1.培训 Training
Miss Lewis: Well, we've finally put the finishing touches on the training programs for next year. Here's a report showing the projected costs as well as the expected return on investment.
GM: Return on investment? How can you have a return on this kind of investment? Can you really calculate the value of these training programs?
Miss Lewis: Sure! It's not a real figure, of course. It's just an estimate based on rehiring costs, and the potential lost revenue that results from incompetence.
GM: Wow! I'm impressed. So, what's in the cards for future training? Will it be in-house or off-site?
Miss Lewis: A little of both. We'll have a few daylong sessions for things like business writing skills and software training. Those are available to everyone. We also have a variety of other programs based on each department's needs.
GM: Yes, I see that here ... continuing education for the IT department, a time management course for accounting, and team building for sales. Anything planned for HR?
Miss Lewis: A holiday, I hope! No, really, we are looking into some courses on motivational techniques. We'll add them to the list when we choose a lecturer.
put the finishing touches 完工,结束
projected costs 预期投入
expected return on investment预期投资回报
rehiring costs雇佣新员工的成本
potential lost revenue 潜在收入下降
daylong session全日制课程
continuing education再教育
team building团队建设
motivational technique 激励技巧