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    Winter Olympics Open in Sochi
    From VOA Learning English, this is In The News.


    Millions of sports lovers are thinking about just one thing right now -- the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Close to 2,900 men and women are set to compete in the 2014 Winter Games. The opening ceremonies were held Friday night. The games continue through Sunday, February 23.


    The Olympics are bringing a lot of attention to Sochi, a city on the Black Sea. Sochi is a popular area for vacation travelers. The area is known for its mild winters, with warm to hot weather in the summer.


    At least $50 billion are being spent on the 2014 Winter Games, making it the costliest Olympics in history. Seven billion dollars was spent on the 2010 Winter Games in Vancouver, Canada. Olympic officials chose Sochi to host the 2014 games almost seven years ago.


    At the time, Russian President Vladimir Putin said the games would cost about $13 billion. Yet the real cost is four times his estimate. So where did all the money go? Many Russians say people involved in the project have taken some of it. One research group found that 38 percent of Russians it spoke with said the Olympics increased the likelihood of corruption.


    Other observers say the high cost is partly the result of security measures. Brian Jenkins is a terrorism expert from the RAND Corporation.

    其他观察人士表示,成本高的部分原因是由于安保措施。布赖恩·詹金斯(Brian Jenkins)是兰德公司的一位反恐专家。

    "There are anywhere between 70,000 and 100,000 policemen and military troops deployed around the city. In addition, we hear reports that Russian authorities are going door to door in Sochi looking for suspects."


    The main threat comes from separatist and Islamist groups from the North Caucasus, especially from Chechnya and Dagestan. One group claimed responsibility for two suicide bombings in Volgograd last December. The attacks killed more than 30 people. The city is only about 600 kilometers away from Sochi.


    Bruce Hoffman is a terrorism expert from Georgetown University in Washington, DC. He says the increased security makes Sochi a difficult target for terrorists. He says they probably know they cannot get close to those attending the games.

    布鲁斯·霍夫曼(Bruce Hoffman)是来自华盛顿特区乔治城大学的一位反恐专家。他说,提高安保使得索契很难成为恐怖分子的目标。他说,恐怖分子可能知道他们无法接近冬奥会参赛者。

    "....But they can, and I believe their intention is to, make life difficult for the Russians and to create some sort of incident that takes away from the enjoyment and the sporting spectacular that is the Winter Olympics."


    The last time Olympians from around the world competed on Russian soil was in 1980. That was a year after Soviet troops invaded Afghanistan. Sixty countries boycotted the Moscow Summer Games. Thomas de Waal, a British journalist, says President Putin has a lot invested in the Sochi Olympics.

    上次世界各地的奥运选手在俄罗斯境内比赛是在1980年,那是苏联军队入侵阿富汗一年之后。60个国家抵制了莫斯科夏季奥运会。英国记者托马斯·德瓦尔(Thomas de Waal)说,普京总统在索契奥运会有很大投入。

    "He is a man who, as we know, has made his whole brand about being this man who has put Russia back on the map. He has made Russia strong again, respected again, a place of prestige."


    As the games began, protesters were criticizing Russia's treatment of homosexuals. Critics of a Russian law recently demonstrated in 20 cities around the world. They said the law bars nearly all public discussion of homosexuality. President Barack Obama is not sending any top officials to the Sochi Olympics. Instead, the US delegation includes tennis great Billie Jean King and two other openly gay athletes.

    随着冬奥会的开始,示威者一直批评俄罗斯同性恋者的待遇。俄罗斯一部法律的批评者最近在世界各地20个城市示威。他们说,该法律禁止对同性恋几乎所有的公开讨论。奥巴马总统未派遣任何高级官员到索契。与此相反,美国代表团包括了网球名将比利·简·金(Billie Jean King)和另外两位公开的同性恋运动员。


    Winter Olympics Open in Sochi

    From VOA Learning English, this is In TheNews.

    Millions of sports lovers are thinking about just one thingright now -- the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Close to 2,900 men and women are set to compete in the 2014 Winter Games. The opening ceremonieswere held Friday night. The games continue throughSunday, February 23.

    The Olympics are bringing a lot of attention to Sochi, acity on the Black Sea. Sochi is a popular area forvacation travelers. The area is known for its mildwinters, with warm to hot weather in the summer.

    At least $50 billion are being spent on the 2014 WinterGames, making it the costliest Olympics in history. Seven billion dollars wasspent on the 2010 Winter Games in Vancouver, Canada. Olympic officialschose Sochi to host the 2014 games almost seven years ago.

    At the time, Russian President Vladimir Putin said thegames would cost about $13 billion. Yet the real cost isfour times his estimate. So where did all the moneygo? Many Russians say people involved in the projecthave taken some of it. One research group found that 38 percent of Russians it spoke with said the Olympicsincreased the likelihood of corruption.

    Other observers say the high cost is partly the result ofsecurity measures. Brian Jenkins is a terrorism expertfrom the RAND Corporation.

    “There are anywhere between 70,000 and 100,000policemen and military troops deployed around the city. In addition, we hear reports that Russian authorities are going door to door inSochi looking for suspects.”

    The main threat comes from separatist and Islamist groups from the NorthCaucasus, especially from Chechnya and Dagestan. One group claimedresponsibility for two suicide bombings in Volgograd last December. Theattacks killed more than 30 people. The city is only about 600 kilometers awayfrom Sochi.

    Bruce Hoffman is a terrorism expert from Georgetown University inWashington, DC. He says the increased security makes Sochi a difficulttarget for terrorists. He says they probably know they cannot get close tothose attending the games.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin (C) andOlympic Village Mayor Elena Isinbaeva (R) visitthe Coastal Cluster Olympic Village ahead of theSochi 2014 Winter Olympics at the AthletesVillage in Sochi, Feb. 5, 2014.

    “….But they can, and I believe their intention is to, make life difficult for theRussians and to create some sort of incident that takes away from theenjoyment and the sporting spectacular that is the Winter Olympics.”

    The last time Olympians from around the world competed on Russian soilwas in 1980. That was a year after Soviet troops invaded Afghanistan. Sixtycountries boycotted the Moscow Summer Games. Thomas de Waal, aBritish journalist, says President Putin has a lot invested in the SochiOlympics.

    “He is a man who, as we know, has made his whole brand about being thisman who has put Russia back on the map. He has made Russia strongagain, respected again, a place of prestige.”

    As the games began, protesters were criticizing Russia’s treatment ofhomosexuals. Critics of a Russian law recently demonstrated in 20 citiesaround the world. They said the law bars nearly all public discussion ofhomosexuality. President Barack Obama is not sending any top officials to the Sochi Olympics. Instead, the US delegation includes tennis great BillieJean King and two other openly gay athletes.

    And that’s In the News, from VOA Learning English. I’m Steve Ember.

      上一篇:VOA慢速英语:President Obama Takes State of the Union Speech to Public 下一篇:VOA慢速英语:法国总统奥朗德访问美国以巩固两国关系


