当现年35岁的迈克尔•雷亚(Michael Rea)开始担任药剂师时,他很快就发现,所有客户都在问同一个问题:为什么他们的药变得这么贵?
The plight of one particular woman on eight different drugs — a 65-year-old diabetic with high blood pressure — prompted him to find answers.
“She asked me which two medications she should skip,” says Mr Rea, who in 2008 was working for Walgreens, the US pharmacy chain, in Kansas City. “She was making a matter-of-fact, life-or-death decision and wanted to know which drugs were the least important.”
Mr Rea, now 35, could not in good conscience advise a patient to stop taking a medicine that might keep her alive. So he spent six-and-a-half hours working out how to save the customer money, eventually suggesting alternative drugs that worked in the same way but were less expensive.
His suggestions, he says, saved her $250 a month.
Mr Rea got a kick out of helping the patient, and found himself offering a similar service to other customers.
A month later, he set up his own company and website, Rx Savings Solutions, to help patients cut the amount they spend on medicines.
一个月后,他成立了自己的公司Rx Savings Solutions并设立网站,帮助患者减少他们的药品花销。
As well as suggesting cheaper alternatives, including generic versions, Mr Rea found customers could reduce outlay with simple tricks: two 5mg pills sometimes cost less than a 10mg one; tablets could be less expensive than capsules; and some pharmacies were cheaper than others.
Today the work that used to take Mr Rea several hours per patient is done in seconds by proprietary algorithms. The company’s desktop and mobile app is offered by US employers and insurers to more than 1m people.
Patients tend to contribute to the cost of drugs out of their own pocket in the US, and they save by using the app to find cheaper alternatives. But so do their employers and insurers through lower overall healthcare costs.
For the first three years, Mr Rea ran the business while continuing to work as a pharmacist for Walgreens, although his interest in his day job was waning.
“What became difficult was that it was very transaction based — it was just how many prescriptions can you churn out,” he says.
Mr Rea quickly realised that for his start-up to make a significant impact it would have to sign up a large employer or health insurance plan that could offer its services to all its members.
During lunches and break times, Mr Rea would retreat to his car on a roof-top car park and hold conference calls with prospective customers. Eventually, in 2012, he signed Mutual of Omaha, an insurance company based in Nebraska. The contract gave him the confidence he needed to quit his job.
在午餐和休息时间,雷亚会回到他那辆停在屋顶停车场的车上,并与潜在客户举行电话会议。终于,他在2012年与内布拉斯加州保险公司Mutual of Omaha签订了合同。合同给了他辞掉药剂师工作的信心。
But the deal with Mutual of Omaha failed because it was linked to the insurer’s ill-fated attempt to expand into healthcare. It was a sign of how an entrepreneur’s plans can hinge on the actions of a larger company.
但是,与Mutual of Omaha之间的交易失败了,因为这家保险公司扩展进入医疗保险的努力未能成功。这表明,一位创业者计划的成败可能多么依赖于一家大公司的行动。
Mr Rea was left without an income for 16 months, during which he and his family had to survive on his wife’s attorney salary.
“That was a difficult time, when I made the jump,” he recalls. “I had a small kid, and we had hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans.”
Mr Rea’s friends, many of them pharmacists, encouraged him to return to his old profession. “They were saying, ‘You’re insane, why would you leave this stable, well-paid job?’
“I did consider that for a while and at some point would have probably gone back to it,” he says, but he worried that he might have to sign a non-disclosure agreement that could make it harder to grow his company.
But in 2013, Mr Rea raised $1.2m from wealthy investors in Kansas City and subsequently went on to secure a further $3.7m from another group of rich individuals. The company’s investors include Dan Henry, a veteran of fintech companies such as NetSpend and Euronet.
但在2013年,雷亚从堪萨斯城的富有投资者手中筹集了120万美元,随后又从另一群富人手中筹资370万美元。该公司的投资者包括丹•亨利(Dan Henry),他是NetSpend和Euronet等金融科技企业的资深人士。
Mr Rea was introduced to early investors by his mentor, Drew Komenda, who eventually left his job in sales at Johnson & Johnson, the healthcare group, to join Rx Savings’ board and become its chief revenue officer.
雷亚是被他的导师德鲁•柯曼达(Drew Komenda)介绍给早期投资者,柯曼达最终辞掉了在医疗集团强生(Johnson&Johnson)销售部的工作,加入Rx Savings董事会,成为公司的首席营收官。
Mr Komenda had been looking for a new challenge after J&J, and his next-door neighbour knew Mr Rea, whom he said had a good idea for a business but needed help with sales.
Today Rx Savings employs 35 people in its head office in Kansas City and Mr Rea says he is “always in fundraising mode” so the business can expand more quickly.
如今,Rx Savings在堪萨斯城的总部雇用了35名员工,而雷亚表示他“一直处于筹资模式”,以便公司能更快地扩张。
Clients of Rx Savings include Sprint, the large mobile phone network and Berkshire Hathaway Media, the US newspaper group controlled by billionaire Warren Buffett, as well as a string of public sector employers.
Rx Savings的客户包括大型移动网络运营商Sprint和亿万富翁沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)控股的美国报业集团伯克希尔哈撒韦传媒(Berkshire Hathaway Media),以及一些公共部门的雇主。
One customer, the State of Kansas, says it saved $7.5m last year thanks to changes suggested by Mr Rea’s company to its employees via the app.
Rx Savings tries to win business by offering to perform a retrospective analysis of a company’s health insurance claims, using its algorithms to work out how much money would have been saved if the client had been using its service all along.
Rx Savings尝试对一家公司的医疗保险索赔进行回顾性分析(即用算法计算出,如果客户一直使用其服务,本来可以节省多少钱),来赢得业务。
If a company signs up, they pay a nominal fixed fee each month for every member covered by the Rx Savings service.
如果一家公司与Rx Savings签约,他们会在每月为后者的服务所覆盖的每名成员支付一笔名义固定费用。
“When we do the opportunity assessments we find anywhere from 22 to 25 per cent of the money being spent on drugs could be saved,” says Mr Rea.
If that kind of saving were applied to the roughly $450bn spent on prescription medicines in the US each year, it would equate to a saving of more than $100bn, Mr Rea says.
Others are not so sure. Dr Peter Bach, an expert in drug pricing at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, says it would be difficult to find such a saving without “very large price concessions” from drugmakers. “I don’t know where you would find $100bn,” he says.
其他人对此不太确定。纽约的纪念斯隆凯特琳癌症中心(Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)的药物定价专家彼得•巴赫(Peter Bach)博士说,如果制药企业不做出“非常大的价格让步”,这么大幅度的节约就难以实现。“我不知道你会在哪里省出1000亿美元,”他说。
President Donald Trump, who has promised to repeal and replace President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act, recently admitted to having had no idea healthcare could be “so complicated”.
美国总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)曾承诺废除并取代前总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)的《平价医疗法》(Affordable Care Act)。不久前,特朗普承认,他没想到医疗问题可能会“如此复杂”。
“The only thing that can unwind the complexity is revealing information to those paying the bill,” says Mr Rea.
Castlight Health, a San Francisco-based group, also promises to lower people’s healthcare costs, although it focuses on procedures like operations rather than the price of drugs.
总部位于旧金山的Castlight Health公司也承诺降低人们的医疗花销,不过其发力点是手术等环节,而不是药物价格。
The growth of Rx Savings has coincided with a big shift in US healthcare. The price of medicine has soared, and employers and insurers are asking individuals to shoulder a greater share of the cost.
Rx Savings业务的增长恰逢美国医疗行业的重大转变。药价飙升,雇主和保险公司要求个人承担更高比例的费用。
Almost 50 per cent of Americans are now insured in “high-deductible” plans, which means they must pay an excess of several thousand dollars out of their own pocket towards healthcare before their insurance picks up the tab.
Mr Rea points out that some consumers have deductibles of as much as $5,000 — “a number most people will never get to”.
“What they can do is put tools like us in place to help them manage it, to help them keep away from the $5,000,” he says.
But Mr Rea says the company needs to raise its profile.
“That’s our number one issue as a company: we do this work and the clients we have speak very highly of the results,” he says. “The problem is most of the nation doesn’t know we exist.”
Now Mr Rea spends most of his time doing just that, on the road pitching to clients, and at healthcare conferences, where he tries to raise awareness of the business. A trio of executives based at the group’s Kansas City offices look after operations, finance and technology from day to day.
For now, Rx Savings has no direct competitors, says Mr Rea, and he has no plans to take the company public or to sell it, adding there is “far too much work to do”.
雷亚表示,现在Rx Savings没有直接竞争对手,他也不打算将公司上市或卖掉。他补充道,眼下还有“太多工作要做”。
“There are some real advantages to being private,” he says. “We can make decisions in a boardroom in 10 minutes to meet the needs of a client.”
“What really makes the company tick is the feedback we get from members,” he says. “I just think that if you can keep the focus on that, then you don’t have to worry about meeting an investor’s expectations.”
他说:“真正让公司运转起来的,是我们从用户那里获得的反馈,”他说 ,“我认为,如果你能持续关注这一点,那么就不用担心会辜负投资者的期望。”