教程:少儿英语故事  浏览:709  
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    Chapter 1

    Once upon a time, there was a man, his wife, and their three sons.

    The oldest sons were named Hans and Franz. They were big and strong. The youngest son was named simpleton. He was not big and strong like his brothers. But he was honest and kind. Hans and Franz always laughed at simpleton. They liked to play tricks on him.

    Hurry up, Franz. He’s coming. Ok, it’s ready. Hi guys. Oh, no! Ha, ha, ha! You opened the door, and the bucket of water fell on your head! Now you’re all wet! Ha, ha, ha! One morning Hans got ready to go to the forest to cut wood. Here is your lunch, Hans. I’ll give you two sandwiches and some fresh goat’s milk. Thank you, mother. Here is your axe. Be careful, and bring back lots of fire wood. Yes, Mother. I will. Hans walked through the forest.

    He saw a little old man sitting on a tree stump. Good morning, young man. I am very hungry and thirsty. Would you give me some food and something to drink? Please help an old man. Go away, old man. I am in a hurry. I will not share my lunch with you. Not even a small piece of bread? No, not even a small piece of bread. Leave me alone.

    Soon, Hans found a tree to chop down. This tree is perfect. It will make great fire wood. He started to chop down the tree. Suddenly, his axe slipped, and he cut his arm. Ouch! Oh, no! I cut my arm! Somebody help me!

    Some villagers heard him and helped him get home. What happened, Hans? I was chopping a tree, and my axe slipped. I cut my arm. Hmm, this is a bad cut. I will bandage it for you. Franz, your brother cannot chop any more wood today. You must chop wood today. Yes father. Take your brother’s axe and lunch bag. And be careful. Yes, mother. I will.

    Franz walked through the forest. He saw the same little old man sitting on a tree stump. Good morning, young man. I am very hungry and thirsty. Would you give me some food and something to drink? Please help and old man. Go away, old man. I have nothing for you. Not even a small piece of bread? No. I am a big man. I need all of my food for myself. Leave me alone.

    Soon, Franz found a tree to chop down. This tree is perfect. It will make great fire wood. He started to chop down the tree. Suddenly, his axe slipped, and he cut his leg. Ouch! Oh, no! I cut my leg! Somebody help me! Some villagers heard him and helped him get home also.

    Good morning Karl. Your sons are having trouble today. Franz hurt himself too. What happened, Franz? I was chopping a tree, and my axe slipped. I cut my leg. This is terrible. I will bandage it for you. No more work for you today. Father, may I chop wood? Of course not. Your brothers both got hurt today. It will only be worse for you. Please, father, I want to help. Mother, may I have Hans’ lunch bag? Of course not. Hans and Franz need the sandwiches to get better. You may have this dry bread and water. It will be enough for you. Thank you, mother.

    Chapter 2

    Simpleton walked through the forest. He saw the same little old man sitting on a tree stump. Good morning, young man. I am very hungry and thirsty. Would you give me some food and something to drink? Please help an old man. I don’t have much for lunch. It’s only dry bread and water. But you are welcome to share with me. I hope the bread is not too dry. You are so kind, young man.

    Simpleton opened the lunch bag, but the dry bread and water were gone. Instead, there were thick meat pies and fresh milk. What a surprise! Mother gave me the wrong lunch bag. It’s not your mother. It’s magic.

    Kindness brings good fortune. But there’s more. See that tree over there? Chop down that tree. You will find a present under the tree. The old man left, and simpleton chopped down the tree. Under the tree was a golden goose. A golden goose? What a strange present. But she is beautiful and unusual. People pay money to see unusual things.

    I will take her to the city and make my fortune. Simpleton left the forest to go to the city. But before he got to the city, night fell. He stopped in a town to spend the night. He found an inn and asked to se the innkeeper. Good evening. May I have a room for the night? Sure. What do you have there? This is my golden goose. I am taking her to the city. People will pay money to see her, and I will make my fortune. Well, I’ve never seen anything like her. A golden goose? Let me call my daughters. Lily! Rose! Daisy! Come and see this golden goose! Coming, father. Oh, how beautiful! She’s so quiet. Is she real gold?

    I think so. And old man in the forest gave her to me. Hello, pretty goose. Do you want some bread, pretty goose? You are a lucky man. She is wonderful. That night, simpleton went to bed. But the innkeeper’s daughters did not go to sleep. They wanted to see the golden goose again. They quietly went into simpleton’s room. She’s so pretty.

    She shines like the sun. I want a golden feather. What? Daisy, you can’t do that. Why not? I only want on feather. Daisy reached for a golden feather. But when she touched the goose’s wing, she was stuck like glue. Help me! My hand is stuck to the goose. I can’t get away. I’ll help you pull. Rose grabbed her sister’s arm. But when she touched her, she was stuck too. Oh, no! We’re stuck together. I’ll help pull too. No, lily! Don’t touch us! But it was too late. When lily touched rose, she was stuck like her sisters.

    Soon, the mayor of the town saw them. Those are the innkeeper’s daughters. Why are they following that young man? Good girls do not follow young men like that. Lily! Rose! Daisy! Stop that! Come back here! But as soon as the mayor touched lily’s arm, he was stuck too. He had to follow them also.

    Soon after that, the school teacher saw them. There goes the mayor chasing the innkeeper’s daughters. That is not polite. His wife will be angry. Mr. Mayor! Stop that! Come back here! But as soon as the school teacher touched the mayor’s arm, she was stuck too. She had to follow them also. Soon they passed a farm .the school teacher saw two farmers working in the fields. Farmer Jones! Farmer Brown! Help me! Let’s go, Brown. But as soon as the farmers touched the school teacher’s arm, they were stuck too. Now they all had to follow Simpleton and his golden goose.

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