the civilian casualties in the strike. 
    (赵立坚手指向漫画上的人物)玛丽卡和苏玛雅都只有两岁,在空袭中被炸身亡。这幅漫画因此取名《两岁“恐怖分子”的葬礼》。它描述的是7个夭折的孩子下葬的瞬间。画面中心,是挖好的墓坑。大小不一的棺材依次排开,送葬的人们正将一口棺材抬进墓坑。 Malika and Somaya were only two years old when killed in the air strike. Hence the comic is titled "the funeral of two-year-old terrorists". It depicts the moment when the seven children are entombed. There are some tomb pits in the center of the picture, with coffins in different sizes lining up on the side. People are lowering one of the coffins into the pit.
    我给大家再描述一下漫画上的两个场景。场景一:画师在这一片火光中重现了幼儿生前的模样。一个坐在地上嚷着“我两岁,我不是恐怖分子”。另一个哭喊“妈妈”,伸出双手要抱抱。天上有10颗流星,象征着10条生命的陨落。7口棺材,里面都是父母的宝贝。大哥哥与弟弟妹妹手拉着手走向天际,画面充满了哀伤。近处的场景,有两名男子紧抱一口棺材,掩面而泣,另一名男子奋力冲向逝去的家人。他被同伴紧紧地拉住,通红的眼睛喷射出难以抑制的悲愤。大家可以看到,送别的人群围绕在四周,他们身后,是爆炸后的火光冲天,是战争摧残的阿富汗。 Let me share with you two scenes from the cartoon. In the first scene, the artist reproduces the image of two toddlers in the blaze of fire. One sits on the ground and shouts, "I'm two years old, I'm not a terrorist." Another cries out "Mama" and holds out her hands for a cuddle. Ten meteors in the sky symbolize the loss of ten lives. There are seven coffins, and inside are the beloved ones of the parents. The elder brother, his younger brothers and sisters hold hands and are walking toward the sky. The scene is overflowing with sadness. In another close-up scene, two men are clinging to a coffin and weeping. Another man rushes toward his late family members, his eyes red with grief and rage as he is held tight by his companions. The crowd bidding farewell was all around. Behind them are the flames of an explosion and the war-torn Afghanistan.


    彭博社记者:美国总统拜登上周在电话中暗示与习近平举行面对面会晤的可能性。请问习主席是否有意近期同拜登会面? Bloomberg: US President Joe Biden suggested the possibility of an in-person meeting with Xi Jinping during a phone call last week. Does Xi have any interest in meeting Biden soon?  赵立坚:我刚才已经回答了类似问题,没有更多信息可以提供。 Zhao Lijian: I just responded to a similar question and have no further information to offer at this moment.


    Yonhap News Agency: As Foreign Minister Wang Yi was on his visit to the ROK today, the DPRK launched two ballistic missiles. Does the foreign ministry have any comment?


    Zhao Lijian: We are following this latest development. China remains committed to maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and realizing denuclearization of the Peninsula and holds that the issue should be settled through dialogue and negotiation. We hope that relevant parties will adhere to the direction of political settlement, exercise restraint, conduct dialogue and engagement, and follow the "dual-track" approach and take phased and synchronized actions to discuss and explore effective ways to address the concerns of all parties in a balanced manner.



    China Review News: It is reported that on September 13, the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) reported at the Japan Atomic Energy Regulatory Committee meeting that 24 out of the 25 multi-nuclide removal devices which are used to purify the nuclear contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant are broken. Do you have any comment?


    Zhao Lijian: This is not the first time that we have seen such reports. This raises questions about the reliability of Japan's equipment to treat the nuclear contaminated water and exposes the chaotic management of TEPCO, the company directly responsible for the disposal. Given the company's record of manipulating data and concealing accidents, anyone who cares about the matter would ask: Is TEPCO capable of handling the huge amount of nuclear contaminated water? Is the Japanese government's supervision and management in place? Is Japan's decision to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea a responsible one? The Japanese side needs to explain these issues to the international community. 

    日本福岛核污染水处置问题必须慎之又慎,不容有失。 Japan must handle the nuclear contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant with extreme prudence and discretion. We cannot afford a misstep.


    CNBC记者:美日印澳四国领导人将于9月24日在华盛顿举行首次会议。这次会议在联合国大会前后举行。此前,四国在今年3月曾宣布将在气候、技术和基础设施等领域进行更密切的合作。中国对美、日、印、澳合作日益深化有何回应? CNBC: The four Quad leaders are set to meet for the first time in person in Washington D.C. on September 24th. The gathering comes around the UN General Assembly, and after announcement in March that the four countries plan to work together more closely in areas including climate, technology, and infrastructure. What is China's response to the signs of growing cooperation between the US, India, Japan, and Australia?  赵立坚:我昨天刚刚回答过相关问题,请你查阅有关实录。 Zhao Lijian: You may refer to my response to a question on the Quad at yesterday's press conference.


    塔斯社记者:昨天有消息称,阿富汗塔利班代表在推特上说,中国驻阿富汗大使王愚对阿富汗新政府的成立表示祝贺。外交部对此有何评论? TASS: Sources said that a representative of the Afghan Taliban tweeted that Chinese Ambassador to Afghanistan Wang Yu has congratulated them on the establishment of the new government. Does the foreign ministry have any comment on that? 赵立坚:我可以告诉你的是,中国驻阿富汗使馆在阿富汗正常工作。我们愿同阿富汗新政权保持沟通。 Zhao Lijian: I can tell you that the Chinese Embassy in Afghanistan is working as normal and we are willing to stay in communication with the new Afghan administration.


    澎湃新闻记者:9月13日,阿富汗塔利班发言人沙欣表示,美方应该解冻阿富汗的资产,因为这些资产属于阿富汗人民。目前,阿经济形势非常严峻。美此举是针对阿人民的。阿临时政府将采取一切可能的法律措施,促使美方解冻阿资产。阿商界人士也抱怨称,美国冻结阿国家资产严重影响阿正常经济往来和进出口业务。中方对此有何评论? The Paper: On September 13, the spokesperson for the Afghan Taliban Suhail Shaheen said, "the US should lift the freeze, as it is the money of the people of Afghanistan. Afghanistan has a lot of economic problems, because of that, this freeze is against the people of Afghanistan. There is a need for that. The new government will take every legal action possible". Some in the Afghan business community also complained that the US freeze on Afghanistan's national assets has severely dragged down normal economic interactions and import and export businesses. What is China's comment on this? 赵立坚:沙欣说得没错。这些资产属于阿富汗,理应用于阿富汗人民。美方不应无理冻结。美国应正视阿富汗正当合理诉求,放弃施压制裁做法,不要再为阿经济民生与和平重建制造障碍。 Zhao Lijian: Shaheen is right. The assets belong to Afghanistan and should be used for the Afghan people. The US should not freeze them without justification. The US should face up to the legitimate demand of Afghanistan, abandon pressure and sanctions, and stop creating obstacles to the economy, livelihood and peace and reconstruction in Afghanistan.

    以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021-9-15的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!

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