今天我们要学的词是divided。 Divided, 存在分歧的。"New Yorkers are evenly divided over whether the five alleged 9/11 plotters should be tried in Manhattan," 策划九一一恐怖袭击的五个嫌疑人是否应该在曼哈顿受审?对此,纽约一半居民支持,一半居民反对。
美国政府新颁布了妇女乳腺X光检查的指导原则,跟原来美国癌症协会的原则大相径庭。"The New Mammogram guideline left the medical community deeply divided," 医学界对新乳腺X光检查的指导原则存在严重意见分歧。"A new poll shows Americans are divided on health care reform bills," 最新民调显示,美国人对医保改革议案存在意见分歧。好的,今天我们学习的词是divided...
美国政府新颁布了妇女乳腺X光检查的指导原则,跟原来美国癌症协会的原则大相径庭。"The New Mammogram guideline left the medical community deeply divided," 医学界对新乳腺X光检查的指导原则存在严重意见分歧。"A new poll shows Americans are divided on health care reform bills," 最新民调显示,美国人对医保改革议案存在意见分歧。好的,今天我们学习的词是divided...