首先,职场口语比通用英语在遣词造句上更有讲究,这毫无疑问是正确的。你可以试想,在中文的语言环境中,职场话术也不同于日常用语:这其中利益的牵扯,专业性的展现,与对方的亲疏关系都会影响你的措辞。英语同样如此。总体而言,在词汇方面,职场口语会比日常口语高一个档次,也就是会适当多用一些“大词”。例如: (GE: General English BE: Business English)
-I got your email last night. (GE)
-I received your email last night. (BE)
-There are a few things on the agenda that I would like to talk about with you. (GE)
-There are a few items on the agenda that I would like to discuss with you. (BE)
-Mary has given me my travel plans. (GE)
-Mary has provided me with my itinerary. (BE)
这些“大词”平时要怎么积累呢?其实在学习通用英语时,已经有一定基础了,上面出现的receive, item, discuss, provide, itinerary你发现自己也已经全部掌握,只是可能没有意识到它们是get, things, talk about, give, travel plan的升级版。
当然,还有更多更专业的商务词汇,这就取决于How much you’re exposed to these words了。如果你有阅读商务英语系列读物,或英文财经类新闻的习惯,那这些词汇的积累也不会构成很大的学习负担。
除去这种 “大词”外,职场口语中大量保留了日常口语中的“小词”,它们的含义与用法并没有本质改变,只不过将使用背景从生活场景切换到商务场合。例如:
Our job is to make sure that your shipment can get to you without delay. (to arrive)
Could you just stop it! The noise really gets to me. (to affect/ influence adversely)
Richard, shall we go through all the details one more time? (to examine)
I wish I had thought this through. I’m sorry. (to consider thoroughly)
Emma will be back at once, hang on for a second. (to wait)
…So fellows, it’s been a tough year and it’s a great achievement to hang on to what we already have. (to keep)
“大词”“小词”仅仅是相对而言,“大词”可以小用,“小词”也可以有大用途。职场中影响词汇使用的因素有很多:自己的专业身份,商务场合,对方伙伴的个性,之间的关系,谈论的话题,商务目的等等。为了避免用错词,除了基本的商务社交礼仪知识外,我们也需要更全面地学习词汇,包括:发音,词性,常见搭配,场景(联想使用背景),变体,同义词。 你学对了吗?