BBC news with Fiona MacDonald
Thousands of South African miners have cheered the former leader of the governing ANC youth league Julius Malema as he denounced the police for shooting 34 miners on Thursday. Milton Nkosi is at the mine northwest of Johannesburg.
The hundreds of miners had a special visitor, the expelled former ANC youth league president Julius Malema. He told them that the governing ANC is no longer on the side of the poor, but he also called for leadership change right from the very top. On the other side of the mine compound, women were knocking on the gates of the mine hospital. They were demanding a list of those who are admitted from Thursday's shooting. Some of them were singing an old song from the anti-apartheid struggle. What have we done? What have we done to deserve this?
India has said that most of the rumors, that have led to an exodus of thousands of northeastern Indian citizens from cities in the south, have come from Pakistan. About 30,000 people have fled fearing reprisal attack for recent violence against Muslim migrants in the northeastern state of Assam. Shahzeb Jillani reports.
Four days after the panic first dripped the country, Indian officials are keen to show the situation is now under control. Speaking at a news conference, the Indian Home Secretary R K Singh blamed Pakistan for inciting fear and panic among Indians. He said Indian officials had identified websites, text massages and altered pictures allegedly originating from Pakistan to provoke violence against non-Muslim migrants working in South-Indian cities. More than a dozen suspects have been arrested for their role in triggering the crisis.
A light aircraft carrying the Philippine interior minister Jesse Robredo has crashed into the sea and reports say he and two other people are missing. Officials said the Cessna aircraft came down of Masbate province was trying to make an emergency landing. One person is said to have been rescued from the water.
Police in the Czech Republic have formally charged a man that they believe was planning a terrorist attack similar to that carried out in Norway last year by Anders Behring Breivik. The 29-year-old man was remained in custody. He was arrested in the eastern city of Ostrava more than a week ago. Rob Cameron reports from Prague.
More details are emerging on what appears to be a man obsessed with guns, explosives and last year's mass killings in Norway. Inside his flat, officers found what they said were enough weapons to kill dozens of people. The man had apparently assembled a remote controlled explosive device from an aircraft bomb, an assault rifle, pistol and 400 rounds of ammunition were also seized along with several police and prison guard uniforms. Police said the man was known to them. He had five previous convictions, one for blowing up a wooden shack near a petro station.
World news from the BBC
The President of Ecuador Rafael Correa has been speaking a voted decision to offer diplomatic asylum to the Wikileak founder Julian Assange. In his weekly address, Mr. Correa said Ecuador had never argued that Mr. Assange shouldn't answer to the Swedish justice system, but he'd only called for a guarantee that there would be no subsequent extradition to a third country. Mr. Correa said that, since this didn't happen, Ecuador granted the asylum to Mr. Assange.
Nato officials in Afghanistan say more than two dozens suspected Taliban militants have been killed in an air strike in the Chapa Dara district in Kunar province. The Taliban also acknowledged the attack. From Kharbul, Aleem Maqbool reports.
Nato has confirmed it launched the air raid in Kunar province in northeastern Afghanistan, saying more than two dozens militants were killed in the attack and saying there were assistances from Afghan security forces. The Taliban, though say they lost 13 fighters, but did acknowledged that others had sustained injuries. There is a different report says they were aware of large number of militants had gathered together before they were attacked. Some locals say they were due to carry out public executions, others that the Taliban were preparing to attack and attempt to take control of the area.
Egyptian state media say President Mohammed Mursi will visit Iran at the end of the month, the first such visit by an Egyptian president for more than 30 years. He will attend the meeting of Non-Aligned Movement when Egypt will hand the bloc's rotating leadership to Iran. The two countries severed relations in 1979 after Egypt's recognition of Israel and the Iranian revolution.
Patrick Ricard, the chairman of the drinks company Pernod Ricard, has died at the age of 67. He turned his father's family business, which invented the popular French anise-flavored drink pastis, into the world's second biggest spirits company. The Ricard business emerged with the Pernod brand in 1975 and it since acquired many other brands.
BBC news with Fiona MacDonald
Thousands of South African miners have cheered the former leader of the governing ANC youth league Julius Malema as he denounced the police for shooting 34 miners on Thursday. Milton Nkosi is at the mine northwest of Johannesburg.
当朱利斯.马莱马谴责警方周四开枪射死34名矿工时,上千名南非矿主为这位非国大青年联盟的前领导人欢呼。Milton Nkosi在约翰尼斯堡西北部的矿山报道。
The hundreds of miners had a special visitor, the expelled former ANC youth league president Julius Malema. He told them that the governing ANC is no longer on the side of the poor, but he also called for leadership change right from the very top. On the other side of the mine compound, women were knocking on the gates of the mine hospital. They were demanding a list of those who are admitted from Thursday's shooting. Some of them were singing an old song from the anti-apartheid struggle. What have we done? What have we done to deserve this?
上百名矿主有一位特别的客人——已被解职的非国大青年联盟前联盟主席朱利斯.马莱马。他对矿主们说,现在 的非洲人国民大会已不再站在穷人一边,但是他已呼吁立即从最高层换领导。在矿山的另一处,妇女们正在敲矿山医院的大门,索要因周三的枪击入住医院的伤者名 单。有些妇女唱起一首古老的反种族隔离斗争的歌曲。我们做了什么?我们做了什么要遭受这些?
India has said that most of the rumors, that have led to an exodus of thousands of northeastern Indian citizens from cities in the south, have come from Pakistan. About 30,000 people have fled fearing reprisal attack for recent violence against Muslim migrants in the northeastern state of Assam. Shahzeb Jillani reports.
印度称大多数谣言来自于巴基斯坦,这些谣言导致上万名在印度南部城市的原东北部居民大批移出。逃离人数大约为3万人,他们担心近期对东北部州阿萨姆邦穆斯林移民的暴力行径会招致报复袭击。Shahzeb Jillani报道。
Four days after the panic first dripped the country, Indian officials are keen to show the situation is now under control. Speaking at a news conference, the Indian Home Secretary R K Singh blamed Pakistan for inciting fear and panic among Indians. He said Indian officials had identified websites, text massages and altered pictures allegedly originating from Pakistan to provoke violence against non-Muslim migrants working in South-Indian cities. More than a dozen suspects have been arrested for their role in triggering the crisis.
印度此次恐慌发生的四天后,印度官员急于表明态势目前已得到控制。印度内务大臣在一个记者招待会上发言, 谴责巴基斯坦在印度人民中煽动恐慌和害怕。他表示印度官方已确定了据称来自于巴基斯坦的网站,文本和篡改后的图片,旨在引发对在印度南部城市工作的非穆斯 林移民实施暴力。十多个策划危机的嫌疑人已被捕。
A light aircraft carrying the Philippine interior minister Jesse Robredo has crashed into the sea and reports say he and two other people are missing. Officials said the Cessna aircraft came down of Masbate province was trying to make an emergency landing. One person is said to have been rescued from the water.
Police in the Czech Republic have formally charged a man that they believe was planning a terrorist attack similar to that carried out in Norway last year by Anders Behring Breivik. The 29-year-old man was remained in custody. He was arrested in the eastern city of Ostrava more than a week ago. Rob Cameron reports from Prague.
捷克共和国的警方已正式指控一名男子,他们认为他正在策划类似于去年挪威由Anders Behring Breivik实施的恐怖袭击。这名29岁的男子目前在拘禁中。他于一周前在东部城市.斯特拉瓦被逮捕。Rob Cameron从布拉格报道。
More details are emerging on what appears to be a man obsessed with guns, explosives and last year's mass killings in Norway. Inside his flat, officers found what they said were enough weapons to kill dozens of people. The man had apparently assembled a remote controlled explosive device from an aircraft bomb, an assault rifle, pistol and 400 rounds of ammunition were also seized along with several police and prison guard uniforms. Police said the man was known to them. He had five previous convictions, one for blowing up a wooden shack near a petro station.
越来越多的证据表明这是一个沉迷于枪支和炸药的男子,和去年在挪威发生的大屠杀极其相似。在此人的公寓 里,警方发现了足以致几十人死亡的武器。很明显,他还用空中炸弹,冲锋枪和手枪装配了一个远程控制爆炸装置,此外,除了几套警察和狱警制服,警方还截获了 及400发子弹。警方知道此人。他有五次犯罪前科,其中一次是在加油站炸了一间木屋。
World news from the BBC
The President of Ecuador Rafael Correa has been speaking a voted decision to offer diplomatic asylum to the Wikileak founder Julian Assange. In his weekly address, Mr. Correa said Ecuador had never argued that Mr. Assange shouldn't answer to the Swedish justice system, but he'd only called for a guarantee that there would be no subsequent extradition to a third country. Mr. Correa said that, since this didn't happen, Ecuador granted the asylum to Mr. Assange.
厄瓜多尔总统科雷宣读了投票通过的决定,即向维基解密创使人Julian Assange提供外交庇护。在他的周末发言中,科雷称厄瓜多尔从未认为Assange先生不该接受瑞士司法系统的审判,他不过是要求一个保证,随后不会 被引渡到第三个国家。科雷先生说,因为没有国家要引渡Assange,因此厄瓜多尔给予其庇护。
Nato officials in Afghanistan say more than two dozens suspected Taliban militants have been killed in an air strike in the Chapa Dara district in Kunar province. The Taliban also acknowledged the attack. From Kharbul, Aleem Maqbool reports.
在阿富汗的北大西洋公约组织称,超过24名塔利班武装嫌疑分子在库纳尔省的Chapa Dara区的空袭中死亡。塔利班也承认了此次袭击。Aleem Maqbool从Kharbul报道。
Nato has confirmed it launched the air raid in Kunar province in northeastern Afghanistan, saying more than two dozens militants were killed in the attack and saying there were assistances from Afghan security forces. The Taliban, though say they lost 13 fighters, but did acknowledged that others had sustained injuries. There is a different report says they were aware of large number of militants had gathered together before they were attacked. Some locals say they were due to carry out public executions, others that the Taliban were preparing to attack and attempt to take control of the area.
北约确认是其在阿富汗东北部库纳尔省实施的突袭,称超过24名武装分子在袭击中死亡,并称袭击得到了阿富 汗安全部队的支持。尽管塔利班组织称只有13名战士死亡,他们承认还有几名战士受伤。还有报道称,北约袭击前得知众多武装分子聚集。有些当地人说,应该公 开处决武装分子,还有人说塔利班正准备发动袭击并控制这一地区。
Egyptian state media say President Mohammed Mursi will visit Iran at the end of the month, the first such visit by an Egyptian president for more than 30 years. He will attend the meeting of Non-Aligned Movement when Egypt will hand the bloc's rotating leadership to Iran. The two countries severed relations in 1979 after Egypt's recognition of Israel and the Iranian revolution.
埃及政府媒体透露总统Mohammed Mursi将于本月底访问伊朗,这是30年来埃及总统的首次访问。他将参加不结盟运动会议,并将该联盟的交替领导权转交于伊朗。这两个同家自1979年埃及承认以色列,及伊朗革命爆发后断交。
Patrick Ricard, the chairman of the drinks company Pernod Ricard, has died at the age of 67. He turned his father's family business, which invented the popular French anise-flavored drink pastis, into the world's second biggest spirits company. The Ricard business emerged with the Pernod brand in 1975 and it since acquired many other brands.
BBC news.