Johnson & Johnson, whose Human Performance Institute has spent more than 30 years studying the behaviour of athletes and other fanatics, has come up with a way of making the job manageable: a $100,000 anti-burnout programme. The CEO is packed off to the Mayo clinic for a few days during which their insides are methodically prodded and X-rayed. Then three experts are called in — a dietitian, a physiologist and a coach — who over the next nine months interview the executives’ families, poke around in their fridges, then tell them what to eat, how much to exercise and how to change their characters. Or, as the company puts it on its website: “The Premier Coaching Team leverages holistic Physical, Mental, and Emotional Analyses to create highly personalised action plans.”
强生(Johnson & Johnson)的人类绩效研究所(Human Performance Institute)花了30多年时间研究运动员和其他狂热分子的行为,提出了一个可以掌控工作的方案:一套价值10万美元的抗倦怠计划。CEO们要在梅奥诊所(Mayo clinic)待上几天,这几天里他们的五脏六腑会挨个接受刺激和X光检查。接着会有三位专家——一名营养师、一名生理学家和一名教练——介入,在接下来的9个月,这三位专业人士会到CEO们的府上做家访、翻看他们的冰箱,然后告诉他们吃什么、做多少运动以及怎么改变性格。或者,就像强生公司网站上说的那样:“基于对您身体、精神和情绪的全面分析,我们的高级教练团队会为您量身打造专属于您的行动方案。”
I have no doubt Premier Executive Leadership ™ will be in great demand. I once read that 40 per cent of CEOs quit or are fired in the first 18 months. Executive burnout is not only a downer for the person but for shareholders too. According to research by Strategy&, a CEO resignation at one of the world’s largest companies can knock its value by $1.8bn. Compared with that a $100,000 insurance policy seems like a cheap solution.
我深信强生的“高级行政领导”(Premier Executive Leadership ™)计划会非常抢手。我以前读到过,有4成CEO在上任后的18个月内辞职或者被炒鱿鱼。高管们的工作倦怠不仅对个人来说很糟糕,对企业的股东们也是一样。思略特(Strategy&)的研究显示,全球规模最大的一些公司的CEO辞职会使公司价值损失18亿美元。这么看来,一份10万美元的保单似乎很划算。
Premier Executive Leadership™ does not solve a thing. It merely adds to the problem. We put someone under inhuman pressure by placing impossible demands on them. They often crack. Then instead of wondering how to lessen the pressure, we tell them all will be fine if they eat every three hours, exercise more, behave differently and fill up their already full schedule with a trio of quacks.
It is not just decadent, but also damaging. Our message to executives who crack up is that it is their fault for not having enough of something that has become the corporate world’s favourite and most fashionable virtue: resilience. At the same time, we are hoodwinking companies into thinking resilience can be bought. So long as the programme is “holistic” and “personalised”, a CEO can be turned from a frail human into a superhero.
There is a better, more obvious and cheaper way. Instead of attempting to shore up the incumbent, we should change the job spec. Being a CEO is awful for four reasons. First, people think that you are in control, but you are not. All organisations are dysfunctional and even if you have the right idea of what you want to do, doing it is practically impossible. Second, everything is always your fault, even when you have had nothing to do with it. Third, it is very lonely. No one tells you the truth and you cannot tell anyone else the truth either. Finally, you spend your life in two of the most depressing spaces on earth — meeting rooms and aeroplanes.
The best way of lifting pressure is to spread the load. That means fussing over the other people at the top — the chairman, deputy and three or four important others. The next is to do less. Does the CEO really need to speak at a conference on the other side of the world? The answer is almost always no. Most meetings need not take place.
But the most important thing — which no one company can do alone — is to change expectations of what a single person can achieve. Academics have debated for 70 years how much the CEO matters, and most studies conclude they do not matter much.
If expectations were lower, pressure would be less. Better still, the nice humble people who are supposed to be better at the job might be more interested in applying, instead of the narcissistic nutcases the system produces. A recent study showed the proportion of psychopaths in corner offices is the same as in prisons.
Under this job spec — shared power and scant chance of ever being on the cover of Time — two desirable things might occur, which hardly ever happen together in a free market. The standard of CEO applicants would rise. And pay would fall.