Academic award.
【奥斯卡奖一般专业的说法不叫“Oscar”,Oscar 指那尊小金人。“Academic Award”才是“奥斯卡奖”的正确说法。此时的大哥肯定百感交集,属于他的“尖峰时刻”来了!】
I can’t believe I am still standing here. It is a dream. A long time ago, every year when I watched Oscar with my Dad, my dad always said, “Son, you get so many movie awards around the world, when are you going to get one of these?” Then I just look at my dad, HAHAHA, “Dad I only make comedy action movies.”
【套路还是很美式的,美国人就喜欢听这种屌丝逆袭的故事,一种由 impossible 变成 possible 的经历。成龙大哥自身的成长经历就很符合这种“美国梦”的价值观。为其点赞,故事中他的三声“哈哈哈”,着实让人感动,反映了他乐观、不浮躁、踏实的品质,英文中有句话说:Good things come to those who wait. --好东西总是会降临到耐心守望者的头上。值得学习!】
Many years later, I came to Hollywood, meeting some big studio, director, friends’ house, Stallon’s house. There was 23 years ago, I see this little thing in his house. I touched it, and kissed it and smelled it. I believe it still had my fingerprints in. Keep it. Then I talked to myself, “I really want one.”
【这个故事讲了一段他与史泰龙(好莱坞动作片的一尊大神)的轶事。大家注意,文本有很多语法错误,并不是我听错哦,我是忠实记录成龙大哥的用词,比如动词时态(see),单复数(studios),介词使用错误(in),不过doesn’t matter 啦,英语口语做到这样的交流,并且还能把关于“指纹”的这个幽默段子呈现出来,已经非常非常棒了。】
Finally, Sherry calls, I said, “Are you sure?” After 56 years film industry, making more than 200 films, I broke so many bones. Finally, this is mine.
【这段吐露了自己50多年来拍电影的不易,特别是“broke so many bones”,成龙那是真摔啊,真骨折啊,不像现在的一些小鲜肉,一言不合就用替身。终身成就奖奖得就是这种死磕的精神。】
I want to thank you, Hong Kong, incredible city, my hometown, my hood, who make me. China, my country, proud to be Chinese. Thank you Hollywood, for all those years teach me so many things, and also made me a little bit famous, and I thank you, my family my wife Joanne, my son Jaycee. And special Jackie Chen stunt team and this year it’s Jackie Chen stunt team 40-year anniversary.
【看到这里真的让人感动,饮水思源,不忘本,记得造就自己的家乡、城市,特别是,成龙强调自己是中国人,并表达身为中国人的自豪感。我们为此应该为他大大点赞。不像一些艺人,在海外从来不说自己是Chinese。另外,成龙除了感谢家人之外,还特别提到了他的“Jackie Chen Stunt Team”(成家班),香港电影圈有两个动作指导团队特别有名,很多好莱坞电影做东方打斗场面都要请他们做指导,一个就是袁和平的“袁加班”,一个就是成龙的这个“成家班”了。】
And all the friends, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart, and ladies and gentlemen, and also distinguished guests, and Academy of Motion Picture Art and Science: thank you, thank you, thank you and I want to thank you, who should I thank you, I forget. I still have some dialogue, I forget what I should say. I don’t know. I just,… it’s honor to be here. It’s my honor, thank you.
Oh, Oh, Oh~~Ah~~Last not least, millions of thanks to my friends, fans around the world because of you I have a reason to continue to make movies, jumping out of window, kicking and punching, breaking my bone, thank you so much, thank you Oscar. Thank you!