教程:职场人生  浏览:375  
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    1. I still believe that as long as we don’t give up, there’re still chances. At last, I firmly stand by the idea that as long as there’s dream, constant efforts and learning, however you look like you can be successful. A man’s appearance is always the opposite of his talent. Today is cruel and crueler tomorrow would be, but the day after tomorrow would be sunny and beautiful, but most people die in the night of tomorrow, so don’t give up today。



    2. Taking seriously of your reputation, working hard and being nice to people and keeping your promises, those things would be helpful for your career。

    2. 注重自己的名声,努力工作、与人为善、遵守诺言,这样对你们的事业非常有帮助。

    3. Never compare your luck with others, I never thought that I am luckier than any one else. The thing I am better than them is perseverance, I’d give it one or two more seconds when others collapse in front of great difficulty。

    3. 永远不要跟别人比幸运,我从来没想过我比别人幸运,我也许比他们更有毅力,在最困难的时候,他们熬不住了,我可以多熬一秒钟、两秒钟。

    4. From what I can see, there’re three kinds of people: business man, who creates money; merchant, who does something and leave the others; entrepreneur, who takes responsibility for the society. Entrepreneurs should create environment for the society and must have novelty。

    4. 在我看来有三种人,生意人:创造钱;商人:有所为,有所不为;企业家:为社会承担责任。企业家应该为社会创造环境。企业家必须要有创新的精神。

    5. What really matters is where you put your heart on and where your visions are, not where your company locates。

    5. 不是你的公司在哪里,有时候你的心在哪里,你的眼光在哪里更为重要。

    6. The road to entrepreneurship needs passion, persistence and modesty. Passion and persistence being the gas and modesty being the brake, they’re complementary. As a leader, you should control your temper. In most case, losing tempers is the signs of incapability, reasonable temper control means a lot in maintaining the harmonious atmosphere of the team and keeping the morale。

    6. 创业路上需要激情,执著和谦虚,激情和执著是油门,谦虚是刹车,一个都不能缺少。作为一个领导人,应该控制自己的情绪,很多时候发脾气是无能的表现,合理的情绪控制对于团队的和谐,稳定军心有大作用。

    7. Keep in mind that every success may lead you into failure and every failure, if you could learn from it, could also lead to success. Grumpiness in a way is because of your insecurity or the less of an open heart。

    7. 永远记住每次成功都可能导致你的失败,每次失败好好接受教训,也许就会走向成功。暴躁在某种程度上讲是因为有不安全感,或者是自己没有开放的心态。

    8. We better have a dream in case it comes true in the future。


      上一篇:巴菲特及世界级高管的6个职业建议 下一篇:职场新人需谨慎 十招帮你躲过职场雷区(上)


