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      My fellow Americans,

      This week, I nominated Neil Gorsuch for the UnitedStates Supreme Court.

      Judge Gorsuch is one of the most qualified peopleever to be nominated for this post. He is a graduateof Columbia, Harvard and Oxford. He is a man ofprinciple. He has an impeccable resume. He iswidely respected by everyone. And, JudgeGorsuch's proven track record upholding theConstitution makes him the ideal person to fill the vacancy left by the late, great Antonin Scalia,a truly fabulous justice.

      Ten years ago, the Senate unanimously approved Judge Gorsuch's nomination to serve on theTenth Circuit Court of Appeals. I urge members of both parties to support Judge Gorsuch and,in so doing, to protect our laws and our freedoms.

      This week, we also took significant action to roll back the massive regulation that isdevastating our economy and crippling American companies and jobs.

      That's why I have issued a new executive order to create a permanent structure of regulatoryreduction. This order requires that for every one new regulation, two old regulations must –and I mean must – be eliminated. It's out of control.

      The January employment report shows that the private sector added 237,000 jobs last month.A lot of that has to do with the spirit our country now has. Job growth far surpassedexpectations in January, and the labor force participation also grew, so you can be encouragedabout the progress of our economy. It's going to be a whole new ball game.

      But there is still much work to do. That I can tell you.

      Also this week, on the first day of Black History Month, I was pleased to host African Americanleaders at the White House. We are determined to deliver more opportunity, jobs and safetyfor the African-American citizens of our country. America can really never, ever rest untilchildren of every color are fully included in the American Dream – so important. I think,probably, one of my most and maybe my most important goal. It is our mutual duty andobligation to make sure this happens.

      At Dover Air Force Base on Wednesday, I joined the family of Chief Special Warfare OperatorWilliam "Ryan" Owens as our fallen hero was returned home. A great man. Chief Owens gave hislife for his country and for our people. Our debt to him and his family, a beautiful family, iseternal.

      God has truly blessed this nation to have given us such a brave and selfless patriot as Ryan.We will never forget him. We will never, ever forget those who serve. Believe me.

      And I will never forget that my responsibility is to keep you – the American people – safe andfree.

      That's why last week I signed an executive order to help keep terrorists out of our country.The executive order establishes a process to develop new vetting and mechanisms to ensurethose coming into America love and support our people; that they have good intentions.

      On every single front, we are working to deliver for American workers and American families.You, the law-abiding citizens of this country, are my total priority. Your safety, your jobs andyour wages guide our decisions.

      We are here to serve you, the great and loyal citizens of the United States of America.

      The forgotten men and women will be never be forgotten again. Because from now on, it'sgoing to be America First. That's how I got elected, that's why you voted for me, and I willnever forget it.

      God bless you, and God bless America.


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