From VOA Learning English, this is the Health &Lifestyle Report.
Everywhere in the world, people are living longer.Studies show the average age of the human populationis rising.
By the year 2050, an estimated two billion people will beaged 60 or older. And the number of people 80 years orolder will have almost quadrupled to 395 million. That is the latest number from the United Nations’ World HealthOrganization.
The WHO says governments must prepare now to dealwith an increasingly aging world. As people age, theymay develop long-term health problems. Thesedisorders may affect their quality of life and create problems for society andhealth care systems.
Caring for an aging population takes both time and money. The responsibilityof caring for an older person often falls on family members. And this cancreate difficulties.
Gail Gibson Hunt is Chief Executive Officer with the National Alliance forCaregiving. Her group helps American families that care for sick or elderlyfamily members.
What is caregiver burnout?
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In this 2013 file photo, a group of elderly men take a rest on their wheelchairs at a park in Beijing. China passed law requiring people to visit or keep in touch with their elderly parents. (AP Photo/Andy Wong) |
Ms. Hunt says some families experience what she calls “caregiver burnout.” She says the condition can affect a person in many ways.
“Caregiver burnout specifically would refer to a caregiver having been undersuch stress – perhaps financial, perhaps physical, certainly emotional stress -- that he or she cannot continue doing the care-giving anymore. They're justexhausted. They are what we would call 'burned out.'"
Americans say they need several things to reduce the stress of caring foraging or disabled family members, according to Ms. Hunt. These thingsinclude money, medical training and sometimes just giving the caregiver abreak.
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According to WHO, by the year 2050, an estimated two billion people will be aged 60 or older. |
“They typically will say they need a break, which is certainly something thatcan help with potential burnout. They often talk about needing financialassistance. They are spending, in the U.S., on average about $5,500 a year inout-of-pocket costs."
Which countries have the oldest populations?
In 2050 China will be the country with the largest population aged 80 years orover with 90 million. India will come in second with 37 million. And the U.S. will be third with 32 million.
Other countries with the largest populations of the 80 and older crowd will beJapan, Brazil, Germany, France, Italy, Britain and the Russian Federation. This is according to the World Health Organization.
Care for elderly in U.S. lags behind other English-speaking countries
Ms. Hunt says studies have found that Sweden andFinland lead the world in supporting caregivers.
She says the U.S. is far behind other English-speakingcountries in giving families support for caring for sickand aging family members.
“Almost all of the other English-speaking countries areconsiderably ahead of the U.S. in terms of the supportthat they offer family caregivers. In addition to theEnglish-speaking countries, Sweden and Finland arevery advanced in terms of their support to caregivers.”
Ms. Hunt says Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland do a better job thanthe United States in terms of their support to caregivers. She says that all fourcountries have strong government-supported caregiver programs. Familiescan get financial help and resources to help them care for elderly familymembers as well as disabled children.
Cultural differences in care-giving
In some cultures, it is the family’s responsibility to care for aging familymembers. So, even the word “caregiver” does not exist in many cultures.
“Well, in India, I think this is interesting. There are so many middle-classIndian people -- young people -- who have moved to Australia or the U.K. or the U.S. and the parents are still living back in India. They just send moneyback. There’s, I think, an ongoing discussion in India of what’s really theresponsibility of the family. They never even knew what the word 'caregiver' was because it’s just what you did.”
Ms. Hunt says that it similar in China.
“And the same thing, actually, in China -- they passed a law saying that adultchildren must send money back to support the family. And they’ve startedimplementing this law now.”
Ms. Hunt says that she found the situation in Japan to be far different. Shesays that Japan offers long-term insurance for families and they also have atradition of family care-giving. But she says they do not have a group of care-giving organizations that work together.
Japan has a lack of young people to care for its agingpopulation. To answer that problem, Japan hassometimes turned to other countries to train people towork in healthcare.
VOA Learning English did a report back in September2013 on Japan and Germany training Vietnamese towork as healthcare workers for aging populations inthose countries.
Scientists in Japan have also invented caregivers. Recently, scientists andengineers from Riken Brain Science Institute teamed up with a rubber makerto invent “Robear.” This robot is designed to move patients from a bed to awheelchair.
No matter where in the world they live, Ms. Hunt advises caregivers to reachout for help if they feel they are suffering from burn out. She says it isimportant to reach out to extended family or to community organizations. Shealso says to take help, guilt-free, when people offer it.
The advice of the WHO health experts is simple: take good care of yourhealth. Health experts say people should treat health problems quickly.People should not smoke or drink too much alcohol. The WHO also advisespeople to get more exercise, eat healthy food and get enough sleep.
These activities will help to keep you healthy and independent later in life.
I’m Anna Matteo.
And, I’m Mario Ritter.
Do you have the word “caregiver” in your language? If you were mayor ofyour city for a day, what changes would you make in your community to helpcaregivers?
Anna Matteo wrote this story for Learning English with additional materialsfrom Lisa Schlein and the WHO. George Grow was the editor.
Words in this Story
out-of-pocket – adj. paid for with one’s own money instead of money fromsomeone else, the government or another organization
chronic – adj. medical continuing or long-term
independent – adj. not requiring or depending on others as for care orlivelihood