BBC News with Iain Purdon.
The French and German leaders have urged Greece to carry on with its painful reforms. Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Francois Hollande presented a united front as they held talks in advance of their meeting with the Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras on Friday and Saturday. Our Berlin correspondent Stephen Evans reports.
The two leaders with a real power in the eurozone presented a united front as they prepared to meet the Greek prime minister who comes to Berlin on Friday and then onto Paris on Saturday. Chancellor Merkel said it was important that everybody stuck to their commitments, and President Hollande said that Greece had to do what was necessary in order to stay in the eurozone. They now wait for the all-important official assessment of Greek progress on reform to be done in September by inspectors from the donor organizations.
The South African President Jacob Zuma has set out the terms of reference of a judicial inquiry into last week's killing of 34 people by police outside a platinum mine. Three judges will examine the conduct of the Marikana mine's owners Lonmin as well as the South African police, the unions and the government. The judge leading the inquiry Ian Farlam told the BBC he was happy with the terms of reference.
"I think the terms of reference are very wide and very fair. They don't appear to be drafted in the way to presuppose a particular answer or to restrict to investigation in any way or any aspect that may be relevant."
The President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, has told the BBC that there is a simple solution to the diplomatic crisis with Britain over the fate of the Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. Mr Assange was given political asylum after taking refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy in London to avoid extradition to Sweden where he's wanted for questioning about rape and sexual assault allegations. Will Grant reports from Quito.
In an exclusive interview with the BBC, President Rafael Correa said the crisis could be over tomorrow if British would simply grant safe passage for Mr Assange to leave London. In the absence of such a guarantee, he said, the situation could go on for months or years. He also said the entire diplomatic standoff had been avoidable from the start. Had the British and Swedish authorities given a guarantee that Mr Assange would not be extradited to a third country, he would not have needed to seek asylum in the first place, the Ecuadorian leader said.
The government of Pakistan says it's summoned a senior American diplomat to protest about airstrikes in the tribal region of North Waziristan near the Afghan border. More than a dozen suspected militants have been killed in the area this week in attacks by unmanned aircraft or drones. In a statement, the foreign ministry said that diplomat, who wasn't named, had been informed that the drone attacks were unlawful and the violation of Pakistan's sovereignty.
World News from the BBC
Reports from the Syrian capital Damascus say the military has maintained its assault on opposition-hold areas on the outskirts of the city. Opposition forces say the Syrian army use heavy artillery to pound the southern suburb of Darayya. Barbara Plett is in Lebanon.
"Darayya… Darayya…" A terrified activist stands his ground with shells exploding around him, documenting the bombardment of Darayya. After pounding the suburb for 24 hours, soldiers backed by tanks went door to door searching for rebels. This is the fourth Damascus suburb targeted this week by a fierce government offensive aimed at crushing rebel resistance in the capital. Activists and residents say dozens are killed in a* raid, in what appears to be a campaign to sole terror.
The funeral of the former Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi will be held on Sunday, September 2. The public have now been allowed in to the national palace in Addis Ababa where his body is lying in state during a week of national mourning . Government sources have confirmed that the formal swearing in of his successor will not be held until after the funeral. The government spokesman Bereket Simon said Mr Meles' policies would continue.
"Succession for us is not a matter of replacing this leader by that leader; succession for us had been a planed goal of Mr Meles' ideas. He's been working with his ideas and that's in my thought of the people. And that will we have been ensured."
In South Africa, a hippopotamus looking for a new place to bathe has become stuck in a swimming pool. The hippo left its herd in a private game reserve in the north of the country and went for a dip in a pool at the reserve's lodge. But the pool has no steps. And two days on, the animal is still there. Staff hope to winch it out by crane on Friday.
BBC News with Iain Purdon.
Iain Purdon为你播报BBC新闻。
The French and German leaders have urged Greece to carry on with its painful reforms. Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Francois Hollande presented a united front as they held talks in advance of their meeting with the Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras on Friday and Saturday. Our Berlin correspondent Stephen Evans reports.
The two leaders with a real power in the eurozone presented a united front as they prepared to meet the Greek prime minister who comes to Berlin on Friday and then onto Paris on Saturday. Chancellor Merkel said it was important that everybody stuck to their commitments, and President Hollande said that Greece had to do what was necessary in order to stay in the eurozone. They now wait for the all-important official assessment of Greek progress on reform to be done in September by inspectors from the donor organizations.
这两位欧元区真正有实力的领导人形成了统一战线,随后他们将于周五与前往柏林的希腊总理会谈,然后周六在 巴黎会谈。总理默克尔说人人都履行承诺是很重要的,总统奥朗德说,希腊要想留在欧元区,必须尽一切努力。他们正在等待一份很重要的来自捐助组织的监督者对 希腊改革进展的评估报告,这项评估将于九月份完成。
The South African President Jacob Zuma has set out the terms of reference of a judicial inquiry into last week's killing of 34 people by police outside a platinum mine. Three judges will examine the conduct of the Marikana mine's owners Lonmin as well as the South African police, the unions and the government. The judge leading the inquiry Ian Farlam told the BBC he was happy with the terms of reference.
南非总统雅各布·祖玛制定出针对上周警察杀死铂矿34名矿工案的司法调查授权范围细则。三名法官将不仅检查南非警察、工会和政府,还将检查Marikana矿所有者隆明公司。调查负责人法官Ian Farlam告诉BBC他对授权细则很满意。
"I think the terms of reference are very wide and very fair. They don't appear to be drafted in the way to presuppose a particular answer or to restrict to investigation in any way or any aspect that may be relevant."
The President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, has told the BBC that there is a simple solution to the diplomatic crisis with Britain over the fate of the Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. Mr Assange was given political asylum after taking refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy in London to avoid extradition to Sweden where he's wanted for questioning about rape and sexual assault allegations. Will Grant reports from Quito.
厄瓜多尔总统拉斐尔·科雷亚告诉BBC,针对维基解密创办者朱利安·阿桑奇引发的与英国的外交危机,目前有个简单的解决办法。阿桑奇在伦敦厄瓜多尔使馆寻求避难后,就得到了政治庇护,这样就免于被引渡到瑞典来面对质问,他目前因强奸和性骚扰指控被瑞典通缉。Will Grant在基多报道。
In an exclusive interview with the BBC, President Rafael Correa said the crisis could be over tomorrow if British would simply grant safe passage for Mr Assange to leave London. In the absence of such a guarantee, he said, the situation could go on for months or years. He also said the entire diplomatic standoff had been avoidable from the start. Had the British and Swedish authorities given a guarantee that Mr Assange would not be extradited to a third country, he would not have needed to seek asylum in the first place, the Ecuadorian leader said.
拉斐尔·科雷亚总统在接受BBC的独家专访时说,如果英国批准给阿桑奇离开伦敦的安全通道,这场危机明天 就可以解决。他说如果没有这个保证,眼下的局面会持续数月甚至数年。他说,整个外交僵局其实从一开始就可以避免的。这位厄瓜多尔领导人说,如果英国和瑞典 当局向阿桑奇保证不把他引渡到第三国,他一开始就无需寻求避难。
The government of Pakistan says it's summoned a senior American diplomat to protest about airstrikes in the tribal region of North Waziristan near the Afghan border. More than a dozen suspected militants have been killed in the area this week in attacks by unmanned aircraft or drones. In a statement, the foreign ministry said that diplomat, who wasn't named, had been informed that the drone attacks were unlawful and the violation of Pakistan's sovereignty.
World News from the BBC
Reports from the Syrian capital Damascus say the military has maintained its assault on opposition-hold areas on the outskirts of the city. Opposition forces say the Syrian army use heavy artillery to pound the southern suburb of Darayya. Barbara Plett is in Lebanon.
来自叙利亚首都大马士革的报道称,在该市郊区,军队仍在对反对派占领的地区发动进攻。反对派军队说,叙利亚军队使用重型枪炮来轰击南部的德拉雅郊区。Barbara Plett在黎巴嫩报道。
"Darayya… Darayya…" A terrified activist stands his ground with shells exploding around him, documenting the bombardment of Darayya. After pounding the suburb for 24 hours, soldiers backed by tanks went door to door searching for rebels. This is the fourth Damascus suburb targeted this week by a fierce government offensive aimed at crushing rebel resistance in the capital. Activists and residents say dozens are killed in a* raid, in what appears to be a campaign to sole terror.
“德拉雅......德拉雅......”一位惊恐的活动人士站在地面上记录德拉雅的轰击场面,炸弹在他 的周围炸开来。在对这片郊区轰击24小时候,开着坦克的士兵挨家挨户搜捕叛军。政府发动激烈进攻,目的是挫败在首都抗击的叛军,这是本周遭受轰击的第四个 大马士革郊区。活动人士和异见人士称数十人在突袭中身亡,这样的袭击行动显然是恐怖的。
The funeral of the former Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi will be held on Sunday, September 2. The public have now been allowed in to the national palace in Addis Ababa where his body is lying in state during a week of national mourning . Government sources have confirmed that the formal swearing in of his successor will not be held until after the funeral. The government spokesman Bereket Simon said Mr Meles' policies would continue.
"Succession for us is not a matter of replacing this leader by that leader; succession for us had been a planed goal of Mr Meles' ideas. He's been working with his ideas and that's in my thought of the people. And that will we have been ensured."
In South Africa, a hippopotamus looking for a new place to bathe has become stuck in a swimming pool. The hippo left its herd in a private game reserve in the north of the country and went for a dip in a pool at the reserve's lodge. But the pool has no steps. And two days on, the animal is still there. Staff hope to winch it out by crane on Friday.
BBC News