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    For VOA Learning English, this is Everyday Grammar.

    This week we are going to show you how to give adviceusing modal verbs. Modal verbs (called modals forshort) are auxiliary verbs that express a speaker'sattitude and the strength of that attitude. For example, "He should visit Prague."


    In this sentence, should is the modal verb, and visit is the main verb.

    The simple form of a verb goes after a modal. Do not add the third person "s" to a verb after a modal. It would sound strange to say "He should visitsPrague" or "He should to visit Prague." The correct way is "He should visitPrague."

    There are about 17 modals in English—grammar experts do not agree on anexact number. Today we will focus on three common modals used for givingadvice: should, ought to, and had better.

    Using should

    Let's start with should. Should has multiple meanings. It can be used toexpress certainty, such as, "He should be here by five o'clock." Should canbe a substitute for the conditional word if. You might hear someone say, "Should you need help, just ask me."

    But more often, we use should to give suggestions and friendly advice, suchas "You should apply for that job" or "You should try that new restaurant."

    The past form of the modal should is should have + thepast participle. Forexample, "I should have brought my wallet." Notice that the main verb broughtis in the past participle form. Use should have to express regret, or anegative feeling about the past. Imagine you trusted someone and that personlater cheated on you. You could say, "I should have known better than to trusthim." The Beatles used the expression in a popular song.

    I should have known better with a girl like you

    That I would love everything that you do

    And I do

    Hey hey hey

    Using ought to

    The next modal we will talk about is ought to. Ought to is another modal forgiving advice. Sometimes ought to sounds more like "otta" as in this romanticsong by Al Green.

    Sit back down and talk to me

    About how you want to be

    You ought to be with me

    Yeah you ought to be with me

    Ought to is similar in meaning to should, but it is not used as often. In modernAmerican English, ought to is seldom used with the past tense or in thequestion form.

    Using had better

    Let's move on to had better. Had better is stronger than should and ought to.Had better carries an indirect threat. For example, if you said, "You had betterfinish the report," you are not making a polite suggestion. You are making anindirect threat. In other words, if you don't finish the report, you are in trouble.Authority figures sometimes use had better when speaking to people belowthem. Parents also use this form often.

    Listen to cartoon character Malory Archer. Malory is the head of a spy agency.People think she is arrogant and heartless. Listen to her tone when she useshad better.

    Oh for—I'll send up some help.

    And Missy, you had better watch it!

    As you can hear, Malory is not making a polite suggestion. She is threateningsomeone in a lower position.

    Had better is not always impolite, it could express a sense of urgency as in, "Your plane is leaving! You had better run!" In other words, "If you don't run,you will miss your flight." Had better has no past tense or question form.

    Modals in rapid speech

    Should, ought to, and had better can be difficult for English learners to hear.Native speakers often shorten these words in casual conversation. In rapidspeech, modals seem to disappear because they are shortened and often fallon unstressed syllables.

    We will read some examples for you. The first sentence will be in slow,careful speech. Then we will read it again in rapid, informal speech.

    I should have been listening to what she had to say.

    I shoulda been listenin' ta what she had t' say.

    You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

    You otta be ashamed of yourself.

    You had better decide what you want to do.

    You'd better decide whatcha wanna do.

    That's all the advice we have for you today. There is much more to learn aboutmodals. We will cover them in more detail in future episodes. Until then, youshould practice modals with British punk band, The Clash.

    Darling you've got to let me know

    Should I stay or should I go

    If you say that you are mine

    I'll be here till the end of time

    So you've got to let me know

    Should I stay or should I go

    I'm Pete Musto.

    And I'm Jill Robbins.

    Adam Brock wrote this story for Learning English. Dr. Jill Robbins was theeditor.


    Words in This Story

    modal verb- a verb (such as can, could, shall, should, ought to, will, or would) that is usually used with another verb to express ideas such as possibility,necessity, and permission

    auxiliary verb - a verb (such as have, be, may, do, shall, will, can, or must) that is used with another verb to show the verb's tense, to form a question,etc.

    attitude– n. the way you think and feel about someone or something

    certainty– n. the state of being or feeling about how likely it is that somethingwill happen

    conditional– adj. showing or used to show that something is true or happensonly if something else is true or happens

    past participle- the form of the verb that is used with "have" in perfect tensesand with "be" in passive constructions

    arrogant– adj. having or showing the insulting attitude of people who believethat they are better, smarter, or more important than other people

    unstressed – adj. not having an accent

    syllable – n. any one of the parts into which a word is naturally divided when it is pronounced

      上一篇:VOA慢速英语:马拉拉:投资教育而不是战争 下一篇:VOA慢速英语: 教育专家建议老师支持电子数码科技产品


