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    There is no shortage of media coverage about the rich becoming less rich, including today's Times piece。


    But even as the vast majority of the wealthy are losing wealth, some are gaining or forging the next Gilded Age in their garages。


    We won't know who the real winners are for a few years. Will it be a space-travel tycoon? Solar-panel maker? Health-care lobbyists? Copper traders? Dapper jewel thieves。


    History in this case may be a poor guide, since wealth waves are usually built on unique intersections of economics, finance and government。


    But CNN just put up a list of '10 Folks Who Got Rich During the Great Depression.'


    Here is the list


    1. Baseball star Babe Ruth, who made $80,000 a year in Depression-era dollars

    1. 棒球明星巴比•鲁斯(Babe Ruth),他在大萧条时期每年赚进80,000美元。

    2. Robber John Dillinger, who raked in more than $3 million in today's dollars

    2. 银行劫匪约翰•狄林杰(John Dillinger),他在那个时代迅速积累了相当于现在的300万美元的财富。

    3. Supermarket pioneer Michael J. Cullen, who left Kroger in 1930 to start King Cullen Grocery。

    3. 超市业先驱迈克尔•库伦(Michael J. Cullen),他在1930年离开Kroger开设了杂货店King Cullen Grocery。

    4. Film star James Cagney, one of the top money-makers in Hollywood in the mid-1930s。

    4. 电影明星詹姆斯•卡格尼(James Cagney),他是20世纪30年代中期好莱坞的顶级赚钱机器之一。

    5. Charles Darrow, creator of the Monopoly game, who became the world's first millionaire game-designer。

    5. 大富翁游戏的创始人查尔斯•达罗(Charles Darrow),他是第一个成为百万富翁的游戏设计人。

    6. Oil man J. Paul Getty, who snatched up depressed oil stocks with his inheritance and created a new petroleum empire。

    6. 石油大亨保罗•盖蒂(J. Paul Getty),他用遗产攫取价格低迷的石油股并创立了一个新的石油帝国。

    7. King of Swing Glenn Miller, the one-man Black Eyed Peas of his day。

    7. 摇摆乐之王格伦•米勒(Glenn Miller),他是那个时代的黑眼豆豆乐团。

    8. Howard Hughes, the aviator, Hollywood maven and all around nutjob, was better at spending than earning。

    8. 飞行员、好莱坞专家、傻瓜霍华德•休斯(Howard Hughes),相比赚钱更擅长花钱。

    9. Singing Cowboy Gene Autry。

    9. 牛仔歌手吉恩•奥特里(Gene Autry)。

    10. Joe Kennedy Sr., the patriarch of the Kennedy's made his money…well it's not clear exactly, though it involved stock speculation, real-estate, liquor and movies。

    10. 乔•肯尼迪(Joe Kennedy Sr。)是肯尼迪家族的家长。他具体是如何赚钱的现在还不是很清楚,不过其中涉及股票投机,房地产,酒业以及电影业。

    So what can the list tell us about how to make a fortune in today's Great Recession? It's best to be a celebrity, thief, game-maker, bottom-feeder or inside-trader。


    Maybe times haven't changed so much after all。


    How do you think today's big fortunes are being made?


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