Teamwork has helped the weavers find a neat solution to the problems posed by the Kalahari sun. But some creatures are even better equipped.
Ground squirrels have ready-made parasols. Under the shadow of their fluffy tails, they can resume foraging while the sun is still high in the sky.
But the trouble with being active at this time of day is that so are cold-blood animals, like the cape cobra. Ground squirrels have such quick reflexes, they're in no real danger. But they're still anxious to be rid of it. They now use their bushy tails to intimidate and frustrate the snake, rather like a red rag to a bull. It's all too much for the cobra, better to just slip away quietly.
As the evening draws in, temperatures in the Kalahari can plummet. Sociable weavers retreat to their insulated nest chambers, and by snuggling together can sleep warm and comfortable through the night.
Small mammals, like ground squirrels and meerkats return to the safety and warmth of their burrows. Time now to lie low, prepare the warren and bond.
Today, despite its extreme temperatures, the Kalahari is Africa's mildest desert.
1.ready-made:already made, prepared, or available现成的
2.plummet:a plumb bob,decline directly铅锤,垂直下降