Cass Elliot’s daughter is honoring her mother’s legacy.
Owen Elliot-Kugell announced Tuesday with Rolling Stone that she will publish a memoir entitled My Mama, Cass next year.
“I’ve wanted to tell her story for a really, really long time, and I didn’t know how to do it,” Elliot-Kugell, who had been developing the book for over a decade, told Rolling Stone. “I’m still not really confident about it because it’s so new to me.”
Elliot, who died at age 32 in 1974, was best known for being a member of Grammy-winning '60s folk rock band the Mamas & the Papas. Born Ellen Naomi Cohen in Baltimore, she joined the group in 1965, appearing on hits like “California Dreamin” and “Monday, Monday.” Elliot also released five solo albums, which included songs “Dream a Little Dream of Me” and “Make Your Own Kind of Music,” which had a TikTok resurgence this year. She was posthumously inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1998.
艾略特于1974年去世,享年32岁,他最为人所知的是他是60年代获得格莱美奖的民谣摇滚乐队“妈妈和爸爸”的成员。她原名艾伦·娜奥米·科恩,出生于巴尔的摩,1965年加入乐队,曾在California Dreamin和Monday, Monday等热门歌曲中亮相。艾略特还发行了五张个人专辑,其中包括《Dream a Little Dream of Me》和《Make Your Own Kind Music》,这两首歌今年在TikTok上重新流行起来。1998年,她被追授进入摇滚名人堂。
Elliot-Kugell was only 7 years old when her mother died. In the book, she details her mother’s early life and prominence in the '60s counterculture movement. My Mama, Cass also features multiple interviews, including Mamas & Papas members Michelle Phillips and Denny Doherty, who died in 2007 (Elliot-Kugell notes that many of the interviews come from informal conversations).
Elliot-Kugell will also touch upon her mother’s struggles with her weight and self-esteem, and will also address some of the rumors surrounding Elliot’s life, including the infamous rumor that Elliot died by choking on a ham sandwich.
“It wasn’t enough that we had lost her, to then be [made into] a joke,” Elliot-Kugell told Rolling Stone. “I’d say probably 50 percent of the people don’t believe it now. The other 50 percent probably still do.”
Ultimately, My Mama, Cass explores the many multitudes of the legendary singer. In a press statement, Elliot-Kugell says that writing the book allowed her to gain new insight into her mother.
“What I discovered writing this book is that my mother was a woman far ahead of her time,” she says. “She was a trailblazer, a successful woman in a male-dominated business. An iconic artist, she was the most loyal of friends, of which she had many. Most importantly, she was a single mother who just wanted someone of her very own. That was me.”
Owen Elliot-Kugell announced Tuesday with Rolling Stone that she will publish a memoir entitled My Mama, Cass next year.
“I’ve wanted to tell her story for a really, really long time, and I didn’t know how to do it,” Elliot-Kugell, who had been developing the book for over a decade, told Rolling Stone. “I’m still not really confident about it because it’s so new to me.”
Elliot, who died at age 32 in 1974, was best known for being a member of Grammy-winning '60s folk rock band the Mamas & the Papas. Born Ellen Naomi Cohen in Baltimore, she joined the group in 1965, appearing on hits like “California Dreamin” and “Monday, Monday.” Elliot also released five solo albums, which included songs “Dream a Little Dream of Me” and “Make Your Own Kind of Music,” which had a TikTok resurgence this year. She was posthumously inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1998.
艾略特于1974年去世,享年32岁,他最为人所知的是他是60年代获得格莱美奖的民谣摇滚乐队“妈妈和爸爸”的成员。她原名艾伦·娜奥米·科恩,出生于巴尔的摩,1965年加入乐队,曾在California Dreamin和Monday, Monday等热门歌曲中亮相。艾略特还发行了五张个人专辑,其中包括《Dream a Little Dream of Me》和《Make Your Own Kind Music》,这两首歌今年在TikTok上重新流行起来。1998年,她被追授进入摇滚名人堂。
Elliot-Kugell was only 7 years old when her mother died. In the book, she details her mother’s early life and prominence in the '60s counterculture movement. My Mama, Cass also features multiple interviews, including Mamas & Papas members Michelle Phillips and Denny Doherty, who died in 2007 (Elliot-Kugell notes that many of the interviews come from informal conversations).
Elliot-Kugell will also touch upon her mother’s struggles with her weight and self-esteem, and will also address some of the rumors surrounding Elliot’s life, including the infamous rumor that Elliot died by choking on a ham sandwich.
“It wasn’t enough that we had lost her, to then be [made into] a joke,” Elliot-Kugell told Rolling Stone. “I’d say probably 50 percent of the people don’t believe it now. The other 50 percent probably still do.”
Ultimately, My Mama, Cass explores the many multitudes of the legendary singer. In a press statement, Elliot-Kugell says that writing the book allowed her to gain new insight into her mother.
“What I discovered writing this book is that my mother was a woman far ahead of her time,” she says. “She was a trailblazer, a successful woman in a male-dominated business. An iconic artist, she was the most loyal of friends, of which she had many. Most importantly, she was a single mother who just wanted someone of her very own. That was me.”