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    For two years, Jean Liu and Travis Kalanick were mortal adversaries, as their businesses, the world’s two largest ride-sharing companies, fought an increasingly bitter and expensive war. Kalanick, CEO of Uber, the San Francisco-based ride-hailing app, was trying to muscle into China, where Liu is president of Didi Chuxing, Uber’s Chinese equivalent.

    2年来,柳青(Jean Liu)和特拉维斯•卡兰尼克(Travis Kalanick)一直是死敌,他们各自的企业、世界上最大的两家共乘公司,打了一场日渐激烈和昂贵的战争。总部位于旧金山的打车应用公司优步(Uber)的首席执行官卡兰尼克试图以强力突入中国市场,而柳青则是类似优步的中国企业滴滴出行(Didi Chuxing)的总裁。

    The hard-fought contest saw their respective companies spend in excess of $1bn a year in a battle to lock in market share and bankrupt each other. It also pitted the man who, for many, represents the macho culture of Silicon Valley against a woman who, at first glance, appears to typify the “gentle”, soft-spoken persona of the Chinese feminine ideal.


    Liu laughs when asked about the dynamic. Kalanick “is an aggressive businessman but a good player,” she says. The one detail that stands out, she says, is his taste for red sneakers. “Travis impressed me with his consistent taste . . . every time I saw him he wore the same pair of red sneakers,” she laughs. “He has a consistent taste in shoes so I guess that means he is a guy who is consistent and persistent — and focused.”


    And what about that female stereotype? Sitting in her Beijing office, Liu discusses the clichés she has to contend with each day. “In China, women should act more gently and speak more softly,” she says. “That’s a Chinese cultural stereotype from ancient history. So a lot of times if you speak too loudly, you’re being considered overly aggressive.”


    Liu’s rise to fame in the tech world is not exactly testament to a gentle approach. This August, the 38-year-old — along with Didi’s chairman Cheng Wei — won the war against Uber, which sold its China operations for a 20 per cent stake in Didi. Uber is infamous for playing rough but Didi was rougher — or, at least, richer — and enjoyed home-court advantage. In what became a fantastically reckless round of poker, both companies spent an astronomical amount on subsidies in an attempt to grab market share.


    Winning took a lot of money, which Liu helped bring in, and also nerves. To raise billions and then essentially give it away in subsidies required something greater: a cast-iron belief in eventual success. “We wouldn’t be where we are today without burning cash,” boasted a distinctly bolder Liu, at the height of the war in September 2015. She might as well have lit a cigar with a $100 bill. “Cash burning” became a mantra for Didi and, eventually, Uber ended the epic battle.


    Liu continues to resist the idea that the outcome with Uber was anything other than a consensual, win-win affair. “The war with Uber . . .” She catches herself. “Actually, I didn’t mean to say war, because it wasn’t a war . . . War is short term but when we talk about building something, that is long term.”


    Outside the cloister of Liu’s office lies the geometric concrete landscape of Zhongguancun — China’s answer to Silicon Valley — a northern suburb of Beijing, which is home to some of the country’s biggest tech companies. The latte-drinking, bike-sharing culture of Zhongguancun is heavily tilted towards a brand of Silicon Valley evangelism: the idea that advancing technology can be a game without losers. “[A] focus on winning and losing just limits your potential,” Liu says.


     . . .   . . . 

    The contest with Uber was just a warm-up for the real test that Liu now faces — transforming Didi from a $35bn taxi company into a global internet powerhouse. At its current valuation, Didi is approaching China’s behemoths Tencent, Alibaba and Baidu, which, collectively, cater to the world’s largest internet market.


    According to official figures, China outstrips everyone else in just about every metric one can find to measure internet business: its ecommerce market is greater than that of the US; its internet-payments industry accounts for two-thirds of global volumes; and it has one-fifth of the world’s smartphone users. Liu gives another example: Didi currently handles 20 million rides per day — that is three times larger than the global total for ride-hailing apps, she says.


    Getting that number to grow may be tricky and, crucially, means redefining Didi’s mission: 20 million seems like a lot until you measure it against all rides, everywhere in China. This figure is somewhere around 700 million each day, according to Liu’s back-of-the-envelope calculation. “Twenty million daily rides — that only represents 2 per cent of everybody’s daily ride. That means huge potential in front of us. But, in order to achieve that, it means we have to make huge technology breakthroughs. We need to invest all of our capacity and manpower,” she says.


    The end of the (non) war with Uber has given Liu and her team something they desperately crave — time to focus on these emerging challenges. She is just back from a round of meetings in the US aimed at recruiting big-data scientists. Burning cash to get a critical mass of customers, she says, was the way to get “from zero to one” but to get from “one to 100” you need technology such as big data and machine learning.


    “If you go downstairs and try to get a car, that’s easy,” she says. “But if 100 people go downstairs and try to get a car, that wouldn’t work. Now think about it for a moment — what if the network knows that at this moment, 11.45am, there will always be 100 people coming out of this building? And what if the network knows which directions they will be going? And what if the network knows the drivers around this area — where their destinations are? Then we can match perfectly,” she says, every bit the technology evangelist.


    As a successful female business leader, Liu is still a rarity, but she insists that in China women face fewer obstacles in technology companies than they do elsewhere. While glass ceilings might be very hard to crack, they are comparatively easier in customer-driven, private-sector-dominated industries such as technology. A study by the Cyberspace Administration of China estimates that women founded 55 per cent of new internet companies in the country. This compares with the US, where only 22 per cent of start-ups have one or more women on their founding teams, according to research by Vivek Wadhwa and Farai Chideya, authors of Innovating Women (2014). “My feeling is that there are more women in China in tech than in other industries,” Liu says. “In the internet era, the key to a successful business is understanding the customers’ expectations — and half the customers are women.”

    作为一名成功的女性企业领导人,柳青这样的女性仍属凤毛麟角,但她坚称,在中国,女性在科技公司面临的障碍比其他地方少。尽管玻璃天花板可能很难打破,但是在科技等客户驱动、私营企业主导的行业里,女性晋升相对容易些。中国国家互联网信息办公室(Cyberspace Administration of China,简称“网信办”)在一项研究中估计,中国55%的新互联网公司都是女性创立的。相比之下,《创新女性》(Innovating Women)(2014年出版)作者维维克•瓦德瓦(Vivek Wadhwa)和法拉伊•奇德亚(Farai Chideya)的研究显示,美国只有22%的初创企业在创始团队中有一名或一名以上的女性。柳青表示:“我感觉中国科技界的女性数量要比其他行业的多。在互联网时代,企业成功的关键是理解客户的期望,而一半的客户是女性。”

    Still, gender discrimination remains brazen in China, where ads for senior positions often specify that only men need apply. Liu says that she has never experienced discrimination while at Goldman Sachs nor at Didi, but her experience is not typical of Chinese women. She has spent her life bouncing from elite institution to elite institution in a dizzying spiral of success.

    不过,性别歧视在中国仍然大行其道,高级职位招聘广告往往指定只要男性。柳青说,她在高盛(Goldman Sachs)和滴滴从未遇到性别歧视,但这并非中国女性的典型经历。她的人生道路一帆风顺,从一个精英机构到另一个精英机构,接二连三地取得了令人目眩的成功。

    Liu was born in 1978 into Chinese tech royalty, as the daughter of Liu Chuanzhi, who founded Lenovo, the computer maker that bought IBM’s PC business in 2005 and subsequently became the largest PC maker in the world. “My father said one thing that has stayed with me: ‘It’s supposed to be hard,’” she says. “When you have that mentality, you find nothing is so difficult. It’s supposed to be hard. Then you actually start to enjoy it and have fun.”


    Indeed, Liu has made it all look easy. Graduating from Peking University with a degree in computer science, she went on to do a masters degree at Harvard, followed by 12 years at Goldman Sachs, mostly in Hong Kong. Leaving Goldman in 2014 was “one of the hardest decisions I ever made”, she says, but joining Didi was an opportunity she couldn’t pass up.

    的确,柳青让一切都看起来很简单。从北京大学(Peking University)计算机系本科毕业后,柳青前往哈佛大学(Harvard)攻读硕士学位,之后在高盛工作12年,期间主要是在香港。2014年离开高盛是“我做过的最艰难的决定之一”,她说,但加入滴滴是一个她无法错失的机会。

    Didi’s chairman Cheng Wei recruited her by taking her and other senior executives on a road trip to Tibet. Ride-sharing at the time was a nascent industry — and something that Liu saw a market for. Navigating Chinese streets with small children, she found the state-regulated taxi services maddening. “When I first moved back to China from Hong Kong, I often found myself stuck in the middle of the street or curb with my kids, trying to hail a taxi. At that time, in 2012, obviously, there were no choices for people like us.”


    But what really appealed was the chance to put her own stamp on the company. “When you join a company that’s only two years old, you don’t feel like a professional manager, that you are joining a mature business and your role is to just be a part of it. You feel you have the potential to shape this company and grow the culture together.”


    Her first challenge was to put Didi on the map with investors while also using her not inconsiderable contacts from the Chinese tech industry. Analysts put the number of investors in Didi at around 90; Liu says that while fundraising was part of her role that she “never met 95 per cent of our investors,” before coming to work at Didi. She did raise $1bn from Apple in a singularly audacious deal she personally oversaw, one which may have contributed to Uber throwing in the towel.


    Among all this, Liu was treated for breast cancer last year. She has now recovered. “I was lucky to have the support from my family, my friends and my team here,” she says. Now she is focusing on the next professional hurdle: defeating or at least blunting the impact of regulations in Beijing and Shanghai aimed at limiting drivers to those with residence permits, or hukou. If this were implemented, it would decimate the ranks of Didi’s drivers, who are mainly migrants from other provinces.


    Didi is no stranger to dealing with hostile regulation, and Liu and her colleagues are meeting regional mayors at a furious pace in an effort to convince them to allow the nascent ride-hailing-app industry to continue to thrive in their cities. “Innovation always outgrows regulation,” she says. Her approach to dealing with the challenges her company faces remains the same: “Be gentle but firm when you believe in yourself.”


    Charles Clover is the FT’s Beijing correspondent


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