英国下议院(House of Commons)关于女性着装规范的报告刚一出台,就有人给我看了一个Womenco's(一个职业女性网络平台)最新版的男性着装标准。我听说特里萨•梅(Theresa May)正考虑将其用作议会男士着装规定的基础。
Here are the salient passages:
“Nose and eyebrow hair to be kept trimmed at all times using Womenco-approved clippers.
Sweat marks of any kind will incur a £30 on-the-spot fine.
Beards must be professionally trimmed once a week. Any beard wearer suffering from post-meal detritus syndrome will be required to report to the company car wash.
Those intending to grow stubble must invest in the Womenco-approved, adjustable GorgeousMe-istubble-clippers. Clarissa Bastard’s company standards team may conduct on-the-spot stubble inspection at any time.
谁要想留胡子就必须购买被Womenco认可的、可调节的帅如我-爱胡茬(GorgeousMe-istubble)剃须刀。克拉丽莎•巴斯塔德(Clarissa Bastard)的公司标准执行团队可能随时进行现场胡须检查。
Hair has to be brushed every day. Yes, really. And washed.
Bald patch shine must be reduced.
Trousers and undergarments: however expensive and fashionable the underpants, they may never appear above the trouser waistline. And the trouser waistline may never appear below the buttocks or above the navel. Trouser pockets should be kept empty apart from a slim smartphone assuming the wearer is wearing Womenco-approved radiation-shield underpants (Bastard’s team may conduct on-the-spot trouser inspections at any time).
Inexplicable hand-in-trouser-pocket-activity is subject to on-the-spot fines.
Shirts: tasteful, long-sleeved shirts, washed and ironed, are de rigueur. Hawaiian shirts, raucous colours are not.
Suits must be sombre, well cut and free from both food and dandruff. The cleaners are no longer to be taken away from normal cleaning duties in order to vacuum suits. And, yes, they are paid enough, so don’t use the old excuse about them needing the readies.
Ties: Old school or university ties — never. Unless an OE tie, obvs.
Footwear: Winkle-pickers may look tremendous on 1950s rockers but they constitute a trip hazard contrary to the EU’s 1996 Health and Safety winkle-picker ruling. And they are a pain in crowded areas such as lifts. Leather shoes with rounded tips are acceptable.
鞋:1950年代搞摇滚的人穿尖头鞋兴许很酷,但穿尖头鞋走路有危险,而且违反欧盟1996年《健康与安全》(Health and Safety)有关尖头鞋的规定。而且在一些拥挤的地方,比如电梯里,尖头鞋就很招人烦。圆头的皮鞋就没问题 。
Trainers: No.
Colourful trainers: Very no.
Heels: The vertically challenged must wear Cuban heels.
Any charges incurred by Womenco in maintaining the above standards will be deducted from the offending employee’s salary.”
Shortly after this document arrived, I was sent the following recording of a recent conversation in Womenco’s female shower room:
“Have you seen the updated attire code for men? I thought they were trying to pump up the totty factor. What’s going on?”
“Yeah, but Bastard’s going to have fun.”
“No way. Imagine trouser inspection with stinky Frobisher in accounts.”
“No, I’m thinking more Dan the messenger.”
“Anyway, I thought the attire committee was going to insist on tight leather breeches with chest-revealing linen shirts.”
“Phwoah. Like Colin Firth’s Darcy? Mind you, can you imagine Swithinbotham in marketing being all slashed to the navel?”
“哇。就像科林•费尔斯(Colin Firth)演的达西(Darcy)?对了,你能想象市场部的斯维因波汉姆(Swithinbotham)上衣开叉到肚脐的样子吗?”
“How come May is taking up our code? I bet she’s only going for Brexit to get round the EU Winkle-picker ruling.”
“Her pointy shoes aren’t really winkle-pickers and even if they were, I mean, come on. This is about men. Not us. We just need the office eye candy fluffed up.”