【双语】例行记者会 2021-11-12
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    Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin's

    Regular Press Conference on November 12, 2021



    Hubei Media Group: A report released by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) on November 10 shows that more than seven billion shots of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered around the world by late October, and that Chile and Cambodia have vaccination rates at 79% and 77% respectively higher than many developed countries like the US and those in Europe thanks to Chinese vaccines. Do you have any comment?


    Wang Wenbin: I have noted relevant reports. In promoting equitable access to vaccines, the world has witnessed the proposals and actions on the Chinese side. President Xi Jinping took the lead in proposing making vaccines a global public good. At the recent G20 summit in Rome, President Xi Jinping solemnly proposed a Global Vaccine Cooperation Action Initiative that includes six important measures.


    Despite its own huge population and limited supply, China has provided more than 1.7 billion doses of finished and bulk vaccines to over 110 countries and international organizations, and will provide over two billion doses by the end of this year. China has provided over 70 million doses of vaccines to the COVAX and donated $100 million. It has also launched the Initiative for Belt and Road Partnership on COVID-19 Vaccines Cooperation with 30 countries and conducted joint vaccine production with 19 developing countries. China has provided more doses overseas than any other country, and the vast majority of jabs for developing countries come from China.


    Going forward, China will continue to uphold the vision of a community of health for mankind and provide more vaccines to developing countries through various means including donation, so as to contribute to equitable access to vaccines and an early victory over the epidemic.



    Associated Press: There are media reports that China has influenced the Kiribati government to open up to commercial fishing a large marine reserve in its waters, effectively de-registering it as a UNESCO world heritage site and that China could potentially develop strategic infrastructure on Kanton Island. What is your reaction to these two claims being made in Australian and New Zealand media?


    Wang Wenbin: China fully respects the will of the government and people in the cooperation with Pacific island countries including Kiribati. Conducted in an open and aboveboard manner, such cooperation is widely welcomed by various sectors in those countries. It is hoped that relevant sides can view this in an objective light and stop unwarranted hype.



    Dragon TV: According to reports, Frans Timmermans, executive vice president of the European Commission for the European Green Deal, said during climate negotiation in Glasgow that China acted in a responsible way and played a key role at COP21 in Paris. He noted that China sent a high-level delegation to Glasgow and is on the right track. What is your comment?


    Wang Wenbin: China has been taking actions to implement the Paris Agreement, contributing to global climate governance and leading efforts in ecological protection. Since September last year, President Xi Jinping announced China's objective and vision of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality as well as goals of and measures for Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), which all demonstrate China's firm resolve in responding to climate change. Before the meeting in Glasgow, China announced a "1+N" policy framework for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, released a white paper titled "Responding to Climate Change: China's Policies and Actions" and officially submitted NDCs and strategy for low emissions in the medium and long term. These are all specific measures of China's implementation of the Paris Agreement, and show China's responsibility in and latest contribution to global climate change response.


    During the Glasgow conference, the Chinese delegation followed true multilateralism, listened to and supported the appeal of developing countries, stayed in close communication and collaboration with parties including the EU and the US, and worked for consensus among all parties on major subjects and key issues. Yesterday, China and the US reached and released the China-US Joint Glasgow Declaration on Enhancing Climate Action in the 2020s, which contributed to the success of COP26. The summit in Glasgow is scheduled to conclude today. China looks forward to building the greatest consensus and achieve positive outcomes with all parties, working toward full and effective implementation of the Paris Agreement and fostering a fair and reasonable global climate governance system for win-win cooperation and building a community with a shared future for mankind.



    Reuters: According to reports, President Joe Biden and President Xi will hold a virtual summit on Monday US time. Can you confirm this or offer any more information?


    Wang Wenbin: Since the beginning of this year, President Xi Jinping has spoken with President Biden over the phone twice upon invitation. The two heads of state agreed to continue to maintain frequent contact through multiple means. The two countries are having close communication on the specific arrangements of the meeting. It is hoped that the US can work with China toward the same direction and make concerted efforts to make the heads-of-state meeting a success, which will steer the China-US relationship back to the right track of sound and steady development.



    Prensa Latina: In recent days, Cuban authorities denounced the US government for fabricating rumors and lies and supporting anti-Cuban forces to encourage subversive activities and destabilization in the country. What's China's position in that regard?


    Wang Wenbin: It is the US' old trick to willfully impose unilateral sanctions and grossly interfere in other countries' internal affairs in the name of "freedom", "human rights" and "democracy". China is firmly opposed to this. China firmly supports Cuba's just fight to defend national sovereignty and oppose strong power interference, and we resolutely support Cuba in finding a development path suited to its national realities. China again calls on the US to handle its relations with Cuba in accordance with the purposes of the UN Charter and basic norms governing international relations, listen to the universal call of the international community, immediately and fully lift its embargo on Cuba and stop interfering in Cuban affairs.



    Shenzhen TV: On November 11, representatives of China, Russia, the US and Pakistan held a Troika Plus Meeting in Islamabad, Pakistan, and released a joint statement in which they agreed to continue substantive engagement with the Taliban. On the same day, the delegates of the four countries also had a meeting with Acting Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi of the Afghan interim government, who's visiting Pakistan. Can you share more details about the activities?


    Wang Wenbin: On November 11, representatives of China, the US, Russia and Pakistan held a Troika Plus Meeting in Islamabad to exchange views on the latest situation in Afghanistan. Yue Xiaoyong, Special Envoy for Afghan Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, led a delegation to the meeting.


    The Chinese side elaborated on its position and policies on Afghanistan, and stressed that Afghanistan is at a crucial stage from chaos to order and faces challenges on political, economic, counter-terrorism and humanitarian fronts. All parties should continue to have dialogue with the Afghan side in a constructive manner on the basis of respecting Afghanistan's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. China is ready to work with all parties and help to steadily improve the Afghan situation.


    After the meeting, the four parties released a joint statement, which recalled respect for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Afghanistan, agreed to continue practical engagement with the Taliban, called for the international community's urgent provision of humanitarian and economic assistance to Afghanistan, welcomed the role of the United Nations as a coordinator in such fields as contributing to stability and delivering emergency assistance and condemned the recent terrorist attacks in Afghanistan.


    The four representatives also had a group meeting with Acting Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi of the Afghan interim government. The Afghan side shared measures and progress in building an inclusive government, protecting women and children's rights and counterterrorism. Representatives from the four countries expressed their readiness to continue emergency humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan and strengthen counterterrorism and security cooperation with Afghanistan.



    Reuters: According to reports, President Xi Jinping will invite President Biden to attend the Beijing Winter Olympics. Do you have any further information on this?


    Wang Wenbin: I don't comment on speculative reports.



    MASTV: On November 11, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said in a speech that the US is going to compete vigorously with China across multiple dimensions, including economics and technology. The US will stand up for its values. But the US also recognizes that China is going to be a factor in the international system for the foreseeable future. There's no reason that the competition has to turn into conflict or confrontation. Do you have any comment?


    Wang Wenbin: Competition does exist in international relations, but it should be healthy competition based on observing the basic norms governing international relations. We oppose unfair competition where one's own rules are forced on other countries as international rules. We oppose unjust competition where the word "competition" is used as a pretext to undermine other countries' sovereignty and interfere in other countries' internal affairs. We oppose unethical competition where "competition" is cited as an excuse to restrict other countries' development and deprive them of their legitimate rights and interests. China and the US have both differences and broad common interests. To define China-US relations with competition contravenes the reality of bilateral relations and deviates from US policies on China. The US should correctly view the mutually beneficial nature of China-US relations, adopt a rational and pragmatic policy toward China, work with China to strengthen dialogue and communication, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, properly manage differences and follow the path of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation.



    Reuters: Human Rights Watch today criticized the corporate sponsors of the Beijing Olympics and said that they should put pressure on China's government over human rights violations. Do you have any comment?


    Wang Wenbin: Politicizing sports and fabricating rumors and lies to undermine the Olympic cause will find no support and is doomed to fail.

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