学个词 Learn A Word:202 strained
教程:学个词 Learn A Word  浏览:1351  
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    今天我们要学的词是strained。 Strained是紧张的意思。由于在导弹防御系统等问题上存在分歧,美国和俄罗斯关系十分紧张。媒体报道说,"U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is in Russia to patch up the strained relationship between the two countries." 意思是美国国务卿赖斯正在俄罗斯访问,努力修补紧张关系。

    "Relations between the two brothers have become strained over the inheritance," 是说遗产让兄弟两人的关系出现紧张。"There was a strained atmosphere throughout the negotiation," 是说谈判自始至终气氛都很紧张。今天我们学习的词儿是strained...

      上一篇:学个词 Learn A Word:201 standoff 下一篇:学个词 Learn A Word:203 spirited

