A Man Upholding Unity
Wang Meng
Ai Tuanjie stole into Lao Wang’s home quietly and whispered surrepti-t tiously to him, “LaoWang, just ignore him. As the saying goes, a Prime Minister's heart is big enough for a boat tosail. So you needn’t bother to reason with him.”
Lao Wang blinked his eyes in bewilderment. He was busy making fiirniture and so he didn’t havethe time to make any response.
“In fact,you must have heard about it,” he continued. “But you didn't pay any heed to it, I amsure. You are above all gossip.”
Lao Wang stooped to fix the plane.
Ai Tuanjie bent closer and went on, “You know, Lao Zhou said your nose is artificial.
Lao Wang let out a snort through his nose but kept silent.
Ai Tuanjie moved still closer, breathing hot air into Lao Wang’s ear, “Lao Zhou said your nosewas picked up from among the rubbish heap in front of his house and stuck on to your face bythe adhesive made of pig skin "
This remark finally made Lao Wang look up at him.
He then added, "Lao Zhou also said that you have sold your own nose to a profiteer withoutpaying tax."
Lao Wang knit his brows.
“Don't get upset. Don’t, please! Ai Tuanjie hastened to console him. “We all know that yournose is first-rate. It is a rarity, an original one. What Lao said only proves his utterignorance. You wouldn't mind, would you?
Lao Wang lowered his head again and began to wonder, “What on earth prompted Lao Zhou totalk behind my back like that?”
Ai tuanjie emphasized, “We must first of all uphold unity. Unity comes anything else.”
With these remarks, Ai Tuanjie left Lao Wang and went to “uphold unity” at Lao Zhou’s.