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    Chief executives: pipe down. Your public posturing and noisy lobbying is not winning your battle to restore trust in business. In fact, you may even be helping to lose it.


    On the eve of the World Economic Forum in Davos, a safe space for many chief executives to opine on the state of the world, their credibility is under fire. Repeated scandals (Volkswagen was back in the dock last week); protests over excessive pay; incidents of day-to-day disrespect of employees: all take their toll on a CEO’s image.

    在达沃斯世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)——一处可供许多首席执行官对世界局势发表看法的安全之所——召开前夕,他们的公信力正在经受拷问。不断曝光的丑闻(上周大众(Volkswagen)再次成为众矢之的);对过高薪酬的抗议;日常工作中发生的不尊重员工事件:都在损害首席执行官的形象。


    And this is nearly a decade after the first ominous rumblings of the financial crisis that torpedoed trust in business, and in spite of multiple well-meaning, top-down efforts to salvage confidence.


    Business leaders need to set the tone for how their organisations behave and evolve. If they are confident enough to shout publicly about their successes in creating a positive culture, that has always seemed to me to be a good sign.


    But I’m increasingly worried that chief executives’ public interventions make things worse, rather than better.


    The latest edition of consultancy Edelman’s Trust Barometer, published today, just underlines my concern. Once again, the survey indicates the “trust gap” has widened. Confidence in media, business, government and non-governmental institutions has dwindled among the mass population, particularly in the US, UK and France. The trust levels of the 15 per cent of survey participants dubbed “the informed public” have plateaued. Even these college-educated, media-savvy, wealthier individuals are losing faith in the system.

    公关公司爱德曼(Edelman)近日发布的最新《爱德曼信任度调查报告》(Edelman Trust Barometer)就凸显了我在这方面的担忧。该调查再次表明“信任鸿沟”已经扩大。大众对于媒体、商业、政府和非政府机构的信心下滑——尤其是在美国、英国和法国。在占15%的被称为“有识公众”的调查参与者中,信任水平停止上升。即使这些受过高等教育、了解媒体、较富裕的个人也在对这个体系失去信心。

    Last year’s survey presciently pointed to the yawning gap as one reason populist politicians were thriving. I used to justify paying attention to the Davos summit because even if the consensus from the Swiss resort was wrong, this wrongness would inform how global leaders conducted themselves in the year ahead. After various 2016 elections handed greater authority and influence to people beyond the usual Alpine circle of anxious, overachieving chin-strokers, even that depressingly modest assumption looks shaky.


    Chief executives, though, remain princes and princesses in their own corporate citadels. Their authority may be the subject of canteen criticism, staff gossip or shop floor mockery, but they are not subject to electoral challenge. The danger is that they use that power to grandstand. Instead, they should divert their efforts to the hard, often under-recognised work of converting their employees into their biggest fans.


    One reason to do so is that while the credibility of chief executives dwindled in all the countries Edelman surveyed, employees again came out as companies’ most trusted and honest spokespeople on everything from their own treatment to industry issues, innovation, and financial performance.


    Common practice, common sense, and stock exchange rules impose certain basic requirements that executives are best placed to fulfil. But there are some clear ways CEOs could rebuild trust with staff.


    Corporate leaders should consider instituting a fixed pay ratio between lowest and highest paid, not to signal virtue to the outside world, but to limit internal resentment. They should seek to involve employees more closely in decisions, inviting them on to committees and into consultations that could also include non-executive directors. They should defy cynicism about purpose to reinforce a positive sense of why people come to work, and link that energy to the local communities they touch. 企业领导人应考虑在最高薪酬与最低薪酬之间确立一个固定的比率,这不是为了向外界展示美德,而是为了减少内部不满。他们应设法让员工们更密切地参与决策过程,邀请他们加入委员会,参加可能非执行董事也会参加的磋商。他们应抵制嘲讽工作意义的论调,强化人们对工作意义的积极看法,并将这种精神融入他们所接触的当地社区。

    “We live in societies and we can thrive only if the society around us is in harmony,” the thoughtful chief executive of one large multinational told me last week. 一位颇有见地的大型跨国公司首席执行官上周对我说:“我们都生活在社会之中,只有我们身处的社会保持和谐,我们才能成功。”

    Making public statements along such lines is the easy part. Stepping back in order to encourage staff to step forward is much harder. But enthusiastic employees can become advocates — through social media and company “review” sites such as Glassdoor, and in conversation with their peers. After all, according to Edelman, one of the most credible overall sources of information about business is “a person like me”. 以此类口吻公开发声相对容易。为鼓励员工前进而选择下台则困难得多。但满腔热情的员工可以成为辩护者——通过社会媒体、Glassdoor之类的公司“评价”网站以及与同侪交谈。毕竟,根据爱德曼的数据,商业信息最可靠的来源之一正是“我这种人”。

    Rebuilding trust in business like this, layer by layer, will be a slow process. 如此一层一层重建人们对企业的信任,将是一个缓慢的过程。

    A senior executive at a crisis-battered bank once told me, ruefully, that his employer could only restore trust by doing a consistently good job for customers over time. That is true. But narrowing the trust gap with staff could help, by enlisting employees to offset the scandals and pay protests that tend to chip away at overall credibility. 一家遭危机重创的银行的高管曾感慨地对我说,他们公司只能通过今后始终如一地为客户好好服务才能赢回信任。这话没错。但缩小与员工之间的信任鸿沟也可以有所帮助——通过赢取员工的支持来抵消丑闻和薪酬抗议的影响,这些往往会削弱整体公信力。

    So next time, as chief executive, you are offered a public platform to change everyone’s mind about business’s lacklustre reputation, first try changing the minds of those closest to you: the people you work with. 因此,作为首席执行官,你们被赋予了一个公共平台,可以改变每个人对企业不佳声誉的看法,但首先应尝试改变那些离你最近的人——和你一起工作的人——的看法。

      上一篇:男性从事的最危险的10个工作 下一篇:2016年中国逾半数白领未领到年终奖


