Positive emotions also widen the number of ways in which people react to threats and challenges. Too much negativity merely encourages us to fight or flee from danger.
So it is entirely logical, even desirable, that leaders should aim to encourage this self-reinforcing attitude.
Listen to the London Stock Exchange’s chief executive David Schwimmer on the prospects for his group’s $27bn high-stakes takeover of Refinitiv, the data provider:
听听伦敦证券交易所(LSE)首席执行官大卫•施维默(David Schwimmer)对该集团以270亿美元大手笔收购数据提供商路孚特(Refinitiv)的前景是怎么说的:
“We feel that this is a very strong combination that we feel very good about strategically, we feel very good about the leverage and our ability to pay it down. We feel good about integration and we feel very good about the combined team.” It is fair to say he feels good and wants everyone around him to feel good.
In business, the influence of psychologist Carol Dweck’s concept of the “growth mindset” — openness to learning and trying new approaches — is spreading. It has been key to Satya Nadella’s plan to change Microsoft’s culture. When he stepped in as chief executive of Volkswagen, mired in the “Dieselgate” scandal, Matthias Müller talked of the need to change the carmaker’s mindset and adopt “the right attitude and mentality”.
在商业领域,心理学家卡罗尔•德韦克(Carol Dweck)提出的“成长思维”(对学习和尝试新方法持开放态度)的影响正在扩大。它是萨提亚•纳德拉(Satya Nadella)改变微软(Microsoft)文化的计划的关键。当马提亚斯•穆勒(Matthias Müller)成为陷入“柴油门”丑闻的大众汽车(Volkswagen)的首席执行官时,他谈到了改变大众思维方式并采取“正确态度和心态”的必要性。
Both CEOs recognise relentless positivity alone will not achieve results, though.
Prof Dweck herself has criticised the common misconception that just by assuming a growth mindset, “good things will happen”.
Leaders who set a strategic goal, without rooting it in reality, or laying out the steps to execute the strategy, set followers up for disappointment, cynicism and chaos. Boosterism risks being exposed as mere blusterism.
Before leaders take to the battlements to rally their troops with positive messages, they must understand their own abilities. Adam Grant of Wharton business school points out that “whether people succeed is not a matter of thinking positively or negatively, but rather whether they choose the strategies that match their thinking styles”. A defensive pessimist will look foolish and unconvincing making a tub-thumpingly upbeat speech to the Boosters’ Club.
在领导人以积极口号集结人手参加战斗之前,他们必须了解自己的能力。沃顿商学院(Wharton)的亚当•格兰特(Adam Grant)指出,“人们是否成功不是积极思维或消极思维的问题,而是他们是否选择了与其思维方式相匹配的策略”。一个防御性的悲观主义者向推动者俱乐部发表慷慨激昂的乐观演讲,这会显得很蠢而且难以令人信服。
Leaders who are strategic optimists actually perform no better than pessimists, who are able to turn anxiety into action. What is needed is a mix of both. “We do not wish to knock the booster,” Sinclair Lewis wrote, “but we certainly do wish to boost the knocker.”
Studies back him up. Too much positivity can be bad for you. In fact, there’s an ideal ratio for human flourishing of about three to one, between positive emotions — amusement, hope, joy and so on — and negative ones. Three cheers, then, for positive thinking — and one carefully modulated catcall.