今天我们要学的词是poster child。 Poster child, 典型代表。美国总统奥巴马星期三再次前往印第安纳州北部的一个郡。"The blue-collar manufacturing area has become the poster child of the president’s stimulus plan and promises of recovery," 这一蓝领制造业地区已经成了奥巴马总统提出的经济刺激计划和经济复苏诺言的 落实的缩影。
"An 8-year-old girl named Jasmine Messiah is the new poster child for a national campaign to get healthier public school lunches," 八岁大的女孩贾丝明.马西亚是一场全国性运动的新形象,这场运动目的是让公立学校的午餐变得更健康。好的,今天我们学习的词是poster child...
"An 8-year-old girl named Jasmine Messiah is the new poster child for a national campaign to get healthier public school lunches," 八岁大的女孩贾丝明.马西亚是一场全国性运动的新形象,这场运动目的是让公立学校的午餐变得更健康。好的,今天我们学习的词是poster child...