教程:职场人生  浏览:652  
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    You’ve just walked into the office of hot prospect for your first face-to-face sales call. You shake hands and you both sit down. What’s the smartest way to start out the conversation:


    ICEBREAKER #1: Compliment something in the prospect's office, such as the family photo, the motivational poster on the wall, the view out the window, etc.

    破冰方式 #1:称赞一下对方办公室里的某样东西,比如家庭照片、墙上的励志海报以及窗外的景色。

    ICEBREAKER #2: Make a reference to something in the news, like a big win by a local sports team or a major world event.

    破冰方式 #2:对新闻发表一些看法,比如当地运动队的一场大胜或者世界上发生的大事。

    ICEBREAKER #3: Make a remark that lets the prospect know that you have put some thought into the prospect and the prospect's firm.

    破冰方式 #3:发表一些评论令对方知道你对他和他的公司有一点想法。

    If you answered #3, you’re absolutely right.

    假如你认为破冰方式 #3是最聪明的打破僵局的方式,那你就答对了。

    Icebreaker #1 is a dumb move because almost everybody who comes into that office for the first time makes that exact same remark. So that icebreaker just makes you one of the crowd.

    破冰方式 #1非常呆板,因为几乎所有走进那间办公室的人都会发表相同的评论。所以这样的开场白会显得你只是个路人甲。

    Icebreaker #2 is similarly stupid because the news story is utterly irrelevant to the reason that you’re in the prospect’s office. You’re not the prospect’s friend. You’re there to do business. Trying to be “friendly” just makes you look smarmy.

    破冰方式 #2也比较愚蠢,因为这些新闻故事和你为什么出现在客户办公室里完全没有联系。你不是他的朋友,你是来谈生意的。尝试显得“友好”只会显得你很谄媚。

    More importantly, both those icebreakers signal, loud and clear, that you haven't bothered to do any research on the customer and are "winging it" (which is probably the case). By contrast, opening the conversation with a remark that’s relevant to the reason you’re in the prospect’s office tells the prospect that you’re not there to waste time or chit-chat.


    Once you’ve started the (business) conversation, you can continue with a question leads towards developing the opportunity or further qualifying the prospect.


    Unlike the two traditional icebreakers, the business-oriented opening remark opens a natural segue to the sales process because you've already placed the conversation in a business context, while still showing a interest in the customer.


    Needless to say, making an intelligent remark means doing some research prior to the meeting. At the very least, you should have checked the Internet for an overview of the prospect's business and for any important biographical information about the prospect and prospect's career.


      上一篇:职场英语:经验分享 找名企实习有诀窍 下一篇:老板爱咆哮:5招应对老板的大喊大叫


