Beyond those major decisions, every day presents myriad, small opportunities to make good -- and bad -- choices that could have a big impact。
除了这些重大决定之外,每天都要做出无数个好的或者坏的影响深远的小决定。Inan uncertain economy, knowing how to proceed at these junctures becomeseven more critical, according to Arizona-based business and workplaceconsultants Jamie and Maren Showkeir, co-authors of "AuthenticConversations."
Jamie 和 Maren Showkeir是位于亚利桑那州的商业和工作咨询顾问,他们在两人合著的《真实的对话》一书中提出,在这个不稳定的经济体系中,明白怎样渡过工作中的重大转折点尤为重要。Here are seven tactics to help keep your career on track。
1.Don't play the blame game。
It's better to acknowledge your role in the company's problems -- and contribute to their solutions -- than to blame management or your coworkers。
当公司出现问题时,意识到你的责任,并努力去解决问题,比起责备管理层或者同事更加有效。"Onceyou see yourself as being in control of your future, you can change theconversation with your coworkers, by saying, 'We need to do our best tomake this business work, or we'll be in even deeper trouble,'" MarenShowkeir says。
Maren Showkeir 说:“一旦你意识到自己掌控着自己的未来,你就可以改变与同事说话的方式,你可以这样说‘我们需要尽最大的努力去将这个问题解决好,否则就会有更大的麻烦。’”
2.Skip the gossip and get down to work。
Send a message to coworkers about priorities by concentrating on the tasks at hand, instead of spreading speculative information。
向你的同事传达这样的信息,你的优先事项是努力做好手头上的工作,而非四处传播小道消息。"If you're spending time speculating on what may happen next, it's counterproductive," Maren Showkeir says。
Maren Showkeir声称:“如果你把时间浪费在在揣测接下来会发生什么事情上,只会适得其反。”
3.Get the real story。
Avoid unnecessary anxiety by approaching a trusted colleague to find out the real bottom line with your company。
避免因为通过一个信任的同事而探知到公司的真实底线而焦虑不安。"It'seasy to get caught up in the what-ifs," Maren Showkeir says. "My adviceis to go find out what your manager or boss knows, and figure out howto prepare for the future."
“人们很容易陷入假想中”。Maren Showkeir说。“我的建议是找出你的经理或者老板所想的,并且为未来做好准备。”
4.Don't play the victim。
Identifying problems within your company won't get you anywhere, unless you follow through with strategic solutions。
在公司内部承认错误并不会让你怎么样,除非你犯的是决策性的错误。"Being a part of an organization means having information, making sense of it, and acting on it," Jamie Showkeir says。
Jamie Showkeir声称作为一个公司的一员就意味着收集信息,使其有意义,并作出相对应的行动。
5.Think big picture。
Collaboration is moreimportant than ever during difficult times, so it's wise to put asideany rivalries for the sake of your company's future。
"Ifyou're working together, you have the power of many minds to get things done," Maren Showkeir says. "Collaborations can be a really powerful way to both strengthen the business for when it improves again and tonot feel so alone and over whelmed by all the work staring you in the face."
“合作可以集思广益的解决问题。” Maren Showkeir 说。“并且,合作是一种非常行之有效的方法,它可以完善业务,同时还可以让你在工作缠身之时不会感到孤独和被工作压垮。”
6.Be a listener, not a talker。
Remember that what's left unspoken during a meeting is just as important as what's on the agenda。
记住,在开会时,没有提出来的事宜和被摆上议事日程上的同样重要。"If we don't discuss concerns and fears, we're missing two-thirds of what's relevant to a project's success," Jamie Showkeir says。
Jamie Showkeir说:“如果我们不讨论关心和恐惧的事情,那我们就失去了能让项目成功的三分之二的部分。”
7.You gotta have hope。
In the workplace, misery doesn't really love company, so try to focus on the possibility of better times ahead。
职场上不需要同病相怜,所以试着关注可能的更美好的未来吧。"Wouldyou rather place your bet on the future by engaging in hope andoptimism, or be pulled kicking and dragging into it?" Jamie Showkeirsays. "How we answer that question ultimately drives our behavior andour success in how we engage others."
“你对未来的投注是满怀希望、乐观地与他人相处,还是退缩和拖拖拉拉呢?” Jamie Showkeir问道。“我们对这个问题的回答将最终决定我们的行为以及我们如何成功的与他人相处。”