And it's not about kissing up by complimenting their new haircut or volunteering for every single new assignment.
Instead, it's about figuring out what they want from you and being strategic in making them feel good.
To help you ingratiate yourself with your manager, we consulted both scientific research and expert opinion. Read on for the eight most compelling insights we learned.
1.Get to work early
Research from the Michael G. Foster School of Business at the University of Washington suggests that employees who get into the office early are generally perceived by their managers as more conscientious and receive higher performance ratings than employees who arrive later.
华盛顿大学Michael G. Foster商业学校的研究表明,老板通常会认为较早到达办公室的员工勤勉肯干,给他们的绩效评价也要比随后到达的员工高。
2.Ask for advice
Research from Harvard Business School suggests that asking for advice doesn't make you look stupid — it can make you seem more competent, which is presumably how you want your boss to see you.
When you ask for advice, you're validating the person's intelligence and experience, so they feel good about you in turn.
3.Manage up
"Managing up" is a term for learning what your boss really cares about and making sure you deliver on that.
It's about helping your manager look great to his or her manager. And ultimately by doing that you're going to position yourself better for success.
4.Set stretch goals
Leadership-development consultancy Zenger/Folkman spent more than five years collecting upward of 50,000 360-degree evaluations on more than 4,000 individual employees.
According to their findings, there's one behavior that can make employees stand out (to their boss and the rest of their coworkers): Setting stretch goals.
5.Pay attention to detail
If you consider yourself more of a big-picture person, you'd best start attending to the small stuff, too.
Ryan Holmes, CEO of Hootsuite, wrote in a LinkedIn post that at his company, "even what seems like a small technical glitch can end up affecting a lot of clients in a short period of time. An employee who can be trusted to catch such small errors truly begins to stand out among the crowd."
Hootsuite的首席执行官Ryan Holmes在其公司领英网站的帖子上写到:“即使是一个看起来很小的技术故障,最终也可能会在很短的时间内影响到很多客户。能处理这些小故障、值得信赖的员工,将会开始在人群中崭露头角。“
6.Say 'thanks'
Expressing gratitude for your boss' feedback — even if it's negative — can make them feel warmer toward you.
When the partners weren't grateful, the supervisors whose competence had been threatened were more likely to respond by denigrating those partners, saying they were unintelligent, incapable, and incompetent. You might say gratitude prevented the threatened supervisors from acting like jerks.
7.Take a vacation
Of course, that doesn't mean taking a vacation directly causes you to get a promotion — it could be the case that better workers feel they're more entitled to a vacation.
8.Speak up
Got an opinion? Don't hide it from your coworkers.
Don't be afraid of looking stupid, either. As Lyons said, you should "never be afraid to pitch an idea; we all have good ones, and we all have bad ones."