It could become clear this week who the Republican and Democratic presidential nominees will be.
Twelve states will hold primary elections or caucuses Tuesday, called “Super Tuesday.” In most of those states, public opinion studies show Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton have much more support than other candidates.
Last week, Trump said people “are so tired of these politicians -- all talk, no action. We are going to make America great again. We are going to win, win, win.”
Republican candidates said they will try to stop or atleast slow Trump’s campaign.
Senator Marco Rubio said “Trump will never be theRepublican nominee. We are not going to let the conservative movement, and the party of Ronald Reagan and the party of Abraham Lincoln be taken over by a first-rate con artist.”
Trump answered that Rubio has not won any caucuses or primary elections. He said Rubio is hated in his home state of Florida.
Clinton has also criticized Trump. After she defeated Senator Bernie Sandersin the South Carolina primary Saturday by almost 50 points, she said, “we donot need to make America great again. America has never stopped beinggreat. But we do need to make America whole again. Instead of building walls, we need to be tearing down barriers.”
Senator Sanders says his campaign against Hillary Clinton is not over. He said “the middle class of this country has been shrinking and almost all new income and wealth has been going to the top one percent.”
Words in This Story
movement – n. a series of organized activities in which many people work together to do or achieve something
con artist – n. a person who tricks other people in order to get their money
primary – n. an election in which members of the same political party run against each other for the chance to be in a larger and more important election
caucus – n. a meeting of members of a political party for the purpose of choosing candidates for an election