The most talented people in any industry are in demand and have options where they want to work. A high-trust environment fosters what some call psychological safety, resulting in a more open and collaborative work culture.
2. Demonstrate concern
Trust operates on multiple levels: at a company level in terms of culture, at a team level in regard to the relationships among the members, and at an interpersonal level between two people. By showing you care about your colleagues, others will begin to trust and a relationship of mutual trust can build.
3. Be self-revealing
Within limits, sharing a bit about who you are can be extremely helpful. Especially for leaders or managers, sharing a story about a time you may have failed and what you learned from it can build camaraderie and trust.
4. Strive for competency
Employees should strive to be seen as competent in their role. This means having there quisite knowledge, skills, and abilities in his or her area. Employees should focus on their competence, values, and benevolence in order to build trust.
5. Manage expectations
Set realistic expectations and trust in the competence of others. Strive for clarity regarding what you expect from others and what they expect from you.
6. Establish boundaries
To clarify boundaries, clearly define roles and responsibilities and be sure that people understand what they are responsible for.
7. Set an example
This means listen and consider others’ ideas with an open mind and be respectful of all employees. The leader has to serve as a role model. He or she has to be seen as credible.
8. Understand the role of emailing
Even if a colleague is working hard, his e-mail correspondent doesn’t know it. If you work virtually, show up in person for key meetings as much as possible because visual cues are key for trust.