教程:面试英语口语  浏览:570  
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      1.What were some of your achievements in your last job?

      在上一份工作中, 你有哪些成就?

      问题分析: 一个颠扑不破的面试哲学是: 在上一份工作中有成就的,才有可能在新工作中有成就。在回答这个问题的时候, 一般要遵守一个原则: 用事实与数字说话。

      回答示范1: I was named “Employee of the Year,” for the highest level of accuracy of all 18 bank tellers last year.

      回答示范2: I increased sales approximately 100% in three years. Last year I personally sold 1.5 million Yuan worth of services and was ranked number 2 in the entire company among 14 sales reps.

      回答示范3: I suggested to my boss that we should create a new type of customer satisfaction survey. This suggestion was applied later and effectively reduced customer complaints.

      2.What were some of the disappointments in your last job?

      在上一份工作中, 你比较失望的地方或者失败是什么?

      问题分析: 这个问题相当棘手。太真实可能会吓坏面试官, 太虚伪又没法令人相信。比较好的应对方式是, 给对方列举一些非致命的失败, 同时, 这些失败是由于自己所订立的目标比较高。

      回答示范: I failed to achieve the sales target last year, I sold a million and a half but the target was two million. Our Beijing headquarters is having some problems and can’t provide effective pre-sales support for us. Failing to reach the target is a big disappointment for me.

      点评: 一个很好的回答, 体现出了一个销售人员对完成任务的强烈的渴望, 同时也顺便带出了自己完不成任务的客观理由。

      3.How would you evaluate the progress you made in your last job?


      问题分析: 对于在上一份工作中表现平平的申请人, 这个问题简直如芒刺在背, 痛苦啊。但是, 哪怕面壁三天、 掘地三尺也要想出一两个你在上一份工作中的亮点, 否则, 只能在面试时芒刺在背了。

      回答示范1: I am very proud of the progress I made in my last job. I joined the company as a new hand, but after only a year and a half, I was promoted to team leader. I could achieve such a rapid progress partly because my last job was in a small firm. If I can make the same progress in a large company like GE, I would be prouder.

      回答示范2: Well, I would give myself 70% if 100 means full satisfaction. I had some achievements in my last job. For example, I got 80-89% in the annual evaluation last year, which was 60%. The promotion program I organized on Wangfujing Road was highly successful and my client was very pleased. However, the results of several other programs were not quite satisfactory due to some reasons I couldn’t control. Actually that’s why I want to quit.

      上一篇:求职面试必备:面试必问的三个问题 下一篇:面试英语:面试该如何回答工作压力问题


