Job satisfaction is important for living a (relatively) stress free life as we spend most of our time at workplace. You realise you are not satisfied with your job when you drag your feet to workplace every Monday. For most people lack of job satisfaction usually depends on certain factors such as poor job profile (as per your expectations), poor salary raise, slow career advancement, poor organizational culture etc.
In order to get job satisfaction, firstly you will have to identify which factor is contributing to your lack of job satisfaction. So reflect on this, and also know what attracted you to this job as this will help you to better understand why job satisfaction lacks. Also, knowing your job well will help you to perform well.
Having done this background work, you can now start working towards improving job satisfaction.
The first step towards this is to develop positive attitude.
Identify certain positive factors in your job profile and focus on those to start with. This will make you to fall in love with your work. Don’t just look at your work as a source of income but have involvement in it.
Secondly, identify your weaknesses and work towards overcoming those as this will help you to improve on your productivity.
Thirdly, identify the skills that are required for performing your job.
Take challenges.
Most of us like challenges, so take up a challenge like volunteering yourself for a new project. Give your 100 % to the project. Work hard but take a few short breaks for refreshing yourself. Don't get discouraged if the project doesn't turn out to be as you expected. Try your hands on second one and work more hard.Focus on quality of work. Quality of the work is of utmost importance as it reflects on your capability.
Dealing with people at work place.
It is very important how you deal with people around you including your supervisor, co-workers and others. If your supervisor is not cooperative or doesn't give you a free hand, feel free to tell him/her so respectfully and assertively. Also, make it a point to thank your supervisor or a co-worker for their help or encouragement to you. Also, show an interest and inclination to help your co-worker and support your supervisor for attaining your team’s goal. Importantly, try to be in the company of positive colleagues, and stay away from those who indulge in gossiping.